水津課長細谷課長太田ですいつもお世話になっております。電話にて少しお話させていただきましたが、DN3/4/5の生産において再組OKとなるセグ การแปล - 水津課長細谷課長太田ですいつもお世話になっております。電話にて少しお話させていただきましたが、DN3/4/5の生産において再組OKとなるセグ อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด








⇒ ×
⇒ サンプルはOKだったが拡大評価は×
⇒ サンプルOK、拡大評価予定





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เป็น: -
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
It is Suitsu manager

Hosoya manager Ota

I have always taken care of.

I was going to talk a little, but by telephone, (doubling) was frequently Segukake to be re-set
ok in the production of DN3/4/5.

I do
status monitoring the extensive evaluation for good in the sample evaluated by performing plasma cleaning, but put inside the body buffer)

① summary content evaluation

thank you like to have your environmental considerations
⇒ ×
I blow with alcohol ② pattern portion
⇒ sample was OK but extensive evaluation is ×
③ plasma cleaning
⇒ sample OK, extensive evaluation plan
More I tried to expand the measures for the dirt of the board in matters
CTC ask

Please see attached file But I think
as I have the right LED pattern and
board pattern as impression was confirmed

kind. It is the structure that the reference surface with a buffer body pressed against
the LCD as the cause, but it is also pressed against the light guide plate at the same time,
Sorry to trouble
have heard there a difference in the incidence in government passed

We guess the light guide plate is weakened the LCD is pressed against larger than lcd and or not
's but has occurred, but like to have your verification I need your help.
In addition, we will give me your cooperation
Itadakitaku cause validation even with the above factors other than

thank you
We want to verify the process of the actual item and manufacturer also dirt of the substrate.

Or more, sorry to trouble you, but thank you
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Suizu Manager
hosoya Chief

OTA is

always has been to me.

By little phone we have a story, but in the production of DN3/4/5
re occurred frequently in which pairs OK セグカケ (ダブリ).

Sample evaluation by plasma cleaning performs so good for enlargement evaluation
thank you, want you consider countermeasures will be monitoring the

assessment contents overview )

(1) stick inside the absorber
⇒ x
2 spouts with alcohol. pattern of
⇒ sample was OK but expanded evaluation x
(3) plasma cleaning
⇒ sample OK, plan to expand assessment
for details, see attached file

tried all CTC in measures against dirt of the substrate is

as confirmed the kind thoughts
Board and LED patterns are not so
seems. As a cause LCD in relative terms in the absorber
force structure is, at the same time, foisted LGP also
Light guide plate is larger than the LCD, the LCD push weaker
of so we guess or not

say there are differences in incidence of Guandu even raised
want to verify please and thank you.
, Aside from the above factors causes validation you want to
your help so please

want to thank validate the process of product and manufacturers about the stains of the Board
thank you.

Is more, please thank you
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]

which is Chief Chief Suizu

Oota is always taken care of.

I talked over a telephone a little, but Segou bets (duplication) to become
re-group OK in production of /4/5 DN3 occurred frequently.

Because I am good, I enlarge it and evaluate it and watch the
situation by the sample evaluation by performing plasma washing, but blow up
② pattern region to put the

evaluation contents summary)

① buffering body which I please examine a countermeasure and ask for on inward with alcohol
The ⇒ sample was OK, but please refer to an attached file for X
③ plasma washing
⇒ sample OK, the enlarged evaluation plan
details, and the enlarged evaluation developed a measure for the dirt of the board in

request matter
CTC, but
can think that there aren't a
board pattern and an LED pattern for the impression that confirmed the

goods. It is the structure that
pushes LCD to the datum level with a buffering body for a cause, but I force 導光板 at the same time and am,
There is difference in the incidence, but it is the
trouble that calls when it occurs, but please inspect it, and even

Guandu that I supposed when 導光板 may be
that LCD comes to have weak imposition more greatly than the LCD asks.
In addition, please inspect the item on display and the process of the maker about the dirt of the

board which I am the cause even if I arrive besides the factor mentioned above and please inspect it and ask for as a thing of
cooperation and ask for

As things mentioned above kindly thanking you in advance
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ภาษาอื่น ๆ
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