アクセスありがとうございます。テクニクスSL-1200MK3D 2個セット【カートリッジ付き】の出品になります。状態は多少キズがありますがプ การแปล - アクセスありがとうございます。テクニクスSL-1200MK3D 2個セット【カートリッジ付き】の出品になります。状態は多少キズがありますがプ อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

アクセスありがとうございます。テクニクスSL-1200MK3D 2個セ


テクニクスSL-1200MK3D 2個セット【カートリッジ付き】の出品になります。




付属のカートリッジはオルトフォンのOM プロ2個、ヘッドシェルはベスタクスを使用しています。




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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
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It becomes an exhibition Technics sl-1200mk3d 2 sets of cartridge [with].

There are some scratches to state, but works fine at all is well in the play itself.

Such as severe scratch does not have most because I was using in the mix and listen to home.

Accessory cartridge slip mat, sheet, center adapter, cartridge, cover

comes with two professional Ortofon om,Head shell is using the Vestax.

Crack contains the broken one piece cover. Please check the photo.

To tender only person who understands because it is after second-hand goods.

You only bid please contact. Taking 24 hours from now successful bid completion.

Payment on delivery please Yamato Transport postage.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Thank you for your access.

Technics SL-1200MK3D 2 pieces set [cartridge] listings will be.

State has some scratches but the play itself at all without problems and behavior is good.

Because I had used in the mix and listening to House most intense scratching, they are not.

Accessories slip mats, sheets, Center adapter and cartridge, cover

the cartridge comes with Ortofon OM Pro 2 pieces,Vestax uses headshell.

Is cracked, cracked one piece cover. Please check in the photo.

After only understand the second-hand goods so please bid.

Please bid only who we can contact in Brazil within 24 hours, and was completing the bid.

Shipping with FedEx cod please.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Thank you for access.

A technique meat SL-1200MK3D2 unit set [with the cartridge]I become the の exhibition.

The state has a wound to some extent, but play in itself never has any problem, and the movement is good, too.

Because I used it by house asking and mixture, I hardly do the intense scratches.

As for the accessories, as for the slip mat, the seat, the center adapter, the cartridge, the cartridge attached to cover

, it is two OM pros of the Orth phone,The headshell uses Taku Beth.

One piece of cover is broken, and a crack enters. Please confirm it with a photograph.

Please bid it for only one having you understand it because it is back used goods.

Please bid it for only the communication to get within successful bid completion いたしましら 24 hours.

I ask for the postage by cash on delivery in Yamato Transport.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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