Chapter 2: King raidsEpisode 3, "Jessica with blonde girl"Wow I was, fraught with cum! What to I do? 」"That's right, a surprising or not it's sharp poise. I didn't think would be avoided. Tyler's Alcyone suddenly began to bite in the razor-thin 躱 or move. It's great now to avoid. I seem to have surprised a little bit Alcyone."Stop joking for a while--it is Alcyone teacher cosplay! Suddenly I use transformation magic. I also quickly... ""Or one, still do not understand the situation. Whatever dull otsumu it seems."Is gone! Oh, it is dull otsumu Hey even! Ukki!--teachers say it is! 」 Tyler's face red, are outraged. Said otsumu dull, seems far more that come to mind. Yes, Alcyone say is if this is true. Problem is lack of crisis awareness. Tyler says, don't feel pressure of of it? Anyway Tyler's situation right now is very dangerous, I have not understand quickly."Tyler's, so if I don't. He is a vampire attack humans and mazoku. I'm trying to kill us! 」"Vampire? Zoku? Of what are you talking about? No matter how much from the teacher scolded me so ill say. Also wow you, what this person! I knew the situation was tense. I mean has shifted, or rather carefree, Tyler, euphemisms are useless. One will say clearly and understand."It is true! I'm rests in the hands of his good friend, and was likely killed me! 」「…… Gosh, really? 」"Are you serious. And not even as a joke in disguise with the magic. Brought me get serious or Tyler's has again observed Alcyone's face and figure. And..."Wow oh oh! Of real monsters? EH? EH? Is vampires real? It's not merely a prank? 」"Kukuku, yeah. Do you finally it the fear? This is also quite weak otsumu it's difficult. Demerit's stupid you were beautiful in mind. " Spill the Alcyone honest opinions. Do you deny that I am weak lies."And, well, really. And he's the King. Oh, I say yeah early magic was used from it I'm. This, I stepped into the world of fantasy in this is a real adventure, finally I really mean. Such as, what? Heart is not ready. At the very least at first wanted the slime! " Tyler's confused or muttering the words do not know the reason. It is no use. What's that mazoku are standing in front of. My magic student trained even appropriated to the aura of the mazoku's Swooning. Cannot be used in Tyler, let alone ordinary people. And here is my work! On the ground at this time for anything learned at the Magic School!"Tyler says, let's run away! 」"Well, Yes. I took Tyler's hands and crossed the corridor to hitachinaka runs. However, in contrast to the feeling and tangle foot. Pull out and consciousness seems distant. My strength is close to the limit, I'm still asleep."Is, is, is.""Jessica CHAN, okay? 」 Worried about Tyler's proud me and staring at me. Were so scared me has to worry about me. I'm still very nice. Somehow, Tyler's only but want to let him go. What to do? Alcyone look back always feels. It will play with us rather than immediately trying to flee. Magic bullet shooting while playing with the Alcyone, off guard, but not to restrain."Tyler, I somehow Alcyone stems."Jessica CHAN, is and. And, I'm sorry. Hey panic I did. In spite of my I'm really sorry."That's not true. Anyway I shoot magic bullet, will discourage him. Please run away in the meantime."Jessica CHAN, it's death flag guy!. Absolutely awful. Run away together."But the longer I run, so no""Found it" Tyler's my say and listen and I with Princess, running. Lie! Tyler I got it fast strong, surprisingly. And we ran like the wind."One, run away, run away. Submited by fear--but what? Is going too fast! Dude, you're from 待tann, wait! 」 Alcyone changed the face and chasing. Apparently it seems surprised by Tyler's feet. I am appalled by. It's not out of breath one also holding me Tyler, quickly opening a window. Even though might have been holding my fast bounce up to shoulder. Tyler's leg is not extraordinary. I think no body enhancing magic, magic of the upper class to use it where it's fast. Of an adventurer's name is actually Tyler's become?Adventures of Tyler, I were!"To the boobs, what are you saying? Nope, I just Cook.See, I have but to go that fast... ""Well, physical confidence from.""Isn't that description. Cooks just like--"' Chitchit POO!, Jessica CHAN, who fool if you don't. Dishes are heavy lifting. Answered by Tyler explained. Its a such a problem? Yes but not Tyler's. I still say something and suddenly stopped Tyler's.Jessica CHAN"What is? 」"Oh, it's vampires? 」 Look at Tyler's direction, while Cale was one leg were moved. Without reason, occasionally, like the beast ROAR."Yes, was a respected teacher. But at the hands of the Alcyone...... ""So... It was very hard."Sob!, can't believe it even now. Teachers so students I was going to like that. Awful, awful too."I'm sorry, again becoming a vampire. Do not avoid getting hit. Tyler's say. Sad but I can't. Now away from the menace of the Alcyone is the top priority."Please do not suck blood to Tyler's, Alcyone. Blood to be sucked like that is a vampire."Yeah, I know. Don't people who were vampires in the sense not to get bitten. ""Ah! I certainly think so. And do not consider the movement seems to increase physical abilities, vampires who were."Be-, or thereabouts so far are iron I. Damaged hands and feet moving, would be a zombie elements."The mazoku is that Tyler's did you know?? 」"Yes, elyos MAA rather than characteristics of the vampire's. Reincarnation cheat me with one I possess the specialized knowledge of it. I'd say my only weapon. And the ten seechii? I wonder what does that mean? Special knowledge. Certainly Tyler says about vampires would like to know."Good and wait for Tim, it. I didn't think school is not on this brother believe it or not. ""I said to Tim's Gate have? 」"Yes, Oh-wait. Bad! Worried about Tim if you had too much over time, come to school!? " Possible. Likely worried about Tyler's long time back, come in search of the school."Or what? 」"Jessica CHAN, here's food storage? 」"Is the food storage. So it is at the back of the dining room."Where's the dining room? 」"Dining room is just at the end of this hallway turn right."So, go there!"' Yes. But why is food storage? 」"Get the HA-HA, Vampire weaknesses in garlic because""Garlic? 」"Oh, no I kukanomi that in a world where"「それが弱点なんですか?」「えぇ、吸血鬼にはニンニクって相場が決まっているんだから」 ティレアさんは自信満々に言い放つ。 クカノミが弱点……。 クカノミを使った料理は学園の食堂でもよく出るメニューだ。スタミナがつくからと男子が好んで食べているけど、私は臭いがきつくて苦手である。 アルキューネもクカノミが苦手なの? うーん、アルキューネは普通に食べていたような気がするけど、それとも気づかれないように残していたとか? ……何か違うような気がする。「あ、あのティレアさん、やっぱりクカノミが弱点とは思えないんですけど」「ジェシカちゃん、私を信じて!」 あぁ、ティレアさんとはさっき会ったばかりだが、だんだんこの人の性格が分かってきた。この人が自信満々に言うときはたいていずれている。「で、でも、ティレアさん、やっぱり――」「ジェシカちゃん、時間がないの。なんとか奴を倒してティムに合流しないと!」 ダメだ、聞く耳持たないよ。そうしてティレアさんに連れられ、あっという間に食堂奥の食糧庫に到着する。「へぇ~ここが王都魔法学園の食糧庫か。さすがにでかい。おぉ、ヘライアの実まであるよ」 ティレアさんは食糧庫にある棚の引き出しや箱をかたっぱしから開けてクカノミを探している。時折、レアな食材を見つけるのか感嘆の声を挙げたりもしている。食材に感動しているあたり料理人と言ってたのは本当みたいだ。「よし、見つけた。けっこうあるぞ。良かった」「そ、そうですか……」「はい、ジェシカちゃんの分よ」 ティレアさんからクカノミを受け取る。つんと独特のクカノミ臭がした。私はクカノミを手に取って手触りを確認する。硬くもなく柔らかくもなくでこぼこした只の食材だ。これを使って魔族を倒せるとは到底思えない。「いい? 奴が来たら一斉にこれを投げつけるのよ」「あ、あのティレアさん。やっぱり別の作戦を考えたほうが――」「しーっ、来たみたい」 ティレアさんの言う通りアルキューネが息を切らして追いついてきた。「はぁ、はぁ、おのれぇ! ちょろちょろ逃げ足の速い奴だ。だが追い詰めたぞ」「今よ!」 ティレアさんからの合図、こうなればいちかばちかだ! 私はせいいっぱい力を込めてクカノミをアルキューネに投げつける。だが、私が投げたクカノミは放物線を描いてポタリと地面に落ちただけだった。 だめだ……。 クカノミに効果があるか以前に私の腕力じゃアルキューネに当てることすらできない。私が落胆すると、「ぐはあああっっ!」 突然、部屋中に断末魔じみた声が響く。見るとティレアさんから放たれたクカノミがアルキューネの肩口に命中していたのだ。アルキューネの肩口にクカノミがめり込み、まるで鉄球にでも当たったかのごとく陥没していた。陥没している肩口からはドロリと血がたれている。「す、すごい……ティレアさんって戦士だったんですね」「戦士じゃないって。だからクカノミが奴の弱点だと言ったでしょう」「え、でもこれってクカノミの力?」「そうよ。まぁ、イメージでは当てたらじゅわっと溶けていくイメージだったけどね。理論と実践は違うってところかしら」 本当かな? どう見てもティレアさんの腕力にものをいわせた力技にしか思えないけど……。「ぜぇ、ぜぇ、ぜぇ、な、何をしやがった? たかが人間風情が! はぁ、はぁ、な、舐めやがって!」 アルキューネから余裕の笑みが消え、激しい怒りの表情に変化していた。 お、恐ろしい。これが魔族の本気の重圧なのか……。 そのどす黒い殺気は人間の悪意とは重さが違う。私は恐怖からティレアさんの腕にしがみついた。
「はぁ、はぁ、殺す! あ、遊んでやっていたらつけあがりやがって。ただでは殺さん。生きたまま血をすすり、その身を引き裂いてくれん!」
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