คำ สั่ง วี 6
know-chan you can use the following command.
"Siriv6: Off": it silenced the ass-chan.
"Siriv6: On": let speak the ass-chan.
"Siriv6: Invitation URL denied": Block the invitation using the URL / QR.
"Siriv6: Backup": to save the member list.
"Siriv6: Guru Author": If you still have information on LINE, to display the guru of the author.
"Siriv6: invitation URL generation": Issue the URL to join a group.
"Siriv6: Invitation Cancel": Cancels all of the invitation
"Siriv6: bye": Siri to unsubscribe you stop fully functional of Siri.
"Siriv6: Dissolution": will be dissolved the group. (Use sparingly.)
"Siriv6: Invitation number of times": to display the rest of the invitation can be number of times.
"Siriv6: Login": You use them when you want to restore the group
"Siriv6: hidden command": hidden command.
"Siriv6: picture of the author": issue the author of the picture you are using to ass-chan.
"Siriv6: Author": Displays the author of ass-chan.
"Siriv6: Version": Displays the version of the ass-chan.
"Siriv6: Help": to display the commands that know-chan can be used.
"Setting: Help": This is a fine setting collection list that you want to use in the group
"Siriv6: vandalism report": to display the account in order to report the user vandalism.
Requires the purchase of the invitation right to invite the ass-chan v6 to the group
for more → http: //sirichan.xyz/2015/10/v6.html
occasionally or an increasing number of the command look through this help Maybe ( `· ω · ')
So, a comfortable (?) that know her life!
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