In black rain Kimi wet so as not
become a white raincoat
I want to protect you
so that it is not struck by the loneliness of rain
turned to happy umbrella
sky dirty I want to intercept 20xx year suddenly appeared monster is a lot of stuff depriving went broke went monster extermination is intensified after remaining of the rough town and had debris of nuclear warheads nothing never been one of such gas mask over the declining further multi further詳盡lyrics standing ※ magic mirror lyrics network Oh also dirty rain clouds came so that you're in black rain not get wet , "become a white raincoat," I want to protect you so that it is not struck by the loneliness of rain "is the happy umbrella" empty dirty I want to intercept here is a safe cynical smile of news caster in grunge world where the screw is out Kimi a can save kana? crying to protect the kid monster rage "become ultra-Men" Suppose soothing liar to protect Kimi politicians "become a dictator," trying to death
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