8, showdown! Heavenly death AIBA "Shine! "" Is ultra ready shine! ' ' Will not succumb to such alien if you shine that dark space Emperor defeated, not man... "----from people who had watched the fight against fate stirs cheers one after the other. Fight to the death on the Moon versus empera settled since shine is suddenly the missing former. But never should forget that Earth brave figure of the goddess of salvation. See boobs! And then what...? ... Shine's boobs......? 」 Ultra girl Alpha leak wonder crooning voice boils down to average, but one. Won't come to this place shine. No, come is not. Schoolgirl Princess is thought conversation about a month ago, called George. "In other words... this area is I love, and it, kept in Lin's three is that it ' AI SHINOZAKI mouth whipped cream Parfait by nod and hypnotized. And the presence of an off-duty to tea cuttings of for cool fact is not unusual. Rear support type 3 people be respected and referred to as "third Princess" sister, shine Ceres genius in the 智略 than war fighting and the restrained, cool personality, and Alpha nadeko Princess and the common most. Nature, they had horses. AI SHINOZAKI also came together that day, is the strong implication that the Strategy Conference for. Usually love the Ceres prefer fighting against blatant that Shino Megumi better haunt. ( time with cool, of course, and the candle should ) "Made number was assigned to the Earth since the raids of"Empire"also they already know the Princess is very limited. Can be stationed at all times any occurrences of monsters and aliens are dramatically higher provinces, three of us limit of. '"Oh and... sister Sara Yuki is? In the hospital, taking attention right? 』 Most of the younger girl asked, answered presence will moisten the throat with green tea. "... Saki is... ultra ready shine a continuous repeated torture and ability to summon the struggle, I have had chiefs from the cellular level. Specifically, "photocondria" are working correctly '"Eh? Photocondria... what was it? 』 Love tongue out Perry, instinctively sensitive lips is cool. Look too serious, through the glasses girl has such charm that long relationship of love as one. "Hey, love..."weekly ultra times"and haven't read! I'm sure also to you weekly, from the land of light latest information is sent you. To unravel the secrets of the flesh, our ultra Princess features a large, featuring the was it's not '"Yes, not hi-... coz"ultra times", is full of difficult words is what I. Is there a... '"I'm mistaken if you think forever, smile, 誤魔化seru. Even apprentice is a very light country now we have perceived that by... '"Hoho heh. Please help up there, cool. Okay, I'll tell my love ' LADY with pretty face equipped medical staff was smiling with a soft smile. "I know our ultra Princess bathed in light, converting energy. In this light particles... that photon and photon call. We received a photon is effectively to biological activity in the body's energy is converted. This transformation of the photocondria! '"To-'"Mitochondria, is I wonder if they know? Structures in the cells of the organism on Earth most and of course included in the somatic cells of Earth. The people of planet Earth is producing energy by the workings of this mitochondrial. Princess ultra round body, instead of the mitochondrial photocondria, that does not mean '"Hmmm I. What's the difference?? 』"You can produce energy only bathes the particles of light = photons photo condole, like I said, very efficient high. For example, willing to make food and water, and aging and diseases almost untouched. Excessive promotion of metabolism is possible from even resuscitation of the body possible. Light energy even if we almost immortality will be what there photocondria. '"Do, it's great! I photocondria... '"Can revive the greeted death we are also in the cells of the body continued rest photocondria from it. Was falling apart, even if, in photocondria each part we can to revive.... Of it cast light technology also can be produced strong energy by photocondria '"Then... the photocondria was crazy! Sara noble sister is... '"Guess is incapable of efficiently generating life energy from the low physical fitness. I'd far Ray technique even more powerful. ""So much in danger?! Miki says... ' Glasses girl was silent until then, Crouch, had intervened. "All right. What is slowly but surely heading towards recovery. If you rest this remains... time will solve. " Again with a soft smile, Lin has two junior showed towards. "I just... to Saki now stand battlefield is too dangerous. Can demonstrate traditional skills could not revive again if not only it's not... even if defeated. Please you both. To avoid fighting Saki in the hands of the three of us this area will capture the plenty vaults. Even appear any formidable invaders ' Supple hands hold out of two high school students are strongly hold returned----. "... Why boobs! And come and gone... it is gone! Shine's gone...! 」 Ponytail held the soot hanging limbs dirty Alpha shout. Alpha sandwiched from both sides, enjoyed the teased two enemies. General Hippolyte and Lady yapool changes were happening. Hell stars "generals" shivering with delight, Chief of the 3D world is settling down on alert. Two apprentice of invaders who had fruitless one-sided press Princess... shine with the advent of change has come to the tide of the war had no mistakes. 'Alpha... funny you hear of. " Shine 綻baseta lip slowly and take a fighting pose. I don't think Princess retreat in war, powerful movements. Felt pressure to describe just opened, ambition and even Alpha. See boobs! And-and this, this...! 」"This star the looming crisis. Per ultra senhime, stand before the invaders... before that. " There was light yet adorable looks, to overwhelmed by Brown eyes shine. Might the grimness, and paraphrase. ( to please... no boobs! I don't think Mr. shine... so doctor stop is at stake... but ) To be unreasonable. 判断力に優れたアルファでなければ、恐らくシャインの真実には気付かないだろう。しかし、アルファにはわかる。第一に、身体の状態を詳細に診断したジェニスの見識に、間違いがないことを知っている。次に、本調子でなくても研鑽を積み、少しでも闘える肉体に仕上げてくる、シャインの性格を知っている。 やはりシャインの身体は、いまだ深いダメージに蝕まれているのだ。
「・・・ダメっ・・・です!! シャインさん、闘っては・・・ダメ・・・! ジェネラル・ヒッポリトは・・・あなたを狙っているっ・・・危険すぎますっ!!」
「で、でもっ!! 今のまま闘えば・・・シャインさんはっ・・・!!」
「ええいッ!! やかましいわッ、瀕死の小娘がァッ!! オレ様の狩りを、ジャマするんじゃないッ!!」
「ぐああ”っ――っ!! ゲホォっ・・・!! ガア”ア”ッ・・・!!」
「くッ! やめなさいッ、ヒッポリト!!」
「ヴォホホッ! お前がオレ様と闘うならば、こんなオモチャはもう用済みだァッ! レディ・ヤプールよ、あとはじっくり愉しむといいぜェ。その代わり・・・約束どおり、シャインとの遊び場は用意してくれるんだよなァ?」
「ヴォホホッ! 怖気づいたかァ、シャインッ!? どちらが真の強者か、ハッキリさせるにはこれ以上ない舞台だろう? さあ、エンペラ星人を倒した力が本物だというなら、逃げずにこのオレ様と闘うがいいッ!」
「・・・いけ・・・ませんっ・・・! シャイン・・・さんっ・・・罠ですっ! その身体で・・・あの恐ろしいヒッポリトと1対1なんて・・・」
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