ナリサ様(TO Narisa SAN)訳お願いします。----- Original Message ----- From:

ナリサ様(TO Narisa SAN)訳お願いします。----- Or

ナリサ様(TO Narisa SAN)


----- Original Message -----
From: "簗田圭介"
To: "山田 武"
Cc: "渡辺純" ; "正岡順一" ; "深瀬 昭治 様"
Sent: Tuesday, October 08, 2013 3:07 PM
Subject: 納期回答フォーマットに関して

> 山田GM殿
> お世話様です。
> 掲題件、間に合えば今回から適用して戴きたいのですが、
> 【お願い】
> 今後、納期回答フォーマットを受信する際は、添付の新しいMenuファイルを御使用願います。
> 当該新規フォーマットでデータ送受信や全拠点の数値まとめを行うことになっているためです。
> 今までとの相違は…
> ・優先フラグが月別に表示されます(10月”20”だが11月は無印、等)。
> ・最上段にdailyのsum値=合計が表示されます。
> ・日付の表示が二段になります。フィルタ機能を使いやすくするため。
> 他拠点と当地では受信可能であることが確認できていますが、もしも技術的な問題で
> 使用不可能であれば、お知らせ下さい。
> 取り急ぎお願いまで。
จาก: -
เป็น: -
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Narisa like (TO Narisa SAN)

and translation please.

----- Original message -----
from: "fish trap field Keisuke"
to: "Takeshi Yamada"
cc: "Jun Watanabe" ; "Masaoka Junichi" ; "Fukase Shoji like"
sent : For format

> Mr. Yamada gm Promise
: 08, 2013 3:07 pm
subject tuesday, october> It is like care.
> And I'd like you to apply from this title review, if Maniae but, [please]>

> In the future, when it receives a promising format, please use the new menu file attached.
> This is because it is supposed to do the numerical summary of all sites and send and receive data in the new format.
> Difference with until now (no mark, such as in November but in October "20") will be displayed in the month is ...
>-priority flag.
> · Sum value = sum of daily appears at the top.
>-Date display will be two stage. For ease of use the filter function.
> That can be received here in the other sites have been confirmed, but if not available>
technical problems, then the please let us know.
> To give me hasten.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
ナリサ person (TO Narisa SAN)

why thank you.

- - - - - Original Message - - - - -
From: "T.Odate, Keisuke" < yanada@casio.co.jp >
To: "Takeshi Yamada" < yamadat@yamagata.casio.co.jp >
Cc: "Jun Watanabe" < watanabe-jun@casio.co.jp >; Masaoka order one, < masaoka@casio.co.jp >; "Fukase and Shoji-like", < fukases@yamagata.casio.co.jp >
Sent: Tuesday, October 08, 2013 3:07 PM
Subject: delivery times for answers < new > format

> Yamada GM of
> Care is like.
> Listed problems from the catch from this applying crowned a want, but
> [ask]
> receiving a future delivery date response format please use the new Menu file attachment.
> Is supposed to make summary numbers for sending and receiving data and all of its bases in the new format.
> Differences and ever...
>-priority flag is displayed by month ( 10-20 but is 11-unbranded, etc ).
>-Daily sum value = total is displayed at the top.
>, Date display will be staged. For ease of use the filter function.
> In if technical problems that can be received in other locations and this place has been determined, but
>, if not available, please let us know.
> Until just a quick note, please.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
I ask for ナリサ-like (TONarisaSAN)


----- OriginalMessage-----
From:" weel field Keisuke "<yanada@casio.co.jp>
To:" Takeshi Yamada "<yamadat@yamagata.casio.co.jp>
Cc:" Jun Watanabe "<watanabe-jun@casio.co.jp>;" Junichi Masaoka "<masaoka@casio.co.jp>;" Shoji Fukase "<fukases@yamagata.casio.co.jp>
Sent: Tuesday, October 08, 2013 It is

> Yamada GM
> about an answer <new> format on the 3:07PM
Subject: appointed date of delivery
> Thank you for your help.
> Want to apply it from this time if 掲題件 is enough,; but
> [a request]
> Please use an attached new Menu file in future when I receive an answer format on the appointed date of delivery.
> The reason is because it is to perform data transmission and reception and the numerical value summary of all footholds with the new format concerned.
> As for the difference until now, a flag given priority is displayed ...
> according to the moon (but it is 20 "" in October, November, no mark).
> A sum value = total of daily is displayed by ・ stairhead.
> The indication of the ・ date becomes two steps. To make it easy to use the filter function.
> I can confirm that I can receive it here with the other foothold, but please inform it if it is a technical problem, and it is
> uselessness.
> Please hurry.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ภาษาอื่น ๆ
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