2章 王都襲撃編第三話 「ジェシカと金髪の美少女」「うわぁっと、危なっ! いきなり何するんですか!」「ほぉ、意外に身のこなしが鋭いじゃないか การแปล - 2章 王都襲撃編第三話 「ジェシカと金髪の美少女」「うわぁっと、危なっ! いきなり何するんですか!」「ほぉ、意外に身のこなしが鋭いじゃないか อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

2章 王都襲撃編第三話 「ジェシカと金髪の美少女」「うわぁっと、危なっ

2章 王都襲撃編
第三話 「ジェシカと金髪の美少女」
「うわぁっと、危なっ! いきなり何するんですか!」




「ちょっと冗談は止めて――ってアルキューネ先生コスプレですか! いきなり変身魔法なんか使っちゃって。なんでまた急に……」
「なっ!? オ、オツムが鈍いですってぇえ! うっきぃ――それが教師の言う言葉ですか!」



ティレアさん、魔族のプレッシャーを感じないのかな? とにかくティレアさんに今の現状がどんなに危険か早く理解させないといけない。

「吸血鬼? 魔族? 何言っているの? いくら先生に叱られたからってそんな悪口を言っちゃダメだよ」

もぉお、なんなのこの人! 緊迫した状況分かってよ。のんきというかずれているというか、ティレアさんには遠回しな表現はだめだ。はっきり言わないと分かってくれないだろう。

「本当なんです! 私も殺されそうになったし、親友もそいつの手にかかっているんですよ!」



「うぁあああ! 本当に魔族なの? え? え? 吸血鬼って本当? ドッキリとかじゃないよね?」


「ま、ま、ま、マジで……さ、さすが王都ね。あ、あぁ初期魔法が使えたからってそれがなんだって言うのよ。こ、これが本当の冒険、ようやく私も本当の意味でファンタジーの世界に足を踏み入れたんだ。ど、どうしよう? 心の準備ができていない。せめてはじめはスライムからにして欲しかったよぉ」


ここは私が頑張らないと! こういう時に動けずに何のために魔法学園で学んできたのか!









うそ! ティレアさんって意外に力持ち、それに速い。


「くっくっ、逃げろ、逃げろ。恐怖におび――って、なんだ? は、速すぎるぞ! おい、貴様ら待て、待たんか!」



「へっ、なに言ってるの? 違うよ、私はただの料理人」









「あっ!? 確かにそうですね。あと、吸血鬼にされた人は身体能力も上がるみたいで動きに注意しないといけません」

てんせぇちぃと? どういう意味なんだろう?



















「いい? 奴が来たら一斉にこれを投げつけるのよ」


「はぁ、はぁ、おのれぇ! ちょろちょろ逃げ足の速い奴だ。だが追い詰めたぞ」










「ぜぇ、ぜぇ、ぜぇ、な、何をしやがった? たかが人間風情が! はぁ、はぁ、な、舐めやがって!」




「はぁ、はぁ、殺す! あ、遊んでやっていたらつけあがりやがって。ただでは殺さん。生きたまま血をすすり、その身を引き裂いてくれん!」


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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Chapter 2: King raids Episode 3, "Jessica with blonde girl ! "Wow I WAS, Fraught with Cum ? What to I do " . "That's right, a Surprising or not it's sharp poise . I did not think Would BE Avoided Tyler's Alcyone suddenly began to bite in the razor-thin躱or move. It's great Now to Avoid. I Seem to Have surprised a little bit Alcyone. "Stop Joking for a while -! it IS Alcyone Teacher cosplay Suddenly I use Transformation magic. I ALSO Quickly ... " ". Or one, still do not understand the situation . Whatever dull Otsumu it seems ! "Is gone Oh, it IS dull Otsumu Hey even! Ukki -!! Teachers say it IS " Tyler's face red , Are Outraged. Said Otsumu dull, seems far more That come to mind. Yes, Alcyone say IS if this IS true. Problem IS lack of Crisis Awareness. Tyler says, do not feel pressure of of it? Anyway Tyler's situation right Now IS very dangerous, I Have not understand Quickly. "Tyler's, so if I do not. He IS a vampire Attack Humans and Mazoku. I'm trying to kill US! " "Vampire? zoku? Of what Are you Talking about? no matter How much from the Teacher Scolded me so ill say. the Also wow you, what this person! I knew the situation WAS tense. I mean HAS Shifted, or Rather carefree, Tyler, euphemisms Are Useless. One Will say Clearly and understand. "It IS true! I'm Rests in the hands of his good friend, and WAS Likely Killed me! " "...... Gosh, really? " "Are you Serious. And not even as a joke in Disguise with the magic. Brought me Get Serious or Tyler's HAS again Observed Alcyone's face and figure. And ... "Wow oh oh! Of real monsters? EH? EH? Is vampires real? It's not Merely a Prank? " "Kukuku, yeah. Do you finally it the fear? This IS ALSO quite weak Otsumu it's Difficult. Demerit's stupid you Were beautiful in mind. " Spill the Alcyone honest Opinions. Do you deny That I am weak lies. "And, well, really. And he's the King. Oh, I say yeah Early magic WAS USED from it I'm. This, I stepped into the World of fantasy in this IS a real adventure, finally I really mean. SUCH as, what? Heart IS not ready. At the very least at first Wanted the Slime! " Tyler's confused or Muttering the Words do not know the reason. It IS no use. What's That Mazoku Are Standing in front of. My magic Student trained even Appropriated to the aura of the Mazoku's Swooning. Can not BE USED in Tyler , let Alone ordinary People. And here IS my Work! On the Ground at this time for anything learned at the Magic School! "Tyler says, let's run away! " "Well, Yes. I Took Tyler's hands and crossed the Corridor to Hitachinaka runs. However, in Contrast to the Feeling and TANGLE Foot. Pull out and Consciousness seems distant. My strength IS Close to the limit, I'm still asleep. "Is, IS, IS." "Jessica CHAN, okay? " Worried about Tyler's proud me and staring at me. Were so scared me HAS to Worry about me. I'm still very Nice. Somehow, Tyler's only but want to let him Go. What to do? Alcyone look back Always feels. It Will Play with US Rather than Immediately trying to flee. Magic bullet shooting while Playing with the Alcyone, off guard, but not to Restrain. "Tyler, I somehow Alcyone Stems. "Jessica CHAN, IS and. And, I'm sorry. Hey panic I did. In Spite of my I'm really sorry. "That's not true. Anyway I Shoot magic bullet, Will discouraged him. Please run away in the Meantime. "Jessica CHAN, it's death flag guy !. Absolutely awful. Run away Together. "But the longer I run, so no" "Found it" Tyler's my say and listen and I with Princess, running. Lie! Tyler I got it fast strong, Surprisingly. And we ran like the Wind. "One, run away, run away. submited by fear -? but what ! Is going too fast ! Dude, you're from waiting tann, wait " . Alcyone changed the face and chasing . Apparently it seems surprised by Tyler's Feet I am Appalled by. It's not out of breath one ALSO Holding me Tyler, Quickly opening a window. Even though Might Have Been Holding my fast Bounce up to shoulder. Tyler's leg IS not extraordinary. I think no body Enhancing magic, magic of the upper class to use it where it's fast. Of an Adventurer's name IS Actually Tyler's Become? Adventures of Tyler, I Were! "To the Boobs, what Are you saying? Nope, I just Cook. See, I Have but to Go That fast ... " " well, physical confidence from. " "Is not That description. Cooks just Like-- " 'Chitchit POO !, Jessica CHAN, who fool if you do not. Dishes Are Heavy lifting. Answered by Tyler Explained. Its a SUCH a problem? Yes but not Tyler's. I still say something and suddenly stopped Tyler's. Jessica CHAN "What IS? " "Oh, it's vampires? " Look at Tyler's direction, while Cale WAS one leg Were moved. Without reason, occasionally, like the beast ROAR. "Yes, it WAS a respected Teacher. But at the hands of the Alcyone ... " "So ... It WAS very hard. "Sob !, CAN not Believe it even Now. Teachers so students I WAS going to like That. Awful, awful too. "I'm sorry, again Becoming a vampire. Do not Avoid getting hit. Tyler's say. Sad but I CAN not. Now away from the menace of the Alcyone IS the top priority. "Please do not Suck blood to Tyler's, Alcyone. Blood to BE sucked like That IS a vampire. "Yeah, I know. Do not People who Were vampires in the sense not to Get bitten. " "Ah! I certainly I think so. And do not Consider the Movement seems to Increase physical Abilities, vampires who Were. "BE-, or thereabouts so far Are Iron I. Damaged hands and Feet moving, Would BE a zombie Elements. "The Mazoku IS That Tyler's did you know ?? " "Yes, Elyos MAA Rather than Characteristics of the vampire's. Reincarnation Cheat me with one I Possess the Specialized Knowledge of it. I'd say my only Weapon. And the ten Seechii? I Wonder what does That mean? Special Knowledge. Certainly Tyler says about vampires Would like to know. "Good and wait for Tim, it. I did not think School IS not on this Brother Believe it or not. " "I SAID to Tim's Gate Have? " "Yes , Oh-wait. Bad! Worried about Tim if you HAD too much over time, come to School !? " Possible. Likely worried about Tyler's long time back, come in search of the School. "Or what? " "Jessica CHAN, here's food storage? " "Is the food Storage. So it IS at the back of the Dining room. "Where's the Dining room? " "Dining room IS just at the end of this hallway Turn right. "So, Go there!" 'Yes. But why IS food Storage? " "Get the HA-HA, Vampire weaknesses in Garlic Because" "Garlic? " "Oh, no I Kukanomi That in a World where" "Or IS it a Weakness? " "Yes, Because it IS Typically Garlic IS to vampires. Tyler's AFFIRM in full confidence. KUKA Nomi's weaknesses. KUKA Nomi cuisine IS Frequently at the School cafeteria menu. From stamina with Men like Eating but I Smell too tight and weak. The Alcyone ALSO Are afraid of Kukanomi? Hmm, Alcyone IS I feel like WAS Eating Normally, or HAD to leave REMAIN Undetected or? ... I CAN feel something Different. "Oh, That Tyler's still KUKA Nomi weaknesses and I do not feel" "Jessica CHAN, Believe me! " Just Ah, Tyler, and I met, but HAS Been Gradually Understood this person's character. When this man says a confidence Often misaligned. "At the Tyler, But--" "Jessica CHAN, no time. Managed to Defeat him , and do not join the Tim! " Bummer, I do not Have ears to Hear. Then brought to Tyler Quickly IS Arriving During a food Warehouse in the back Dining room. "To look-or King City Magic School Food Pantry here. Indeed big. And Oh, Helia real far. " Tyler's from Open Shelves in the food Storage Drawers and boxes, looking for Kukanomi. the Also Marriages voice of Admiration or, occasionally, find Rare Ingredients. Per HAS Been Touched with the Ingredients and Cook SAID it seems real. "Okay, I found. It IS! Good " "Its a really? ..." "Yes, I'm Jessica chan-" KUKA Nomi from Tyler's. And the peculiar Kukanomi Odour. I KUKA Nomi make a Soft hand. No hard free Ingredients but not Soft or even bumpy. No threat and Defeat monsters with this. "Good? Throwing Together this guy comes in. " "Oh, That Tyler's. Should I Consider Another Strategy-- " "And I WAS , They've come " Says Tyler's Alcyone Gasping for breath and Catching up. "Is, IS the only ?! Trickles of flowed fast he IS. But Cornered. "Buy it Now! " It's all or nothing from Tyler's cues, for this reason! My UTMOST, hurling KUKA Nomi to Alcyone. But I Threw Kukanomi IS a parabola WAS just drips to the Ground. It IS Useless. You CAN not even Focus on Alcyone's before I force in KUKA Nomi. I discouraged and "To Avoid the oh oh !! " Suddenly, the room During death throes Frantic voice Sounds. It's Kukanomi WAS Released from Tyler's show and WAS hit on the shoulder of the Alcyone. Embedding Kukanomi on the shoulder of the Alcyone, Were hit in the Ball WAS sinking . Dorori and blood IS Dripping from the shoulder to Subside. "To the great ... I got Tyler Warrior " "Not a Warrior. So SAID KUKA Nomi's point. "Yes, but it's the power of the KUKA Nomi? " "So I'm. But the image he happy! and I HAD Images of Melting. The difference Between Theory and Practice IS so far? " Is good. Force Technology HAD SAID the force one of Tyler's look but it seems ... "Why, why, why, and what you and? The Mere human taste! Is, WAS, and son Licking! " Alcyone off of slack smile, WAS changed to the Facial Expressions of Outrage. And the horrible. This IS a Mazoku Serious pressure? Dark Bloodlust not Weighed and human malice. I Clung to the arm of Tyler's fear. "The, the, kill! Tsukeagari's you, do I WAS Playing. Just a straighter. Sipping blood alive, WAS tearing his body! " The voice, start I and tremble. Tyler's seems trembling in fear of the Alcyone. "Yes, I missed
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Chapter 2 at the attack at the third story ", Jessica and beautiful blond girl,"
"wow they are dangerous! Suddenly something!"
"ah, unexpected poise that is not sharp. To avoid the" suddenly was the cue for Al savage rare ... tea at the躱razor-thin Avoid too great, now seems to be a little too al Kuehne surprised Just a joke "stop me Teacher -! Al Kuehne Cosplay

. Suddenly magic Transformation IS USED Why the Sudden ... "
"chuckle, still do not understand the situation Look at all the tail club."
"become dull and blunt force," he said in tail club I just -!! I say it is language teacher "The tea is too rare to be red in the face. tail club dull SAID in his head like That. Yeah, well this IS all That the cue point there. It IS this sense of Crisis. Too Tea, Rare, not Feeling the pressure of a demon? Anyway, the current status of rare tea now understand how dangerous the early not naughty. "tea, rare, there is no such case. The guy who hit vampire demon. To kill us!" "vampire? The demon? Saying what? Scolded by the teacher from what you do not say such " off, what this guy! The situation WAS tense.

How carefree and out of you, Mr. Bush tea Rare expression. It WAS not clear to me. "is real! It was almost killed my best friend , I have it! " "...... Well, really?" "charm. The joke did not disguise the magic that I really" rare tea again, and his face was observed by the cue. Well then ... I "to ah !

The demon IS really? What? What? It IS a real vampire? Tags, or not? "Yes,
"chuckle. At last, or fear. It is quite weak tail club of trouble. Spill frank opinions that" al cue you stupid beautifully, but I like him. I am not, I am no lie. Well, well, well, "... Really ... As the capital. Oh, oh, you can use the magic from the beginning what it says. This IS the real adventure

Finally I truly set Foot in a fantasy World. But, what I SHOULD do? Not ready. At least INITIALLY confused if I Wanted to, but " slime from cavity are rare, murmured words I do not understand. It IS not very well. What you Are in That Appear before your eyes. I trained the Student in the demon aura I Fainted.

Rare tea more than ordinary People CAN BE not normal. And I'm here! To move at a time like this in the magic school for what you learn! Mr. "rare tea, let's run away!" Yes, I "" rare tea's hands, as it is to the corridor. However, in spite of their feet feel dizzy and tangled. It is because the consciousness out of it. My strength is close to the limit, it could not run away. ", huh, huh

I "
"Jessica, OK?" In a rare tea, too worried me to stare at me. So I was afraid of my worries me. Be friendly to me. I want to escape, but only some tea. What up? Al Kuehne of eyes is always in the back. Flee to catch, but now we have to play. Al Kuehne playing . off guard During a magic bullet to Shoot off Too Thank you, Mr. "Rare managed to Stave off al Kuehne"
"Jessica, I will be happy And I'm sorry Just a panic Older:... I'm afraid I can not do, "
"real. Anyway I have to check a magic bullet shooting. In the meantime,"
"Jessica escape, it's dead. Absolutely not. But"
"escape together, so I do not run so"
"it is found"

.!.. Mr. tea Rare to Hear my Words, and pop princess hug me Lie too What a surprise to Rare tea to pull, it IS fast Take steady and run like the Wind . "chuckle escape escape And what is fear - ? The too fast! Hey, wait, wait, you Get something! "But too al Kuehne chasing him in the face. I mean it's Rare tea at amazing speed. I WAS shocked.

The Rare tea with me at once and run up the stairs one out of breath. To hold that it was so quick to bounce with me to ... The strength of the tea is not too rare. Body magic, I do not think I'll leave it at this speed to the upper class. Adventure is a rare entity name is actually up to? Do not "rare tea" "Adventurer, Hungry, I know what you mean? What do

But, I Have to Cook "
", I can run so fast."
" well, not because the physical "
. "confident that will be described The only cook Jessica, this is"
"-. click, you should not be a fool to cook for you You say you work for food, tea" so rare. ?. Wow, SUCH a problem Too Funny, I like tea When I say something, Yet

. The Rare tea suddenly stopped What do you "Jessica Chan" "" Vampire, is it? "Pointed at the tea -? too rare to see Mr Kale, dragging one foot while moving. The reason is not occasional, roar like a beast. Yes, "... Teacher respected ... However, in the Al Kuehne hand ..." "so ... It" " glaze, I still CAN not Believe.

So Teachers think That students who Were to BE ... Sorry, but I "
"too much, now has become a vampire. It's as rare as" cavity so as not to have to say. .. Not only sad Now let it escape from Al Kuhne's hand Mr. "rare tea, Al Kuehne so as not to suck blood Vampires Suck the blood to be that way will be." ":. Yeah, I know

In That sense, it is indeed he was, "
"should so as not to be bitten by a vampire. After the"
"'s person to like a vampire in the physical ability and pay attention on the rise, it should not be about that of a steel plate . If the damage is moving around like a zombie, some elements that do not appear to "
"rare tea, you know?" Yeah, well, rather than
"vampires and monsters Characteristics. You Cheat me in Reincarnation, I Have a Special knowledge. and As good as ~Echi~i " tomboyish, me and my only weapon? What do you mean? Special knowledge too. Rare indeed for tea, know about vampires. "still standing by Tim was good. But I think this school in the den and become the " "Tim, I was in the front, right" Yes, I? "wait ah.

Bad If you Take the time to BE too, Tim !?. " concerned may come to school Rare long -. tea if you do not come back, it is likely to come to school. What do you '? " "Jessica Chan, the food here, do you?" "food? The inner part of the dining room and then is" "restaurant where ? "At the end of the corridor , "just where the restaurant is right around the" "" "yes, I Go there. But

Why do you store food? "
"ha-ha, you get"
"garlic garlic is one of the vampire weaknesses? "Oh, it
"in this world and I called it Kukanomi"
"weaknesses?" Yes,
"vampire garlic to be because" rare tea to confidently declare. Kukanomi weaknesses too. In the school cafeteria menu of frequently used to Kukanomi cuisine. And from That Male stamina, but I liked to eat

I Have a tight and Bad Smell. But at Kukanomi al Kuehne too? Well, um, I think I like al Kuehne eat, and remained so or not? Well ... I feel like something different. Oh, that "rare tea, but I do not think Kukanomi weaknesses" "Jessica, Believe me!" Oh, well, I just saw his tea, and this character WAS found.

This IS Usually When People Are . brimming with confidence ", tea, rare," ":.!. Jessica, in no time Try and beat Tim joined him" No, you do not have to listen Tea was brought in, and rare in the cafeteria to arrive at the food store. The food at the school of magic "love here. Like the big. Oh, I have to" of SEED Layer

She IS looking for a Rare tea Kukanomi open image zoom in and out of the shelf food storage box. Occasionally , also known as the exclamation of rare to find food. Like real food and cooking are moved around said. ", find it. It is fine. Well, that is" "..." Yes, "receive Kukanomi Jessica, you" rare tea. With the unique Kukanomi Acrid odor.

I make sure to Save Kukanomi hand in hand. It is not hard, rough not only soft food. This is used to appear before it is little. "? He comes at all, I" ". that rare tea Thank you" , "better - the thought of another, came as" says Al -. Ti rare cue up out of breath "!. himself, huh, huh His running away fast

But I "
"down now! "Too rare signs of tea, if the chance! I throw at al cue with as much as Kukanomi force. But it was only Kukanomi I threw down any drawing rotary parabolic and on the ground. It's too bad ... You can not even to Kukanomi on Al cue is my strength before the effect will be. I, "ingredients Oh A~tsu~tsu discouraged!" Well, all of a Sudden death IS a childish voice Resounded through the room.

Emitted from tea and Kukanomi rare when it hit the cue of the shoulder. In the Kukanomi Kuehne shoulder to collapse, as if to hit the ball. Is caved in from the shoulder Dorori dripping with blood. The great "... As a rare tea was a warrior up is not" "warrior. So Kukanomi his weakness and you " ", this Kukanomi power?" ". Well,

When the image IS Melted into the image and it WAS. The Theory and Practice That IS not as real " ? Just force them to it's rare tea to force things look too, but ... Yes, it's ",,,,, what? The only human taste! A, huh, a licking!" From Al Kuehne of margin, in fierce anger. You, too. This is real or fictional strain. At

At this dark and Heavy blood in Different human harm. I Have to Watch horror Rare from the cavity. Huh, huh, "kill! Oh, and if you do not get in here. Just kill. Alive blood and tear to me! "Its voice and start to shake. It's rare tea trembling in fear of the cue. Now, "escape

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