うさぎと亀一度。ウサギは本当に遅い亀その一つです。それが遅かった理由を私は尋ねた。私はレースをしたい。 ウォーレンは、スタートで野生動物を取 การแปล - うさぎと亀一度。ウサギは本当に遅い亀その一つです。それが遅かった理由を私は尋ねた。私はレースをしたい。 ウォーレンは、スタートで野生動物を取 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด



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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]

Once turtle and rabbit. Rabbit is one of them really slow turtle. I asked why it was slow. I want to race.
Warren, took a wild animal at the start
. Warren off quickly. In an attempt to try to please refer to no longer sleep under the tree, slowly but turtle turtle, crawling steadily yet it rabbit
. Because I thought the turtle has come to
still less than it.that you walk in the attempt to not only come to the rabbit laid the Tao No, to wake up
to rabbit is expected that the Tao speak. Rushed to the finish line, but were found.

The turtle to the finish line it is complete. This story teaches them like soil. I do not own selfish too.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Hare and tortoise
once. Rabbits are really slow tortoise is one of them. I asked why it was late. I want to race.
Warren will start
in took a wild animal. Quickly at ウォーレンオフ. Turtle turtle, rabbit
yet it under the tree sleep like now see slowly, however, in an attempt to try and steady crawl. It's still turtles
less than to believe coming so.Do not speak the Tao came to the rabbit laid the Tao, as well as rabbit
expected to walk in an attempt to wake it up. Found and rushed to the finish line.

To the finish line, finished turtle. This story is what to tell them. Too selfish not to own.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Rabbit and turtle
once more. rabbit is a really slow turtle is one of them. It was too late, it is why I asked. I have to race and I want to. start with

Warren is a wild animal. Warren off quickly. Turtles turtles, rabbits
yet it is not to sleep under the tree now you see it, and in an attempt to crawl slowly but steadily. It's a turtle is still less than
has come to believe that it is.Tao is said, It is not to build Tao came to a rabbit, the rabbit
not only to wake up to walk in the attempt to be expected. rush to the finish line have been found.

D. to the finish line was completed turtle. This is the story of a ​ ​ to tell them. too selfish, but they don't have it either.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ภาษาอื่น ๆ
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