14「ギブアンドテイク」◆「まあ、考えとくよ」 雄介はきびすを返す。 もともと、この三人を助ける義理はないのだ。最初は情報目当ての接触で、行 การแปล - 14「ギブアンドテイク」◆「まあ、考えとくよ」 雄介はきびすを返す。 もともと、この三人を助ける義理はないのだ。最初は情報目当ての接触で、行 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

14「ギブアンドテイク」◆「まあ、考えとくよ」 雄介はきびすを返す。





「ごめんなさい! あの、すみませんでした! 助けてもらってるのに……あの……」




「武村さん、助けてください……! お願いします……」






「それでさ、お前らに食い物わけて、俺に何の得があるんだ? 俺一人なら、お前らの分だけで一ヶ月は生きのびれるんだぞ。この前のと今回のはいいよ。もうくれてやったもんだしな。でも、次は、俺の分しかないかもしれん。わかるな?」






「男の人っていつもそうですね……! 私たちのことなんだと思ってるんですか!?」
「他に何ができるんだよ? お前に。なんかあったらそれで説得してみろ」






「いらねー。俺がどこで寝てると思ってんだ? だいたいその気になれば、お前ら叩き出して、ここ奪えるんだぞ」
「じゃ、じゃあ、何か……何でも……だって、こんなの、こういう時だから、助けあうべきじゃないんですか!? 小さな子供もいるんですよ!?」
「知らねーよ。だいたい助けあいになってないだろ。俺の一方的な持ち出しじゃねーか。お前はありがとうって言っとけば済むのか? お前、自分が女だから、未成年だから、助けてもらうのが当然とか思ってないか?」
























「? はい」














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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
14 "give and take" ◆"Well, optometry. Yuusuke returns retrace one's steps. It's not law was originally a third person to help. Would first contact information see, gave food going on, but then also regularly takes care and different story. Even if such a promise is played because it brought food to bring food that is put in their 1. Aseta, Yusuke has become tedious. Does not help, yuusuke have gained nothing. It's there in no matter how much you want others to."Oh, that was... 」 Change of atmosphere, or deep-panicked and chased."I'm sorry! Well, I'm sorry! I'm getting help. That...... ""I. Belly tight if hungry!, " Contrary to the word Yusuke responds in a manner like renji."I'm lying there in blankets from. Can I use. And little by little it cold. Hope help will come before winter will be tight. " Where did Uranus and an elevator before and overcome barricades from behind was about to hand. With a look like love may deepen, Retrospect"Please help me, Mr. Takemura. Thank you...... " Standards protect greed's beautiful, man, "whose face is. Inspire the desire to look good in front of this woman, like. Wouldn't yours if this face, appealing man. I wonder this has been helped from around, Yusuke was so perverse things."Whether people are attacked by zombies, you saw? 」「…………」 Deep-nodded in silence, small."I'm desperate I get ripped off one of. You know? 」"Yes..." Or is in fact far from desperate, even into the hand, but Yusuke is slightly perverse feeling, now want to bully this girl."So, you divided the prey, I have obtained what I? I solo'd 生kinobireru 1 month just for you guys! And this is good. Gave more Mon do. But following not only I might have. You can see that? 」 A deep, and staring at the floor. Will know that valuables in the current situation, incredible food. Was 言i返senaku nothing but deep, tone of voice, Yusuke dropped, continued.「…… That responsibility well and helped me to do it. Instead, you are something! Nothing's situation, adult or a child? Give and take. " Deep-and looked up slowly. Somewhat strong expression in the"Something. It is? 」"Embrace!"「っ……」 Deep may hold a chest, reflective after and. His eyes turns moment look of contempt."Man is always so!... Do you think it's us?! 」"What else can I? To you. Dare convinced in it if you don't ""It is... But that's allowed no way! 」 Depth may be a fit of rage, Yusuke looked with cold eyes.(Well, this guy is impossible?) Life in the deep-just as of requesting the required side wouldn't have. Knows his worth. Tangling that pride does not permit it. Even when the even live or die. Look deep, does not work, Yusuke「…… Give me good luck, " You attempted to retrace one's steps, and"Tangled. Waiting for. Will do anything, anything, ""So, dare to say it. I heard ""This, here provides Mr. Takemura as a safe place. Also watch for holidays in ""Not et al.,. Do u think I'm sleeping where.? About its care if guys Marko, here take! ""Well, then, do something. Nothing but. I mean, not shouldn't help like this, at times like these to?! I have small children! 」"I know-I. It's more or less is not helping. Unilateral removal of I'm?!?. Need only say "I thank you"? Get help from the minors from the woman is you, yourself, and, not thinking? 」"Its a thing...""If 考e直se says is helping. Rescuers also volunteers don't I! Do your food scrapes out zombies in it law hit-I. "「…………」 Is deep, biting the lips and looked down. Deep, don't know that Yusuke not attacked by zombies. It's synonymous with that give life, Yusuke, food to go, and understand. Attitude of depth to it, requesting food at Thanksgiving and Yusuke the IRA was about. Deep, bosoboso and lacking the power of voice."To make money. It'd be so nice at home, savings, all... ""Going nowhere" Deep Moon was silent for a while, and then the last question, as「…… Really... Really?, could you help me? ""It is useless. You saved, something make sacrifice "「…………」 Deep-tweeted less.「…… In the hand... "See what? 」"Hand, and then...," And move into the men's toilet cubicles, and closed the door. It's touch shoulders with two people and about the distance. Yusuke sat down on the toilet seat and did gaze on leave was deep. In silence and prompting the deep, hoarse voice,"That... How do I... "「…… Kneeling, from the inside out " Deep-knee tiles, Yusuke legs open crotch to the hand. Loosen belt with trembling hands, but does not power up or had failed many times. Finally unbuttoned, touched the zipper, where depth may hesitate. Look up look of appeal turn yuusuke, but Yusuke is silent, responded to it. Deep-give up the zipper and sat down slowly. Bulging underwear to be dew. Month deep looked down, put my hands on that edge where pupil fell and dripping drops. Wipe the sleeves, in addition to coming everywhere. Humiliation is made for food, tonk prostitution look reasonable? Yusuke said nothing. Deep-down little by little, Yusuke underwear and things come out head turns his face away, while flickering.「…… Next to this. 」"Holding, makes up and down." To pinch at your fingertips, sneaky waiter gingerly touched it. Move up and down slightly, but almost no power.I'm doing this? Yusuke forcibly took deep on his right hand, he held things started hard. The ugly organ 節kure立tta, a thin white fingers entangled. Move intact, which forced shigoka. While stark was deep, had been left at the mercy.' Found what? 」「……」 Deep 2009 small nodded and slowly started moving his hands. And especially, especially, in the hands of the deep-rubbed rods. Stimulus has been shigoka just simply had still thingy in depth, hands grow started. Will become engorged organ pinching fingers pushing the. Not due to insufficient lubricating oil is deep, hard to get moving, but smooth."Drool drooling""Eh? 」"It drool" 深月は言われたことを理解したのか、顔を青くする。「むっ、無理です」「……。咥える方がいいか?」 その言葉に、深月は首をぶんぶん振る。 雄介が無言で見つめていると、深月は根負けしたように顔を伏せ、左手を口元に持っていった。口をもごもごと動かしたあと、だらりと唾液を落とす。泡立った手のひらの唾液を、右手で握ったままの肉棒に、撫でるようになすりつける。「……これでいいですか?」「両手でしごいて。その方が早く終わる」「…………」 不慣れな深月に、雄介は男の敏感な部分を教えていった。深月は言われた通りに、おずおずと手を動かす。 右手で竿をしごき、左手では輪っかを作って亀頭をぬぷぬぷと上下させる。親指の水かきの部分が、唾液まみれのカリと裏筋をこすりあげ、緩やかな快感を送りこんでくる。 ただ、これでイケるかというと、やはり稚拙ではあった。「……気持ちいいですか?」「あー……まあまあだけど。ちょっとな」 雄介は少し考える。「ちょっと立ってくれ。手は動かしたままでな」「? はい」 必然的に、深月は前かがみの中腰になる。長い黒髪が、雄介の目の前でさらさらと流れ落ちた。その髪をかきわけるようにして、深月の胸元に手を伸ばす。「えっ……?」 困惑の声をあげる深月には構わず、そのシャツのボタンをぷちぷちと外していく。「なっ……なに、何を」「お前下手くそだから、サービスがないと出なそうだ」「……っ、やめ、……」「手ぇ離すなよ」 ボタンをすべて外し、シャツを開くと、動きを止めた深月の胸元が露になった。白と黒のドット柄のブラジャーが、胸元からのぞきこめる。手を差し込み、上に無理やりずり上げると、ぽろんと二つの乳房が、重力に引かれてこぼれ落ちた。Cカップぐらいの、綺麗な形だった。手のひらですくい上げ、ピンク色の乳首をこすってみる。「……っ!」「早く終わらせたいなら、気合入れてがんばれ」 その言葉に、深月は無言で手の動きを再開する。先ほどにも増して、いやらしい手の動きだった。唾液と先走りでぬるぬるになった肉棒に、深月の柔らかい手のひらと、白い指先が、軟体動物のように絡みつく。血管の浮いた竿を指先でこすり上げ、手のひらで亀頭を包むようにしてぐにぐにと動かす。 それ以上に興奮したのは、深月の格好だった。白いシャツにカーディガン、ブラックジーンズという活動的な格好だが、そのシャツは目の前ではだけられ、柔らかそうな胸がまろび出ている。その吸いつくような若い二つの膨らみを両手で好き勝手にこねまわしながら、深月の奉仕を味わう。「……ぅ……」 乳首をいじられ、深月が小さく声を漏らす。それでも手を止めることはなく、雄介は腰の奥に、どろどろしたものが溜まってくるのを感じた。息が荒くなり、腰を動かしたくなる。雄介はそれに耐え、深月の手が、腰の奥から快感を引きずり出していく過程を、じっくりと味わった。 深月の手でしごかれ、なぶられているうちに、じわじわと昂ぶりが先端に集まっていく。指先でいじっていた深月の乳首が、柔らかいものからこりこりとした感触に変わった。硬く膨らんだその側面をこするようにしてつまんだとき、深月の両の手のひらにぎゅっと力が入り、ぬるりと肉棒を絞り上げられた。その瞬間、白い快感のかたまりが腰の奥から引きずり出され、深月の両手の中で爆発した。「っ……!」 びちゃりと噴水のような勢いで出された精液が、深月のむき出しのお腹に叩きつけられる。びちゃり、びちゃりと、数度の痙攣と噴出が起きる。そのあいだ、深月は肉棒を握り締めたまま、目を見開いて硬直していた。「……ふーっ……」 雄介は大きく息を吐き、深呼吸する。それにつられ、深月も手を離す。深月は呆然と、自分のお腹を垂れていく精液を見つめていた。 その後、トイレットペーパーで適当に身をぬぐい、二人は個室を出た。 先に廊下に出ようとした雄介は、ちらりと視線を後ろに飛ばした。深月は無言でうつむき、丹念に両手を洗っていた。
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
14, "give and take" ◆
"Well, I keep thinking," Yusuke returns the heel. Originally, it's not law to help the three people. In the first contact of mercenary information, by force of circumstance, and gave food, then also when it comes to regularly take care, talk Unlike come. It's that bring the food As it started to say yourself, once because he brought the food, nor not say promise played with. The Settsuka been to, Yusuke has become cumbersome. Even help, nor is obtained Yusuke. But there plenty that you want to do to the other. "Oh, Ano~tsu ...!" Did guessed the change in the atmosphere, come chasing a hurry is Mizuki. "I'm sorry! That, that ... ... to have to ask you did! Help me I'm sorry," "I say I say. tight mon. start hungry" Despite the words, Yusuke reply with forsake such attitude. "The lying there, it'll good to because it blankets. Use. And to little by little gets cold. I hope help comes before the winter is tight" and arrived to the front of the elevator, where it tried to climb over a barricade, a hand from behind It grabbed the. Looking back, in Cornus such that cling expression, "Takemura-san, help me please ...! Thank you ......" his face, brittle also beautiful, was something to make piqued the man of well protected. I want a good-looking in front of this woman, like inspire the desire that. When you are begging in the face, would not a man that refusable. Now I wonder I wonder has been asked to help much from around, Yusuke thought that it was perverse kind. "People that have been attacked by a zombie, some or? You seen" "............" is Mizuki in silence, I nodded small. "It's desperate for me also put ripped off one hand. It can be seen going?" "Yes ......" In fact far from desperate, he's plenty enter the hand, but Yusuke in the somewhat perverse feelings, felt like bullying this girl . "So Is the, divided ripped off to you guys, if I to I have a what give? I one person,'ll'm ya'll is survived minute only in one month. Is good to this before the door this time. Do not'm mon was doing anymore me. But, next, the ordeal may not only my minute. seen Na? " Mizuki is to score, we are staring at the floor. In the current situation, the fact that the food's tremendous valuables probably know. Nothing to Mizuki that are no longer Ikaese, Yusuke continued to drop the tone of voice. "Because there ...... Well, also helped responsibility, and I'll have that I can be. Instead, you also white something. 'S this situation, probably does not matter whether's children Toka's adults. Give and take it," Mizuki is slowly , I looked up. A little strength stretched look, "What ...... What?" "ey inspire" "Tsu ......" Mizuki is holding the chest, scoot back to the reflective. The pupil, change in an instant contempt of the line-of-sight. "Always Well ...... I man of the people! Do'm think I'm a thing of us!?" "I dare to convince with it if there is'm what can else? you in. something." "It is ...... But, such the no way be forgiven! " the Mizuki to be incensed, Yusuke stared at with a cold eye. (Well, unreasonable wonder Na to guy) in my life up to now, Mizuki will be the side that request as earlier, the side is required would not have. I also know well their value. And to be disparages it, it does not allow pride. Even when either of example to live or die. Mizuki to see that does not work, Yusuke is, "...... Well, good luck to me," If you try to return the heels, and "to waiting ...... waiting. Other, if other things, you can do anything." "So, I'll dare to say it. heard from in'll " "This, here as a safe place, to be offered to the Takemura's. lookout during the rest you can also" "Irane. I do think sleeping I have somewhere ? To proceed roughly in its care, have knocked you guys, here Ubaeru do he'll " "Well, Well, something ...... Even anything ..., this of, because when such, do you not it should mutually help!? small child I also have I!? " and "known by Ne. and would not have been in each other help thigh. or Ne 's unilateral taken out of me. Do you suffices to if to say thank you to? you, because she is a woman , Because it is minor, to help or is not thought Toka matter of course get? " "their, such a thing ......" Kangaenaose the words I mutual help if ". I'll I do not even volunteer in rescue team. zombie and went out in the, you guys-in-law that I'll have to take the food I'm Ne " "............" Mizuki is biting the lips, downcast. that Yusuke is not attacked by a zombie, dogwood do not know. In other words, because you go to take the food to Yusuke, I know that it synonymous with the fact that ni Kakero life. And yet, the Mizuki of attitude you are going Sumaseyo in gratitude by requesting food, Yusuke had been frustrated. Mizuki is Bosoboso To in the absence of force voice, "If you go back the money ...... house, and all the savings ......" "It does become a story" Mizuki After you have silence for a while, as in the last question, "...... Do you really ...... really bad, Could you or "help It is "useless. It is helpful if you want to, Read to sacrifice something." "............" Mizuki murmured small. "...... Hand ......" "What?" "hand was ..., are you" go to the private room of the men's toilet, and closed the door. When you enter two people, it's a distance of about shoulder touch. Yusuke is sat down on the toilet seat, did the line of sight to the remains stood Mizuki. When prompting in silence, Cornus in the husky voice, "that ...... What ...... If" and "kneeling ..., out of the inside" Mizuki is month knee tile, hand to crotch of Yusuke who opened the leg me do. But to try to remove the belt in a trembling hand, whether the force is not fit, it had failed many times. Finally remove the button, where it touched the zipper, dogwood hesitates. Raise the face, but directs the expression of appeal to Yusuke, Yusuke answered it in silence. Mizuki is give up, slowly lower the zipper. underwear bulging becomes dew. Now that you have put a hand on the edge, from the pupil of the head down the Mizuki, drops fell To dripping water. And wiping with sleeves, but come even overflowing. For food, if it were allowed to dress like prostitution outskirts is, would the considerable humiliation. Yusuke did not say anything. Mizuki is down the underwear of Yusuke little by little, while turned away, was glancing To look at the things that have been put out his head. "...... The following is this ...?" to "hold, and squeezes up and down" so as to pinch at your fingertips, gingerly touching it of Han勃Chi. Faintly move up and down, but not nearly the force entered. The "Even got to do this," Yusuke is forcibly take the right hand of Mizuki, it was held what began hard. Thin white fingers, entangled in ugly organs stood me section. As it is moved up and down, and to forcibly squeezed. Mizuki while rigid, it has been in mercy. "Understood or?" "......" Mizuki nodded small, began moving the tardily hand. Country, country, and, rod is rubbed in the hands of Mizuki. Simply ironed is to have, it says It was only the stimulus, but still thingy began increases in the hands of Mizuki. to push the tightening finger, the organ is going to hyperemia. Mizuki move the hand hard, but it can not be said to be smooth because the lubricating oil is not enough. "Hanging drool" "What?" "And drool" Mizuki is whether you understand that it has been said, the blue face. "Stuffy, is impossible" ".... mouth good or? be better to obtain" in the words, Mizuki shake his head buzzing. When Yusuke is staring in silence, Mizuki is downcast face, as was run out of patience, I went with a left hand to mouth. After you move it Mogomogo the mouth, loosely dropping the saliva. The palm of saliva foamed, the cock of the remains gripped by the right hand, and Nasuritsukeru to stroking. "...... This is Can I?" "It squeezes with both hands. that it is ending soon," "............" to inexperienced Mizuki, Yusuke went teaching sensitive part of man. Mizuki is as it was said, moving the hand timidly. Right hand in ironing the pole, raise or lower the Nupunupu the glans by creating a Hoop in the left hand. Webbed part of the thumb, was raised rubbing Cali and Ura-suji of covered saliva, it comes by feeding a gentle pleasure. Just say this in one go, it was to a still amateurish. The "...... is either? feels" "Oh ...... Well I'm well. kinda" Yusuke is considered a little. "Let me a little stand. Hand Na remains moved to" "Yes" Inevitably, Mizuki will slouch of kneeling position. Long black hair, ran down To smooth in front of Yusuke's eyes. So as to push aside the hair, to reach the chest of Mizuki. "Well ...?" and without regard to Mizuki to increase the embarrassment of voice, we will remove the button of his shirt and bubble wrap. "Become ...... what, what" "because you dub, service Dinah likely but that there is no" and "Tsu ..., stop, ..." "I Na release hand tut" Remove all the buttons, you open the shirt, chest of Mizuki that stopped the movement has become in Russia. Bra of white and black polka dots, Nozokikomeru from the chest. Insert the hand, raising forcibly shear above, Poron and two breast, spilled are attracted to gravity. Of about C cup, it was a beautiful form. The scoop in the palm, try rubbing the pink nipples. "...... Tsu!" "If you want to finish early, Ganbare put yell" in the words, Mizuki resume the movement of the hand in silence. Than ever to earlier, it was a movement of obscene hand. To cock it becomes slimy at getting ahead of ourselves with the saliva, and the soft palm of Mizuki, white fingertips, entangled as molluscs. The floating pole of the blood vessel rubbing up at your fingertips, moving and Guniguni so as to wrap the turtle head in the palm of the hand. Was excited about any more, it was dressed as Mizuki. Cardigan in white shirt, and but active-looking of black jeans, the shirt are Hadake in front of the eyes, it seems to be soft chest is out mellow beauty. While loincloth knead to love freely with both hands the stick such a young two bulge that, taste the service of Mizuki. "...... ~U ......" tampered nipples, Mizuki is leak a small voice. Still not able to stop the hand, Yusuke is in the back of the waist, felt coming accumulated those mushy. Breath becomes rough, you would want to move the hips. Yusuke withstand it, the hands of the dogwood is, the process of going dragged pleasure from the back of the waist, tasted slowly and carefully. It is rubbed in the hands of Cornus, while you are Nabura, inching Beat the first time is going to gather at the tip. Nipples Mizuki who was fiddling with a fingertip, was turned into crunchy and to feel from soft ones. When pinched so as to rub the hard inflated its side, contains the tight power to both the palm of Mizuki, was Shiboriage the Nururi To cock. At that moment, a mass of white pleasure is dragged from the back of the waist, it exploded in the hands of Mizuki. "Tsu ...!" Bichari and momentum in the issued semen, such as fountains, thrown to the bare stomach of Mizuki. Bichari, and Bichari, spouting a few degrees of convulsions may occur. In the meantime, Mizuki is still clenched the cock, was rigid with eyes wide open. "Whew! ...... ......" Yusuke is spitting deep breath, take a deep breath. And hung on it, Mizuki also release the hand. Mizuki is stunned, he stared at the semen going bowed his stomach. Then, toilet paper in suitably wipe himself, two people left the private room. Yusuke who tried to go out in the hallway earlier, flew glance gaze behind. Mizuki is face down in silence, it has been carefully wash your hands.

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
"Well, give and take 」◆
「 tokuyo 」

Yusuke return. Originally, no help at the three people. At first, after passing the contact information, and then gives the food on a regular basis and take care, it would be a different story. At that, on their own food to bring food to have once he promises, but it plays. Stand, Yusuke becomes cumbersome. If the help.Yusuke, but there is not. Besides, I want to do it. That was the

「...! " Consideration of the variation of the atmosphere, after hastily Mitsuki. I'm sorry

「! He was sorry! To help you... That... " You can
「. When a hungry man in spite of 」

harsh words and attitude to Yusuke like a desert. I lay there, the

「 blanket. You can use. Little by little, as it gets cold.To make it better and help comes before 」

elevator before winter, where to get over from behind barricades, gripped by the hand. If I look at the lean, Mitsuki

「 Takemura, help me please...! Please... " Its a beautiful face, I know, man's desire to protect. I want this woman dressed up as before, so as to desire. In the face of this appeal to you will not refuse any man.Now, don't you get help from all around, Yusuke doing such perverse. People

「 zombie attack, have you seen? "
「…………」 Mitsuki too small, nodded his head in silence. Put one hand on the risk of

「 chow. You know? "
「 yeah... " In fact, far from being too desperate to get into any hand, Yusuke slightly twisted feeling, this beautiful girl to bullying.

「 so as not to you,What is that to me? If you are my only, you may live in for one month. You'd better this time and last time. Give it to another. The next minute I may only be. See? " She hung up Mitsuki, staring at the floor. In the current situation, will understand that food and valuables are enormous. To become someone without any Mitsuki, Yusuke went down the tone of your voice.

「…… Well,Be responsible for help, as I can. Instead, you should do something. This kind of situation, and it will not adult children. Give and take it slowly 」

Mitsuki, looked up. In a little stiff,

「 or something... ? " Let me hold
「 」
「... " Mitsuki too pressing to reflection on chest, back off. At the same time, in the eyes of contempt. The man who is always

「...!I think that is what we do!? " What else can you
「? In you. What if it was persuaded 」
「 try it... But that is not allowed! " Mitsuki too excited to the cold eyes Yusuke. YouTube - well, until my life would be impossible RI, Mitsuki was at the request of the side is not required. The value of his own. A lot of itPride is not permitted. When you live or die, for example. Yusuke. Watch Mitsuki doesn't work, the

「…… The 、

「 waiting to return to 」

cane me luck... Wait. In addition, other anything, so 」
「, it said. 」
「 from hearing this, safe place here, Mr. Takemura. I want you to 」
「 in watch. I think where you are sleeping? If he wants to,You can get out of here, you 」
「, then something... Anything... Because of this, all this time, you should help each other. A small child!? " I don't know
「. Perhaps will not help. I introduce it in me. Would you rather be said? You, my daughter, underage, get help and not believe? "
「, things like that. " AtAh, such as "rethink your assistant's words. I don't you volunteer rescue team. I went on a zombie, you'll take the food as it is 」
「…………」 sister-in-law Mitsuki too, with the lips. Yusuke doing not have, do not know the zombie Mitsuki. That is, Yusuke and go on food, understand, and it is equivalent to bring. And yet, he Mitsuki attitude to food, thanks to demandYusuke frustration getting there. Mitsuki and not in the power of money,

「... To... If you come back to me, the whole family savings. " After a moment of silence spoke unto them 」

Mitsuki, like the last question,

「…… Really... No, not really 」
「 would not help. Anyway, help you to make some sacrifices 」
「…………」 Mitsuki murmured too small.

「…… In the hand... " What
「? " The hand... In... The cells in the men's bathroom, 」

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