And as expected, it was said with her expressionless face. Then as it was she snuggled her cheek against Hajime’s chest. Then at that moment, a sound of something being cut “~Buchi~” could be heard within the bridge.
[Fu, fufufu….Yue’s pretty weird right? suddenly saying things that don’t make sense….she’s surely broken somewhere?]
[That’s right. That must be true. Then mistresses must fix it]
[Speaking of fixing, there’s a simple way of doing it]
[Umu umu, broken things will…..]
[ [Be fixed if hit! (No-ja!*Teio*)] ]
They suddenly both stood up and overlooked down on Yue while smiling.
Extremely tensed*Doki as in the effect doki doki*? Fighting spirit*Toki*?-like began to overflow. From that pressure, Kouki, Ryutaro, and Suzu huddled together to brace themselves. Kouki began to whisper in a mutter, [Is, is that Kaori?].
Yue who was hit by both of their pressures, once again, smiled slightly which ruined her expressionless face and looked up.
[.....Stop it. If we seriously went at it, both of you have no chances of beating me]
Are you CodiOta*Unsure about what this reference is, コーディ○ーター* they wanted to tsukkomi her lines. And that was quite the intense provocation.
[ [Just what we wanted! (Ja!)] ]
Sure enough it caused Kaori and Teio to heat up even more. Yue also slowly got up.
[Wa, the three of you wait a second! To suddenly start fighting…..or rather, Nagumo-kun*lol whoops i didn’t notice i had kun and san mixed up here, thanks gimme_breack and maniac88*! Stop them!]
Shizuku was sweatingly and flustered around trying to do her best to arbitrate the situation. And quickly came to the conclusion that she wouldn’t be able to stop them herself! So she gave up and turned to ask for help from Hajime who was the cause of this dispute.
Hajime just casually said…..
[It’s impossible. I’m sluggish…..]
His magical power was already drastically decreased and he became sluggish. He didn’t seem to have any intentions of moving.
To begin with, a small quarrel was an everyday occurrence, rather it was more like a kind of communication for the girls, so Hajime didn’t pay much heed to it.
[P, people like you are~]
However, Shizuku was still oblivious towards her surroundings then, a cheek began to twitch.
Then, a hanya-voice called out to Shizuku.
[Shizuku-chan! Please take that back!]
[Ar~e? Since when did I get pulled into this!?]
Quite naturally, Shizuku’s participation in the war was decided.
[Sa~a, princess, let’s both step up together! You’re an barrier expert right? I’ll leave defences to you and Suzu over there!]
[Eh? Me as well!? Why!?]
[Suzu was also casually included!?]
Teio with her draconic strength held Suzu and Ririana’s necks like a kitten and dragged them. [Princess…..I’m a princess…….], Ririana muttered out with empty feelings.
[......Shia, I’m entrusting you as the Vanguard]
[A, alright! I won’t let anyone get near Yue-san!]
Full of spirit. It seemed that Shia served as Yue’s vanguard. She got up from Hajime and started twirling her arm around.
[......Hajime, wait for a bit. I’m going to beat them and come back]
[O~h, do it in moderation~]
[......After we’re done fighting we’ll embrace again]
[Anytime is fine~]
With that, the female members (except for some) left towards the deck with the atmosphere filled with fighting spirit. Although the deck was a moderate size it couldn’t be said to have actually been enough. Surely It’ll likely be good battle training. It’s necessary for Kaori to get used to Nointo’s body so moving around is a good idea. Since there’s no telling what kind of ordeals they’ll be facing at the great labyrinth, [Harutsuina Sea of Trees], it’s good to train even if only a bit.
However it was unknown whether Yue and them had that in mind though.
After a while, roars and explosions were beginning to be heard. Kouki and them were startled. They had anxious expressions, wondering if it was really alright to just leave them as is.
[They’re having fun huh~]
However, Hajime’s impression was just that.
[......Or rather what’s with you, Nagumo…..]
[As expected, you’re quite outrageous….]
The bridge that was only filled with men now, after looking at the bored Hajime, Kouki and Ryutaro were half amazed and half concerned. He wasn’t phased at all with that riot that the women started, it seemed to have been completely natural so they were impressed as men.
After that, Yue and their fight ended after terribly scaring the Demi-humans, and finally the Sea of Trees were beginning to appear up ahead. Although it sounded as if the first to scream out was the emperor…….it must have surely just been their imaginations.
While quietly worrying for the emperor’s safety, they began to prepare and land at the Sea of Trees.
With the sun hiding its face, the curtain of night fell down.
The interior of the Sea of Trees was illuminated by Fair Bergen as people produced orange lights. Normally, no matter how busy they are with reconstruction, the time for pleasures of family meals and family time would be long past, and the serene silence would be flowing in the air.
However, the current Fair Bergen was as if the night and day cycle were reversed, it was wrapped up in clamor. People were busily running to the right and left. People started gathering in the village outside of Fair Bergen, it appears that people were arranging the soldiers and instructing them.
Towards that clamor, while looking out the window that was left open to let in the evening wind, one of Fair Bergen’s elders, Alfrerick Hapisuto of the forest people had a slightly indescribable expression while holding a document in one hand.
In the contents, was a report about accepting in several thousands of their brethren back, it was that kind of document. The other elders were also helping out to split the work.
[Fu~u….Cam. Is our brethren truly coming back?]