The God of bad feeling like a demagogue to dark at the bottom, to become gradually clear. On the back side of the closed eyelids look pale light, still in the ear noise began.
「―― -- and -- and -- you -- you 」
「 」
「 Hajji, Hajime: nature, a plurality of voice and to feel desperate to tremble, what do you 」
Hajime. In the furious feeling of fatigue, "and the" five years, Hajime wanted to say the maximum extension of the lineTo be conscious that urge to understand consciousness. At the same time, too, and then to warm the body and penetrates into a hole to generate energy, while wiping with the feeling of fatigue as the drop in the engine fuel. Than this, feel, Hajime surfaced with open eyes. Well, in view of a circular plate in the shape of a roulette as many face reflected. The man has the same experience, "Oh, I am dead.This is heaven! " Beauty could not but sighed and beautiful girl, beautiful little girl stepped on one of them. At
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