ガッスルたちが大暴れしたことによって、他の冒険者たちも次々と魔物を倒しにかかる。 だが、大暴れしているのは、ギルドの冒険者たちだけではなかっ การแปล - ガッスルたちが大暴れしたことによって、他の冒険者たちも次々と魔物を倒しにかかる。 だが、大暴れしているのは、ギルドの冒険者たちだけではなかっ อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด







「ハッ! あの変態共に比べりゃ、魔物のほうがずっと可愛いじゃねぇか!」




「イィィィィィィィィィイイイイイイイイヤアアアアアアアア! 楽しいじゃねぇかあああああああああああ! もっとだ……もっと俺に、獲物を……壊せるモノを寄越せええええええええええええ!」


「どうしたどうしたぁ!? 遠慮せずにかかって来いよぉ! ソッコーでミンチにしてやんよ!」


「つまんねぇなぁ!? そっちから来ねぇんじゃあ……俺から行くぜええええええええええ!」


「ヒャハハハハハハハハハハハッ! 破壊ってのは、最っっっっっっっ高に健全だよなぁ!?」

どこが!? どこが健全なの!?
全然健全じゃねぇよな!? むしろ害悪だよね!?
あれ? おかしいぞ。味方なはずなのに、むしろ敵に見える……!








何なの!? パーティ名から、本名まで……すべてにおいて、コイツらのためにあるような名前じゃねぇか!





「えっ!? の、ノアードさん!?」


「ん? ああ、ノアードか。彼なら、まったくの心配は無用じゃな」







てか、マジでカッコイイんですけど!? ノアードさんって何者!?





「嬢ちゃんやるじゃねぇか! 俺らも負けてられねぇな!」
「よっしゃあ! やってやるぜぇ!」
「クッ! 何という筋肉……! サリア君が、まさかここまでだったとは……! だが、私は私の筋肉を信じるぞ!」















もう、俺は考えることを放棄した。現実逃避じゃないよ? これは必要なことなんだよ?







「え? それはつまり……Sランクの魔物ばかりが押し寄せてるってことですか!?」

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เป็น: -
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Defeat the demons and other adventurers who by gussle who went on a rampage to take. But as the adventurers Guild of the rampage."Riding a monster wind tone I I! tummy tummy tummy! 」"We daily hentai against stress accumulated it then oh oh oh! 」"Zakulero quietly destroyed" "" "! 」 Soldiers of countries struggling in the Guild headquarters, the den of hentai everyday and they are here kind of clue were rampaging. One of them was I know that Claude."Tummy tummy tummy!! 」 Claude, one-handed swords, monsters approach will cut one after another will sharply.' Hah! If that transformation with compared the demon is way cute?!?! 」"" "Stop. Bashful? 」」」"I compliment!!?" Adventure seekers started blushing Claude says in unison on the Claude tsukkonnda. …… Claude is normally a very relieved. Tell you watching such a spectacle, and was impressed by burner."HM... Mr. Claude? He is while we do it. Wineburg realm, a lot of excellent soldiers. "「…… Behind them, rejoice to be perverts who it is. " I hate to admit it?!. Become stronger, you pervert their opponent's. And, was a distant second with a tremendous ROAR rang out around here. Was that guy was screaming and wanted to do everything, look at their direction, always want to break something.See iyyiyyyiyyiyyiyyiiyaaaaaaaaa! It's fun!?! oh oh oh oh oh oh! More's. More to my prey. Rude things can break eh eh eh eh eh eh! 」 Is the figure of a man wide open neck shirt, black jacket, putting them on and the orange-colored hair, known as Cornrows hairstyle and fiery red eyes. And held a huge hammer to shoulder height well over shoulder, was intimidating creatures around."If what I have! Don't be shy, come on!?! In Sokol and then mince it.! 」 Say man big Maul hammer into the ground and finished a crater about 10 meters radius of mainly guy."Soooo, what the Hey?! Coming from there! Hey I then. Why to go from me eh eh eh eh eh! 」 男は、腰を大きく捻り、ハンマーを振りかぶりながら魔物の群れに接近すると、溜めていた力を解き放ちながら魔物にぶつけた。 ズドオオオオオオオオオオオオオオオオオオオオオオオオオオオオオオン!!!! その一撃だけで、だいたい100体近くの魔物が消し飛んだように、俺には見えた。 男は、返り血を存分に浴びながら、愉快そうに笑う。「ヒャハハハハハハハハハハハッ! 破壊ってのは、最っっっっっっっ高に健全だよなぁ!?」 どこが!? どこが健全なの!? 全然健全じゃねぇよな!? むしろ害悪だよね!? あれ? おかしいぞ。味方なはずなのに、むしろ敵に見える……!「【血で染まる者リターン・ブラッド】グランド・ローゼン。彼こそ、まさしく実力はSランク。じゃが、見ての通り破壊にしか興味がなく、依頼をこなしても、高頻度で周囲の建造物等を壊しては、高額の違約金を払わされておる、Dランク冒険者じゃよ」 ダメダメじゃねぇかあああああああああああ! 俺は、バーナさんの説明に頭を抱えた。 き、強敵すぎるぜ……ギルド本部……!「ふむ、誠一君。今度はあっちを見て見るといいじゃろう。あっちでは、人数の多いパーティが魔物と戦っておるぞ」「え?」 バーナさんに促されるまま、その方向に視線を向けると――――。「げえっ!?」 そこには、俺を……否、俺の貞操を狙ってきた、男たちの姿があった!「彼らはC級のパーティ【薔薇の楽園ビー・エル】じゃな。先頭にいる男が、パーティリーダーのホモン・ゲイザーじゃよ」 名前が酷ぇぇぇぇぇぇええええええええ! 何なの!? パーティ名から、本名まで……すべてにおいて、コイツらのためにあるような名前じゃねぇか!「彼らの恐ろしいところは、依頼を完遂するたび、同志が増えることにある。今となっては、貴族界の中にも、彼らの仲間は多くおるし、その人間は世界各地に散らばっているというんじゃから、驚きじゃよ」 恐ろしいよおおおおおおおおおお! ゾンビ以上のホラーなんですけど!? てか、今気付いたけど、サリアをナンパした連中がアイツらと一緒にいるんだけど!? こ、怖ぇ……餌食になってんじゃねぇか……。 俺が全力で恐れおののいていると、パーティリーダーである――ホモンが、言い放った。「この街には、まだまだ俺たちが可愛がってねぇ坊やたちがたくさんいるんだ。全力で魔物どもを殲滅するぞぉぉぉぉぉおおおおおおお!」「「「オウッ!」」」 守ってくれるのはいいんだけど、動機が不純すぎる……! ホモンたちは、怪しげな腰遣いで魔物たちを錯乱し、次々と魔物を打ち倒していく。 もうヤダコイツら。 現実逃避をし始めた俺だったが、不意に視界に映りこんだ人物に、目を見開く。「えっ!? の、ノアードさん!?」 何と、アルとの関係で悩んでいたとき、優しく諭してくれた、喫茶店アッコリエンテのオーナーである、ノアードさんが、戦場のど真ん中に姿勢よく立っていた。 しかも、その姿は、出会ったときと変わらず、バーテンダーのようなスタイルである。「な、なんでこんなところに!?」「ん? ああ、ノアードか。彼なら、まったくの心配は無用じゃな」 焦る俺とは対照的に、バーナさんは落ち着いてそう答える。 すると、ノアードさんに向かって、一体の巨大なライオンのような魔物が急接近していた。「おお、あれはSランクの『ビーストキング』じゃな」「Sランク!?」 しかも、ノアードさんに襲い掛かっているのは、Sランクの魔物らしい。 よく観察してみれば、たしかにビーストキングという魔物は、他の魔物より一回りも体躯が大きく、人間を軽く一飲みしてしまいそうなほど巨大な口には、ギラギラと鋭い牙が生えそろっていた。 ビーストキングは、雄叫びを上げると、ノアードさんを噛み千切らんと驚く速度で襲い掛かった。




てか、マジでカッコイイんですけど!? ノアードさんって何者!?





「嬢ちゃんやるじゃねぇか! 俺らも負けてられねぇな!」
「よっしゃあ! やってやるぜぇ!」
「クッ! 何という筋肉……! サリア君が、まさかここまでだったとは……! だが、私は私の筋肉を信じるぞ!」















もう、俺は考えることを放棄した。現実逃避じゃないよ? これは必要なことなんだよ?







「え? それはつまり……Sランクの魔物ばかりが押し寄せてるってことですか!?」

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
By Gassuru it was rampage, other adventurers who also one after another takes to defeat the demon.
But, are you rampage, was not only adventurers guild. "Demon taste is, crust it'll not it you doing riding on the tone crust crust!" "Kochitora, Oh Ja you doing accumulated stress in the daily transformation of the opponent ah!" "quiet destroyed Become bound to crust crust and crust crust Oh oh!" daily, of transformation the guys of guild headquarters is a den, soldiers our country that have been allowed to hard time, here each it had rampage in just a. In one of them, there was also the figure of Claude, which is also the my acquaintance. "Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh!" Claude sieve sharp one-handed sword, go one after another cut down the monsters who approaches. "Compared to Ha! That transformation both, or not it much cute prefer the demon!" and "I'd embarrassed" "Stop it I ...?" '" and "I do not compliment!?" simultaneously began embarrassed the words of Claude adventurer to, split second Claude'm Tsukko. ...... Claude it was usually a very safe. When looking at such a spectacle, the burner san say as was impressed. "Hm ...... Claude or you. To Never. Wynn Burg kingdom Ja as he'll do the middle people, excellent soldiers of many ~U" to "...... the background, but will do Yorokoberu obediently if there is no appearance of transformation us I " Once admitted do not want to wonder Naa has a ...... transformation of our opponent, ... me I'm grew stronger. If you have an involuntarily distant eyes, tremendous roar resounded in the neighborhood. And I think what, if pointing your gaze in that direction, always shouting want to break something, there was a figure of that man. "I~i~i ~I ~I ~I ~I ~I ~I ~I good Iiiii hate Aaa Aaaaa! 'S not whether you Aa ah ah ah ah! ...... More to me was more fun, Yokoseeeeeeeeeeeee! Kowaseru things ...... prey" is the figure of a man, open the chest is large It was from the top of the shirt, and wore a black jacket, certainly, and orange hair of hairstyle called cornrows, fiery red eyes. The shoulder has been held a huge hammer in excess of height to Yu, had been intimidating around the demon is in play on the shoulder. "How copper was §!? And Yan yo! In minced in with Come Yo~o! Sokko suffering without hesitation," says so, and swings down the man hammer in a large ground, man the center to a radius of about 10 meters crater is finished. "Pinching not Naa!? Zeeeeeeeeeee! Go from ...... I can Ja do not come from over there," the man, and twisting big hips, and close to the herd of monsters while swing-the hammer, unleashing a force that has been accumulated I was hit on the monsters while. Zudo Ooooo Ooooo Ooooo Ooooo Ooooo Ooooo down !!!! Just the blow, as he Keshiton alternative 100 bodies near the demon, was visible to me. The man, while soaking up the return blood to fully, laugh pleasantly likely. "What I Hyahaha Hahahahahahahahaha ~Tsu! Destruction, Naa'm healthy to Sai~tsu~tsu~tsu~tsu~tsu~tsu~tsu high!?" Where is!? Where's the sound!? I'm it!? rather harm'm not a sound at all!? that? Funny. Though such ally of should, but rather look to the enemy ...! "[The return Brad who stained with blood] Grand Rosen. He is, very ability to S rank. Potatoes, not interested only as destruction of the look, even if doing the request, buildings around at high frequency smashing etc., Nikki is Harawasa a hefty penalty, I'm D rank adventurer " Damedame'm not either Aa ah ah ah ah! I was worried in the description of the burner's. and yellow, and ze too formidable enemy ...... guild headquarters ......! The "Hmm, Seiichi you. Let Jaro good and now look a look at over there. In over there is greater party of the number of people is gonna Nikki fighting demons" "What?" remains to be prompted to the burner's, to direct the gaze in that direction When----. "Gee~tsu!?" There are, I a ...... not, have been aimed at my chastity, there was a figure of men! "Man they are in 's such. Top [paradise Bee El rose] C-class party, I'm the party leader Homon-Gaither" name is cruel ~E~e~e~e~e~eeeeeeeee! What is going on here? From the party name, in all ...... until real name, is not it? Names such as those for the guys! "Their terrible place, every time you complete the request, is that comrade increases. How do I become now, in the aristocratic circles also, their fellow many to dwell, that human beings are scattered around the world from a Ja do that, I'm surprised " horrible yo crust crust oh oh! Or more of the horror is I'm a zombie!? Heck, I've noticed now, I'm guys that wrecked the Sarria are together with those guys!? This, ... not it you doing now fear tut ...... prey. When I have terrified at best, it is the party leader - Homon is, it was Ihana~tsu. "In this town, I'm Hey boy who is a lot to us is loved still. Zo~o ~O~o~o~oooo oh oh to annihilate the monsters conducted our at our best!" "" "Ou~tsu! '" " to protect me of it I hope, the ... motivation is too impure! Homon us, and confusion the demons who in dubious hip diction, go one after another defeat monsters. Another Yadakoitsu et al. It was I who began to escape from reality, suddenly the person yelling reflected in sight, eyes grow wide. "Eh!? Of, Noado san!?" what, when it was suffering in relation to Al, me counsel gently, is the owner of the cafe Akkoriente, Mr. Noado is, stood well attitude on the battlefield of the middle . Moreover, the appearance is not the same as when I met, is a style, such as the bartender. "Do not, why such a place to!?" "do? Oh, Noado. You can easily find him, all of the worry useless Ja Na" I and is to rush in contrast, the burner's answer so calmly. Then, toward the Noado's, demon like a huge lion of hell had been approaching rapidly. "Oh, there is" Do Ja Beast King "of the S-rank" "S rank!?" Moreover, the hanging attacked in Noado san, seems demon of S rank. If Mire well to observe, certainly demon called Beast King, stature is greater slightly than other monsters, the human was lightly one drink to cause likely as a huge mouth, I have aligned grows glistening and sharp fangs It was. Beast King, raising the cry, took attacked in surprising speed and do bite thousand turn off the Noado's. The "...... but I'm sorry, got you your life." When much muttered, Mr. Noado is, unawares of the same size as the sickle for mowing in both hands, was holding a jet-black sickle. If you play with it in each hand, Mr. Noado is avoided only to draw half a step the left foot the bite of the Beast King, and instantly Mochikaeru the right hand of sickle advantage of the fact, dissected the location corresponding to the carotid artery referred to in the human in passing Zama It was. Beast King that has been slashed the carotid artery, it is ejected the amount of blood not a vulgaris, fell quiet when staggered a few steps. "...... A peaceful death" is Noado Santsueeeeeeeeeeeee! Heck, I'd cool Seriously!? Noado's What the person!? If the jaw is surprised at the likely level off, the burner's say in how such course. "Well, Na will this much is Jaro piece of cake. Prepared to deal, was feared and [death], ~U from not you assassin of legend" , please someone help. I do not keep up the other to me. It was too early for me to understand. The rot them. If you somehow have face up to reality, appearance to Sarria we are fighting gets into your eyes. "Ei~tsu!" Sarria returns the arm only to the gorilla, go down one after another beat monsters. At the sight, around the adventurers and soldiers were stunned. ...... No, it's not unreasonable. Amazing girl Sarria is, by the arm only Muscles, Nante figure that defeated monsters ----. "Miss chan do'm not either! I et al also defeated are not it!" "Yosshaa! do I'll Ze~e!" "cookie! What a muscle ...! Sarria kun, never and was so far ...... ! But, I'll believe my muscles! " was completely okay. That's expected. The stick, Gassuru Do not compete. Well, Nante or say, Sarria that's the human condition, because apparently not be able to exert a force, for it it is necessary to transform, even just a partial transformation, seems to strength returns. If you have such a discussion, Sarria is noticed in my appearance, have been waved cheerfully hand. ...... Do not Noroke become likely. Then when you move the line of sight, it had wielded the big ax Al is his prey. "Ha ah ah ah ah aak!" there is, if not as much as ground-san, a potent is one shake one swing, it will accurately defeat the monsters. But, many number of monsters is too, Al was surrounded by demons. "Al!?" "It's all right!" in a hurry and tried to heading towards the Al, it is stopped in Al. Demons us, such as one after another tusks and tail, but tries to Abiseyo heinous blow to Al, Al calmly parting them, and dodged them with a minimum of movement. The tail of a demon is, the moment that has been slammed to the ground, big Al and jump, towards the flock of demon who is in feet, and shot the magic of just learned recently and held up his right hand. "" Ice Prison "!" the magic is a superlative ice attribute magic, is intense cold air is released from the right palm, stretch demon of herd is confined to a cage of ice. Then, Al and cock a big ax in the sky, it was allowed to activate the skill. "" Meteor Crash "!" blow that was swung down from directly above, the demon that has been on ice pickled was easily crushed, has created a huge crater in the ground. "Become?" When shoulder an ax to shoulder, was pleasantly smiling To smiled to me. When Admiring the smile involuntarily, Al noticed the state, headed to defeat the other monsters in the manner in which it was panic. ...... Eventually or not a heaven Noroke, me. When I sighed, voice to know well have jumped into the ear. "In order to eat the delicious food with me and main-like laughing, to get'll disappear in differents et al.," The voice of the Lord, was Rurune. Rurune is, let alone falter in the herd of monsters that looming, they are waiting in Niodachi arm in arm. In such Rurune, the moment that I thought the demon of the herd is very contact, Rurune slowly up the long legs, took a stance like kick of karate. And we shot a sharp kick to the beginning of the demon. 's Path ah Aaaaa Aaaaa down! The demon that was in the beginning crumbly dust, kicking was somehow shot of Rurune, creating a sonic boom, it tore to shreds the demon who was around. Rurune, the remains of the figure, which hit a kick, word. "If you want to beat me, you can Bring him in many of God." I'm a donkey? Even try to dig up the many times the storage, Rurune not come out only memory of a donkey. I guess what. Is Sonic boom kick. And, I do not 's words that say ass. The other, I was abandoned to think. Not the escapism? This'm a thing necessary? If shifting the line of sight, the sight of Olga chan use a knife, it is rapidly defeat the monsters. "......" Olga chan, Abunagenaku, as Noado who saw earlier, you can accurately poked Key points of the demon, it had been defeated. Sad thing it is, Olga-chan has been drilled to thoroughly skills say so. Professional What a assassin, but the level as in normal combat, had been confronted by an overwhelming force. As promised, I'll be Nadenade when finished. In this way, I had seen how the various adventurers us, muttered small. "This ...... I need it? Rather than" I do think the impossible is not even from being thought so. However, the burner's it was near Nii is to sharpen the little line of sight, in response to my words while staring into the distance. "No, so also ~U ...... of'm as Raren saying" if pointing your line of sight to the hung with me also its direction, the figure of demons surging like a wave. "It was O~tsu heard in 5000 with the report, How ...... And more, be considered, demon of S rank until now it did not tidbit To only apparent, it Jashino~u As now is not it." "For example ? Do you gonna be it means that have surged just Foe ...... S rank!? " "Do Ja thing to say so." Nantekottai. Really, I wonder why has become in such a situation? The cause Do not know

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
By ガッスル rampage that killed the other adventurers into a demon. However, at the rampage, not only the adventurer guild. But on

「 demon, don't you oh oh oh oh oh! " We
「, transformation of stress accumulated daily and then ah ah ah! " Be quiet
「 ruined oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh! " Well, they usually Guild Headquarters in transformationThe soldiers of the country are struggling, and it goes on the rampage. That one in the figure of the road is my acquaintance.

「 oh oh oh oh oh! " Well, he will exert a sharp sword to cut down their demons, one after another.

「 hat! Compared with that in the transformation, the demon is much prettier! "
「「「 stop... Dance? "" " I don't!?」

「 praiseIn the words of the last adventure began immediately by Claude.... It is the most common Claude relieved. As I gazed at the scene, burner, admiringly.

「 hum... Claude you. He is a very and. Windmill kingdom in Salzburg, many of the soldiers to 」
「…… In the background, you will want to admit 」

figure should be obedient to transformation, we will... If your opponent, transformationIt is strengthened. As far as I look at the tremendous roar on the shores. Think of what the eye is directed in the same direction, and shouted, and always want to destroy something, man. If you

「 ィィィィィィィィイイイイイイイイヤアアアアアアアア! Good you oh oh oh oh oh oh! It's a lot... In the game, more... To... You can break things, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes! " The figure of a man
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ภาษาอื่น ๆ
การสนับสนุนเครื่องมือแปลภาษา: กรีก, กันนาดา, กาลิเชียน, คลิงออน, คอร์สิกา, คาซัค, คาตาลัน, คินยารวันดา, คีร์กิซ, คุชราต, จอร์เจีย, จีน, จีนดั้งเดิม, ชวา, ชิเชวา, ซามัว, ซีบัวโน, ซุนดา, ซูลู, ญี่ปุ่น, ดัตช์, ตรวจหาภาษา, ตุรกี, ทมิฬ, ทาจิก, ทาทาร์, นอร์เวย์, บอสเนีย, บัลแกเรีย, บาสก์, ปัญจาป, ฝรั่งเศส, พาชตู, ฟริเชียน, ฟินแลนด์, ฟิลิปปินส์, ภาษาอินโดนีเซี, มองโกเลีย, มัลทีส, มาซีโดเนีย, มาราฐี, มาลากาซี, มาลายาลัม, มาเลย์, ม้ง, ยิดดิช, ยูเครน, รัสเซีย, ละติน, ลักเซมเบิร์ก, ลัตเวีย, ลาว, ลิทัวเนีย, สวาฮิลี, สวีเดน, สิงหล, สินธี, สเปน, สโลวัก, สโลวีเนีย, อังกฤษ, อัมฮาริก, อาร์เซอร์ไบจัน, อาร์เมเนีย, อาหรับ, อิกโบ, อิตาลี, อุยกูร์, อุสเบกิสถาน, อูรดู, ฮังการี, ฮัวซา, ฮาวาย, ฮินดี, ฮีบรู, เกลิกสกอต, เกาหลี, เขมร, เคิร์ด, เช็ก, เซอร์เบียน, เซโซโท, เดนมาร์ก, เตลูกู, เติร์กเมน, เนปาล, เบงกอล, เบลารุส, เปอร์เซีย, เมารี, เมียนมา (พม่า), เยอรมัน, เวลส์, เวียดนาม, เอสเปอแรนโต, เอสโทเนีย, เฮติครีโอล, แอฟริกา, แอลเบเนีย, โคซา, โครเอเชีย, โชนา, โซมาลี, โปรตุเกส, โปแลนด์, โยรูบา, โรมาเนีย, โอเดีย (โอริยา), ไทย, ไอซ์แลนด์, ไอร์แลนด์, การแปลภาษา.

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