The spousal inheritance deductions under paragraph (1) shall be applicable only to cases where the inherited property is distributed (in case where requiring the registration, entry, or change of holders, limited to those finished with the registration, entry, or change of holders; hereafterin this paragraph, the same shall apply) and the inherited property of
the spouse has been returned not later than the date on which 6 months elapsed from that next to the deadline to file a tax base return of inheritance tax (hereafter in this paragraph, referred to as the “period to distribute the inherited property of a spouse ”) under the provisions of Article 67: Provided, That in case where it is impossible to distribute the inherited property of a spouse not later than the period to distribute the inherited property of a spouse due to inevitable reasons prescribed by the Presidential Decree, and where the inherited property is distributed and reported not later than the date on which 6 months elapsed from that next to the period to distribute the inherited property of a spouse (in case where there is a decision on the tax base and the tax amount under the provisions of Article 76 as 6 months elapsed from the date next to the period to distribute the inherited property of a spouse, referring to the date of such decision),the report shall be regarded as having been made within the period to distribute the inherited property of a spouse. In this case, it shall be limited to a case where the successor makes a report of his cause within the period to distribute the inherited property of a spouse to the head of tax office having jurisdiction over the place of tax payment.