最近、全く更新もなければ今後の予定もなんらかの出演なり、なんなりのご報告もしてないできない状況におかれているのは、諸事情がありまして汗汗汗  การแปล - 最近、全く更新もなければ今後の予定もなんらかの出演なり、なんなりのご報告もしてないできない状況におかれているのは、諸事情がありまして汗汗汗  อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด


これまた腫れるところが顔面というのがガッツリ拍車で汗汗 知人さん!付き合い悪くなったわけじゃないですからね!
とりあえず、、、皆さん、復活したら飲みましょう。しばらく連絡ねーのに急に連絡してきたな。と思わないでくださいね!笑 完治したらおそらく芽生えるであろうこの病床ストレスをガッツリ発散したいと思います。
今は完全にNGです笑 いくら加工アプリつかってツルツルッシュ!っとリタッチしてもダメです笑
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
最近、全く更新もなければ今後の予定もなんらかの出演なり、なんなりのご報告もしてないできない状況におかれているのは、諸事情がありまして汗汗汗 このほどTwitterなどSNSのメッセージで心配する声が多くなってきたのでご報告をかねて投稿しておきます。っというのは実のところワンマンはガンガン鬼シャドーで隠すように化粧で誤摩化してたのですが(それなのにめっちゃくちゃカッコつけてごめんね笑)、先月末より喉ぼとけの上顎の下に良性で全く健康に害のないレベルですがかなり大きい腫瘍ができてしまっていて、実のところ年始のライブ以降早速病院にかかったとこガッツリ入院必須の全身麻酔の摘出手術(要)と診断されてしまい、、、orz病気なんて気合いと抗生物質で治るもんだとおもってただけに心身ともにひっくり返ってました。それからの精密検査も含めて連日しかもフルタイムでの通院で帰宅後は静養しての心労でただじっとしているのがもはや至福と思えるくらい参っていました。おまけに最初の病院手術までの段取りをたてて通院していたわけではなく4軒目の病院で治療することを決めたのですが、それまでの3つの病院をはしごする繰り返しが更に精神的に負担をかけたみたいで、、、イメージ的に言うと朝8時に病院行って診察して別日にMRIとって別日に診察にいってみたいなのだけで3日潰れるとしてそれ×4みたいなしかも平日オンリーみたいな。紹介してもらったすっごい良い病院が良い病院+お医者様であるだけに手術が3月まで予約なのでえーーー、、、水野さん3月の一周目どうすか?・・・とか、あの、、、お医者さん、、、俺一応、、、顔出す仕事やねん・・・春まで仕事できひんやん、、、と心でグってこらえて長いので別あたります・・・っと汗汗ほんで別かといってはあー、、これ、ウチじゃできないんで紹介状書くのでこちらの大学病院日あらためて行ってください等。ようするに新年早々ワンマン以外はホントSINだけに罰があたったのかって日々でした笑 上記の病院トークは体おかしい人なら別に当たり前の話ですな、私情の話をすると今まで完全なる能天気な健康ハッピー野郎であった私、B型のSINでございますが、健康状態に問題がおきると人間面白い物で、プライベートの話をすると全く「欲」という「欲」から発散行為、たとえば全然遊んでないな、、、知人さんと遊びたい!連絡してみよ、や、よーし今日は飲むぞぅ!誰か暇なやついるかな、や、知人さん○○日暇?飯いこうぜ!やラインで知人さんとたわいもない会話以上の結局のところ予定を組むまで等々は一切できず、ワンマン後の仕事はもちろん静養優先という状況で、これまた情けない話ですが所属事務所関係各位に病気完治まで静養させてくださいとお願いせざる終えない状況でして・・・病気が及ぼす社会からの断絶、そして社交性の劣化からの職務影響、精神のストップ具合、もー勘弁! ようやく来週に全摘手術の日程が決まって数日の入院ののち大復活するのですが、1月は早朝から夕方まで連日相当時間費やしていた診療診察を乗り越えて、手術から完治までのスケジュールと見込みが出来て(先ほど担当医から手術直前でもしかしたら直前で術法変更するかもしれないからそしたら、手術延期するかもよ!って言われて一瞬またガク,,,orzってなりかけたけど・・・)ってホッと出来たのでこの度投稿に至りました。 いやぁー、外見が大幅に変わって(悪い意味よw!)わかるほど腫瘍の腫れができたもので、こんなんじゃロックもクソもへったくれも飲んだくれもなんもできねー・・・しょっぼーーーんωと憂鬱とはまた違った、健康状態が悪いが故の憂鬱さを感じて常日頃生きています、、、ひゃーすごい面白い精神状況ですね。
これまた腫れるところが顔面というのがガッツリ拍車で汗汗 知人さん!付き合い悪くなったわけじゃないですからね!
とりあえず、、、皆さん、復活したら飲みましょう。しばらく連絡ねーのに急に連絡してきたな。と思わないでくださいね!笑 完治したらおそらく芽生えるであろうこの病床ストレスをガッツリ発散したいと思います。
今は完全にNGです笑 いくら加工アプリつかってツルツルッシュ!っとリタッチしてもダメです笑
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Recently, completely unless also update is also some appearances scheduled in the future, what Nari
of the of your report has also been placed in that can not be the situation does not, the sweat sweat sweat if there are circumstances
recently to worry about on Twitter, such as SNS message Since the voice has become much to leave posts serve as your report. Ttoiu of the one-man fact I had been sown false in makeup to hide in the pounding demon shadow but (and yet smile sorry wearing Metchakucha parentheses), benign under the upper jaw of Oke and pot throat than the end of last month in have gone can you level you, but fairly large tumor harmless exactly healthy, at the beginning of the year of live since immediately Toko took to the hospital Gattsuri hospitalization required general anesthesia of surgical removal of the real (required) would be diagnosed with ,,, orz disease What a just thought I had really backs heal in fighting spirit and an antibiotic to it had turned over to the body and mind. It every day And by thorough examination, including from the after returning home at the hospital in full-time and had wreck and much is seem longer and bliss are you still be the anxiety of to rest just. Although bonus to I decided to be treated at the hospital of 4 hotels eyes does not mean were visits make a setup of up to the first hospital surgery, repeatedly to ladder the three hospitals up to it more mentally burden it × 4 like a moreover, as collapse and only in three days of such want to go to medical examination to another date by taking MRI to another date like in by examination to go ,,, image speaking, and in the morning at 8 o'clock hospital multiplied weekdays only I like. Introducing to ask was Omg good hospital is good hospital + Dr. Classen a only to surgery if first lap of the reservation of Nodeeーーー,,, Mizuno's March to March Suka is? Toka ..., you hit another so that ,,, long holding back Te jerk in can Hin yan ,,, and mind work to doctor ,,, work Ya Ninen ... spring issue I once ,,, face to say whether another with sweat sweat just Innovation ... uh ,, this, etc. Please go here University Hospital date again because write letter of introduction Nde not be'm within.
In short New Year early did smile every day me what other man was hit punishment only in really SIN
above hospital talk is a separately commonplace talk if body funny people Na, when you talk about personal feelings perfect performance weather healthy until now I it was a happy guy, but there a B-type SIN of, by human interesting thing a problem occurs in healthy state, when a private talk quite divergent act from "greed" of "greed", for example, I do not playing at all ,,, I want to play with the acquaintance's! I'll try to contact, and, Okay today is Nomuzo~u! Wonder if anyone spare guy there, and, free time acquaintance Mr. ○○ Date? Rice go Uzes! You can not so absolutely to Crossed acquaintance's also no conversation more after all scheduled silly in and line, in the context of the work, of course recuperate priority after the one-man, and illness in this also is a pathetic story, but the agency relationship Dear In was the situation that it is not finished but to ask and please let rest until healed break from society on the ... disease, and duties impact from the sociability of deterioration, the spirit of the stop condition, mode pardon!
Finally it is to large revival after a hospitalization of several days been decided schedule of all摘手surgery next week, but January is beyond the medical examination that has been spent considerable time every day until the evening from early morning, and the schedule of up to cure from surgery prospect is made ​​(Then I can because it may be operative method change just before it maybe just before surgery from just attending physician, for a moment it is said to me by MAY surgery postponed! Also I was about to become me calyx ,,, orz ...) Now that you have relieved me was led to this time post.
Iya, and in which appearance was able to swelling of the tumor as it is seen changed significantly (bad meaning by w!), 'S this do lock also shit also Hettakure also drank me also what can also Ne shot pot andーーーN ... and ω and melancholy was also different, but health is bad you live my daily life to feel the melancholy of therefore ,,, HyaーIt is amazing interesting spirit situation.
This also swelling where sweat sweat acquaintance's in Gattsuri spur is that face! I because I'm not socializing became worse!
Well ,,, I think that the this also want to Rokkenro as possible after complete recovery banged dropped Gattsuri to the 2015 further growth as Yakuotoshi! After Gattsuri cure so we think it's probably ridiculously harbinger of good events will come to you I'm going to activities with confidence.
~ Of being healthy and I and was led to the post not Tweeted recently from people of fans? Specific to the to come to get a lot, and ~'m Ou healthy in Futatsuhenji! Physical condition is bad though said that if I even bad tone not even an ordinary returns to do the so-called entertainment basis Tteyuu over! Please do not worry even sweat sweat because it was the situation that does not return descriptor because too real me!
Anyway ,,, everyone, let's drink When resurrected. I've been contact suddenly to Ne contact for a while. Please do not think! After cure lol probably sprout and I would like to smash dissipate this sickbed stress.
Also would be lowered further happiness of hurdles, but sparrow has become a man, such as lead to unwind just glimpse the behavior that digging holes in the sand in the tail feathers, and in the success of acquaintance now by watching the Fb It was hard from the bottom of my heart even! While watching the New Year of your travel photos of you can think that it would be unwind. It much has turned into positive human. Frequently Asked guy personality changes in sick!
<< >> After early, but I extirpation as next week ahead, because there is no no general anesthesia experience of chatter I are very scared. Person of experience, it is at all Heki you say doctor'm like a the'm not with this side w please tell me experience I learned in the context of (patient w)
because too face photo in before after after cure! ! !
Now will use completely is NG laughs much processing app slick ~Tsu shoe! Innovation is useless lol If you retouch
the time being photo laughs at my normal premorbid
After do not can ,,, own take by Tteyuu, preoperative wait only of Gutten as it is is a situation ,,, resurrected original bird. Over that I'll be working in a 100-fold
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Recently, update and future plans have appeared, some of what goes on at the situation could not have a voice in sweat and sweat in Twitter such as this message has to worry about SNS post I report it. Actually, I hide in the Shadow Fiend at the sound of the makeup man to deceive them, I'm sorry, but it is very cool and I (laughs)By the end of last month's throat benign maxillary under the Adam's apple is no harm to health level is quite a large tumor, I can actually live in the year after the hospital immediately with general anesthesia for surgery to remove the hospitalization (CM) and so,,,, in both mind and body as he is sick and I could shout be cured with antibiotics.It is from the close examination including daily and full time at home and the rest is just worry that I still feel much longer and bliss. In addition to the first hospital outpatient surgery to setup did not decide to four of the treatment in the hospital, but it is up to the Third Hospital of the ladder to repeat more mental burden to like,,,An image that morning at 8 o'clock in the day to see going on another MRI hospital for examination, such as only a few days to collapse and the like, and it is only on weekdays. A very good introduction to get a good hospital - hospital doctor only in March to the ER -- since March around the eyes, how about Mizuno? ,,,,,,,, I'm a doctor, and the face of work, and can work until spring,,,And so long to go back to another and another and all the sweat and, uh, this is not my house, so write this letter of introduction, go again. Only in the early in the new year at the man but I SIN punishment upon which I was at the hospital every day in this funny talk to another person the body naturally enough to talk, and you will ever completely thoughtless bastard, I was happy, healthy, and B type, SINHealth problems caused by human and interesting to talk to, private, and "" "", for example, from the divergence action at all, do not play, wants to play with friends! Contact, and drink, and むぞぅ today! A snack, and leisure, an acquaintance who has on time? Rice, let's go! In line with such an acquaintance or to form a schedule more than chatting at the end of the conversation, in any situation, of course, that the rest after a one-man job priorityThis story is a miserable situation is not finished, please have a rest and to whom it may concern in offices belonging to cure to illness and disease, the impact on social work and social from the deterioration of the mental condition, stop, please forgive! At the last week of the operation schedule determined total hospitalization days after the resurrection, but from January morning over the medical examination to spend time every day until the evening,The operation cannot be expected to schedule and complete recovery from previous doctors before the surgery (and maybe just before the operation to change the law or not, and then from the surgery was postponed. Said also said that for over 2 orz I was so relieved that leads to this post. Wow, look at you changed significantly (w ill!) As can be seen in the swelling of the tumor, canIf you like rock shit hell with drunkards nor do I can be... And thank you for uploading. Omega, melancholy and different health status is bad because of the depression to always feel alive, the spirit is the great accomplishment. At this the swell in the spur of CM and facial acquaintance's sweat! Don't you become a bad relationship. Well,,,.I want to take a ロッケンロー can be completely cured after cm and fall further this exorcism! Perhaps I can because I think it is a good sign that can take and peace after cm was completely cured. At the post of people has not recently tweeted fans cheer you to? A lot of it so as to give a, oh well!Even with a so-called bad entertainment, but not in the usual or even in such bad shape, thank you! Don't worry about your sweat in the situation that the real return リプ too and it was! At first, everyone, let's have it. While in contact with you in it. And don't think! I think you are completely healed in the bud will want to release this cm bed stress. AtThe drops of happiness, but further hurdle was that man be only a glimpse of digging a hole in the sand as you will see, ホッコリ Fb that now even the success of his work from the bottom of my heart! Of or at the end of the year, and it will be ホッコリ while watching trip photos. Positive as it has become human. The disease is often changes his personality! At (after) oh yeahIs extracted as ahead of next week, the chatter of the general anesthesia, so I am not quite it. Experience of the doctor's ヘーキ is absolutely not like this (patients) of a situation in which knows please tell me too facial w photos before, after, after cure!!! At what is now completely NG laughs with smooth processing app! I cannot but laugh to retouch photo at right now laughing at me in front ofThat is, the "self, cannot wait before surgery, and thank you for a conduit of the situation, but the former is restored. Thank you for 100 times and activities
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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