Kawasumi LaboratoriesYamaoka factory Director, You will be staying. Konno of Japan Express is. You're busy the other day I be an interview opportunity to thank. Your factoryPlease tell me a story description and business in General, was really helpful. Overall your logistics operations has been created in the attached form. See allIncluding the image is not ready and prepared. Import/export and domestic distribution services currently build your business responsible for we areWith hi-tech nittsu representative has been meeting. Something such as cross-borderI think any parts to serve you, but once again Mr. ditch Ma and meetingsYou can get the opportunity to be appreciated. How about? (1) import/export and domestic situation (frequency, amount and conditions of carriage) learn, and logisticsFrom the point of view, and clear the route delivery efficiency considering we would want to. Also, compression of the raw material stock issue for your company will come at ourBut what would be considered one single, sasano like Japan in our Japan-From our (kumazaki) describing the meeting and report to them. Once your Department in JapanTo of we will explain. (11 April), yamaoka plant length and once again OPSIf you place from us. In addition, our case study article (English Edition) is a large order separately "home file flight" in shippingAs an authorised. We would like to thank. <<--------------------------------------------Japan Express Co., Ltd.Business Development Department (health care)Konno, hirofumiTel:03-6251-1251Fax:03-6251-6623Mobile:080-8118-7863E-mail: of hia-konno@nittsu.co.jp1-9-3 Higashi Shimbashi Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-8322, Japan-------------------------------------------->> At Mon, 14 Sep 2015 10:57:55 +0700 Yamaoka wrote:Japan Express Co., Ltd.Mr. Konno You will be staying.Thank you very much for your reply.9 / 29. 9:30 we know of your visit. In it, we manage the logistic Thailand people Officer (zitchma MS)I think because the present talk about the status quo could stay with me.Thank you thank you. Yamaoka From: Hirofumi Konno [the mailto:hia-konno@nittsu.co.jp] Sent: Monday, September 14, 2015 at 10: 50 AMTo: YamaokaCc: of to-kumazaki@nittsu.co.jp; 'Director, Aoyagi (Thailand nittsu)'; s-sasano@Kawasumi.jpSubject: Re: [visits] by chemical like (navanakorn plant) Kawasumi ThailandYamaoka factory Director, You will be staying. We take you through the map of visits to thank. On the day of 0930 customers who visit want to think. If you have any current issues and themes qualified businessPlease do not hesitate.We believe could offer something to talk about. I'm afraid you're busy. Thank you thank you. <<--------------------------------------------Japan Express Co., Ltd.Business Development Department (health care)Konno, hirofumiTel:03-6251-1251Fax:03-6251-6623Mobile:080-8118-7863E-mail: of hia-konno@nittsu.co.jp1-9-3 Higashi Shimbashi Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-8322, Japan-------------------------------------------->> At Mon, 14 Sep 2015 8:41:12 +0700 Yamaoka wrote:Japan Express Co., Ltd.Mr. Konno We are indebted.Thailand Qawasmi yamaoka name. 29, we visited the time is am, 9:00 - 12:00, Then in the afternoon, between 13:30 - 17:00, may be at any time.Just because we attach a map to our factory. So, careful, please. Yamaoka From: Hirofumi Konno [the mailto:hia-konno@nittsu.co.jp] Sent: Monday, September 14, 2015 8:20 AMTo: of s-sasano@kawasumi.jp; yamaoka@Kawasumi.co.thCc: of to-kumazaki@nittsu.co.jp; Director Aoyagi (Thailand nittsu)Subject: [visit] by chemical like (navanakorn plant) By chemical co., Ltd.Sasano like You will be staying. I think no less of the heavy rain, but at a minimumIt was greatly appreciated. Visit to the Thailand factory company, will continue respond thank you want to think.Very you please, we will appreciate. Yamaoka factory Director, Konno of Japan Express is the name. Thank you interviewThe opportunity thank you.29, visiting the 宜shikatta from what? Your convenienceYou want to think I appreciate the. We would like to thank. <<--------------------------------------------Japan Express Co., Ltd.Business Development Department (health care)Konno, hirofumiTel:03-6251-1251Fax:03-6251-6623Mobile:080-8118-7863E-mail: of hia-konno@nittsu.co.jp1-9-3 Higashi Shimbashi Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-8322, Japan-------------------------------------------->> At Fri, 11 Sep 2015 10:06:15 +0000 s-sasano@Kawasumi.jp wrote:Japan expressMr. Konno Always take care....Your care?This week is to Kanto to Tohoku "once in 50 years" and torrential rain,Mr. kumazaki, Nippon Express staff will respond with the bestYou could stay with minimal impact.The heavily damaged area is hard toStill with regard to shipping, and with your cooperation we would like correspond to we want toSo, thank you. As well, 29, is the convenience of yamaoka also confirmedNot a problem.I think future directly, please keep in touch please.(CC put yamaoka. ) More than a thank you. Sasano, sadahito From: Hirofumi Konno [the mailto:hia-konno@nittsu.co.jp] Sent: Friday, September 11, 2015 6:15 PMTo: SA sasano, who Sadato-sasanoCc: of to-kumazaki@nittsu.co.jpSubject: Re: Thailand (Konno) By chemical co., Ltd.Sasano like You will be staying. Konno of Japan Express is. Here Malaysia contact our company.This evening, SIN, KL has been over 2 weeks. I become homesick for JapanThis is the time came.We are watching the news and impact caused by heavy rain in Japan every day around serious of suchIt is. You change and taking the impact civic life, such as commuting is confused, butInstead, no? With regard to visiting the factory manager's okay, ask your yamaoka, 9/29 (Tuesday).In we would like to ask, but your circumstances would. We specify the timeCan be. Please can you please make sure is convenient ni合wasemashite changes are possible, so please take a momentAnd greatly appreciated. Thank you continue. <<--------------------------------------------Japan Express Co., Ltd.Business Development Department (health care)Konno, hirofumiTel:03-6251-1251Fax:03-6251-6623Mobile:080-8118-7863E-mail: of hia-konno@nittsu.co.jp1-9-3 Higashi Shimbashi Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-8322, Japan-------------------------------------------->> At Wed, 26 Aug 2015 4:44:24 +0000 s-sasano@Kawasumi.jp wrote:Japan expressMr. Konno We are indebted.Contact can be with me.Thank you thank you. Sasano, sadahito From: Hirofumi Konno [the mailto:hia-konno@nittsu.co.jp] Sent: Wednesday, August 26, 2015 1:43 PMTo: SA sasano, who Sadato-sasanoCc: kumazaki ToruSubject: Re: Thailand (Konno) By chemicalSasano like You will be staying. This time, many thanks really help us. Contact you later because we now adjust the visit scheduleWe will. Just a quick note which is continued at sasano 宜shikattaDo? And our subsidiary our current handling products informationTo share, we will proceed to prepare for your visit. We would like to thank. <<--------------------------------------------Japan Express Co., Ltd.Business Development Department (health care)Konno, hirofumiTel:03-6251-1251Fax:03-6251-6623Mobile:080-8118-7863E-mail: of hia-konno@nittsu.co.jp1-9-3 Higashi Shimbashi Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-8322, Japan-------------------------------------------->> At Wed, 26 Aug 2015 13:01:47 +0900 Kumazaki Toru wrote:By chemical co., Ltd.Sasano like You will be staying. 頂kimashi information is important, thank you. So now field can contribute to by Mr. shortThank you in advance. At Wed, 26 Aug 2015 3:00:45 +0000 s-sasano@Kawasumi.jp wrote:Japan expressMr. kumazaki We are indebted.Please see the current attachment.Shy is a challenge, but a distribution cost analysis in the Thailand plantNot doing enough, is the stage of the issue.Conversely, if you have something you notice about,Be greatly appreciated please. The appointments to the yamaoka is now 9/25-30 daysIf you have vacant and so on,Please inform us. Thank you thank you. Sasano, sadahito ******************************************************************108-6109, JapanTokyo, Minato-ku, Konan 2-15-2 Shinagawa Intercity Bldg B 9th floorBy chemical industry co., Ltd.http://www.Kawasumi.jp/TEL: 03-5769-2645TEL (direct dial): 03-5769-3188Fax:03-5769-2773 From: kumazaki Toru [the mailto:to-kumazaki@nittsu.co.jp] Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 2015 1:37 PMTo: SA sasano, who Sadato-sasanoCc: of hia-konno@nittsu.co.jpSubject: Re: Thailand (Konno) Sasano as Kawasumi Chemical Co., Ltd. We are indebted. Very for the inconvenience.See also present challenges, such as very helpful. Konno was in the order of the Singapore-Malaysia-Thailand-Indonesia from 9/1And take around 20 days so wait and plenty of souvenirs. Also will get back to Japan until much 11/10 from the end of October, so during that time one established to please. Thank you in advance. At Tue, 25 Aug 2015 2:58:06 +0000 s-sasano@Kawasumi.jp wrote:Japan expressMr. kumazaki We are indebted.From APO to yamaoka, and notes from theI understand. Sasano, sadahito From: kumazaki Toru [the mailto:to-kumazaki@nittsu.co.jp] Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 2015 11: 55 AMTo: SA sasano, who Sadato-sasanoCc: Konno, hirofumiSubject: Thailand (Konno) Sasano as Kawasumi Chemical Co., Ltd. We are indebted. Konno is from 9/1 in the South East for 3 months long business tripOr, in a work by chemical industry in Thailand travellers would like to ask. Gave you instructions currently enrolled in navanakorn plant yamaoka factory long like in the past, and9/25-I would like to make an appointment in 30 days. In addition, talk in an immaculate State notIn the current distribution (where contractors are doing what?).Please inform me and would want to visit, so I think.* Send-off, in the interview really is by far, I have become like this email. Please, it isOur companies because during that time distribution map of the attached note is fine and is happy. Thank you kindly. Japan Express Co., Ltd. kumazaki Japan Express Co., Ltd. kumazaki Attachment-File: by our logistics overview 20150820.pptx Japan Express Co., Ltd. kumazaki
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