集計から ho 赤犬ジャック ・ コリンズが再びそれを行って集計集計軍に集計方法ことができます自分自身コリンズ夫妻ジャック ・ コリンズとラ การแปล - 集計から ho 赤犬ジャック ・ コリンズが再びそれを行って集計集計軍に集計方法ことができます自分自身コリンズ夫妻ジャック ・ コリンズとラ อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

集計から ho 赤犬ジャック ・ コリンズが再びそれを行って集計集計軍

集計から ho 赤犬ジャック ・ コリンズが再びそれを行って集計集計軍に集計方法ことができます自分自身コリンズ夫妻ジャック ・ コリンズとライブの犬を与えたいひどい臭いを行い敵の敵陸軍送信集計が実行モーリーンが集計すると言う染めたから逃れるためには悪い犬集計を見上げるモーリーンの集計について赤犬に集計 1 つ黄色い眼があり、振った集計された唯一の歳集計された有名な集計が立ち上がって、ドアのジャックに行って食べるジャックと集計することができますを実行しているうち、大板のいくつかを得るため軍男ジャックを集計と後部座席に移動した集計を入れ、宿泊は言った、タリー空港ジャックでフロント シートに集計ジャンプ tat 車から集計し、タリー家の 7 つの km.to を実行は、集計を行った車が動いていたときを待って到着ホームの集計水を飲むとツリー集計ウェイク アップと集計と思うが散歩に行き下のレイアウトを動かす小さな集計は夜に行く夜の集計にカンガルーとジャックは言った集計徒歩モーリーンと述べた 1 日集計できません戻ってくるが、最終集計が戻ってくるために行く 3 日前の集計戻ってくる集計ジャケットが汚れていたが、集計する満足のモーリーンとジャック ダンパーに parabudo を移動する必要が非常に熱いタヴェル ハードそれ彼らは朝、15 kilometter の集計に行く 350 kilometter 取得悪臭と車を停止しなければならなかったジャックと車集計からジャックにタリー自身が快適なジャック愛新しい友人を作るために新しい場所を見ることによって、世界を見ている場所から場所への旅行を作り私ダンピア ジャックとモーリーン生きて彼のほとんどの時間集計 1 日目の walkeabout集計を取る夜のジャックをそこに家族の多くがあるバーベキュー、肉料理の素晴らしい豊かな香りはすぐに集計があったビーチでラムのジャックをつかんだ彼はバーベキューに実行を停止する集計の襟の集計を知らなかった彼はタリーは、彼の帰りを見つけることができるし、彼は彼らの夕食を盗む彼の犬について怒っている男性に話を望んでいない知っている rad 犬呼び出し一人を見て集計を知っていた人々 のいずれか赤犬ジョンとナンシーのモーリーンは、彼女とは思わないと述べた集計が戻ってくるし、ジャックは、モーリーンこの時間集計されて幅員時間集計された長い彼らの犬の集計だったより多くの時間離れてジャック当該集計の支出を移動する彼はタッカー集計ネイバーが空腹し、ジャックは言った彼が確かに集計を見つける方法を知っているすべての権利が人生を彼ジャック彼のような人々 のような 1 つの場所に滞在する興味深いものを発見したとモーリーンが、彼は、任意の体を愛していないいつか犬は本当に誰かを愛するし、その人はの彼らのトゥーレの友人 Damoier は孤独な男性の彼にとっては非常にラッキー。新しい家族と彼らは、それはよかったと述べた検索の集計ストローク テレビ彼らのように犬を飼っても彼らは彼らは新しい家族の本当の名前を集計しすぐに彼は新しい名前「赤犬」にだけ呼び出し集計と集計は実は赤犬ジョンは半分マオリと言われて誰も知っている集計のための特別な肉を買ったテレビに食べ物を与える誰も友達だった彼は小さくて若いジョンは、集計上、是非彼を振ったと言ったと彼の愛動物を 1 日彼はダンピア彼の集計または通りで赤犬を見るとき、彼の笑顔し行ったダウン 1 つの膝の上を呼び出すちょっと集計と集計または赤い犬を停止するここにいる少年と彼を見て背の高い尻尾がやって来て、ジョンをつかんだ彼の右の足の集計でドライバーと集計の座っている別のジョンに彼の人生になる知っています。座席バス ナンシー灰色の見知らぬ人得だった新しい町ナンシーは秘書だったし、彼女はバスを集計や赤犬について知りません 1 日は完全席犬は、彼らは何が起こるかを確認するそれをちょうどがあったとナンシーの集計を見て距離を再度集計よりも彼女を見上げるし、ナンシーは言った悪い犬の集計をバスの中で男性と笑い始めた彼の歯彼女とナンシー ナンシーを失うようなものを望んでいないこれらの人を表示する、集計シート次集計や赤犬の端に非常に慎重に座ってナンシーを逃げて行く彼女の集計を待っていた彼の隣に座るナンシーと集計と Nancyy は多くの人々 は、集計または赤犬の横に座ることができます友人だった、ナンシーだったそれらの 1 つでない未婚女性が多かった映画の夜この日ダンピアは、男性の多くを持ってナンシーおよび彼女のようなジョンに興味を持ってあまりにも集計やダイバー ジョン後ろの席で赤犬とナンシー ・ シットに微笑んだナンシーと彼らは集計を指示し始めたジョンや赤犬とジョンに戻る彼女は微笑んで言ったそれら両方は少し笑った何が新しい映画にあるオープンエアの映画館でその日の夕方、バスで昨日起こったと知りましたガール フレンドに高価なある赤犬集計愛が集計の集計見て自分自身に満足して周りとジョンが言ったことに彼の人生での集計可能な回はなかったキスはありませんでしたジョンとナンシーを望んでいない彼がジョンやジョンは車を彼の髪を洗って浄化され集計から隠そうとしたナンシー ヘイマースレイ鉄バス ダイバー オフィスの電話し、言った朝の犬の友人のための日はあるジョンそれは非常に男性がいたら短い休憩し jhn カム携帯電話見てジョンに、悪い誰か何を意味するショットとダウを置くジョン携帯電話白赤ショットに直面した重要な心配
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Done it again ho red dog Jack Collins from the aggregate, aggregate aggregate aggregate military how can aggregated only for Maureen says reeked themselves Mr and Mrs Collins Jack Collins and live dogs to give up will make enemies enemy army send summary execution Maureen used to escape from looking bad dog aggregate totals about Red Dog aggregate one yellow eye, shook up-year-old was a famous aggregate, Can you Jack went to Jack's door, eat and put the military man Jack aggregates and aggregates that go in the back seat for some of the plate to get out running, stay at taree airport Jack said, tabulated totals jump tat car front seat, waiting for km.to the seven Tully's execution was moving car was performed and when, arriving home aggregate water tree summary wake Small total move to bottom layout walk totals up, I said summary walk Maureen said Kangaroo and Jack go night night totals not included 1 Tavel hard very hot need to move parabudo to Jack and Maureen satisfied come back 3 days before going to come back come back, but the final tally calculated aggregate jackets are dirty, but to summarize it they got the morning, go to the aggregation of the 15 kilometter 350 kilometter Make a travel destinations in the world is watching by seeing new places for cars total and get rancid and the car had to stop Jack Jack Tully herself comfortable Jack love to make new friends from my BBQ night live Dampier Jack and Maureen, taking most of his time aggregate 1 day walkeabout total Jack has many families there, Great rich aroma of meat he grabbed Jack rum on the beach now had a total he did not know the total aggregate to stop execution at the barbecue collar tally, could find his way back, he steals their dinner summary said people knew the total rad dog call who knows man angry about his dog did not want to talk at one red dog John and Nancy Maureen don't believe she will be back, and Jack Maureen away more time was the dog of this time being calculated the width the aggregate time long they aggregate Jack Tucker aggregate neighbor hungry he said total spending to move, Jack has every right to know how he said certainly find aggregate life he Jack like him finding interesting people one place to stay and Maureen, he someday doesn't love any of dog is really someone loves, and who's their ture friend Damoier Is very lucky for him a lonely man. Total stroke TV search said a new family and they said it was good said immediately he new name "red dog" only call summary and aggregate is red dog John friend feed a TV bought a special meat for aggregates half Maori and said, no one knows anyone John small and young calculated on the come he shook his dog as they are they are they are tabulated new family's real name and his love animals one day he Dampier his tally or when red dog you see on the street He smiles and sits driver and total with an aggregate of little aggregate aggregate or came by and looked at him with the boy here to stop red dog, tall tail, John grabbed his call went down one knee on the right leg of another John becomes his life know. Seat bus Nancy Gray was a stranger who got new city of Nancy was the Secretary and she does not know about the aggregation and red dog bus, and to find out what will happen they fully seat the dog one day it was just watching Nancy aggregate distance again looking up to her than the aggregate, said Nancy aggregation of bad dog on the bus started laughing man and his teeth, to see these people didn't like to lose her and Nancy Nancy Nancy sit beside him waited for tabulation summary sheet and summary of her very carefully sit on the edge of the red dog, Nancy away and aggregate Nancyy many people, were unmarried women, not one of them was a friend can sit next to the aggregate or red dog, Nancy was movie night this day Dampier, John has a lot of men, such as Nancy and her interest has too summary and diver John back at red dog and Nancy Nancy smiled to sit and they smiled back to John and John started to aggregate direct and red dog she said they both learned and laughed a little bit what's new movie to open air cinema happened yesterday in the evening of that day, bus girl Was not around, said John, pleased with himself and friends at Red Dog total love and expensive aggregates of aggregated times in his life didn't kiss day for friends of the dogs in the morning and then call Nancy Hamersley Iron bus divers Office cleansing and he didn't want John and Nancy John and John car wash his hair, hide from the aggregate, said John it had been men very short break, jhn cam phone John An important concern facing what you mean someone bad shots and John mobile phone white red shot put the Dow
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Themselves Collins and Mrs. Jack Collins and do the awful smell you want to give a live dog enemy of the enemy army sent aggregation run that you can aggregate from the aggregation to ho red dog Jack Collins aggregate aggregate Army done it again how Maureen is there is a summary one yellow eye to the red dog for the aggregate of Maureen looking up the bad dog aggregation in order to escape from dyed say to aggregate, the rise of the aggregated only old aggregated famous aggregation shook, door of running, you can go to the jack to aggregate the jack to eat, put the aggregate which has moved to the aggregates and the rear seat of the military man jack in order to get some of the large plate, accommodation said, tally aggregated from the aggregation jump tat car on the front seat at the airport Jack, run seven km.to tally house, tree counting wake and wait when the aggregate car went was moving drink aggregate water arrival home up and I think that aggregate small aggregate to move the layout of under going for a walk come back can not be aggregated daily said the aggregate walk Maureen told the kangaroo and Jack in the summary of the night to go in the evening, but final tally is back Although three days of counting the returning aggregate jacket to go in order to come was dirty, to Maureen and Jack damper of satisfaction to aggregate is very hot need to move the parabudo Tavel hard it they the morning, go to the aggregation of 15 kilometter by looking at the new location for 350 kilometter get stench and that tally own car jack and from the car aggregates had to stop to Jack to make a comfortable Jack love new friend, from place to place looking at the world has made a trip I Dampier Jack and Maureen live barbecue that there a jack of the night there are a lot of families to take his most walkeabout aggregate time aggregation first day, wonderful rich flavor of meat dishes immediately aggregate grabbed the ram of the jack in a beach he tally he did not know the aggregation of aggregated collar to stop the run on the barbecue, to be able to find his way home, he will steal their dinner he either red dog John and Maureen Nancy dog ​​for angry does not want to talk to the man know of people who knew a summary look at the one person rad dog call is an aggregate that said do not think she and the it comes back, Jack, Maureen and he Tucker aggregate neighbor is hungry to move the spending of this time aggregation has been a lot of time away Jack the aggregate than was the width time aggregated long their dogs aggregation, Jack It is Maureen and found interesting to stay in one place, such as all the rights like him he Jack the life people who know how to have said he will find certainly counting, he is, any someday I not love of the body dog ​​really to love someone, very lucky for him that people are their friends Tooele Damoier lonely men. New family and they are, it is only in the summary stroke TV real name aggregated immediately he is the new name of they they they even have a dog like a new family of search said that was good, "Red Dog" call aggregation and aggregation is actually young red dog John is he who was also a friend to give the food to the TV that I bought a special meat for is said to be half Maori nobody knows aggregate small John, aggregate on, when he come one day his love animals and said that shook him to see the red dog in Dampier his aggregate or as an aggregate and his smile a little aggregate call the top of the down one of the knee was performed or It came the tall tail to see him and a boy who are here to stop the red dog, become his life to another of John sitting of the driver and aggregated grabbed John of his right leg summary I know. To new town Nancy was a stranger to give the seat bus Nancy gray was a secretary, she is full Sekiinu one day do not know about the aggregate and red dog the bus, they will see what happens to it it just looks up at her than the aggregate distance to look at Nancy aggregate again that there has been, like Nancy loses his teeth she and Nancy Nancy that the aggregate of the bad dogs began to laugh with men in the bus said I do not want things to see these people, and aggregation sheet following summary and Nancy on the edge of the red dog sitting on a very carefully sit down next to him, who was waiting for her aggregations escaping the Nancy aggregates and Nancyy Nancy is a lot of people, was a friend that you can sit next to the aggregate or red dog, this day Dampier night of movie unmarried women were often not one of them was Nancy, have a lot of men and like her too interested in John and red dog in the seat of the aggregate and divers John behind and Nancy smiled at Nancy Sit they return to the John and red dog and John began to instruct the summary she She smiled and said the evening of them both that day in the open-air cinema in what is a new movie that was a little laugh, looking at aggregate red dog aggregate love that is expensive to the girlfriend that I learned to have occurred yesterday in the bus aggregate his hair is his around and John does not want the John and Nancy did not have aggregate available times did not kiss in his life that told John and John is the car satisfied with themselves wash is purified call of Nancy Heimasurei iron bus diver office tried to hide from the aggregated, John there is a day for friends of the said morning dog it is John look very jhn cam mobile phone a short break If we had been men to, important concern in the face of bad someone John mobile phone white red shot to put the shot and Dow that what means
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
In order to run from dyed says Maureen enemy of enemy army sent to tally ho smells bad and the Red Dog Jack Collins it again in the aggregate as aggregate can be aggregated force method and their own Jack Collins and Collins dog want to give up to live bad dog of Maureen aggregate as aggregate yellow dog one eye, and shook up to the age of the famous totaled only tally up and running, you can eat tally Jack and Jack went to the door, tally Isao Jack and the back to get some of the large sheet In summary, the seat is moved to the tally in the airport, said Jack from the car in front seat tally jump tat, 7 km of the family to run under the drinking water of aggregate to go home after the arrival time is running out I think the car and aggregation tree and wake up and walk a little tally to move to the layout of the night in the night and said the Kangaroo Jack said Morley and total walk a day can not be collected back, but the final tally to come back a few days to go before aggregate aggregate jacket come back dirty, Maureen and total plunger They are very hot morning Tavel hard it needs to move, the exhaust damper parabudo 15 kilometter totaling 350, go get kilometter must stop the cars from car was totaled Jack and Jack tally own comfortable to make a new friend Jack love to see new location, view the world from a place to take his tally walkeabout collected most of the time the first day of my Dampier Jack and make the journey to Maureen Jack alive there are many family barbecue meat dish nice rich aroma tally on the beach of the ram plunger If he does not know which of the stop collar barbecue executed not tally, he can find his way home, he saw the dog rad one call to know their dinner to steal his dog on the angry man didn"t want to talk to the total of people knew the dog John and Nancy Maureen, back analysis, and I don"t think she and Jack said Maureen, this time to the total time by the width of their dog was long more time to move away a lot of the aggregate expenditure Hungry Jack Tucker tally with his neighbor The way he said sure to find tally all rights to know him his life, Jack, such as people in one place Maureen found an interesting thing to stay, but he loved to have a dog when you love someone, really, who is their ture friends Damoier lonely as a man, he is very lucky. The new family and they said it was in search of their stroke TV so that they can keep a dog as a family of new real name as soon as he calls a new name and "dog" is actually only aggregate dog John said half Maori special for everyone to know who bought meat food TV he was small and young friends, John said, shaking him and all his love to the animal one day he or his dog in the street Dampier tally when he smiles went down on one knee, or just call and aggregate red dog The boy to stop here and look at his tail up tall and grabbed John with his right foot in John another driver, and sitting in his life. Nancy gray bus seating strangers get new town Nancy was a secretary, she was on the bus and I don"t know about the dog dog day full seat, to see what it was they just saw a total of more than Nancy tally up to her again, to show these people what they don"t want Nancy said a total of dogs in the bus started laughing man loses his teeth and her Nancy Nancy
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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