Mind night and Satoshi Aya fallen Wei and childhood you were in front of "and toys I dating ' I manfully confessing, and blessed everyone from Hugh heart night '. Is 不束者 / ' I say dreamed of. And when I woke up was Angel.
Says childhood friend and Kokoroyoru and SatoshiWataru and 堕威 Mr. is in front of the eyes confessed manly to me "and if Mote does dating have" night mind is whistling blessing from everyone What is "... is a rude person but ///" dreamed. And I was an angel and I woke up.
And childhood friend and 堕威 Miya toshiya you in front of the "going out", and "about as Miya confess blessing a man screamed from all... Rude but I said ///」 dream. Angel and I woke up.