I stopped at a date and time input notes associated with integrated server network system made in December 29 July 1 to 2: 00, 10 minutes to stop one )
((2) with integrated equipment maintenance notes server stop up in December 28 days 18 to the mail at 00 * running at the server side. (3) with the transition
(notes and Formwave Shinagawa app server too in December 28 days 9: 00 to December 31. 2 it is 22:00 server tooStop at the mail server with integrated network server maintenance notes: MSM 001 and 002, A B MSM A and B and MSM 003 and 004, A B MSM A and B and MSM 005 006, A and B MSM A and B and MSM 007 A and B and MSM 010 A B and application server: MSD 001 and 002 A system MSD A server at address: stop all MSO 001 and A B
※ Chiba DC installation notes server service.
(stop at the mail server with server equipment integrated maintenance notes: MSM 001 and 002, A MSM A MSM 003 A.The application server: whether or not the use of MSD 001 and 002 A MSD A estimation at the service from the service name is not available at the server side email use (used in MSMxxxB) available at BlackBerry can be available at the Cachatto Traveler approval application is not available at the
# notes by force use Traveler # FormWave approval: 1 box of iPhone Notes mail service
(stop at Shinagawa and notes on Formwave app serverThe application server: whether or not the use of QSD 000 A and B estimation at the service desk or the like XX available can't be approved at the notes application window at the XX street by using service name or not. FormWave approval mailbox mail box, available at the MSD A * use when the mail icon automatically switched to the contact stress. 3. 1) at the input query Notes operations center at the Email integration server: Notes on MHI NotesCenter MHI. Co.jp.Line 8: 30 (2), a
(5204 inquiry at the wind ryoyu systems on grain and Formwave notes app server when Email Shinagawa (including: Osamu. Sub. Futo MHI. Co.jp: at the telephone number, and telephone )
Mari (A.
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