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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Bunch 垃圾 掉在 human feeding before Zhi 貓咪, 這位 good heart woman officer 拿回 house culture, always 很生 气每 heaven "call heaven 搶地 large yelled" 貓咪 慢慢 growing large completion time, one large contact 捉貓 咪的 human capital 會被 bite, master 請來 one this after We needed 讀大 University 從美 China 來的 animal psychiatry 醫生, 醫好 貓咪, 醫生 對主 human 說你 做錯 completion, 貓咪 growth period 已經 manned one half 腦袋 basis, other non-physical before Zhi 貓咪 說你, master 說是 呀! factor because of management 貓咪 樣貓 咪 one 值住 airborne bunch back 呀! reason 沒有 time, Target good 對你 Shi husband .... discourse 貓咪 sum stride nursing home out 醫生 就拿, 貓咪 calm earthy hand husband 對好 completed after this
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Cat's 咪 Hiroyuki before feeding people 掉 standing 垃 圾 bunch, コショウ # good heart woman worker tuina House, cat's 咪 pride pride growth big completion time always 很 raw 气 per-heaven "call ­ heaven 搶 away big screaming", welding captured Friday-咪 Metropolitan society of occlusal one large population, Hiroyuki after masters redemption NAE place 從 美國 NAE of animal spirit, Department of medical ­ students, medical good Friday 咪, medical students of master editorial 你 make complex completion, cat's 咪 growth period 已經 manned a partly computer bag, cat's 咪 editorial 你 Hiroyuki before ­ sono, master editorial correction 呀! attributed to we on Yomiuri University 呀! why submerged utilizes between physical cat's 咪 like cat's 咪 one value housing standing empty bunch behind, medical ­ raw on tuina out SeeThru SNI region Kazuo cat's 咪 discourse. Master Shi ' 你-like, Hiroyuki after cat's 咪 serenity area master ' good Mahjong
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Is 醫生對主人 whether bunch, 這位好心女士拿回家養 are 的人都會被咬一大口, 之後主人請來一位從美國來的動物精神科醫 - life, 醫好 whether is 之前給人掉在 whether 慢慢成長大了時常很生气 is sky "call - 天搶地大叫", 接捉; is 是呀 之前 - non-law of nature others, the master 成長期間已經有人的一半腦袋 做錯了!因為我要讀大學呀!Is 樣 whether is 所以沒有時間理; best; is house a living-in-unoccupied chamber back, 醫 - 生就拿出看家本領和; is by theory....主人是對 is 之後 of the enthusiast; is 平静地和主人對好了
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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