陽気なオッサン その2今回、グロいです。 さて、視点は順平に移る。 ――数刻前。 Sランク級冒険者相手に勝利を収めた後、順平は次の階層へと足 การแปล - 陽気なオッサン その2今回、グロいです。 さて、視点は順平に移る。 ――数刻前。 Sランク級冒険者相手に勝利を収めた後、順平は次の階層へと足 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

陽気なオッサン その2今回、グロいです。 さて、視点は順平に移る。 ―

陽気なオッサン その2

























「おいおいドライアード。お前も好きだなぁ……毎日毎日、そんなに迫られたら精気が抜かれて……本当にミイラになっちまうぜ? 俺はもうヘトヘトなんだよ」







「ハッハー! 兄弟! よくぞここまで辿り着いたな」














「お察しの通り、階層全体が安全地帯となっているんだよ。お前さんも食人族の村で見ただろ? あれと同じだ」



「って事で、そいつをしまってはくれないか? ここにはモンスターなんていやしないぜ?」





「ノロケ話? 突然何の話だ?」











「凄い別嬪さんだぜ? 無理ゲー状態だった迷宮攻略に疲れた俺に、全てを諦めさせる位にな」





「ん? なんだ?」






「触手? しょく、しょ、しょく、しょくsgほ、ショクシュ?」












「オッサンは何で樹木に触手で絡みとられまってるんだ? で……本当に25なのか?」

「絡みとられる……? 俺は……確かに25だが……」



「自分の掌も見えねーのか? 精気を吸い取られて……シワクチャの老人みたいになってんじゃねーかよ……」






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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Gay old man part2This time, Gro? is. Now, perspective shifts to Junpei. --Before the DAA. After victories over S rank class adventurer whom Junpei steps on foot to the next level. It centered on the Lake Forest was formed. Deep green, echoed the birdsong, strong light of the luminous Moss. Very occasionally, deer and wild boar to show their face, as circumstances not much different from the rest of the world. If this is Japan in the summer as a camp site. You will see there are enjoying barbecue with families enjoying a vacation sight. That's fact, peaceful scenery. It is with, say, the honest feedback. And flurry of than what the aspect to the thin silver particles. What I saw during the food people family hierarchy, it is nearly identical'll seem. --The hierarchy itself is safe. You can think and probably exists because yeah, deer and wild boar. With no great do food chain food person family hierarchy, if a supplement, also formed, all populations of non-human organisms, insects, plants and animals. Then this hierarchy--it was said. That way Junpei walked the Lake while wondering about the nature of this hierarchy. However, not always are ready. Asserted is safe to say, no danger--there is a possibility because whether the guard on the small fry "you tricked'. Confront enemies than right now, look... And peace unlikely spectacle is very scary. Junpei is on the way, and hardship before, wry smile. It then. He saw. In the Woods, close enough to the shacks. Suspension, daiki naked old man covered in countless tubes and tentacles. The man literally--hole say the holes in the tubes and tentacles thrust was. Skin of the whole body, earthworm swelling--like thin roots probably has eroded into the body from the tentacles will be--in the covered. The capillary effect of strung across the body? Like how congested the general expansion of the pressure and volume of a skin surface covered in purple. And crumpled it since the 80s of the bed-ridden elderly--mid-Ching is missing, such as water has been lost from the skin of the man. Tentacles were thrust from the ear, ear canal, Canal Street, and into the brain. And were protruding out from the top of the head again from the inside towards the outside skin to break. From there through the skull exposed internal--unless you look at the brain, brain also thin roots notebooks was covered. Therefore, the... Oh, and nods to give up. If this is where Japan and the. What surgery is done, and this guy is absolutely not saved. Because this guy has eroded to Hiroki or "already assimilated Taiki" than say are infested with the. Minimal nausea, Junpei to observe the man further. Dry objects, such as paint, such as Brown paints from the excretory organ of the hanged him, as has become runaway manure, caked on the thighs and--flies thick and stacked on the ground because of fecal matter was rotten things. And hanged in the unbearable stench--a man ecstatic laughed as if it were."C'mon dread. Love you too!. If daily every day, so much under pressure when overtaken by spirit. The real Mummy!? I was totally wiped out! " As the hanged man was salivating with Nyak surface. Then the man's hand moves first, then moved to faint its waist. Kakukakukakukaku and after the stroke that hip, something like not running. The man excreted urine. --Issued by a withered old man, say, 1 drop of the last of the white goods notice if you really, in their urine, squinting to see the thing, the gutter I wonder. Apart from it. At the end of the sight of his old man. --It is deformed and expression to the level,... It was an old man."Dude... My love......? 」 The so call and suddenly to animation lies in a man's eyes, Peel the white of the eye while hanging a slaver, he said."Hatha! Brothers! Well, arrived here. Pewter in thin tubes been pierced teammate also in the lacrimal gland, Bloodshot, but black eyes shone and gyorori and run. This also nu menu me and entering tentacles covered with mucus, large and small mouth, large too open, and even can be called loudly, at best, said he."How to talk. You are... Hossan? 」"Hey there, POPs I say stop. But 25-year-old's? 」 Perhaps... This guy does not understand the no status. Junpei, wouldn't budge from the place. …… Finally, the time has come. And the thought. Letter ever gave me tips to their Lord. Was on the run he was getting at. I had one day this would be. Or the bones of your face. Or even. Before you know it, the note will disappear. Groupers also or miraculous encounters in the State you live with each other, and... Joint struggle. So, there may also struggle. Jumpei mid mired in distrust even or. And if that letter, which never was. Though. Benefactor no longer. Have become deformed. I assume is was--as far as possible in, at worst it seems he met two people. The situation too much, jumpei could not face up to man."I then boys, well well. So far reached deep into it.... " Overlooking the surrounding the man to ask."It was unexpected as Oh and know POPs along the way. In the... Here is... 」"I'm street can tell you the entire hierarchy is safe. I also saw in the village of food people? It's the same. Botry, and without a pulse for what is fecal matter ejected from the anus of a man, fell to the ground. Looking at it, listening to the sound. More... I didn't know what the.「……」「って事で、そいつをしまってはくれないか? ここにはモンスターなんていやしないぜ?」 と言われて……武器をしまえる訳が無い。 明らかに――男は、危険な生物に何かの処置を施され、そして誰の目から見ても明らかな――アウトな状態に陥ってしまっているのだから。「少年よ。なんだよ張りつめた顔しちまってさ」「生憎、酷い道中と人生でね……人間不信も極限状態なんだよ」「良し、それじゃあ、ノロケ話をしてやろう」「ノロケ話? 突然何の話だ?」 そこで、男はヒュウと口笛を吹いた。「そうだ。とある冒険者が、地獄の迷宮で妖精と巡り合い、そして恋に落ち、自給自足を初めて、幸せにとある階層で安住するまでのストーリーだ」 つまり……と男は続ける。「要は俺の事なんだがな!」 ああ……と、そこで順平は全てを察したかのように頷いた。 ――色仕掛けでやられやがったな……この馬鹿……と。 そうして、今も夢と幻想のうつつを彷徨い、ご機嫌な妄想の世界に生きている……と。 知らぬは本人ばかりなりと言う言葉があるが……と順平の頭痛は止まらない。「で、まあ、さっきの話で分かったとは思うが……ここには魔物はいないが、精霊:ドリアードがいるんだ。まあ、俺の嫁なんだけどな」 そこで、順平は少年は左手を指さした。「あそこの小屋に……ドリアードってのがいるのか?」「凄い別嬪さんだぜ? 無理ゲー状態だった迷宮攻略に疲れた俺に、全てを諦めさせる位にな」 溜息交じりに順平は尋ねる。 当然の事ながら、小屋の方角に、全神経を研ぎ澄ませ、いかなる危険の察知も逃すまいとすることは忘れない。「なるほど……ね。で、オッサンは今、幸せなのか?」「ああ。綺麗な嫁さん、美味い飯、自然に囲まれて……俺は最高に幸せだぜ。なんせ、ドリアードと俺はいつでも心がつながってるんだからな」「心だけでも無さそうだけどな……ところでさ……オッサン?」「ん? なんだ?」 ともすれば、順平の瞳に涙が溢れそうになる。 何だかんだで、彼は少し前まで普通の高校生だった。 心細い迷宮の中で……ふざけた調子の、けれどユーモアを忘れない。 ただ、手紙を読むと言う、そんな一方的なコミュニュケーションだったけれど……それで、生還のヒントと言う直接的なものは確かにあったけれど、それ以外の心の癒しと言う意味で、彼に救われた面が無かったと言えば、それは嘘になる。 でも、それも……もう終わりだ。 He could have... If you keep him watching a bad dream, I wake up it will be my job. Helped if you want to help. But... It's clear that anymore, it's too late. If you yourself would also give miiko. So, along with the prepared the opened his mouth."Tentacles. There are ear?! 」"Tentacles? Color, let's, color, color sg cheek the shocks? 」「…… In the mouth is thin after several books,... On the nose... " For a moment, the man closed his eyes, completely stopping the activity. And convulsions. Move the hands and feet large. Whole body shakes. Hanged on the tentacle--in the cradle of the tentacle man of influence. Tongue lebrero and saliva and transfers to one side and be outstretched body. Bikubkvikvikvikvik. Or undergoing an intense electric shock to the convulsions again many times.' Do pepepepe pepepepe pepepepe Pepe. Pitched like a tongue to vibrate, causing an unpleasant sound. And after awhile, gradually falling motion of a man. Along with the movement enjoyed to say pepepe and quieted any unpleasant sound. The silence before long. Then again, Peel the white man opened his mouth while dispersing spitting saliva.「で、何だっていうんだ?」 静かな口調、冷静な口調。 それに似合わぬ、充血した白目。 引き攣った笑みに、垂れる涎が良く似合う。「オッサンは何で樹木に触手で絡みとられまってるんだ? で……本当に25なのか?」「絡みとられる……? 俺は……確かに25だが……」「分かってはいた事だが……本当に自覚……ねーんだな。体を触手で宙に吊られて、穴と言う穴に管と触手を突っ込まれてんじゃねえか……」「……?」「自分の掌も見えねーのか? 精気を吸い取られて……シワクチャの老人みたいになってんじゃねーかよ……」「……?」 そうして、男は自らの掌を確認するような仕草を見せた。 一瞬、男は瞳を閉じ、完全に活動を停止する。 そして、再度、痙攣。 ビクビクビクビクビクビク。 強烈な電気ショックを受けているかのように、何度も何度も痙攣する。「すぺぺぺぺぺぺぺぺぺぺぺぺぺぺ」 しばし固まり、男は笑い出した。「ひゃ、ひゃ、ひゃひゃひゃひゃはやひゃああああは
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Cheerful old man 2 that
this time, is Guroi. Well, the view moves to Junpei. - Sukoku before. After the victory in the S rank-class adventurer partner, Junpei was had stepped a foot to the next hierarchy. Large forests around the lake was formed there. Green is deep, over birdsong is sound, strong light amount of Hikarigoke. From time to time, sometimes deer and wild boar can show the face, it is the situation that does not change much with the outside world of the forest. If this is the summer of Japan, would sight of families to enjoy a ...... vacation as camp are enjoying a barbecue can be seen here and there. In fact, the ...... Do's views peace, to say, it is straightforward impressions Junpei. And more than anything, flying to one side, thin silver particles. And what I saw at the time of the food people group of the hierarchy, it also looks nearly as homogeneous. - Hierarchy itself is safety zone. So, that's why, even wonder there are deer and wild boar, that thinking can. If the supplement, in the hierarchy of eating human family, to also carry out the food chain, microorganisms other than human, insect, plant, and the original to form a number of first place in the individual animals did not exist. Then, in this hierarchy - and he it was. Junpei that way, while Megurase a think about the natural environment of this hierarchy, had been walking along the lakeside. However, war readiness is not always broken down. Just because it is safe zone, danger will not be said that there is no - not, precisely because off guard, "which scooped the feet" to the small fish possible there. Than when to confront formidable enemy, now the current, seemingly ...... that there is compelling terrible towards the peaceful likely sight ...... Junpei is think so, and rumination the previous experience, was bitter smile. Then. He looked. In the forest, near enough to the shack. Was covered with a myriad of tubes and tentacles, a naked old man to be suspended in Taiki. The man literally - in the hole to say the holes in the body, has been thrust into the tube and tentacles. The skin of the whole body, earthworm swelling - possibly, would like from the tentacles of the fine roots that erosion in the body - was covered in. Capillaries in the last line of the expansion of the influence or ...... pressure and volume of the root that has been spread around in the body, as if you had congestive systemic, covered the surface of the skin to purple. And, and moisture is lost from the man of the skin, is it of crumpled after the bedridden 80-something old man - such as the mid-ching chi has been lost. Tentacles that plunged from the ear, the ear canal, through the canal, penetrate into the brain. And in the direction from the inside from the top of the head again on the outside, it was not project to the outside so as to break the skin. Inside is exposed from there that breaks through the skull - As far as the brain, is fine roots also in the brain was covered with Bisshiri. So, Junpei nodded as if it had given up ...... Oh, and. If as a Japan here. As what kind of surgery has been carried out, and this guy is not Sukekara absolutely. Because this man is, erosion in Taiki, or rather than being parasitic, it has "already Taiki and assimilation." While suppressing the nausea, Junpei further to observe the man. Suspended was of him, that is from the excretory organs like manure has become a runaway, such as the brown paint that was stuck in the thigh, and the dry object, such as a paint - but flies piled To Konmori on the ground rotten things of feces wanted. And, in the unbearable stench - it suspended the man was laughing as if they were ecstatic. "C'mon dry Ard. Every day you also Naa likes ..., so much When you are forced ching chi is by ... ze really Chimau become a mummy? I'm already exhausted to pull out" a man of remains suspended, Effeminate surface was Shitanamezuri together. Then, the motion man's hand first, then the hip has moved faintly. And jittery jittery, like or not what is moving, ...... man after the stroke of such waist excreted urine. Sure enough, in the urine, such as not notice unless seen peering eyes - emitted from the withered old man, the last of the fact that the drop and said to do just the faint white mono rectification had been mixed in, Junpei is noticed It was wonder. Anyway. Of him, but the old man in the field of view of the first. - It also was ...... old man of a good level even if the irregular shape and expression. "Hey ... you ...?" When the call so is Junpei, the animation suddenly to the man of the pupil conceived, while drooling, man stripped the white of the eye he said. "Hahha! Brother! Well each follow arrived Do not up to here" thin tube is pierced also several present in the lacrimal gland, in the engorged white of the eye, only the black eye was shining and Gyorori and Lang Lang. This was also covered in mucus that was Numenume, wide open the mouth of the magnitude of the tentacles and out, with a large excess and the like can also be said the voice, in my best, I do man she said. "As a way of talking ...... whether you are ...... old man of the?" "Hey, I me say is good to me old man. Even this ze'm a 25-year-old?" Perhaps ...... this guy is, not at all understand the current state . Junpei did not move from the spot. ...... Finally, it was thought ...... and Junpei which at this time has come. Until now, the Lord's letter which has been giving me a hint to myself. He is someday ...... in just have on the run, I thought the would be this way. Alternatively, your face-to-face with a skeletal body. Or. Imperceptibly, memo disappears. Hata or alternatively, miraculous encounter in a state that survived to each other, and ...... united front. So, it might have been impossible even a united front. Also a Junpei has fallen in the middle of misanthropy, or if ...... of that letter main and, it is also not suffering from a thought to. But. Benefactor is no longer turned into a ...... variant. It had been a lot of assumed - as far as that can be considered, in the worst state, two people apparently had met. Too much of the situation, Junpei could not face up to the man. "Tteka I boy, well well ...... ...... Do it rubbed that arrived in the deep up to here." Junpei overlooking the surrounding asks the man. "Oh, as also know old man, is here ... in the ridiculous It was a journey. ...?" "As you might guess, I'm a whole hierarchy has become a safety zone. You's also food people group I would have seen in the village? the same as any " Botori, and, feces is discharged from the no man's anus nothing of the pulse shown, fell to the ground. To see it, to hear the sound. I did not know what the other ...... Junpei Why good. "......" "By me, or not me is closed to that person? Here is ze? Not palm have Nante monster" there is no reason that Shimae the ...... weapon is said to be. Obviously - man is subjected to treatment of something dangerous organisms, and can be seen when viewed from anyone's eyes - because of they've fallen out of state. "It boy. What I'm Is the in Chima' and taut face" "Unfortunately, even I'm extreme conditions terrible journey and life in it ...... misanthropy," "good, Well then, we Shiteyaro the speaking fondly," "speak fondly ? What was the story of a sudden? " So, the man blew Hugh and whistling. "Yes. I shall be deemed to be replaced adventurer is, chance meeting with the fairy in the hell of the labyrinth, and fell in love, for the first time the self-sufficiency, it is a story of up to settle in the happy phrase hierarchy" that is ...... and the man continues. "The point is I'm a thing of me, but it!" Oh and ..., where Junpei nodded as if it had guessed all. - Do is Ya wants Do ...... and this idiot ...... in the Venus flytrap. Then, still wandering the Reality of dream and fantasy, and ...... you are living in a world of happy delusion. We will not know there is a word called Nari only himself but does not stop ...... and the headache of Junpei is. "In, well, although it is not the demon is here ...... but I think the was found in a little while ago of the story, the spirits:. Dryades Golf & Spa I're Well, I'm my daughter-in-law Do" So, Junpei the boy pointed to the left hand It was. "What there is of me ...... Dryades Golf & Spa over there of the hut?" "Ze's amazing beautiful woman's? I to tired to labyrinth capture was impossible game state, much to the Do not give up everything" to sigh Junpei asks. Of course, in the direction of the hut, all nerves sharpen, not forget that the Mai miss even perceive any danger. "I see it .... In, old man now, how happy?" "Oh. Beautiful wife, delicious rice, happiness to the highest ... I'm surrounded by nature Daze. Prepared to deal, Dryades Golf & Spa and I mind at any time I do not "because I'm connected to the is the ...... by the way do not I'm only any No unlikely" heart ...... old man? " " I? What? " Tomosureba, will likely overflow tears the pupil of Junpei. A Somehow, he was an ordinary high school student until a little while ago. The tone was playfully ...... in lonely labyrinth, but do not forget the humor. But, say read the letter, ... so but it was such a one-sided community news application, but there certainly is nothing direct to say that survivors of tips, in the sense that the healing of the other mind, he speaking has saved the plane in was not, it would be a lie. But, it's the end also ...... anymore. If he is he a bad dream ...... we continue to look, the'll wake up it would be my role. I want to help if help is the thing. But ...... The other, too late thing is obvious. Nara, would also be his or her library'll make suicide assistant. I think so, Junpei opened the mouth along with the resolution. "'ll You doing entered the tentacles ...... ear?" "Tentacles? Eating, cane, eating, ho eating sg, tentacle?" "...... Opening to narrow the what this one also, even in the rear ...... nose ......" moment , man closes the eyes, to stop the full activity. And, convulsions. Big move the hands and feet. Whole body shakes. Was suspended tentacles - in the tentacles of the cradle, a man greatly moved the body. And Rerorero the tongue, saliva was spatter on one side, and to Nokezora the body. Jumpy jumpy jumpy. As if it received a strong electric shock, and convulsions again and again. "Supepepepepepepepepepepepepepe" hate the shrill, unpleasant sound that is generated by vibrating the tongue. Then, after a while, gradually subsided man of movement. Along with the Calming of the movement, they say Supepepe, had subsided also unpleasant sound. Before long visit silence. So, again, man is stripped white of the eye, opening the mouth while scattered spit. "So, what Even I say?" Quiet tone, calm tone. Unexpected suit in it, bloodshot white of the eye. To Hikitsu' smile, dripping drool suits well. "What old man is what in I'm waiting taken entangled in the tentacles to trees? ... Really 25 of the in?" "...... Taken tangled? I'm certainly 25 but ...... ......" but he that had is "known ... ... I really aware ...... Nain. body is suspended in the air in the tentacles, ... I think we are thrust into the tubes and tentacles in the hole to say the holes " " ...? " " I also look your palm ? the is sucked the ching chi by whether Ne Ja you doing become like the old man of ... wrinkled ... " " ...? " Then, the man showed a gesture, such as to check their own palm. For a moment, the man close the eyes, to stop the complete activity. And, again, convulsions. Jumpy jumpy jumpy. As if it received a strong electric shock, and convulsions again and again. "Supepepepepepepepepepepepepepe" masses often, man began to laugh. "Hya, Hya, Hya Hyahyahya is and Hya ah ah

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
A cheerful old man Part 2This is disgusting.Well, it is.-- for a long time ago.After the Party rank class S adventurer triumph, Junpei she stepped on to the next level.But there are around the lake into a great forest.Deep green, the songs of birds, the strong light of the luminous moss.Occasionally, deer and wild boar which show the situation of the world outside the forest does not change much.This is Japanese, summer camps... Families will enjoy the holiday to enjoy barbecue sight and in the sight.In fact, it is a peaceful... And, frankly, Junpei reflections.And what"s more, in the light of the silver particles.Cannibalism is seen in the family hierarchy at the time, it looks as if the quality.Safety zone -- the hierarchy itself.So, that is why it would exist, deer and wild boar, think about what we can do.To supplement the diet in the family hierarchy, in which the human food chain, but microorganisms, insects, plants, and animals is formed in the element of the population does not exist.Then, the hierarchical - that was it.It is like that, I thought the natural environment of this hierarchy, walking on the lake.However, the war is always maintained.Safety zone because you can not say no, no, because the risk guard, "there is a possibility to be small fish is caught.Than to confront the powerful enemy, as of now, look... Peace is much more horrible sight of... Junpei thought so previous experience, rumination, bitter smile.With that.He looked.In the woods, on the hill of the suite. Tentacles and covered with a myriad of pipe, is hanged in big naked old man.The man says literally hole and hole in the thrust and tentacles.The skin of the whole-body, earthworm swelling -- perhaps, covered with tentacles from erosion in the body such as the fine roots - things.Effects of root or its capillaries... The pressure and the volume expansion after the congestion of systemic skin surface covered in purple.The man and the loss of moisture, crumpled it as lost in the middle of the bedridden elderly -- the essence of 80% or more.Eustachian tube, tentacles from the ear canal, thrust into the brain. And from the top to the outside from the inside of the skin to break out.Through the skull is exposed from the internal view, as long as the brain -- the brain in the fine roots and covered.Where is the... Oh, nodded in and give up.If this is Japanese.What is performed the surgery, this man is never lost.Because this man, Hiroki erosion or parasitic to say than it already, "assimilation" Daiki.While observing the nausea, man is more.He hung in the excretory organs from manure was expelled and thigh, like a painting from the dry fly -- such as paint objects piled thick on the ground was wanted at rotten feces.Then, in the intolerable stench -- the hanged man as ecstatic smile."Hey liar. I love you... Day after day, if so required energy... From... Mummy, I really should be? I am now exhausted. "The hanged man, the surface was carried out with ニヤケ lips.And a man"s hand first, then I moved.Jerky is jerky, is not running, after the stroke of the hip... So... The man with the urine.However, in the urine of the -- see the eyes so as not to notice issued by the old man, with white light is that of the last drop of the spirit, which is the notice.Be that as it may.His vision of the future.-- and the expression level of... As... The old man was
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ภาษาอื่น ๆ
การสนับสนุนเครื่องมือแปลภาษา: กรีก, กันนาดา, กาลิเชียน, คลิงออน, คอร์สิกา, คาซัค, คาตาลัน, คินยารวันดา, คีร์กิซ, คุชราต, จอร์เจีย, จีน, จีนดั้งเดิม, ชวา, ชิเชวา, ซามัว, ซีบัวโน, ซุนดา, ซูลู, ญี่ปุ่น, ดัตช์, ตรวจหาภาษา, ตุรกี, ทมิฬ, ทาจิก, ทาทาร์, นอร์เวย์, บอสเนีย, บัลแกเรีย, บาสก์, ปัญจาป, ฝรั่งเศส, พาชตู, ฟริเชียน, ฟินแลนด์, ฟิลิปปินส์, ภาษาอินโดนีเซี, มองโกเลีย, มัลทีส, มาซีโดเนีย, มาราฐี, มาลากาซี, มาลายาลัม, มาเลย์, ม้ง, ยิดดิช, ยูเครน, รัสเซีย, ละติน, ลักเซมเบิร์ก, ลัตเวีย, ลาว, ลิทัวเนีย, สวาฮิลี, สวีเดน, สิงหล, สินธี, สเปน, สโลวัก, สโลวีเนีย, อังกฤษ, อัมฮาริก, อาร์เซอร์ไบจัน, อาร์เมเนีย, อาหรับ, อิกโบ, อิตาลี, อุยกูร์, อุสเบกิสถาน, อูรดู, ฮังการี, ฮัวซา, ฮาวาย, ฮินดี, ฮีบรู, เกลิกสกอต, เกาหลี, เขมร, เคิร์ด, เช็ก, เซอร์เบียน, เซโซโท, เดนมาร์ก, เตลูกู, เติร์กเมน, เนปาล, เบงกอล, เบลารุส, เปอร์เซีย, เมารี, เมียนมา (พม่า), เยอรมัน, เวลส์, เวียดนาม, เอสเปอแรนโต, เอสโทเนีย, เฮติครีโอล, แอฟริกา, แอลเบเนีย, โคซา, โครเอเชีย, โชนา, โซมาลี, โปรตุเกส, โปแลนด์, โยรูบา, โรมาเนีย, โอเดีย (โอริยา), ไทย, ไอซ์แลนด์, ไอร์แลนด์, การแปลภาษา.

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