これが新しい城です ――― ロードヴェル ―――「百五十六番、シリウス・ティーチャーです」 そして私と彼は邂逅した。 見た目は普通の少年で、 การแปล - これが新しい城です ――― ロードヴェル ―――「百五十六番、シリウス・ティーチャーです」 そして私と彼は邂逅した。 見た目は普通の少年で、 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

これが新しい城です ――― ロードヴェル ―――「百五十六番、シリウス

――― ロードヴェル ―――



だが彼の視線は普通ではない。まるで探るように部屋を見回し、私と視線が合うと逸らす事無く見続けていた。私の正体に気づいている? いや、耳はしっかり隠したし、人間に見える魔道具はしっかり機能している。気のせいだと思うが……彼はただの子供ではないというのだけはわかった。

「百五十七番、アルストロ・エルメロイだ! そこの平民と違い、栄誉あるエルメロイ家の次男である!」

ああ……はいはい。アルストロ君の事はよく知っていますよ。エリュシオンに存在する有数の貴族の一つで、かなり位が高い貴族だろう? パーティーで何度か見たし、それこそ子供の頃から知っている。何とも傲慢に育ってしまったものだな。





「下がれ平民が。貴族である私より先に触れるでない。おい、新しい魔法陣は無いのか? 私の手が穢れてしまうでないか」


「どけぃ! 次は一番従者である私の番だ。平民は最後で十分だろう」




「は、はははははっ! どうなっているんだ、こんなところに無能がいるぞ!」


「無能なぞ我が学校に必要ないわ! 魔法を見るまでもない、即刻帰るがいい」



「ここはアルストロ君の家ではありません。そもそも、場所も弁えず他人をあざ笑うのが貴族なのですか? だとしたら何とも器の小さい貴族ですね。貴族たる者、他人を笑って見下す暇があるならば自己研鑽を重ねるべきです。ここはそういう場所ですよ?」


「ふんっ! 無能と一緒にいるだけで不愉快だ。行くぞお前ら!」





全く、どっちが大人かわかったもんじゃない。聞いていますかグレゴリ先生? 彼の方が貴方より何倍も大人ですよ。




……彼はいつ魔力を集中したのだろうか? まるで呼吸するかのように魔法を使い、彼の手には小さな光の玉が生まれていた。短縮の研究がされていない『ライト』を、もはや無詠唱に近いレベルで使いこなしている。








無色に関する情報は少なく、大抵の学者は見るだけ無駄と言って研究が進められていない。無色とはそこまで酷いものなのか? 惜しいものだ、彼が他の属性に適性があればきっと魔法界で革命を起こしていたに違いあるまい。


満足に使えないと言いながら使えると? 興味深いですね。


彼が懐から取り出したのは小さな容器で、中には僅かに発光する薄い青色の液体が入っているが、あれは魔光水か? それなりに値段の張る貴重な物で、常に持ち歩いている者など珍しい。


そうは言うが、少しでも歪めば発動しない繊細な模様だぞ? いくら初級で簡単とはいえ、私でも座って丁寧に作業せねば失敗するというのに。







「ですが君はどうなのでしょうか? その年齢で大人顔負けの技術の高さ、とても独学でそこまで行けるとは思えません。話せるなら教えて欲しいのですよ」





――― シリウス ―――

จาก: -
เป็น: -
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
This is a new castle. ------Road ver---No. 156, Sirius and teacher. And he and I are encountering. That boy so not everywhere can find no point-like features hair face, looks at the boy. However, his gaze is not normal. Watched it distracts and met my gaze, looking around the room to explore it. Aware of my identity? Yes, ears firmly hidden and then visible human Mage gear works well. But I think my imagination. Found only in that he is not only a child. I think looking to get our information he looks nervous if it sees from the side, which with Antal children.See, no. 157, alstro, kamisama dolls! Be the son of Archibald El honor, unlike the ordinary people there! 」 Oh... Yes Yes Yes. Elstro's well know. It would be pretty high ranked nobles with leading aristocrats in the Elysian? It knows from childhood, and saw several times at the party. That's what has grown to be indescribably arrogant. Then I elstro's best followers.... And lasted until the third servant. I was clearing SIRIUS you except elstro's relatives because regret. Was okay, but the SIRIUS you issue should concern only one thing. That he had written a profile of fitness attributes. Attributes--colorless. In no way is colorless. Who so despised on the extremely low for admission to school, no one had. In the Mage equipment malfunctions probably were investigated in the past time, and glared."So then inspect the attributes from 156." It's kicking up a fuss idiots and now, he attributes what what would the hands touch the moment."The commoners down. Noble in before the me not in touch. Hey, new magic is gone? Not in it 穢rete my hands? ""Sorry, go to this site no matter such as the noble. It is too domineering and will fail? 」"Well, how is it. Looks good, I attribute a! 」 Elstro you touch and Crystal won the alternating red and green. It's the person with the best attributes of two kinds of fire and wind, commonly known as double attribute double rarity. Followers who are what my point of view, say the great applause, but I have seen enough. And first of all turned out a few years ago, elstro's parent to tout bubbled over with. And because there is the completion of such arrogant personality and pampered, care. So much is SIRIUS-Kun. Smug face I didn't hurry up and down, up and touch him."Wish happiness!! The following is my top followers in turn. At the end the commoner would be enough. The NAA. It's just really stupid. Really rotten, and watched and grinned next Gregorian teacher. However, if a person sees it, and looking at them in a panicky I. So was I, he fled. I'll wait peacefully."Now touch 156, magic" And he touched the magic circle. The color of the Crystal. Was colorless."The rakudo is gone! If it is, so where they've got incompetence! 」"Is exactly that. Is the unloved status differences rather than to even 4 genera of prior."The incompetence is exactly that."Teach close of elstro's incompetence. To insult the laughter echoing in the interview room. Other than my teacher's SIRIUS you with sad eyes, Gregorian teacher stood up pointing at him and shout at."Don't need to incompetent Riddle our school! Good home instant, not to see the magic."So the teacher even 仰tsu. Hurry up and get out! 」"With incompetent, 穢reru! 」"Incompetence is back! 」"Hold your tongue" To laugh too unpleasant to involuntarily included a thirst for blood. Its aftermath gave was trembling with fear-distorted face the changes and they laugh. I was in and out. Including the Gregorian teacher next door if you look at the trembling body of other teachers who also were looking at us. But just SIRIUS you differently. Even with my bloodlust and calmly and looked to it with great interest. Still, he is not a must."Here is no elstro's House. First place, 弁ezu place, laughs at others is noble? And after anything less aristocratic instrument sounds. Nobles should be over if you have the time to laugh, others look down on self-improvement. Where is that place? 」 Elstro I also suspect I will, but the knee is laughing. I'd give up at the time noticed I might think perhaps he tried to dismiss me."Four guys are familiar, so let's pass without using magic. And so he just look outgoing guys."Soft boobs! I'm incompetent with just annoys me. Let's go guys! 」See, Yes. Gregorian teacher sat next to three followers, elstro you go out the room and at the same time, also had to get up."Please excuse me too. From seeing mysterious magic of incompetence is also useless. We expect a fair judgment will the teachers. Saying so, he went out the room off the wind on the shoulders, while chasing the elstro you after. Perhaps he went to scout and alstro you pair your differences will not be. Senior noble double attribute double, positive he would be choice students."I'm sorry, Sirius you. Say prior to admission, but made the ugly side of our school."No, wherever that person is there. It from guys teacher who still are not a problem. " Found at all, which is adult or not. Hear what Dr. Gregorian? He is than you adults several times."There were many, once again get to see your magic!? 」"Which magically?? 」"You can. I'm your's from which it would not. His color was indeed a colorless. However, the Crystal haze is a colorless color seen in the past was a little light, but he shone light was colorless clear."Not one single. Light... "light". …… I wonder if when he focused magic? To breathe just like magic, was born small, light ball in his hand. "Light" is not of research utilizing at the closest level no longer 無詠唱 to. No doubt, he is a master of those two.See all right. Don't " He made "light" is particularly notable, was on the ball of light conditioners, with his moves and came flying towards us. That surprised that it splintered in the air, and a few small light ball, pulled up in front of all of us. Is in the "light" itself, try touching your fingertips to check, but definitely not everyone."More than that" Ball of light disappeared and down his arms. "Light" power consumption is quite high, he found no bear in dealing with an irregular appearance. Rapids, not so much consumption daily for him even without that? Bottom of this child is totally invisible. Funny."Be well, great which is 4 genera of magic is not as tough.""Yes, in the classroom if you want many. Cannot use other attributes, so even beginners can paddle? 」 It's okay as I again passed by, other teachers say is true. It's going to be without a fitness beginner so use other attributes, but he regretfully neck beside was shaking."I 4 genera of magic and chemistry at worst, actually even beginner cannot be used to satisfy. And information about colorless, most scholars just waste it, have not been studied. Colorless and is far worse than what? Revolutionizing the in magic circles was regrettable, he suited to other attributes I had not.Not be unusable if you do. And while saying not to use? It is interesting."What would you use if you do not know, but can be? 」' Okay. A little time will be. He pulled from his breast pocket is a small container containing liquid light blue while emitting less, but that light water? Rare as high priced as such a precious thing and have handy at all times. It's his hand started to do something with his index finger light water. Don't tell meSee what magic? 」"It is so. Because it is easier if you are beginner. Not activate says so, but even a little distorted, to reshape a delicate pattern! Even though much in elementary sit my easy though necessary to work carefully to fail."Your patience has been. "Flame". He wrote in less than one minute was using as basic beginner's magic. Thin shiny magic floating small fireballs in the Palm and hand painted and are activated, so actually used from the original line was gone. And believe it or not really draw his 8-year-old really would?"Improvisation because power is an understatement, but like you? 」「…… I have no problem. Is what you two? 」"-... If you said so I no problem."I am also. Look forward the future is young. " Well, in contrast to make after the interview is unanimous in above all. Wipe light water in the back of my hand with Sirius you are sure no liquid left was. Light water is still attached to the skin and bad for your health, but this kind of treatment is perfect.[Last personal question, but are you Emilia and have heard and educated to reus. Really I guess? 」"Anywhere in it? 」"High as his master, proud, where magic to learnt that two people with very good, when I asked, answered and Sirius's.""Same mistake? 」"I want to 見kubiranaide me so much. Judgment would have the ability if the height of your magic power to draw the magic circle, you're making those two, but why not?? 」 Close your eyes to Sirius and I gaze on you the moment of silence followed, but he gave up and her mouth was slack."Yes, I have those two 鍛e上gemashita. It is, but here is a result of the talent and effort of two people. It's just I have helped a little."Continued efforts without Yes, their pride in the talent that understand. For it is because it was you will. It is also good."Thank you for. Referred to home educators and I am happy."Is that what you do? I don't think at that age the height of adults to shame, so alone out there too far. I want to know if you can speak "「…… Who called who, according to his mother brought me really was."Was. And the? 」"It instilled in me forced various people called the teacher I can remember before, knowledge is. Cannot remember anything other than knowledge was taught at that time, the mother has already died, so he is remains unclear."It is... It seems has heard bad things."Don't worry about organizing already has. And is not present, continue to train well indoctrinated knowledge remembering bits and pieces. It's without a crazy story, but he himself not already apply to common sense. If the teacher does not understand well and good. Funny he is here it's important."Niwaka regardless if it's hard to believe, but I believe. But Sirius teacher, you allow admission to our Elysium school. It's certainly his large mystery to our school to enroll. Comes in when you find out. And he will be in the wind blowing in schools, develop new. ------SIRIUS---- This way. It seems somehow pass. Many stupid that was sensible, but they were good for being. Just because I'm a colorless if not for that person, would be in had been rejected. It is
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
This is the new castle
--- load Vel --- "one hundred fifty-six number, Sirius is the Teacher" and me and he was encounter. It looks ordinary boy, face no points to Rashiki feature in black hair is where Demoi likely boy to look. But his gaze is not common. And looked around the room to explore though, it had continued to look without diverting it and me and gaze fit. You are aware of my identity? No, ears it was hidden firm, or tool that is visible to the human is solid function. Although I think that's because of the gas ...... he is only because not just the child was found. Although seem to children that are restlessly in tension if you look from near, I think he has been observed in order to get our information. "One hundred fifty-seven number, but Arusutoro-Erumeroi! Difference between the bottom of the commoner, is the second son of Erumeroi who some honor!" Oh ...... crawling. I know well that of Arusutoro you. In one of the leading aristocracy that exists in Elysium, it would be pretty much the high nobility? Several times and to saw at the party, it what you know from childhood. It's what you've anything arrogance grew up. Then, we can and most followers over ...... of Arusutoro like, it lasted until the third servant. Since Sirius a Arusutoro kun of relatives other than Mr. I regret is the kana should have been removed. Well, it is a Sirius-kun of problem, there was a thing to be concerned about only one thing. It is his aptitude attributes that had been written in profile. Attributes - colorless. It is a rainy day colorless. On extremely small, was not even one person, such as a person who intends to admission to the school because it is subject to be despised. when probably was examined in the past, or tool is it is in glaring whether not was malfunctioning. "So, since you examine the attributes please from one hundred fifty-six number" Well, his attributes and what exactly, he hands is a fool at the moment that was going to touch was Sawagidashi. "Sagare commoner is not touch me earlier than is. Aristocracy. Hey, new magic team? The do not become my hands foul no" "Sorry, it does not matter, such as noble if put into this site. too When is the domineering will fail by? " "Hmph, It will not be the way. Although I see, this Na my attributes!" and Arusutoro Mr. touches, the crystal was shining alternately with red and green. It is a person who has two good attributes of the fire and wind, but a rare presence that is commonly referred to as a double attribute double. Although servant three people are clapping to say great Toka, it is something that is already tired of seeing it from the perspective of me. The first place was found a few years ago, and I'll Arusutoro Mr. parents he frolicked with great publicity. Its also been pampered there because, he finished of this arrogant personality if the care. It's Sirius kun than such a thing. Do not have something doss face, let touch him quickly down. "Doke~i! Next best servant is my turn. Commoner last but would be enough," I Huh ...... just really stupid. And to Gregory teacher next is also looking at while grinning, it is really rotten. But the person in question has been looked at them in the same even goodness down, I have also been settled in while you are watching it. The Yeah, he do not escape. Suppose we wait leisurely. "In one hundred fifty-six number, please touch the magic team" and he touched the magic. The color of the crystal was ...... colorless. "I, Hahahahaha~tsu! I'm what has become, this'll have is incompetent at!" and "is exactly the Na. Far Identification difference, it is menial not even loved by four attributes" "No early, positive to the incompetence is Na " unexpected need in the vicinity of the "incompetence Nante Arusutoro like" across the insulting laughter sounded in interview room. My other teacher View Sirius-kun in a poor eye, but Gregory teacher yelled him rise to refer finger. "I do not even look at the incompetence mystery I do not need to my school! Magic, it is a good return immediately." "Yes, the teacher is also folded been saying. quickly and go home!" "I'll Kegareru just being with incompetence!" "The incompetence go home!" "silence please" too unpleasant laughter, you've include a thirst for blood is not likely to words that you and stop you. They that clutter its aftermath reversal from laughter, had trembling body with distorted fear expression. it closed was, it became involuntarily likely cut in earnest. Also, including next to the Gregory teacher If you look, had seen here while trembling other teachers and body. But Sirius kun just was different. We have been nonchalant even under my thirst for blood, and was looking at here in interesting likely. Again he is not the ordinary person. "This is not a Arusutoro your house. First of all, it is a small aristocracy of anything vessel After that ridicule others not discern also place that it? What is nobility. Aristocracy serving person, if there is a time to look down and laugh at others If you should superimpose a self-study. Here I? "is the kind of place but will come in staring me in the stout-hearted Arusutoro kun, you laughing knee. Perhaps he is will consider trying to fire me, I will give up at the time I noticed my identity. "Since you four people of ability we know well, let's pass without using magic. Because see him only, you guys when you want go out" as much as being with "Fun~tsu! incompetence in it's unpleasant. go'll you guys! " ", yes" and pulling in three people servant, Arusutoro Mr. and at the same time leaving the room, had risen even Gregory teacher who was sitting next to. "I also rude. Do not because it useless to look mystery incompetence of magic. Fair to'll teachers expect a decision" to say so while he cut the wind in the shoulder, so as to follow after the Arusutoro Mr. room me went out. Perhaps I will not be a difference to him went to scout the Arusutoro kun to his set. Senior aristocracy in double attribute double, would be exactly his favorite student. and "to say that before sorry Na Sirius you. admission, my school was a've showed ugly part" "No, where people say oh, even to you Come. And are you guys teacher is he still remains from the No I "problem at all, it 's not something that Which is found or an adult. You have heard or Gregory teacher? Who he is many times adults than you. "Although there was a variety, again Moraeru kana? Show me your magic" , "do you want, even at no magical?" "I do not care. I because do not think only of non-attribute your" him The color of the attributes was certainly colorless. But, there was somewhere light of turbidity slightly colorless of color seen in the past, the light of the crystal that he was shining was a colorless clear. "In one. Light by ......" light "" ...... I wonder if he always concentrated magic? Use the magic as if to breathe, and in his hand was born ball of small light. The "light" that has not been to shorten the research, it's mastering longer a level close to the no-chant. No doubt, he is the master of those two. "Beauty ...... go" "light" that he made ​​is not observed especially conspicuous appearance, but was a ball of extremely ordinary light, and flew to start moving with his shout towards us. it surprisingly was split in the air, it is to become a ball of several small light was stopped in front of us all. Check Try to touch your fingertips, but definitely everyone is can use "light" itself. and "it is more than" he disappeared balls and down the arm light. Magical power consumption is significantly higher in the "light", he is not observed at all bear situation is to treated irregularly. Lean not the patience, or so much consumption of the fact that not even a routine for him. Bottom of this child is not visible at all. Interesting. "Uumu, is a great non-attribute, still four attributes It is tough when the magic does not work." "Yeah, so because it is often necessary in the classroom. Elementary, even nice, paddle not use other attributes?" I he already good even pass as is, there is some truth also be said of other teachers. Ought to also use other attributes If much beginner even if there is no aptitude, but he had shook his head ruefully. "I was the worst four magical and compatible with, actually beginner even does not work satisfactory" information is less about the colorless, not been promoted is research to say as much waste seen by most scholars. Seemingly terrible up there and colorless? It's regrettable thing, there Mai difference to him had been revolutionized in a kit magic world if there is aptitude in other attributes. and "How can not even unusable and if you try to do." If you use it while saying that it is not used to satisfy? It is interesting. "It is not well understood, but could you use if you do not harm?" and "Okay. I'll have a little time," he was taken out of the bosom is a small container, thin blue to slightly emission in Although liquid is on, there is either McCaw water? Reasonably With precious thing spanned by price, unusual, such as those who have always carry. He put the magic light water to the index finger, I began to draw something on the left back of the hand. No way .... "It? The depicts the magic" and "It is so. Because it is easy when it was beginner" so to say, but it's a delicate pattern that is not triggered if distorted even a little? Nonetheless much is the easy beginner, and to say that I even sit down to fail I must work carefully. and "Thank you for waiting." Flame, "" wrote in one minute less than the ones he was using the elementary magic of basic street. When the small fireball floats in the palm, since magic drawn to the back of the hand is activated glowing thin, in fact, the line that was used from the original is lost. No way the draw really, I wonder if he is really eight-year-old? "The improvisation that although power is modest, this Are you sure you want feel?" "...... I do not have any problem. How about is whether the two of you are?" "Gar ...... I do not have a problem if you are told so." " I am also. Naa future is looking forward to young people, " the presence or absence, but was a later interview if those attempts to the contrary, it's above all unanimously. Sirius kun wiped magic light water attached to the back of the hand, was not sure that there are no remaining liquid. Ma-ko-sui's bad for the body as it remains attached to the skin, but also a perfect treatment of the neighborhood. "It is the last private question, you're the Emilia-kun and Reus kun I guess Education was a heard of it but ...... true?" "it where?" "That two people I was very excellent, where the magic When I heard that what was learned, Is the "had me answer the Sirius-kun is a proud high likely to his own master ? "is" the same name of the mistake I want not underestimate "too much for me. To your magic control force The height of the technology to draw a magic circle, but it is determined that the thought is with you if have the ability to build up the those two people, whether it? " clash is me and Sirius-kun of the line-of-sight, but often silent reply was followed , he had loosened the mouth with his eyes closed as if it had given up. and "Yes, I will, but is. that was trained at that two people, had been coming up to this point is the result of hard work and two people of talent. I'm just a little help." "Yes, we are in talent you can see well and he has continued the effort without having to treat. It also Will such precisely because you were. boasted it should be. " "Thank you. I am happy and is said to home educators" is " There you what about? The its age at the height of an adult-looking technology, I do not think that can go up there very self-taught. and I want you to tell me if you speak by " by "...... me raised me mother When, and is so people had to be called "teacher and "i was ...?" "I before you tell a physically and spiritually, is a person called a teacher of seems crowded tell me to force a variety of knowledge. The teaching at that time nothing remember other than the knowledge that has been, since the mother was also already died, is still unknown about the teacher " "It seemed to have heard that bad ......" "has already organized a final because without worry . oh, continue training while remembering knowledge that was taught that in pieces, now it is not reach, " but it does not talk of Toppyoshi, he himself is not already true for common sense. Teacher is unexpected if it is okay with it know. The important thing is that there interesting he is here. "It is hard to believe in sudden or, but you can Believe if say so. In Sirius Teacher, you admitted you to to my Elysium Gakuen" but certainly he has many mysteries, to admission to our school he. Come when you can see both. And he is raging in school, it will be in the wind of a new development. --- Sirius --- Fu ...... it seems to have somehow able to pass. Various stupid guys had, but was good to me There are teachers know the story. If it were not for that person, I would have been rejected just because colorless. But

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
This is a new castle at the Lord's -- --

「 Article No. 16, Sirius 」

and my teacher and he encounters. The boy looks too ordinary, black hair is not the face feature point where to find a boy. But his gaze at the out of the ordinary. The room looked as if it had been away, without looking at me like that. Aware of my true identity? No, hidden, soundThe magic tool to human functioning. I think it... I know only that he is not a child. Look from the neighbor kids just to see, and he would have to look for our information.

「 hundred and fifty seven, アルストロ・エルメロイ! The difference between a commoner, and there is the second son of hall by Roy! " Ah... Yes, yes. Ars of you that knows all about it.One of the leading in Elysium, fairly high rank nobles? Looking at the party, it is know that since I was a child. I used to pride has grown up. Then, I am at your most beautiful ARS Toro servant... And continued until the third man. Sirius was but you regret you should remove the ARS of people or so. Well, Sirius at your problem, but it is only one concern.It is written in the profile of his aptitude. Property: colorless too. In need is too colorless. On extremely low, no one who were trying to enter a school, so despised. Perhaps in the past, when examined at the malfunction of the tool. Since then,

「 examines attributes from five hundred sixteen now, please 」

his attributes, what a fool I commotion at the moment when the hand touch. The

「 becomes simple.My first touch is more noble. In the new magic or not? I'm sorry, my hands are clean 」
「 is or is not in this site, if there is no such as peer relationship. Who is too and you failed? " Well, I
「. You see, this is my property! " Ars electronics touch you too, crystal and bright red and green. It has good property of fire and wind, commonly called double two rare double attribute.Three people are great applause, I say what I have seen enough of it. It was a few years ago at the ARS of your parents to let a lot of advertising. It was all over, if you notice this arrogant personality can rise. Mr. Sirius at such a thing. I draw a face not just let him touch down.

「 away! The following is my servant. 」

plebeian enough at lastHuh... Really stupid. At the view of Gregory grinned as teacher, really bad. But he himself at the view and do good to them, and seeing it, I settled down. Well, he can't escape. Try to slow down and wait. Article 16 the

「, touch and he 」

magic magic touch. The color of crystal... Colorless.

「, Yuk! What is theYou are incompetent! "
「 altogether. Class difference, but is not a servant even loved 」
「 four attributes, for crying out loud, laugh is incapable of such a right 」
「 ARS incompetence is 」

insult to stay close to the interview room. But my teacher in the poor Sirius to see you, Mr. Gregory pointed shouted at him to stand up.

「 incompetent you need in our school! To return immediately to see magic, yes, I 」
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ภาษาอื่น ๆ
การสนับสนุนเครื่องมือแปลภาษา: กรีก, กันนาดา, กาลิเชียน, คลิงออน, คอร์สิกา, คาซัค, คาตาลัน, คินยารวันดา, คีร์กิซ, คุชราต, จอร์เจีย, จีน, จีนดั้งเดิม, ชวา, ชิเชวา, ซามัว, ซีบัวโน, ซุนดา, ซูลู, ญี่ปุ่น, ดัตช์, ตรวจหาภาษา, ตุรกี, ทมิฬ, ทาจิก, ทาทาร์, นอร์เวย์, บอสเนีย, บัลแกเรีย, บาสก์, ปัญจาป, ฝรั่งเศส, พาชตู, ฟริเชียน, ฟินแลนด์, ฟิลิปปินส์, ภาษาอินโดนีเซี, มองโกเลีย, มัลทีส, มาซีโดเนีย, มาราฐี, มาลากาซี, มาลายาลัม, มาเลย์, ม้ง, ยิดดิช, ยูเครน, รัสเซีย, ละติน, ลักเซมเบิร์ก, ลัตเวีย, ลาว, ลิทัวเนีย, สวาฮิลี, สวีเดน, สิงหล, สินธี, สเปน, สโลวัก, สโลวีเนีย, อังกฤษ, อัมฮาริก, อาร์เซอร์ไบจัน, อาร์เมเนีย, อาหรับ, อิกโบ, อิตาลี, อุยกูร์, อุสเบกิสถาน, อูรดู, ฮังการี, ฮัวซา, ฮาวาย, ฮินดี, ฮีบรู, เกลิกสกอต, เกาหลี, เขมร, เคิร์ด, เช็ก, เซอร์เบียน, เซโซโท, เดนมาร์ก, เตลูกู, เติร์กเมน, เนปาล, เบงกอล, เบลารุส, เปอร์เซีย, เมารี, เมียนมา (พม่า), เยอรมัน, เวลส์, เวียดนาม, เอสเปอแรนโต, เอสโทเนีย, เฮติครีโอล, แอฟริกา, แอลเบเนีย, โคซา, โครเอเชีย, โชนา, โซมาลี, โปรตุเกส, โปแลนด์, โยรูบา, โรมาเนีย, โอเดีย (โอริยา), ไทย, ไอซ์แลนด์, ไอร์แลนด์, การแปลภาษา.

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