Exam Stage 1 examiner is Sai.
First it is a true/false question where candidates need to stand on either the True stage or False stage.
Then Sai tells them the correct answer is 'the one not in black' before dropping candidates on both stages on an ink pit.
The real exam is whether the candidates can avoid falling into the ink so the ones who fall are out.
After knowing his son has passed stage 1, Naruto sends him an email to congrat him lol
Sasuke teaches Boruto how to use the Itachi style shuriken throwing skill.
Exam Stage 2 is steal the opposing team's flag.
Team Konohamaru VS a team of twins
All 3 members of the twins team move to steal the flag, leaving a genjutsu trap to protect their flag. In addition, all of them can use Kage Bunshin.
Just when Boruto is about to lose, he uses the devices to unleash a Suiton and a Raiton. At the same time, Sarada uses Sharingan to dispel the enemy genjutsu trap and get the flag.
Chocho uses Baika no Jutsu to take her enemy's flag. Metal Lee loses because his teammates are noobs.
Bee VS Momoshiki
Bee uses Bijudama but Momoshiki reflects it with his Rinnegan palm.
Momoshiki extracts Hachibi from Bee. (The blogger is not sure if Bee is killed.)