Towards those last words, the spotlights disappeared and silence surrounded the hall. At the same time that his presence perception informed him that the Hauria were withdrawing, Hajime received a transmission.
----Boss. This is Alpha 1. All troops have withdrawn. For all the help, we cannot thank you enough
----It was for Shia’s sake. Don’t mind it. Besides, everythings not over yet. Stay cautious. Or rather, what’s up ahead is the true battle. There’s no guarantee that there wouldn’t be an idiot who’ll think “Eliminate the Emperor’s clan”.
----I’ll take it to heart, boss. Since the beginning, we’ve been resoluted and prepared to fight. This path, is the path that the new Hauria tribe has decided to walk down.
Towards Cam’s words filled with resolution and drive, Hajime’s lips raised up. And he gave them a pure praise.
----Is that so. If you’re resolute then there’s nothing else for it. To all Hauria tribesmen. You were superb!
Towards the boss who they loved, respected and led them, all Hauria’s Usamimis extended straight up! and after a beat passed by.
In the next moment through the telepathy stone, a grand shout erupted.
That was the cry of victory. For hundreds of years, they were the losers of losers who continued suffering bitter experiences, it was the cry of delight after finally bringing down a huge enemy for the first time.
Being completely honest, what lays ahead is a sight where it’s prohibited to enslave and persecute Demi-humans, prohibited to interfere with the Sea of Trees, and Demi-humans are protected. Exactly as Hajime said, people who desired Demi-humans as slaves would come and try to eradicate the Emperor’s clan, there’s even a possibility that there’s a hole in the oath which the Empire may use to oppress the Demi-humans again.
That’s exactly why, it was appropriate to say that the Hauria’s battle starts now.
At the very least, the oath was imposed, by now, if the Empire invades the Sea of Trees, the Hauria wouldn’t be able to do anything. With this earned time, the Hauria can save and gather power and numbers, and if necessary acquire high level techniques (Assassination) and guerrilla tactics. That way, even if the Empire is prepared to overcome the Oath, they won’t get what they want so easily.
Right, the point of the strategy right now was to make the people at the top of the Empire wear collars and buy time to allow the Hauria to gather strength to be able to withstand the Empire. As such, certainly, the victor of this fight was unmistakably the Hauria Usagininzoku from the weakest Demi-human species.
[Damn, those guys, I shouldn’t have left them unattended. …..Someone, the lights….a~a, that’s right is anyone there…..tte, kora~a! Hajime Nagumo! You bastard, how long do you plan on pretending! At any rate, you’re uninjured! Do something about this situation!]
Hajime narrowed his eyes as the Hauria’s shout of joy was being communicated, at the same time Shia was embracing and rubbing up on Hajime because of the strategies success, from the other side (even in the darkness Hajime could see Gaharudo’s appearance rolling around) of the darkness, and began to hear Gaharudo’s angry voice.
By the way, the moment that he was embraced by Shia, Ririana who he was holding onto was cast aside without hesitation. Towards the sudden attack which caused the death of her fiance, Ririana could only be stunned, after being treated so by Hajime, with tears in her eyes, [Even though, I’m a Princess~!], while muttering about her constant grief, she crumbled onto the ground like a woman who was deserted by her lover.
[alright, I hear you……]
While embracing Shia with one hand, he took out an ore from the “Treasure Warehouse” which flew up towards the ceiling and emitted light. The light stone that floated towards the ceiling in the darkness caused the hall to brighten up just like daytime when they were brought to the hall.
The party hall became completely visible, “horrifying” was the perfect word for it. There were huge quantities of blood splattered everywhere and countless heads on the ground. Besides the heads on the ground which didn’t have time to say goodbyes, everyone else seemed to be alright, though they were all groaning and crawling on the floor with their tendons in their hands and feet cut.
There were lots of mademoiselles who had toilet accidents due to the fear and pain. The moment when the hall was lit up and the disastrous scene was seen, many lost their consciousness, in a certain sense it was good fortune.
Though some of the courageous mademoiselles were just barely conscious, the moment they saw Shia’s Usamimis, they gave out screams and fainted as the whites in their eyes showed. Even the men who didn’t fear much was frightened when they saw Shia.
It appears that the fear of the Hauria tribe was deeply carved into them.
Within that, Hajime’s group and the Hero’s group was clearly completely unhurt. The people who were fighting until they end were giving them stares full of hatred. It appears that they completely believed that it was a conspiracy.
[Oi, kora, Hajime Nagumo. Quit flirting already and help out. What kind of nerves do you have to be able to admire a woman in this situation, and on top of that an Usagininzoku woman at that]
[Nah, look, Shia’s a weak rabbit after all, the raid from earlier frightened her. She’s so pitiful. Those guys were truly fearsome people. All I could do was protect myself]
While saying those foolish things, Hajime was shivering unnaturally.
Veins appeared on Gaharudo’s forehead. Even the people whose tongues were cut to seal off there chants, while on the ground glared at them cruelly as if stating, [We’ll kill you with glares!]. Kouki and them who had strong nerves even trembled from the gazes.
[How impudent… any case, it doesn’t change the fact that you’re unhurt. If you hold no malice against the Empire then, nurse us, being needed by people is good isn’t it*I think this line means this, 人を呼ぶなりしてくれてもいいんじゃねぇか*?]
[However about that, your subordinates are giving out blood thirst as if saying that the instant they’re healed they’ll attack us…...In that case, is it alright if I just finish them off?]
[There’s no way that’s alright! Oi, you guys! Don’t ever lay your hands on that monster over there! Even if he’s just a damn cheeky brat whos always being surrounded by great women and surely started a conspiracy with the Haruia tribe, don’t you dare go waste your lives!]
The surviving subordinate’s eyes distort due to their masters command for them to stay alive with regret. Hajime saw their eyes distorting.
[Look, even if I want to kill you guys, there’s no one here stupid enough to willingly jump into a monster’s jaws. I won’t have it. If we don’t get started soon some people are going to bleed out. I’m begging you, Hajime Nagumo]
[Ma~a, I don’t particularly mind if you guys won’t be coming at me. I’m relying on you, Kaori]
[Un~, leave it to me…..”Sacred Text”!]
Without chanting. Without magic formations. the wave of first-class recovery magic shined immediately after calling out the magic name and rippled throughout the entire party hall. With that the wounded people were healed up instantly.
[Even recovery skills are monster class. …...I can’t take this*I think? やってられねぇな*]
Gaharudo complained with a tired expression after he noticed that Kaori’s recovery magic wasn’t normal. Gaharudo’s subordinates were dumbfounded as well to be completely healed in an instant. To be able to immediately cast first-class magic was impossible for the general people so it was natural.