ELSA Jupiter artillery support and defeated AdilWas Natsu to grin, watching, Elsa also came in and fallingSponsored linksNathu La Chase "Elsa! 」Wendy "Nathu La and I!! 」Gajeel you go, no, hide scars.Wendy ' Yes! 」Lily ' here we will somehow! 」Charles "don't go."Happy loveNatsu jumped and ELSA to catch in the last minute "Elsa! All right!? Get a life! 」ELSA open eyes "Natu... 'Nathu La "good! Once Wendy comes from a. ft459-1ELSA strong fist listed in Lucy "sandstorm stopped! 」Cana "anymore! Of me? "Lucy "!? That guy is! 」Brandish in the dust "is-I comb, comb I comb it! What's with this city! Pollen many funny too! 」Lucy "hay..."Cana danced in the sandstorm of pollen in the city!Brandish can't stop sneezing "comb, again frustrating I-comb I comb I. ft459-2You brandish head hit the CanaBrandish fainted "when cats POO! 」Lucy "it's worse..."Cana "it and got a lot of Tumblr. Just... "Lucy "stun you!"Cana "unexpectedly no big deal of it's 12 of also.Lucy ' to do this? 」Kana "to prisoners of war, it will take you to the Guild" The scene is to greyGrey "is a sandstorm stopped.! 」 ft459-3Sandstorms will disappear and in front of soldiers looked the same.Elfman "coming! 」Soldiers punched hits juviaJuvia "juvia the such attacks..."At that time, steam comes out from the arms of the soldiersJuvia belly burning and collapsing "Ah Ah Ah"Grey "juvia! Damn!, the icemark... "Against the gray set up shoot inflammation attack soldiersGrey "flame! 」Juvia "is my team..."Elfman exchanged attacks "what's this, super fast enough! 」Lisanna "guy too hard! 」Grey "I fire, juvia's power to lisanna speed, type the speed to Elfman's steam power.Believe it or not we have weaknesses specific type guy, etc.! ー or Mira Chan is weakness I guess!?! 」And grey so I thought of Mila. ft459-4Elfman-faced soldiers had beatenSoldiers ' sister's sister-Chan-I "Mira "stop Elfman.Gray "would do nothing fake-boobs! 」Elfman "what the! In what our weaknesses so accurately... " Waal is a little bit behind "my magic, weak suicide soldier (have) yields soldiers to the weaknesses of the opponentGood people, bad place. Insight that I will leave here have even...I go to this darn surgical patients who were ".Whirl we skip Freed us of Kardia's sceneEva Green "hard drink, I'm considerably decreasing over the West's enemy!"Fred OhVIC through "Elsa and Busca seems to be part of the 12!! 」World coming there "at all. If 12 disgrace... "Evergreen ' enemies! Up to now! 」Freed "during the high-level surgical extraction 動kenn. I'm sorry! At least two people. I beg you 」VIC through "Ow"Eva Green "leave"VIC through "luxus SS Raijin crowd..."Evergreen's it devalues his cheap and pathetic that weWaal "look. It seems to me that people of good and bad, so... Your weaknesses.ここでもウィークネスを生成するワール「ゆきなさい」人形を飛ばすビックスロー「ラインフォーメーション」しかし人形はその場に落ちる兵「浄化」ビックスロー「白魔法か!!」殴り飛ばされるビックスロー「ぐはっ」エバーグリーン「妖精爆弾…」兵は一面に霧を出すエバーグリーン「何よコレ!!鱗粉が機能しない!!」エバーグリーンも殴り飛ばされる「きゃああ」ビックスロー「くそっ、白魔法にはオレの黒魔術が相◯されてしまう」フリード「眼(セカンド)の魔法を使うんだ!!」それぞれ兵を見る2人しかし効かないフリード「本体を狙え!!」エバーグリーン「これで終わりよ 石化眼(ストーンアイズ)!!」しかしワールにも効かないワール「ふふ」ビックスロー「何で効かねーんだ!?」またも兵に殴り飛ばされる2人フリード「エバ!!ビックスロー!!」ワール「簡単な事なれば」ビックスロー「な…」 ft459-5変形していくワール「私は機械族(マキアス) 人間ではないのです」フリード「魔法を使う機械だと」1人の男がやってくる「ほう」周囲がビリビリ…とくるフリード「雷…」しかしそこにいたのは一夜「そいつは感電させがいがありそうだね 私の雷の香り(サンダーパルファム)で」Raijin crowd and stunned ". 」Next, to 460 FAIRYTAIL fairy tale!Pegasus swooped episode 460 Sponsored links* Below is a comment *Is my first story at once two stories publishedELSA defeated Adil last time, somehow Spriggan 12, one of which could...Seems to run even though Elsa, and struggled again retrofits will be available until...I will also do it if you rest a bit well lolWendy also has its sides is peace of mindBut this was one surprise. Brandish. What is the way of the settlement has been reached.And that's what I thought, well certainly it cannot fight to winIs gaming can't win but rather on the contrary, not even your opponent up to it.I sneeze to brandish the baclony was greatIn the dust in that bikini coat that mismatch is what is good lolAnd there is the world of business. Do you machine it family (makers)?We can use magical machine that has surprised even freed.So if the machine's thunder. And I thought that everyone would have. Is no luxus appeared overnight! LolOvernight will do it-and we got a good thingIn the title next time one night working isWith the scent of the night lightning teeth, there is the emergence of luxus! … It would be?Sponsored links
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