「ヒャッハー! ですぅ!」 左手側にライセン大峡谷と右手側の雄大な草原に挟まれながら、魔力駆動二輪と四輪が太陽を背に西へと疾走する。街道の砂 การแปล - 「ヒャッハー! ですぅ!」 左手側にライセン大峡谷と右手側の雄大な草原に挟まれながら、魔力駆動二輪と四輪が太陽を背に西へと疾走する。街道の砂 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

「ヒャッハー! ですぅ!」 左手側にライセン大峡谷と右手側の雄大な草原

「ヒャッハー! ですぅ!」








「パパ! パパ! ミュウもあれやりたいの!」

ミュウがユエの膝の上に座りながら、即行で自分のお願いを否定したハジメに「やーなの! ミュウもやるの!」と全力で駄々をこねる。暴れるミュウが座席から転げ落ちないよう、ユエが後ろから抱きしめて「……暴れちゃメッ!」と叱りつけた。「うぅ~」と可愛らしい唸り声を上げながら、しょぼくれるミュウにハジメが仕方ないなぁ~という表情をする。

「ふぇ? いいの?」

二輪のハンドルの上に立ち、右手の五指を広げた状態で顔を隠しながら左手を下げ僅かに肩を上げるという奇妙なポーズでアメリカンな笑い声を上げるシア。そんなジョ○的な香ばしいポーズをとる彼女にジト目を向けながら、ハジメはミュウに釘を差す。見てないところでシアに乗せてもらったりするなよ? と。

「そもそも、二輪は危ないんだから出来れば乗せたくないんだがなぁ……二輪用のチャイルドシートとか作ってみるか? 材料は……ブツブツ」
「フフ、ご主人様は以外に子煩悩なのかの? ふむ、このギャップはなかなか……ハァハァ」


ミュウと旅し始めて少し経つが、既に「パパ」という呼び名については諦めているハジメ。当初は、何が何でも呼び名を変えようとあの手この手を使ったのだが、そうする度に、ミュウの目端にジワッと涙が浮かび、ウルウルした瞳で「め、なの? ミュウが嫌いなの?」と無言で訴えてくるのだ。奈落の魔物だって蹴散らせるハジメだが、何故かミュウにはユエと同じくらい勝てる気がしなかった。結局、なし崩し的に「パパ」の呼び名が定着してしまった。

「パパ」の呼び名を許容(という名の諦め)してからというもの、何だかんだでミュウを気にかけるハジメ。今では、むしろ過保護と言っていいくらいだった。シアは残念ウサギだし、ティオは変態だし、母親の元に返すまでミュウは俺が守らねば! とか思っているようだ。世話を焼きすぎる時は、むしろユエがストッパーになってミュウに常識を教えるという構図が現在のハジメ達だった。


座席の後ろで、何やら妄想に熱が入り始めたのかハァハァという息遣いが煩くなってきたティオに魔法を撃ち込んで黙らせつつ、ユエは、教育に悪いのでミュウの耳を塞ぐ。そして、未だ、ミュウ専用の座席作りに思いを馳せてブツブツ呟くハジメと、遂に二輪に乗ることすらなく走らせた二輪の後部に捕まって地面を直接滑り始めたシアを見ながら、私がしっかりしなきゃ! とちょっと虚しい決意をするのだった。





「パパ? どうしたの?」
「ん? あ~、いや、前に来たことがあってな……まだ四ヶ月程度しか経ってないのに、もう何年も前のような気がして……」




「ふむ。ご主人様は、やり直したいとは思わんのか? 元々の仲間がおったのじゃろ? ご主人様の境遇はある程度聞いてはいるが……皆が皆、ご主人様を傷つけたわけではあるまい? 仲の良かったものもいるのではないか?」










「ティオさん、聞きました? そこは、“お前達に”っていうところだと思いません? ユエさんオンリーですよ。また、二人の世界作ってますよ。もう、場所も状況もお構いなしですよ。それを傍から見てる私達にどうしろと? いい加減、あの空気を私との間にも作ってくれていいと思うんです。私は、いつでも受け入れ態勢が整っているというのに、いつまで経っても、残念キャラみたいな扱いで……いや、わかっていますよ? ユエさんが特別だということは。私も、元々はお二人の関係に憧れていたからこそ、一緒にいたいと思ったわけですし。だから、ユエさんが特別であることは当然で、それはそうあっていいと思うんですけどね。むしろ、ユエさんを蔑ろにするハジメさんなんてハジメさんじゃないですし。そんな事してユエさんを悲しませたら、むしろ私がハジメさんをぶっ殺す所存ですが。でも、でもですよ? 最近、ちょっとデレてきたなぁ~、そろそろ大人の階段登っちゃうかなぁ~って期待しているのに一行にそんなことにならないわけで、いくらユエさんが特別でも、もうちょっと目を向けてくれてもいいと思いません? 据え膳食わぬは男の恥ですよ。こんなにわかりやすくウェルカムしてるのに、グダグダ言って澄まし顔でスルーして、このヘタレ野郎が! と思ってもバチは当たらないと思うのですよ。私だってイチャイチャしたいのですよ! ベッドの上であんなことやこんなことをして欲しいのですよ! ユエさんがされてたみたいなハードなプレイを私にも! って思うのですよ! そこんとこ変態代表の
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
"Stemming! Are u! 」 Nestled between the majestic meadows Grand Canyon of the license key and the right hand side on the left hand side, while magic driving two-wheeled and four-wheeled hurtling back to the West and Sun. Unlike the four-wheeled sand dust on the road, while still proceeding along the way, going up and down with the look of a happy driving was or motorcycle is a side Valley Moors and fells.「…… Shea's and he's very happy. Turn of the century, Mote shout like a bloke '「…… Thank you. Everything I want to do " He speaks to look amazed Hajime four-wheel driver's seat, hold the handle with one hand while putting elbows on the window sill. Hajime's words, now, Shea is not riding to four-wheel. In that drive a motorcycle alone. It's originally theater was feeling run off the motorcycle-style very liked was, but recently, people more completely moves on four wheels into the mainstream was due I was a little frustrated. You can feel the wind, looking out the window, but I can't, and anything not satisfactory and four-wheeled vehicle is next to Hajime's seat of Yue, so when the motorcycle to stick together Hajime. In Hajime begged and learn how to drive, if it, like running on my motorcycle. You can move comparatively easy to hex drive wheel is direct manipulation of magic even if possible. It's even if operation handle in his hand without it even do magic. So the theater for is much difficult, but quickly that had mastered during the. And, possessed by its charm. While producing a strange sound, even now in the right ran around to the left and try drift to Willy, in addition to showing off like a extream bike stunt professional Negi and Jack knife skills. That seems to do the magic of any kind of the accelerator and brake, so than that of the Earth difficulty much more easily with... So it even already Hajime, hold a candle to had mastered. Theater of the she is "Beck, what do you think, is my tech? "And even says, in a cheeky feel occasional Hajime's look forward to sober era gone and come. Have you suddenly ride once in a while, and personality, but Shea also might be a part of. Just like with Hajime Shea of watched Huet, but hey I go to are. Yue is "stemming! ' And set out trying to prevent absolute so most likely be terribly sad mood, said Hajime. Little girl of three and four-year-old had a good feeling that a Hajime to face out even next to the window, Mule and clambering onto the knees of Yue and make sparkling big eyes intact. And handle started and handstands while gripping theater, pointed and Hajime to began.' Daddy! Daddy! Myu-whatever you want to do! 」"Of course no good?" In Hajime while sitting on the knee of the Yue Musa denied asking for their very rapid ' and-a! The Muse also do! "And our best whine. Muse rampaging accumulation from the seats, so Huet hugged from behind '. 暴recha message! "And it scolded. Hajime is reluctant to muse while raising the groan voice and uu-しょぼくれる a look that I think.See Muse. After the ride I do, so be patient with me ""Fate? Good for? 」' Oh. Theater and the ride was absolutely painful. If you and I construction done?! '"Shear your sister is useless? 」"Oh, it's absolutely bad. Look, that guy. Now he poses a strange handle on it! But there is one that comes to mind for some reason. Is absolutely not ride him so dangerous to drive ' Raising the American laughter in a strange pose that raise the shoulders slightly lowered left hand while hiding the faces standing on the handle of the motorcycle and spread the fingers of his right hand in theater. That job while her spicy pose 1 of Zito, Hajime is dampen the nails to muse. And don't look at Shea in like that to get a ride? And.' We'd preferably begin with the two wheels is dangerous I'm put want not!... Try to make seats for the two-wheel or what? The material... Mumble 'See Huet sister. The Daddy I'm murmuring. It's funny '「…… Hajime Papa is concerned about Muse. Surprisingly pampering ""Fufu, husband other than mind? of? Hmm, this gap is quite... Nuke 'See Huet sister. I Nuke TIO my sister's "「…… From an incurable disease and care don't ' Muse from above the knee comes up at their head, cutesy while serving as Muse talk Huet. Started traveling and Muse, is a little over Hajime already have given up on the alias 'Daddy'. Eyes to do so used all kinds of tricks and whatever alias to change what initially the degree to mush they Sioux and tears are floating on the surface the Ural "it, a? The Muse doesn't like? "And is appealing, in silence. Didn't feel like Hajime 蹴散raseru even the demons of the abyss, but somehow beat Huet as to muse. After all the debate to 'dad' name have settled. Acceptable alias 'Daddy' ( that name resignation ) that it's what Hajime Muse to care about one thing. Was a long and rather overprotective, now say. Shea will defend my Muse is bad rabbits and it's kinky TIO, until returning to his mother's! And it seems am. Composition that teaches common sense to muse sometimes too burn care become rather Stoppers Yue was Hajime were present. Yue is Muse is Hajime beveled boobs while we two of us because it can itch simplistic beautiful muse who tamed still don't get the opportunity, was a slight, slight frustration, but how do not think. Block the Mule ears against magic has 煩ku breathes a nuke or some delusion started to get heat in the back seat of TIO and silence, while Yue is bad for education since. And Hajime mumble muttered, still wondering to mush-only seats and finally to two-wheeled ride media began slipping the ground directly, got stuck at the rear of the motorcycle ran Shea to watch, while I have to! And it was kinda empty decided to.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hajime who was currently the town Holland. But stopping it's asked from Furen guilds Branch Chief IRIS each, with a side trip to fulfill it's. Though originally would pass through on the way to [gluten desert] is not a big hassle. Hajime kaiya, solving squint, aiming at the Guild of Holland walked the main street of the town. Hajime to hold on your shoulder get is mush, but noticed that a Hajime's look seems a curious facial expressions while beat peshipeshi in the small palm leaves of Hajime's forehead.' Dad? What's wrong? 」See it? Oh, no, that came ago, I had... Yet not long after only about four months, but many years ago felt..... "「…… Hajime kaiya, okay? 」 Yue cast worried eyes look complicated to Hajime's arms with hand gently. Hajime is frivolously shoulders and in the next moment always back to the atmosphere of the street."Oh, no problem. Hey, great, intense time spent was 耽thi to the deep emotion, and I myself. I started here, if you are... Tension and fear and harbored some desperation spent the night and next day diving in the labyrinth. And fell "「……」 Yue people hear eerie atmosphere's monologue to remind you of that day should be called a sense doomed, says. Hue jitter and staring at Hajime. TIO Hajime asked curiously.' Heh. My master don't want this function remapped? Original mate was not ro? Circumstances of my master degree hear, though. Everyone, everyone hurt her husband as he is not? Not too good stuff? 」 TIO is still Hajime and contacts for shallow, occasionally, for now so to objectively look at trying to find in the heart of Hajime, normally pretty straight-forward, kinder doesn't like questions. Thinks it is not just a travel companion, TIO own neat Hajime their peers want to be is because she makes an effort. Is Kinky too much of its sides was Hajime's favorite. So, can be especially upsetting, Hajime take TIO questions. And remembered the tea party at midnight, illuminated by the moonlight. That child was reaching his while and pinned the fellow swore to defend bad with reflective white negligee, Moonlight ' tea and sparkling black, my girls, at the last moment, pained expression. Hajime feel cooped force hands the unexpectedly touching my arm and back us. A hand has touched, and staring straight Hajime with strong eyes 揺raganu hue, and was gripping the sleeve's. Hajime is that Yue and eye contact, and I softened the eyes in tender look like and look at returned a."Certainly, that they also had a... But if even if back on that day, my as many times to walk the path. ""Oh, why not? 」 TIO you Hajime's answer is doing is the one I heard dare with a more interesting look. Yue Hajime has eye on Huet, leaving their grasp hands clench again gently his opposite hand. Yue faces Shou slightly. Even cheeks turning slightly red."Of course... From Huet to see. "「…… Hajime ' Holland town can take the safety margins level up also make money with magic stones recovered near while [Orcus dungeons] is because because there are many merchants gathered body adventurers and mercenaries the country of soldiers, and to doing business with them at all times, showing the great turnout. Of course, saying the town's main street, the bustle also comforting. In the middle of the main street crowded with so many people, suddenly stopped staring at Yue and Hajime put together. Do you know around you and made two world, reaching out to one another's cheek, feel ready to kiss. Poured out and still two people gaze of curiosity or envy or slightly, until the crowd seem to be able is that, but still, Huet and Hajime is inconsiderate. Only each other as not visible."TIO says, I heard? Don't you think there's a "you" is referred to? Yue I'm only. I also made two world. Again, caring place nor situation, is no. And I look at it from the side we do? It is good for making addition and subtraction, that air in between you and me I think. Never told you that I was ready at any time, with treats like a bad character. No, you know? Huet was that special. And I wanted because I also originally wanted in the relationship of two people want to be together. So, Yue's I think not that special, it is so nice. Rather, Yue I feminist I I's I not then. Yue to do such a thing, I break my heart, rather I's I hanging boobs that you kill. But the but is it? Recently, when I derete,-I, now adults stair 登thi I mean you expect to not give much on the line, no matter how much hue and I is special but little attention thanks for also I don't think? Herself is the shame of a man. Say so plainly, I'm welcome to worn out, a slew of with a clear face, hetal bastard! I also think it wouldn't hurt. I want to see! I'm on the bed such that and such that you want! Yue just to play hard, like I was being to me! What I think! There's this metamorphosis representative
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]

「ヒャッハー! ですぅ!」








「パパ! パパ! ミュウもあれやりたいの!」

ミュウがユエの膝の上に座りながら、即行で自分のお願いを否定したハジメに「やーなの! ミュウもやるの!」と全力で駄々をこねる。暴れるミュウが座席から転げ落ちないよう、ユエが後ろから抱きしめて「……暴れちゃメッ!」と叱りつけた。「うぅ~」と可愛らしい唸り声を上げながら、しょぼくれるミュウにハジメが仕方ないなぁ~という表情をする。

「ふぇ? いいの?」

二輪のハンドルの上に立ち、右手の五指を広げた状態で顔を隠しながら左手を下げ僅かに肩を上げるという奇妙なポーズでアメリカンな笑い声を上げるシア。そんなジョ○的な香ばしいポーズをとる彼女にジト目を向けながら、ハジメはミュウに釘を差す。見てないところでシアに乗せてもらったりするなよ? と。

「そもそも、二輪は危ないんだから出来れば乗せたくないんだがなぁ……二輪用のチャイルドシートとか作ってみるか? 材料は……ブツブツ」
「フフ、ご主人様は以外に子煩悩なのかの? ふむ、このギャップはなかなか……ハァハァ」


ミュウと旅し始めて少し経つが、既に「パパ」という呼び名については諦めているハジメ。当初は、何が何でも呼び名を変えようとあの手この手を使ったのだが、そうする度に、ミュウの目端にジワッと涙が浮かび、ウルウルした瞳で「め、なの? ミュウが嫌いなの?」と無言で訴えてくるのだ。奈落の魔物だって蹴散らせるハジメだが、何故かミュウにはユエと同じくらい勝てる気がしなかった。結局、なし崩し的に「パパ」の呼び名が定着してしまった。

「パパ」の呼び名を許容(という名の諦め)してからというもの、何だかんだでミュウを気にかけるハジメ。今では、むしろ過保護と言っていいくらいだった。シアは残念ウサギだし、ティオは変態だし、母親の元に返すまでミュウは俺が守らねば! とか思っているようだ。世話を焼きすぎる時は、むしろユエがストッパーになってミュウに常識を教えるという構図が現在のハジメ達だった。


座席の後ろで、何やら妄想に熱が入り始めたのかハァハァという息遣いが煩くなってきたティオに魔法を撃ち込んで黙らせつつ、ユエは、教育に悪いのでミュウの耳を塞ぐ。そして、未だ、ミュウ専用の座席作りに思いを馳せてブツブツ呟くハジメと、遂に二輪に乗ることすらなく走らせた二輪の後部に捕まって地面を直接滑り始めたシアを見ながら、私がしっかりしなきゃ! とちょっと虚しい決意をするのだった。





「パパ? どうしたの?」
「ん? あ~、いや、前に来たことがあってな……まだ四ヶ月程度しか経ってないのに、もう何年も前のような気がして……」




「ふむ。ご主人様は、やり直したいとは思わんのか? 元々の仲間がおったのじゃろ? ご主人様の境遇はある程度聞いてはいるが……皆が皆、ご主人様を傷つけたわけではあるまい? 仲の良かったものもいるのではないか?」










「ティオさん、聞きました? そこは、“お前達に”っていうところだと思いません? ユエさんオンリーですよ。また、二人の世界作ってますよ。もう、場所も状況もお構いなしですよ。それを傍から見てる私達にどうしろと? いい加減、あの空気を私との間にも作ってくれていいと思うんです。私は、いつでも受け入れ態勢が整っているというのに、いつまで経っても、残念キャラみたいな扱いで……いや、わかっていますよ? ユエさんが特別だということは。私も、元々はお二人の関係に憧れていたからこそ、一緒にいたいと思ったわけですし。だから、ユエさんが特別であることは当然で、それはそうあっていいと思うんですけどね。むしろ、ユエさんを蔑ろにするハジメさんなんてハジメさんじゃないですし。そんな事してユエさんを悲しませたら、むしろ私がハジメさんをぶっ殺す所存ですが。でも、でもですよ? 最近、ちょっとデレてきたなぁ~、そろそろ大人の階段登っちゃうかなぁ~って期待しているのに一行にそんなことにならないわけで、いくらユエさんが特別でも、もうちょっと目を向けてくれてもいいと思いません? 据え膳食わぬは男の恥ですよ。こんなにわかりやすくウェルカムしてるのに、グダグダ言って澄まし顔でスルーして、このヘタレ野郎が! と思ってもバチは当たらないと思うのですよ。私だってイチャイチャしたいのですよ! ベッドの上であんなことやこんなことをして欲しいのですよ! ユエさんがされてたみたいなハードなプレイを私にも! って思うのですよ! そこんとこ変態代表の
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]

「 ヒャッハー! I! " On the side of the left hand up and the Grand Canyon license right in the meadow, is sandwiched between the two-wheel drive and four-wheel magic to run back to the sun, and to the West. While the winding of the automobile and road dust along the road, but on the side of the valley, as we paced to and fro, grassland, wasteland and runs in a manner.

「…… To be in a mood of. 」
「…… and raise the battle cry like a bastard wants at the end of the century Dances. 」

may just want to doIn the driver's seat of the window frame with the elbow holding the handle with one hand, Hajime muttered that horrible. Now, Hajime in words, do not take the wheel. In one of the driving motor. Well, I was late, so I feel that runs off of the wind, so that a large number of, for she was quite moving wheel of the mainstream rather unhappy. You can look out from the window, to feel the windThere is also something of a four-wheel vehicle, the neighbor of Hajime Yuen seat, so as to when the two-wheeled Hajime cannot adhere to. Then, how to drive to learn running in your motorcycle is begged Hajime. The too magic two-wheel drive, even a direct manipulation of magic and can move easily. In some cases, even in their own hands to handle the operation can be carried out even in the magic of it. So,For in very difficult, but she quickly. Then, by taking part in. Well now, to run around on the right and left a strange sound, or a wheelie drift with the other jack knife and ride back to the professional skill as extreme. The accelerator and brake operation can be carried out in the magic of theThe earth is a difficulty in the far easier, but... Yet, and already so they can't hold a candle to Hajime and ride. Of ウサミミ "Yeah, how are you, my technique. So I say, just feel sassy is occasionally turn to Hajime. Too often, people turn to ride in a character class, and in its might. Hajime's side as seen in the state of Yue,To do their bit. Yuen, "ヒャッハー!" I feel a little sad, Hajime is bad because the absolute stop trying to make up one's mind. So, Hajime, Yuen comfortably from next door and window and so on, but the little girl Miu four years old, on her knee and Yuen scale is big, bright eyes. Then began a handstand finger grip handle with cyano, began to Hajime. Too"Daddy! Daddy! Do you want some mew! " Unto you while sitting on the knees 」

Yuen will, of course, miu, noriyuki in Hajime denied his request, thank you! Miu do! " Once and for all to throw a tantrum. Violent Miu fell off the seat, so as not to hold back from Yuen "... The massage to rampage! " And scolded him. With a lovely voice, "makes me with a look that way, I do not lose heart in mew Hajime. Too"Mew. From the later on I have to put up with it, and do it 」
「? ? "
「 oh. For the ride and not... If you don't mind me and my sister in 」
「 bad? "
「 Oh, absolutely not. Look, that guy. This time, I began to pose on the handle. That is why... Come to mind... To take such a risk of vehicle driving is absolutely not on a motorcycle handle, the 」

Raise a laugh in American in a strange pose in a state in which the spread of the right hand to left hand while hiding the face and shoulders a little. S o that it takes to pose for her scornful eyes, Hajime in mew nails. Where do not have put in you? And. To begin with, the

「 dangerous if I put it... But I don't want to... Child seat for motorcycle and made it? The material... Splutter (1993)"Yuen. I mumbled. Strange 」
「…… Hajime daddy Miu worry... Unexpectedly, her mother 」
「 master but fond of? Well, this is quite a gap... My sister has 」
「 Yuen. You as a sister that has 」
「…… TiO From the incurable disease care from the knee to the mew don't 」

looked up at her, the child can serve as a partner of the mew Yuen. TooFor the first time to travel a little mew, Hajime is already in the name of "Daddy" and give up. At first, no matter what I use a variety of means to change the name, do be sensible, mew came ジワッ and tears in eyes, UL "? Hate mew? " Of appeal in silence. Because the demon abyss to kick up the Hajime, but not as much as I can and Yuen somehow. In the end,On the "pa" as the name. To give up the name of "father" (tolerance), Hajime pretext or other care. Now, the mother was rather to say so. Unfortunately, as in rabbits with TiO transformation, returning to the mother, I keep mew! It seems that. When the burn careWe were rather Hajime current composition teaching in Yuen stopper mew is common sense. Miu in Yuen, too hard, Hajime, making out the chance alone, it was some frustration tendency, but also because he will love mew and matter-of-fact way. At the back of the seat, Yuen, TiO? What do delusion is beginning to heat that has become noisy breathing and down, what magicMew ear close to it in education. And yet, to make a mew dedicated seat think about my tweet Hajime and, finally, not even ride a motorcycle rear wheel slip on the ground and began to direct shear to watch while I do! It will just give up. Hajime. At the ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

at present, but Jorge ad post town. It was too good to pass through, butEvery request from the manager's Guild of IL 2, so as to make it that way. However, not much time, so the original encoding large glue to pass through the desert on the way. Hajime, or a pocket in the eyes of adventure guild for the main street of the town a little. Getting a piggyback ride on a mew, Hajime Hajime in such a manner that theSmall palm Pesci Pesci and hit a wondering look with Hajime forehead like autumn leaves.

「 daddy? What is it? "
「? Ah, no, before it was... Yet it has only about four months, but many years ago I feel like... "
「…… Hajime, are you okay? " Yuen complex Hajime to look for his arm with a hand gently with a worried look. Hajime to shrug one's shoulders, and the next moment he had returned to the atmosphere as usual. Too"Oh, no problem. And just spend time so dense he lost in deep thought. If I,... I was started from here... Fear and despair, and some had spent all night, the next day... Into the labyrinth... And fell 」
「……」 Hajime's monologue that day to remember words and meaning is the fate, we hear in Yuen gentle atmosphere. Yuen, Hajime is staring at you. TiO, Hajime asked with interest. At
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