KGT Tateno like, Takahata like I am becoming always very indebted. My engineers resolution of your and your company's Tier2 of trouble, we have great difficulty in collecting information. Under Thai, English mail is its appeal. You think that you understand, but I will again to hope in Japanese. <The trouble is that the point> 1. forced our engineers for the CPR and KGT the information collected from the 3M of Tier3 not me correspondence of Tier2 is carried out directly. → While in your staff does not seem to have the recognition, of course, even a bug that occurred in the example TierN, problems resolved as Tier1 I would like you to take responsibility. 2. Because the information and reports that can from your company of Thai, you are creating a report of our engineers are translated into English. → This is outrageous. Reporting in English is an absolute condition. I'm writing to be such as to claim 100 000 baht per report if it does not improve in the mail below, but it is, I'm sorry, it's been Omoiama~tsu because it is, I will withdraw. Things like the above is unusual that is happening only in your company in Thailand suppliers. Come to sincerely accept improve this fact thank you. I am sorry in rudely email. Thank you.
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