I wonder if was buried jtr of today? But it ☆ I had buried properly worry www reply retweet favorite more expand rituko @ ritu_62115 3h @ mayukojyp2pm today, I was not able to see the second floor, up to the third floor seats but (> _ <)
I was Cella JTR today? It is worry about www Reply Retweet Favorite More Expand @Ritu_62115 3h @mayukoJYP2PM today I buried decently. ☆ even, 2 floor, 見れなかった up on the third floor, but (> _ <)
Though it wasn't able to watch even 埋 まってたよ ☆ today's JTR properly to the second floor, the third floor seat worry www ReplyRetweetFavoriteMoreExpand Rituko?@Ritu_621153h @mayukoJYP2PM today whether was buried; (>_<)