不穏「さて、自己紹介も終わったところですが、前回の薬草学のテストを返却したいと思います。名前を呼びますので、一人ずつ取りに来てください」 全 การแปล - 不穏「さて、自己紹介も終わったところですが、前回の薬草学のテストを返却したいと思います。名前を呼びますので、一人ずつ取りに来てください」 全 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด




「応! ま、俺にかかればテストなんて――――」
「ウソオオオオオオオオオオオオオオオン!? って、点数暴露するのは酷いぜ、ベアトリスの姐さん!」



いや、本当に何でこの解答で百点取れると思ったの!? 脳筋思考にもほどがある!

「俺は間違ってねぇ! 気合いだ、気合が足りねぇんだ! この世の中、すべては気合で何とかなるんだよぉぉぉぉおおおお!」

折れるの早いよ! もっと自分の言葉に責任を持って! 気合が足りてないよ!?



「何でそいつの点数がよくて、俺の点数が悪ぃんだよぉ! 納得いかねぇ!」
「違う! 気合が足りねぇだけだろ!?」




「ごめんなさいごめんなさい! ででででも、僕如きが生意気にも答えを書くだなんて! ああ、それに、僕の字なんかを見て、気分を悪くされると思うと……! だから謝らなきゃいけないと思って! でもそのせいで先生の目を汚してしまうことを許してください! はっ!? 口答えしてすみませんすみません! もう黙ります!」

何と、レオンのテストには、『僕如きが意見を述べるだなんて畏れ多いです! それに、僕の字を見せるだなんて……ごめんなさい。ああ! でも、これも文字だから……ごめんなさいごめんなさいごめんなさいごめんなさいごめんなさいごめんなさい――――』と長々と【ごめんなさい】の文字がびっしりと書かれていたのだ。
怖ぇよ! とんでもない狂気を感じるんだけど!?
もうネガティブとかそんな域を軽く飛び越えてるよね!? こうして無事に学園に登校してくれていることが奇跡に思えるよ!
そのあと、ヘレンとレイチェルが続いてテストを受け取るが、二人とも点数は90点台で、特に問題なさそうだった。ヘレンは話しかけにくい雰囲気があるモノの、レイチェルと合わせてこのクラスではとてもいい子そうである。……いやいやいや! 俺毒され過ぎてね!? 二人が特別優等生ってわけじゃなくて、周りがおかしいだけだよね!? あっぶねー! 俺の常識が徐々に変態共基準になりつつあるぞ……! あっ、それに気づいた途端、ギルド本部で変態共が高笑いしてる幻影が見えてきた!







「よっしゃああああああああ! 勉強しないで済むぜ!」




「いえ、大丈夫です! 気にしないでください」
「はい! ……オリガちゃんはどうする? 先に闘技場に行く?」

この学園広すぎるんだよ。絶対使ってない教室とかあるよね!? 俺すでに男性寮に帰れる自信がないんだけど?



「それにしてもよぉ……あの誠一って野郎は何者だ? 俺のガンに怖がりもしねぇ」
「煽ってるよな? 完全に煽ってるよな!?」


「はぁ……お前の性格はどうにかならんのか? 卑屈すぎる……。誰も意見を口にしただけで怒るわけがなかろう」
「すみませんすみません! 気を遣わせてしまって、すみません!」


「だけどよぉ、それは今から分かることだろ? ベアトリスの姐さんが今日の授業を全部実技にするって言ったことだしよ」




「ねねね! サリアさんとルルネさんって、知り合い!? どんな関係か、ボク知りたいなぁ」





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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Unrest"Return and medicinal plants of the last test is finished now, introduce yourself, and think. Please come back one by one because the name is known. After finishing all introductions, Beatriz were so mouth. It is not amusing that before becoming a teacher of this class I take for granted, but normally by Beatrice as a teacher teaching had to return to the test."You succeeded agnos.See meet! Well, test if you take me!----""Zero-point"See usoohoooooooooooooon! The number of exposure is bad, why Mr. Beatrice! 」 Agnes Beatrice, passed the test, raise a yowl. Is certainly exposed to scores of poor, but had confidence in what zero testing? Forehead is gently massaged, said Beatriz."I thought why take the 100 points in this answer is...""Oh, boy!..."' Intermediate pill to make? 」"Fired up! 」"Fool you? 」 Serious?!. And take a look at my test succeeded agnos and all answers had been finished in only 2 characters of the "fired up". I thought no, really in what in this answer 100 points off of! Brain muscle thought about that!"I was wrong heh! Yell's yell was wrong! it is! I'm in this world, everything would somehow fired up in her beauuuutiful "! 」"Hmmm. The Kun succeeded agnos. Become a woman."Say Namaste's did not. Tiring of it's early! More responsibly their own words! Not enough food for thought! Unsteadily and pensive, while succeeded agnos back in the seat. …… A bittersweet."The I. Next, you brood."Hun" Chicks then called received the test while walking gracefully."It is very good scores. Good luck with this condition."So of course it's a. Not to be told."In what his score was good and my score was evil! it's Oh! Convinced I want to! 」"You are stupid. Would you answer is not the answer, wrong number ""Different! Food for thought wrong Hey just wondering!? ""So, succeeded agnos you. In Please charge to the national King Castle ""I'm sorry" But a good bit in the brood succeeded agnos is eventually sank in Beatrice's short. More than this. I'll shut up. To have the Guild headquarters, majestically naked at Ojo assault and so Kinky. Baird subsequently called receives a test remains silent, and back seat untouched. Snoop also saw that Baird's test was a high score of 90 points. …… Only deepens the mystery. But Leon was called in the next test, I was wide-eyed.See this, this... ""The I. It is also? All right. Every time it is."Every time!?" Beatrice's words greatly surprise and saw Leon test again. Because this is very much something as..."Leon I. Do addition and subtraction, and then answer."I'm sorry I'm sorry! Practice but I like too cheeky to write answers to me! Oh, and watching my characters and feel bad that I think. So I don't apologize! But please forgive me will be disgraced teacher's eye because of that! Is gone! Talk back to me, and I'm sorry I'm sorry! Another quiet down! 」 Test of what, and Leon, "like my opinion's is awful! It shows my character's... I am sorry. Oh! But because this is a character. I'm sorry I'm sorry who made face to face, Sesame Noodles, who face to face with Sesame Noodles ― ― ― ― please ' and and [I'm sorry] of's character had been written with. I scared! I'm feel crazy ridiculous! Another negative or such areas are jumped! Seems like a miracle can thus safely at school, thanks for your school! A continued living this character till now good. Like suicide to think so, but I'm scared. It's suicide or joke not. It's Earth, such opportunities rarely did not mean, but I still commit suicide did not want. In particular, torture it is for suicide!, it's another. Why torture because it depends if you die for a guy who comes up. That's ridiculous. Don't be to die no matter how painful. Because I have a lot of my more painful human... And. It's seems to think so, and I have lived until now. Well I like different matter. I think that Leon thought about suicide, or it will have it at the same time scary. …… Live strong. Later, Helen and Rachael are followed receiving test, but both of the two scores 90 units, especially problem seemed like. Helen is is difficult to talk to MO-Rachel and fit this class is very good so in. …… No, no no! I'm too much poison! Two special honors students is don't just around the funny one! Oh avoid?! Being my common sense gradually become the transformation our standards!. At the Guild headquarters as soon as quickly, it noticed the ghost's roar hentai we have in sight! And exorcise the ghost floated in front of frantically followed Irene's turn. She heads to Beatrice's bottom while walking up a beautiful and elegant."Yes, Ms. Irene. 100 is undisputed."Yes, thank you. It is, but is of course a perfect. Without boasting, and said that the calm and smiled. I've seen that really Irene scores 100 points, and, can the Beatriz seemed satisfied. It might be 100 points easily seen on Earth is thus see the Princess Irene, and usually do not take only 100 points. …… Yes, why is this class of? I couldn't help but to be called the no child left behind her, my head 傾gezu. No, not just the Princess Irene, brood, Baird said."So, finally. Flora's."Yes! 」"It is normal""It hurt so I guess!?" Flora until a little while ago was treaded to Lerne the tsukkonnda on Beatrice says. I see a weirdo is a compliment for her? …… It is too late. Beatrice's finished passing the test of all was my voice."Well, Seiichi. Today's date is... By using a full schedule today, you can try looking at the ability of people? 」"Everyone said. Members of the F class, isn't it? 」' Yes. Classroom, including earlier test return with herbal lore have been just separated in the. But it is thought that is used today in the classes is to Seiichi to tell from this time, so in order to identify characteristics of their time, whether or not it is ""Hmmm... Beatrice's fine lecture that if it works. From the seat of progress I don't know that. Accept my words, says Beatrice nodded and separating again to everyone."Now everyone. Doubles as a fellowship and Seiichi today is a new teacher, I was listening to the conversation for now, but would want to devoted to practical lessons in the maruichi day arena."I'm I right Ah Ah Ah Ah! So do not learn! 」 Beatrice says, his voice of joy succeeded agnos. I hate studying well not even I.. But around the world want to learn, but I think people cannot cannot declare it openly. I say, it doubles as a friendship, say, but the venue is arena about the matter. Too dangerous."But go to the arena until third period 1. May be used by other classes, so never not to trouble.'Yes' F-class including the sarria we reply to all human beings are headed to the arena. Al also goes out to sarria continued."Oh, Beatrice's. A nice little? 」"Yes, what? 」"If I'd schedule is...""Isn't it. I don't know that you come every day, I accidentally had also to teaching any time Seiichi I. I'm sorry... ""Okay, though! Don't worry about."Thank you for. O, we move to the staff room."Yes! …… Olga her to do? First go to the arena? 」「…… Or. Along with ""Its a so.「…… It... "「? 」「…… Get lost. It is!. I'm too much this school. Some classes do not use absolute! I'm not sure I'm already back on male dorms? [Full memory: for there is no sign should have the skills to function. Breath, doing? It was a shitty thing thinking we're going to Beatrice's.◆◇◆ Members of the F class left the classroom in front of s. was walking down the Hall on the way to the arena."Even if it's Wow. That s. is who is the guy? Not too fearful of my cancer? ""Hun. Just simply not afraid of you."I think Gora"!? ""A bark. Unsightly."I'm fueled with? I'm fully fueled with!? ""Oh, that. And the fight is not good. To I'm sorry I'm sorry. Brash also says never, I'm sorry! 」 Succeeded agnos brood words to react excessively, not seem to particularly Leon except walking. And two people affected by Leon's words floated look amazed at the same time."Also I...""The I. The personality of yours can't something be done? Too subservient. No opinions were just angry is not going."I'm sorry I'm sorry! Sorry, I 遣wasete mind! 」「…… The NAA... " Is no pain so easily converted character. And the brood and sighed again."Identity is not just talking about just my new teacher is often beats me. Reached proficiency on the face is not visible in the food is remains to be seen. ""I'm, you know from now on it is? Beatrice 姐 that practical lesson today all I said then. ""That's right. …… Baird, you think a new homeroom teacher? 」 Suddenly chicks shake to Baird and Baird took sketchbook, as usual, showed."I think good people! '「いい人……ね……。お前も相変わらずだな」 いつも通りの反応に、ブルードは苦笑いを浮かべた。 そんなやり取りをしている傍らで、フローラが興奮気味にサリアたちに声をかけている。「ねねね! サリアさんとルルネさんって、知り合い!? どんな関係か、ボク知りたいなぁ」「そうだよー。ルルネちゃんだけじゃなくて、アルとオリガちゃん……そして、誠一も!」「え?」 サリアの言葉に、フローラは呆気にとられた表情を浮かべた。 それはフローラだけでなく、たまたま言葉が聞こえていた全員の表情が似たような状況だった。……ベアードのみ、表情が読めないが。「あー……えっと……先生とどういった関係……?」 いち早く正気に返ったフローラは、恐る恐ると言った様子で訊く。 すると、サリアは笑顔で言い放った。「お嫁さん!」「えええええええええええええええええ!?」「ちなみに私は主様の下僕だな」「下僕ぅぅぅぅぅうううううううううう!?」「アルも誠一の恋人だよー」「はああああああああああああああああ!?」 フローラは驚きの連続だった。 サリアが笑顔でお嫁さんと言い切ったことにもだが、そのあとにルルネが真顔で先ほどの発言をし、アルはサリアの言葉に頬を赤くして、顔をそむけたのだ。
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
, "Well, I've just finished the self-introduction, but I would like to return the test of the previous herbalism. Since called the name, come, please to one person at a time up" after finishing the self-introduction of all, Beatrice Mr. was in so mouth. But obvious, but I because normally Beatrice's before to become a teacher of this class was the class as teacher, is not amusing even for that to return the test. "Agunosu kun" "response! Well, if come under my test Nante ----" "zero point" "lie Ooooo Ooooo Ooooo down!? I, is ze terrible to exposure points, sister of Beatrice!" Ms. Beatrice I passed the test, raising the heartbreaking voice Agunosu. The certainly exposed the score I'm poor, probably was carrying anything of confidence in the test of zero point? While rubbing lightly between the eyebrows, Ms. Beatrice said. "...... Why I thought I take a hundred points in this answer." "No, because Yoo ......" "is how to make the intermediate recovery drugs?" "I fired up!" "What a fool?" Seriously do. I, when we look at a glance the test of Agunosu, all answers had ended with only two letters of "fighting spirit". No, really there is enough for many in the take hundred points in this answer and I thought Are!? Brain muscle thinking! "I'm Hey! Psyched wrong, yell is I do not have enough! This world, all is oh oh I Oo Oo'm going to be somehow in the fighting spirit!" "I see. So, please take a Agunosu you. Woman " " I was Sunmasen said raw " break the fast is! More their own words to responsibly! It is not enough fighting spirit!? While an air of tottering and melancholy, Agunosu went back to the seat. ...... I painful. "Huh ...... Next, Brood kun" "Hun" Brood was called to the next, while gracefully walking, received a test. "It is a very good score. This will help you work hard, in a tone" "Do it a natural result. Not even to be said," "What a well is that person of the score, Yoo! Not convincing my score is evil In ! " " differents is either a fool. since the differents of the answer is do not answer, the number will is wrong. " " no! will not only fighting spirit is enough!? " in", Agunosu kun. assault somewhere in the country of the royal castle in the nude and, please, " " I'm sorry " is Agunosu although good was bite in Brood, eventually sank in the word of Mr. Beatrice. Let us in silence ...... than that. The guild headquarters, proudly that there are assault likely to metamorphosis in Ojo in the nude. Subsequently called Baird receives the test remains silent, and returned directly to the seat. It once again peek saw, but test of Baird was the high score of 90 points. ...... Mystery it just deepens. But, the test of Leon was called to the next, I was eyes wide open. "This, this ......" "Huh ...... also Is. Okay. Every since is that" "every time!?" Beatrice's words, saw the test of big surprise once again Leon. I mean, this is how much anything .... "Leon-kun. Sloppy, properly, please answer" even in the "I'm sorry I'm sorry! Dedede, me I'm I Shiki write the answer to cocky! Oh, and, looking at something my character, is bad mood please forgive me for soiling the eyes of the teacher I think ...! So do unless apologize and wondering! But in because of that and! ha ha!? I'm sorry I'm sorry to talk back! you already shut up! " what, Leon the test is "Osoreoi me I'm describe me Shiki but opinion! And, I'm sorry ...... me I'm show my character. Ah! But, this is also because it is the character of the character of the lengthy [I'm sorry] and I'm sorry I'm sorry ---- "I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry ...... was written closely. Fear Eyo! Ridiculous I do feel the madness!? It seems a miracle that me to school to school anymore I I!? Thus safely have jumped over lightly the negative Toka such frequency! Well until now ...... I'm afraid so thinking usually Toka alive come the Do ...... suicide in this personality. I because not a suicide Toka joke. 'S Earth, but such opportunities I mean there was no rare, but still did not want to commit suicide. In particular, Nante suicide is bullying, it is absolutely unthinkable. Why, it Namakan have to die for the guys to come bullying. ridiculous. It intends no matter how Tsurakaro, but not imagine dying. Nante painful human than I, and ...... because I'm a lot. Think so, I I have lived until now. Well not really matter seat do a thing of me. Leon is very concerned about or do not think Toka suicide, but the same was I think also scary at the same time. ...... Strongly alive me. After that, it receives a test followed by Helen and Rachel, score both of whom are in the 90 point range, it was a particular problem that seems. Helen of things that there is talk difficult atmosphere, combined with Rachel in this class is a very good child likely. ……No no no! It too is my poison!? Two people not 's is not I special honor student, I'm only funny around!? Abbune! I'll of common sense is becoming gradually become a transformation both criteria ...! There, as soon as I noticed it, transformation both in the guild headquarters have been visible illusion that loud laughter! When desperately chase away the illusion that floated in front of the eyes, followed by became the turn of Irene. She remains elegant and beautiful walking figure, toward the bottom of Mr. Beatrice. "Yes, Mr. Irene. Complaint is the hundred points of none" "Yes, thank you. You, but, I have the perfect thing is because it is natural," without boasting, in the state that said that said indifferently the fact, calmly smiling I. I also took a look, but really the number of Irene is a hundred points, it was Beatrice's also happy. Quite up to meet you there is no hundred points in the earth, but in this way and look at the state of Irene, wonder not only taken hundred points from the usual. ...... Well, why are you in this class? To Her is unlikely of elements, called No Child Left Behind, I could not help but tilted her neck. No, Irene not only, Brood and Baird also Yeah .... "Then, last ...... Flora's" "Yes!" "It's normal" , "it is I will hurt with it something!?" Flora, which has been stepped in Rurune long ago is, I Tsukko to the words of Mr. Beatrice. Well, for her, whether the weirdo is a compliment. ...... It is too late. Mr. Beatrice you have finished passing the test of all content was put me in the voice. "Well, Seiichi-san. Today ...... but is today's schedule using the whole timetable, why do not you take a look at your ability?" "I ...... I is a member of the F class and say everyone?" " Yes. lectures, including the earlier test return the herbal science, you Yes just advanced to the nice thing about separated. you, but, practical classes, it will be to be asked to tell from this time to Seiichi's, also for the their I thought how determine to use the days that time to today, the feature " when it was" indeed ...... Beatrice's is that it is classroom lectures is okay, it does not matter in it, " the progress of the lectures is to me I because I do not know. Receive my words, and Mr. Beatrice nods, it heals orientation to everyone again. "Then everybody. But I think that was listening now of conversation, today also serves as friendship with Seiichi's a new teacher, I would like devoted to practical lessons in a full day arena" "alrighty ah ah ah ah! ze need not study! " in the words of Mr. Beatrice, Agunosu has raised the voice of joy. But I do not even do not know Well study that Tteyuu's disgusting. But I think I there are people who can not even want to study all over the world, can not be openly so declared. Or say, I say also serves as a fellowship, the venue arena a matter for. Too dangerous. "So, until one Period first begins, please go to the arena. The other classes may have been used, so as not to never bother" "Yes" when everyone reply, Sarria us human F class, including went towards the arena. Al also, going out following the Sarria us. "Oh, Mr. Beatrice. May I ask you something?" "Yes, what?" "After all, I hope you can the itinerary ......" "Well ...... I was also inadvertently, come every day also been found to be asked, I it is Seiichi's do not know what time to the lesson. I'm sorry ...... " " no, okay! please do not care, " " Thank you. So, we staff room Let's across the street from the move "to " Yes! ... Olga-chan do? go ahead to the arena? " " ...... and. together " " its, so? " " ...... and ...... " "? " "...... get lost," but it is. It's this school too wide. I'm certain Toka classroom you are not using absolute!? I'm not sure that I go home to already male dormitory? [Full memory], but it should have skills, there is no sign of that function. Breath, have? While thinking such a stupid thing, I we were to keep up after the Mr. Beatrice. ◆ ◇ ◆ members of the F class leaving the classroom in front of Seiichi us, were walking along the way of the hallway to go to the arena. "Even so bastard I Yoo ...... that Seiichi not be afraid to what person are you? My cancer" "Hun. Simply differents would only not afraid," "do's and Goraa゛!?" "Do not bark. Unsightly " " Do I have fueled? Do I completely have fueled!? " " Oh, you ...... with that ...... quarrel is not good, I'm sorry I'm sorry. will in the cocky also Nante opinion mouth, I'm sorry! " in the words of the Brood, the Agunosu to overreact, are walking without any particular state in which to care except Leon. And, two people who received the words of Leon, smiled an amazed expression at the same time. "Or whether I ......" "Huh ...... ...... Your personality is too not do? The subservient somehow. Nobody opinion only get angry not at the or Not was in the mouth of the" gone so Yawa the "I'm sorry I'm sorry! Care, I'm sorry! " " Huh ...... ...... " and do not struggle if Rarere changed so easily personality ..., Brood is thought, with a sigh once again. "However, there is no talking about earlier, on me also that of the new teacher identity is not visible in the well Wakaran. Face also food, but unknowns led to ability." "But Yoo, it will be seen from now? Beatrice sister that I'm to "Did you say to all the practical lesson of today's do it" Yes. ... Baird, you will see how a new teacher? " and suddenly Brood shake talk to Baird, Baird Remove the sketch book as usual, it showed. "I'll think it's a good person," "a good person ...... I .... You also still Bookshelf" the usual reaction of the street, Brood smiled a wry smile. Beside that the such exchange, are multiplied by the voice in Sarria our flora excitedly. "I Nenene! Sarria-san and Rurune-san, you know!? What kind of relationship do, I want to know me" "yo's right. Not only Rurune chan, Al and Olga-chan ...... and, Seiichi too!" "E ? " in the words of Sarria, Flora smiled a facial expression that was dumbfounded. It is not only the flora, was the situation such that the expression of all that had happened to hear the words were similar. ...... Baird only, but you can not read facial expressions. "Oh ...... Well ...... teacher and what kind of relationship ...?" Quickly sanity returned to the flora, ask in gingerly and said how was. Then, Sarria was Ihana' with a smile. "Bride!" "Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!?" "By the way, I mainly like the Do's servant" "servant Wu Wu Uu Uu Uu Uu intends uhh!?" "Al also Seiichi lover Dayo " " Ha ah ah ah ah ah ah Oh Oh!? " Flora was a succession of surprise. Sarria is it also to be taken is called a bride with a smile, but the Rurune remarks earlier is with a straight face after them, Al and red cheeks in the words of Sarria, it turned away.

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ภาษาอื่น ๆ
การสนับสนุนเครื่องมือแปลภาษา: กรีก, กันนาดา, กาลิเชียน, คลิงออน, คอร์สิกา, คาซัค, คาตาลัน, คินยารวันดา, คีร์กิซ, คุชราต, จอร์เจีย, จีน, จีนดั้งเดิม, ชวา, ชิเชวา, ซามัว, ซีบัวโน, ซุนดา, ซูลู, ญี่ปุ่น, ดัตช์, ตรวจหาภาษา, ตุรกี, ทมิฬ, ทาจิก, ทาทาร์, นอร์เวย์, บอสเนีย, บัลแกเรีย, บาสก์, ปัญจาป, ฝรั่งเศส, พาชตู, ฟริเชียน, ฟินแลนด์, ฟิลิปปินส์, ภาษาอินโดนีเซี, มองโกเลีย, มัลทีส, มาซีโดเนีย, มาราฐี, มาลากาซี, มาลายาลัม, มาเลย์, ม้ง, ยิดดิช, ยูเครน, รัสเซีย, ละติน, ลักเซมเบิร์ก, ลัตเวีย, ลาว, ลิทัวเนีย, สวาฮิลี, สวีเดน, สิงหล, สินธี, สเปน, สโลวัก, สโลวีเนีย, อังกฤษ, อัมฮาริก, อาร์เซอร์ไบจัน, อาร์เมเนีย, อาหรับ, อิกโบ, อิตาลี, อุยกูร์, อุสเบกิสถาน, อูรดู, ฮังการี, ฮัวซา, ฮาวาย, ฮินดี, ฮีบรู, เกลิกสกอต, เกาหลี, เขมร, เคิร์ด, เช็ก, เซอร์เบียน, เซโซโท, เดนมาร์ก, เตลูกู, เติร์กเมน, เนปาล, เบงกอล, เบลารุส, เปอร์เซีย, เมารี, เมียนมา (พม่า), เยอรมัน, เวลส์, เวียดนาม, เอสเปอแรนโต, เอสโทเนีย, เฮติครีโอล, แอฟริกา, แอลเบเนีย, โคซา, โครเอเชีย, โชนา, โซมาลี, โปรตุเกส, โปแลนด์, โยรูบา, โรมาเนีย, โอเดีย (โอริยา), ไทย, ไอซ์แลนด์, ไอร์แลนด์, การแปลภาษา.

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