体育祭の後、少しの間だけ私と友柄先輩の仲が話題になった。「麗華様、前生徒会長とそんなに親しい仲でしたの?」「あんな風に笑顔で勝利報告してもら การแปล - 体育祭の後、少しの間だけ私と友柄先輩の仲が話題になった。「麗華様、前生徒会長とそんなに親しい仲でしたの?」「あんな風に笑顔で勝利報告してもら อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

















































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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
体育祭の後、少しの間だけ私と友柄先輩の仲が話題になった。「麗華様、前生徒会長とそんなに親しい仲でしたの?」「あんな風に笑顔で勝利報告してもらうなんて。実はおふたりは何かあるのでは?」 恋バナ大好きな女の子達がちょっとワクワクした顔で私を取り囲んで聞いてきた。「友柄先輩のことはとても尊敬していますし、憧れの先輩ではありますけど、みなさんの思っているような関係ではありませんわ。そんな噂が流れて友柄先輩にご迷惑がかかったら、私先輩に申し訳ないわ…」 まずい。私は火消しにかかった。「えぇ~っ、でも、麗華様があんなに応援なさっていたし、私おふたりのやり取りを見てて、胸がドキドキしてしまいましたわ!」「私も!」「でも前生徒会長、素敵だったわ~!それに騎馬戦での優勝!」「確かにかっこ良かったわ!実はあの方は去年も優勝していて、今年は二連覇だったって話よ!」「まあっ!」 友柄先輩のあの笑顔にハートを撃ち抜かれたのは、私だけではなかったらしい。みんなは私をダシに友柄先輩の話で盛り上がっていた。 う~ん、どうしよう。マッチの火程度の小さな噂だから、すぐに消えると思うけど…。 When this story came out in pivowornu salon, a little trouble indeed. Kasumi in her real friends pattern seniors say, is coming from."Reika's was close to that friend pattern, I didn't know. The story dumped 3 years her senior.' Yes. I from secondary school by class members take care of. Now Vice Chair, so we help many of you."Or the like. Don't believe it or not, Mr. Li hua friends pattern that likes."Oh so much. Senior friends pattern is a senior that I admire. " Uu., I'm not bad to like Kasumi as a... I'll make you feel disgusting if your boyfriend is strange rumors with other female students. Ended up taking hasty action. Went up beside Kasumi who sit on the couch away success in the sports day of the Emperor's female seniors have so gently away."Mr. Kasumi."Hey Oh Chun hua, as well as. Kasumi who greeted me with a smile."I... I'm sorry..." I apologized in a low voice."Oh, HA-HA!, you mean I have to like? Okay, laments about how and what I do not.「そうですか?」「ええ。それにね、彼はあれでもモテるから女の子と噂になることはよくあるもの」「えっ、そうなのですか?!」「そ。だから麗華様が気にする必要はありませんわ。千寿もね、麗華様に応援してもらったって喜んでいたのよ?」「あー、はは」 香澄様は本当に今回のことは不快には思っていないようなので、ひとまずホッとした。私は生まれが悪役横恋慕キャラだから、順調なカップルの仲を知らない間に引き裂いてることもあるかもしれないし。「それより、私は麗華様がネズミの仮装をしたことのほうがショックでしたわ。いったいどうしてあんな恰好を?」「え?」 香澄様は心配そうな顔で私を窺った。「仮装リレーに出る予定だった子が怪我をしてしまって、私が代役で出ることになりましたのよ」「そうでしたの。でも麗華様がネズミの仮装なんて…。麗華様は本当にクラス委員としてご自分のクラスに尽くしていらっしゃるのね…」 えーっと…、そんな痛ましげな顔をされても…。あの仮装はそんなに変だった?派手なシンデレラや王子様に比べて、地味な仮装ではあったけど。 And when back to my friend's fancy dress relay finished speaking, also very encouraged. A class still iwamuro's costume is also my story is absolutely no."It was my costume, weird? 」"No! I was a very charming costume! Have heard so much but until now out of fancy dress relay in pivowornu... " A so. As a member of the pivowornu it?"You can disguise it would...""I don't think such a thing..." Of this year's Sports Festival, I was careless and might be. Reflection. It was time I watch and come up.I, today, it's time."Oh, again? 」' Yes. Time for lessons today at the earliest."It is so. But Li hua, tomorrow.' Yes. Good luck to. I will prepare and crossed the kaburagi and enjoji came in. And our eyes met."Oh, silly mouse."Masaya" One moment awkward air flowed in the Salon.「… Greetings, kaburaki like ookoshi-like. Excuse me ahead. " Cheeks cramp in the stifle in the guts, I was greeted with a smile. I leave the room and leave the serious kaburagi「お前なんでネズミなのにネズッ鼻付けなかったんだ?来年はもっと頑張れよ」「雅哉」 ……黙れ体育祭バカ!勝手に私が来年も仮装リレーに出ると決めつけんな! ネズッ鼻はみんなが許さなかったし、私もそこまで自分を捨てきれなかったんだ! 私はドスドスと廊下を歩いて駐車場に向かった。 ピアノのお稽古を終えて家に帰ると、本当に久しぶりに伊万里様がいらしていた。「伊万里様!」「麗華ちゃん元気だった?」「ええ。伊万里様も?」「元気、元気」 今日の伊万里様はスーツ姿。大人の魅力だわ!「今日はどうなさったのですか?」「貴輝に借りたい物があってね。麗華ちゃんは相変わらずお人形さんみたいに可愛いねー」 伊万里様に頭をいい子いい子された。「伊万里、ひとに妹に触るな」 お兄様が私の頭の上にあった伊万里様の手を払った。「麗華ちゃんのお兄様はおっかないねー。でも俺も麗華ちゃんみたいな妹が欲しかったよ。俺んちなんて男兄弟だけだもんなー。そうだ!麗華ちゃん、俺の弟と結婚しない?そしたら麗華ちゃんは晴れて俺の妹になるし。あ、別に俺と結婚するのでもいいよ?」「伊万里様と?それは素敵ですわねぇ」「だろ?いつでもお嫁においで」 ふたりで冗談を言い合ってあははと笑っていたら、お兄様が珍しくイラッとした顔をした。「…伊万里、俺の部屋に来い」「冗談です、お兄様。すみませんでした」「うるさい黙れ、さっさと来い」 伊万里様はずるずるとお兄様に引き摺られて行った。いつまで経っても仲良しだなぁ。 そういえば私、塾では伊万里様が好きってことになってたっけ。すっかり忘れてた。後でふたりが戻ってきたらこの話もしてみよう。「私、伊万里様をずっと好きだってことになってるんです」って。きっとお兄様も伊万里様も大受けするに違いない。 リビングに戻ってきた伊万里様が少しやつれていた。仕事が大変らしい。伊万里様も「また当分来れない…」って言っていたし。
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
After the sports festival, it has become a hot topic the relationship of only me and Tomogara senior for a little while.

"Reika like, before the student council president and so close did was get along?"
"Nante get victory reported with a smile like that. In fact, than is your Futari there anything?"

Love Bana favorite girls was a little excited He asked me surrounds me in the face.

"It has been a very respected thing Tomogara seniors, but there is a longing of the seniors, it does not have a relationship like everyone of you think. If you took a inconvenience to Tomogara seniors such rumors flow, I senior I'm sorry to ... "

bad. I took to the firefighters.

"Yeah Tsu ~, but, to Reika recommendation has not make yourself so much support, have a look at the exchange of me your Futari, I chest I have nervous!"
"I am too!"
"But before the student council president, nice win! "in I was ~! and cavalry battle
I was good," certainly parentheses! in fact, that person is not also won last year, I talk I was two consecutive this year! "
" Maa'! "

Tomogara senior had been shot through the heart to the smile of Noah, apparently was not just me. Everyone had been raised in the story of Tomogara senior me soup.
Hmmm, if you try. Because it matches a small rumor about the fire, I think soon disappear ....

In even when the came out this story salon Pivowanu, I was troubled indeed little.
Here than anything, because of Kasumi like is her true Tomogara senior come.

"Reika Mr. Nante was acquainted with that friend pattern, I did not know I"

was dumped to talk to senior of three years.

"Yes. I am of you have taken care of in the class committee from the time of the secondary department. We now also the vice-chairman, gonna we have lot of help,"
or "this is so. No way Reika's , like I'm me do not say "is that of friend pattern
" Well such. Tomogara seniors, respect I would like to I is a senior is "

Uu', Kasumi like, I hope do not feel bad ....
It's become unpleasant mood When your boyfriend has become a strange rumor and the other girls. It had taken a hasty action.
Since those women of senior began a story of success in the sports festival of the emperor, gently away from the area, I went closer to buckwheat of Kasumi like to sit at a distant sofa.

"Well Reika like, Have a nice day"

Kasumi like to welcome me with a smile.

"That ... is not somehow sorry ..."

I apologized in a low voice.

"Oh, Fufu', I is Did you mean? Okay that Rashi have to worry about me, I do not have anything I thought."
"Is that so?"
"Yes. I it, he and the girl from the motel, even if become often the ones "to the rumor
," Oh, do I do?! "
" it. so Reika like is I do not need to worry about. Senju I also, were you willing Tatte asked to cheer on Reika like ? "
" Oh, mother, "

so do not think the discomfort Kasumi like is really of this time, the time being relieved. Because I was born is the villain illicit love character, you also might be that you are torn between who does not know the relationship of the steady couple.

"From it, I Reika like that still more of that you have a fancy dress of rats was shocked. Heck why the Anna dressed?"

Is Kasumi like had asked me with a worried look.

"I child was scheduled to come out in fancy dress relay got injured, I Are'll now be out in the stand-in"
for it was "Yes. But Reika-sama Nante fancy dress of a mouse .... Reika like really It's Irassharu doing in your class as a class committee ... "

well ..., be such a Itamashi a down face .... That costume was so strange? It compared with the glitzy Cinderella and Prince, but there was a sober costume.
Speaking of which, even when you return to the original friends finished fancy dress relay, I was awfully encouraged. Also out is the topic also Iwamuro Mr. fancy dress in the class, it does not appear at all my story.

"My costume was strange?"
"No! I was very charming costume! However, those who went on a fancy dress relay Pivowanu until now because I did not have heard too much ..."

You're Speaking likely. Will it gone wrong as a member of the Pivowanu.

"It Will went wrong ... is that costume."
"I think that such a thing is not ..."

This year's sports festival is, I guess may have been variously thoughtless. Remorse.
I was suddenly looking at the clock and comes time car pick.

"I, is soon today."
"Oh, already?"
"Yes. The earliest time the beginning of the lessons today."
"What is so. In Reika like, also tomorrow."
"Yes. Have a nice day"

I Irechigai and to get ready to, came in kaburagi and Enjo.
Futari and our eyes met.

"Oh, stupid rat"

moment awkward air flows in the salon.

"... Greetings, Kaburagi like, Enjo like. Ahead rude to you I"

twitch cheek is held down in the guts, I was greeted with a smile.
As it is to me to try to leave the room, kaburagi is with a straight face

, "I did not put Nezu' nose Even though you Nde rat? I hang in there more next year"

...... Shut up sports festival fool! Without permission and Do Kimetsuken I also come out in fancy dress relay next year!
Nezu' nose to everyone did not allow, I also I could not deny himself up there!

I headed to the parking lot walking Dosudosu and hallway.

And return home after the lessons of the piano, really long time to Imari recommendation has been needed.

"Imari like!"
"Reika-chan was doing?"
"Yes. Imari like too?"
"Healthy, energetic"

Imari-like suits of today. An adult of the charm!

"How did you make yourself? Today."
"I there is a thing you want to borrow in the noble bright. Reika-chan is still doll like to Ne cute"

has been a good boy good boy's head in Imari like.

"Imari, Do not touch my sister in person,"

your brother was paid there was Imari like the hands on top of my head.

Ne brother like is scary of "Reika-chan. But I I wanted also Reika-chan like a younger sister. Over a mon just man brother Nante Orenchi. Likely! Reika-chan, do not marry my brother? And then Reika-chan to become sister sunny. Oh, apart from even say I? "to marry me
and" Imari like? it Hey I nice "
probably"? at any time your daughter-in-law like to come in for "

Ha-ha by Ia' a joke and in Futari When I laughed, it was the face that our brother was unusual Ira'.

"... Imari, my room Come to"
"is a joke, your brother. I'm sorry Did"
"Shut up noisy, quickly Come"

Imari like went dragged into loose and superb brother. Naa's good friends even after forever.

Speaking of me, I Did not supposed to be I like Imari like a cram school. I had forgotten completely. Let's also this story If you come back Futari later. I "I, I'm supposed to be Even much like Imari-like". Also I'm sure your brother also Imari like must be received large.

Imari like you came back to the living room was a little haggard. Work seems very. Also Imari like to have been saying, "also does not come for the time being ...".
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