バービー人形の歴史 私は、人形のようなので、今日はバービーの歴史について話したいです。マテル社の創業者であるポーランド系ユダヤ人のルース・ハ การแปล - バービー人形の歴史 私は、人形のようなので、今日はバービーの歴史について話したいです。マテル社の創業者であるポーランド系ユダヤ人のルース・ハ อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

バービー人形の歴史 私は、人形のようなので、今日はバービーの歴史につい

私は、人形のようなので、今日はバービーの歴史について話したいです。マテル社の創業者であるポーランド系ユダヤ人のルース・ハンドラーがスイスへ旅行へ行った際に、娘のバーバラへの土産に購入したセクシードール、リリ(Lilli)が元になっている。そのため、極端なプロポーションを持っている。初期のバービーは日本で製造されている[1]。当時、日本はアメリカに比べ人件費が安く、繊維産業が盛んであり人形本体と衣装とをまとめて発注できるという理由から、日本での生産が決まった。山一商店・中嶋製作所・セキグチなど、現在の着せ替え人形製造の中心をになう企業がバービーの生産に携わった。なお、1970年代以降、東南アジアでの生産にシフトしている。1959年3月9日に発売開始。アメリカで売られていた着せ替え人形が 2 ドル台だった中で、『安かろう悪かろう』と言われていた日本製の人形に 3 ドルの価格を付けて販売したため物議をかもした。おもちゃ業界からは否定的な目で見られていたが、ファッショナブルで精巧なお人形は子供たちに支持され、爆発的に売れた。1967年には、腰をひねることができる「ツイスト・バービー」にモデルチェンジした。ただし、日本においては販売不振から撤退を余儀なくされた。その後、和製バービーを経て、現在ではマテル社の日本法人から発売されている。1980年代半ば以降は、大人のコレクター向けの商品が発売されるようになる。1999年、ピクサー社のフルCGアニメーションにバービー人形が登場する。声優はジョディ・ベンソン、日本語版では高橋理恵子。次作である2010年のにも再び出演したほか、こちらにはケンも登場。声優はマイケル・キートン、日本語版では東地宏樹。現在までの全世界での販売数は10億体を超えるといわれる。バービーは女の子の記憶に永遠に生きると思います
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
History of the Barbie doll I, doll-like, so today I want to talk about history of Barbie. Poland-Jewish founder of Mattel, Ruth handler when trips to Switzerland, purchased gifts for daughter Barbara sexydor, Lili (Lilli) is based on. As a result, have extreme proportions. Early Barbie being manufactured in Japan [1]; Because at that time, Japan was compared to American labor is cheaper, textile industry is thriving and the dolls and costumes could be ordered together at specific production in Japan. 1 shops and companies not current Nakajima seisakusho, Sekiguchi fashion doll manufacturing center involved in the production of Barbie. Furthermore, has shifted to production in Southeast Asia since the 1970s. 3/9/1959 to launch. Japan dolls in the Barbie dolls were sold in the United States was $ 2, said "cheap and nasty" with a price of $ 3, sold to stir. Elaborate and support dolls are its children, from the toy industry had been seen in a negative light, but fashionable sold. "Twist Barbie" can twist back in 1967, the model changes. However, in Japan from a sales slump forced to withdraw. Then through the Japanese-made Barbie in Mattel Japan Corporation has been released from. Since the mid-1980s, adult collectors items will be released. In 1999, full CG animation for Pixar appears to Barbie dolls. Voice actors Rieko Takahashi Jodi Benson, Japan English; In 2010, and also appeared again, and is Ken also appeared. Actor Michael Keaton, Japan version, Hiroki tōchi; It is said until the current worldwide sales exceed 1 billion body. I think Barbie will live forever in the memory of the girl
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]

Barbie doll of history
I can , dolls because like , today of Barbie history about I talk I want to . Mattel Inc. of founder Poland is based Jewish people Ruth Handler of the Swiss travel to the line was Tsu when the daughter of the Barbara souvenir to buy sexy doll who , Lili ( Lilli ) is based on has become . Therefore , extreme the proportions di it is me . Initial of Barbie Japan in manufacturing have been [ 1] . At the time, Japan is the United States in the ratio base labor cost is cheap rather , the textile industry is Sheng there Nde doll body and the costume together and to order that can reason from , Japan in production is determined waited . Yamaichi shops , Nakajima Seisakusho , etc. · Sekiguchi , current of wearing to exchange e doll production of the center responsible for the company of Barbie production to mobile divided . In addition , 1970 or later's, Southeast of Asia production it has shifted to . 1959 year 3 May 9 days to the launch. In the United States sales had been wearing to exchange e doll is two dollar stand was in with , "safety and Caro will adversely marginally adequate will " and saying we have been made ​​in Japan of the doll to the three dollar price the Give to Ke sold because of a controversial a It was courted . Toy industry from the negative of eyes in the look had been , in the fashionable elaborate Note dolls are children in our support is , explosive in the sales were . 1967 years to the waist , it is possible to twist the " Twist Barbie " was remodeled in . However , Japan in the sluggish sales from the withdrawal of another problem has been eliminated . The after, Japanese-made Barbie and through with , currently in Mattel Inc. of Japan corporation from the sale have been . 1980 's half if later is , adult collectors direction only of goods is released will be . 1999 years, Pixar Inc. full of CG Barbie animated doll is appeared to . Voice actor is Jodi Benson , the Japanese version in Rieko Takahashi. The next work is a 2010 years also to re beauty appeared other that , here is Ken also appeared. Voice actor Michael Keaton , the Japanese version in Hiroki T Current of up to all the world in the number of sales is 10 billion body the super is said to obtain . Barbie woman of child of memory to forever to live and wear think you have
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Barbie dolls of history because I like Barbie dolls, today I want to talk about history. Mattel is the founder Poland system in Jewish Ruth Handler is going to travel to Switzerland, sexy doll to buy souvenirs, Riri (daughter Barbara Lilli) in the former. Therefore, the extreme has proportion. Early Barbie being made in Japan 1 At that time, the labor cost is cheaper than that in America, JapanBecause in the textile industry are summarized and the main body doll costume order in Japan, and can be produced. Yamaichi Co., Ltd. City Nakajima, currently in production and business center dolls to Barbie production. In addition, since the 1970s, Southeast Asia shift in production. On March 9, 1959. Sold in America doll dress that was two dollars in the"He said," you get what you pay for a doll made in Japan with the selling price to $3. Defiant eyes seen from the toy industry, fashionable and sophisticated children doll, supported by an explosive is sold. In 1967, after "Barbie" twist waist can be. However, in Japan, was forced to withdraw from the poor sales. After that, the Japanese BarbieMattel is now being released from Japan. Since the mid 1980's, with the result that the adult collector for sale. 1999 Barbie doll, full CG Pixar Animation. Voice actress Jodie Benson, Japanese rieko Takahashi. In addition, the appearance is made again, here. Actor Michael Keaton, Japanese version of the Tochi Hiroki. It is said that the current global sales of more than 10 billion to the body.Barbie girls think of memory will live forever.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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