Somehow or another, Rondo doesn’t seem to understand Aya properly.
「How’s the war situation?」
「The enemy is numerous, it has been a hard fight.」
Coming here to help was a correct choice after all.
When we were having such talk, a soldier rushed up in a great hurry.
「It’s serious! The devil-kin penetrated the town!」
Led by the soldier, Rondo and I rushed towards the place.
At the place, a lot of soldiers had surrounded something.
When I look at the center of the circle―
A lone devil-kin…...
was rolling about with laughter…...
「What on earth is this!?」
「We don’t know, he’s already like that when we found him.」
I see, so that’s the reason!
「This is the effect of Elena’s magic.」
「What do you mean by that, Seiji?」
「Elena cast a magic which covered this town, right?
A tickle attack will immediately strike at the enemy who invaded the town with its effect.」
「So that’s what it was!
That means, it’s Elena-sama’s blessing!
How wonderful!!」
Rondo knelt down and offered a thank you prayer.
He’s completely a『believer』, huh…...
Another soldier who was gasping for breath came over again.
「Rondo-sama, the enemy’s coordination has collapsed.」
「What did you say!?」
When I looked toward the enemy’s direction,
*bang bang* an enemy was launched like a skyrocket in the distance.
It’s Aya’s doing.
A short time later, that『indecent skyrocket』―
began to rotate around a fixed spot, creating a circle.
And then―
Right in the middle of the enemy, a tornado was completed.
The monsters and devil-kin who had been blown up by the huge tornado scattered in all directions, and fell like rain.
After a short time, the tornado vanished―
At the mountain of the unmoving monsters and devil-kin,
there was Aya’s figure stood dauntingly in the center.
I rushed over toward Aya.
「Good work.」
「Hiyaa! Rampaged, rampaged!」
Aya bloomed with a smile while gasping for breath.
The huge tornado was the deciding factor,
the monsters and devil-kin scattered, running about trying to escape.
At Rondo’s signal, the soldiers started to charge at the crowd of monsters who were running about trying to escape.
The soldiers advance to rout the monsters.
After a short time, the fight ended in complete victory.
「Seiji, Aya-san… Hilda-san, thank you for your cooperation.」
Rondo said so and offered a handshake to Aya,
but Aya hid behind me.
Rondo seems to be serious too.
「Hilda had become strong, huh...」
Misha-san keeps on petting Hilda.
「It’s good that I was able to be of help to Misha-san.」
Hilda seems to be glad being petted too.
Now then, let’s see the situation of the other towns.
The fight in Ikebu and Shinju are still on-going, but it seems they have a lot of room to spare.
As for the demon town……
the intense battle is still on-going.
「Aya, Hilda. Mai-san is still fighting.
Let’s go to help her.」
When I was about to use【Teleportation】, at the spot where the two people gathered,
Rondo and Misha-san came over as well.
「Seiji, you’re going already?」
「Yeah, a companion of mine is still fighting.」
「I see…... don’t force yourself too much.」
「Aya-san too, please come again.」
Aya, say something, will you?
Misha-san took Hilda’s hand, loathing to part with her.
「Hilda, visit again, okay?」
While being seen off by Rondo and Misha-san,
we went to the demon town.