小形副社長殿お疲れ様です。今朝のアマタナコンの状況報告いたします。倉庫状況冠水等の被害はございません。道路状況フェーズ7カルソニック前はかな การแปล - 小形副社長殿お疲れ様です。今朝のアマタナコンの状況報告いたします。倉庫状況冠水等の被害はございません。道路状況フェーズ7カルソニック前はかな อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด










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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Cheers for good work is a small vice president Mr.


I status report of Amata Nakorn this morning.

Damage of warehouse situation
flooding, etc. is not.

The water is drawn quite 7
Calsonic before road conditions
phase, but there is a flood
place in the middle way. It has improved considerably.
It seems that the water level has decreased in the manner the entire

Bangao (situation of last night because it does not pass through this morning), but you can not pass flooded places significant in the passenger car
Traffic permitted only car the same high ride height, but the road has become considerably worse the day before.
It is a situation to say because it does not appear to have flooded the car and suddenly tilts.

Warehouse ambient water level seems even as decreased slightly, but the improvement does not have a.

Work relationship will be reported separately.

Thank you.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Small Vice President of

thank you's.

We will report this morning Amata Nakorn.

Warehouse situation
no flood damage.

Road conditions
phase 7
calsonic before we are pulling water quite a way in the Middle
flooded places. We are much better.
(For not attending this morning's situation last night)

バンガオ road
assumed water level has decreased overall, considerable flooding where there
not in passenger traffic.
Only the day before as well as higher cars permitted, but the road was so bad we are.
Is a situation say cant suddenly car is submerged, invisible.

Warehouses around
improvements seem water level has slightly decreased, but has not been.

Working relationship will be reported separately.

Thank you.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
It is a Vice President Ogata

fatigue state.

I do an advisory of amateur shelf Kon this morning.

There aren't the damages such as the warehouse situation

The considerable water attracts 7 traffic condition
Calsonic fronts, but there is a
submergence point on the way on the way. It is considerably improved.
(It seems that water level decreased for the whole)

バンガオ road
which is the situation last night because I don't go, but it isn't possible for the traffic by
car to have it this morning.
Traffic is possible, and only the expensive car of the amount of like car considerably worsens a しかし road surface the day before.
Because it doesn't seem that I am flooded, it is the situation to say that a car inclines suddenly.

Some warehouse circumference
water level seem to have decreased, but it isn't improved.

I report the work relations separately.

Thanking you in advance.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ภาษาอื่น ๆ
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