Is indebted like. PC1 from January of production volume change contact there was. At 24 / Dec. Held on production meeting, PT4 D4 Line (MMth for Pipe Assy assembly line), the customer order are many , but went to two shifts production from the beginning of the year, 20 from MMth (19? ) / Jan. at fixed order of up to against at the time of production meeting, about 4,000 units of negative order it became. As a result, it had been scheduled for January 2 direct production, from next week 12 / Jan., And will be produced in one shift + OT system. For the 20th and later confirmed order, 12 / Jan. To come out, and of it is because it, on top of the contents of confirmation, the production system and will be determined. By the way, in the unofficial number of at the moment, is February (including out holiday) one shift + OT But, capacity over, it is scheduled for. ※ ahead of schedule in February worth in January production, it is also thought that, this model, for pipe parts of MMth paid part, due to the production adjustment of production ahead of schedule etc. at TNS side difficult, customer order To the combined, a flexible production system will be to continue to cope with change. This week 2 is direct production continued, but the next week or later, as described above, it is likely that production system changes on a weekly basis. For personnel, but will continue to correspond by PT4, you will be required to support the commuting system etc.. From time to time, Thailand staff (PC / PT4) than GA / but PSN is an indication already to contact, so that you please support, thank you. Thank you. T. Ota
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