第9話『蛮族』エルナト伯爵の息子を第7話投稿時点でゼウルとしていましたが、申し訳ございません。ゼウルではなく、ガウルが正しい名前です。既に第 การแปล - 第9話『蛮族』エルナト伯爵の息子を第7話投稿時点でゼウルとしていましたが、申し訳ございません。ゼウルではなく、ガウルが正しい名前です。既に第 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด



「……ワイズマン? ああ、ワイズマン教師補か」
成長したってことだろうか? とクロノはフェイを見つめた。
その光景にクロノは既視感を覚えた。何処でだろう? と首を傾げる。答えはすぐに分かった。舞踏会でレオンハルトと出会ったクロノにそっくりなのだ。
じゃあ、貴族の誇りを声高に主張して、必要以上に新貴族である僕を見下すのは由緒正しい旧貴族ってことしか勝ってる部分がないからかな? とクロノはセシリーの行動を自分なりに分析する。

あれ? とクロノは動きを止めた。
「あん? 俺の話を聞いてなかったのかよ。ヤツらは刻印術って魔術を使いやがるからだって言っただろうが」
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
第9話『蛮族』エルナト伯爵の息子を第7話投稿時点でゼウルとしていましたが、申し訳ございません。ゼウルではなく、ガウルが正しい名前です。既に第7話は修正し、その旨を前書きにて報告していますが、第9話でも報告させて頂きます※ ベイリー商会……マイラの憎悪を一身に集める商会の行動は迅速だった。クロノが手紙を送った途端、見積もりのミスを認めて不足分の糧食を届けに来たのである。 ただし、認めたのは今回の分だけだ。もう少し追い込んでやりたかったのだが、大隊長であるガウルに止められてしまったため、それ以上は追い込めなかった。 来月以降もベイリー商会と取引を続けるかは見積もり次第なので、賢い選択と言えるかも知れない。権力者だからと唯々諾々と従っていたら食いっぱぐれる。そんな商人の逞しさを垣間見たような気がした。 次々と麦の入った袋が食料庫に運び込まれる。一袋六十キロで換算して百五十袋が運び込まれたのを確認……レイラは目で確認し、再確認とばかりに暗算し、クロノに駆け寄った。 ガウルの部下である亜人と人間は羨ましそうに、同じ人間でも貴族階級出身である重装騎兵達は珍しい動物でも見るようにレイラを見ていた。 Now the low literacy rate in Cepheus Empire. For humans because it cannot get a chance only if you have moderate to Liberal, not liberal arts who Layla would be seem otherworldly presence. Layla looks as Toulouse Lautrec art animal if it sees from the aristocratic party vice versa with liberal?"Confirmed" as well""To sign Captain Gaur.See Gaul squad leader, I'm sorry. Sign "「…… Oh " Slightly puzzled for a while. Were born in fact, half-Elf asked to sign, my first experience would be. Gaul wrote autographs, Leila returned payment while it also embarrassed. Leila and signs and make runs from Bailey & co. representative.「…… New half-Elf can be used ""Never mind let go of Layla. And going to solicit until Leila followed by Faye aimed at Gaur Chrono."A scary face to do so. Not going to dabble in as others with my Mistress '"Such subject?" Once abandoned, or cheating, but Layla will serious distrust of other people likely to fall into, and imagine yourself thrown Chrono, recessed."But have never seen so much clever half-Elf""But also the qualities of the person in question was properly taught reading and writing and arithmetic and even now I'm studying under Professor Wiseman"「…… Wiseman? Oh, Wiseman teachers Coenzyme? " Graduated from military school to Wiseman Professor seems to be left impressions of Gaul. It may feel disjointed Chrono Wiseman teacher except to remember that teachers are not too much, but this topic is the difference between student and the dunce."What that taught you that half-Elf education with made? 」"I think in the future, we hope to help" By ~ with arms crossed Gaul and groaned."Not which looks great hanging sword that would, Oh I'm in it? 」 I hear her voice was then multiplied by the Gauls opens his mouth. Voice is Cecily, twisted Fey is that. Would that father Fay would swords and broken in a pitched battle with Robert's relics. Tries to stop the Chrono and Gauls won by hand."" Men's three days of made you look closely observing ' and says, but positively it's " What you grow? And watched Faye Chrono. You feel like Fay always look good, but always the more dignified atmosphere. Remember happening in the bathroom, broke down the Chrono break into a smile. After finishing the fight, Chrono commando dared for Faye. It's into the bathroom and return in the morning. And asked to shed in back with Faye. Of course, don't you ask shed back to normal. Now Faye is Knight of the Chrono, and mistress of. Much like Chrono, and Fay is shame and loyalty tug of war have frozen. Eventually won the loyalty of that ice victory, and was only the prelude to the next battle. In Fay and stiff like Chrono tall to wash carefully, while I came to, but listened to ask. Priming the next fight is a battle but unfortunately Faye risked your body and soul, but so far, Chrono dictionary 2 characters after the war is not."This sword master Lady," like mother in that era like relics""In short, antiques and says, I'm? 」 Faye a step forward, and Cecily is it retreated to fit. Will not consciously in action. Proof that Cecily's face is distorted in humiliation. They retreated as unacceptable and says."Wulf, is obnoxious! 」 Spat, Cecily returned to heel. Intellect has seen from the side, and it ran but seen only as. He felt déjà Chrono at the sight. Where? And she tilts her head. The answer is found soon. The Chrono and Leonhard met at a masquerade looks just like. It's maybe, Cecily admits to Fay's ability. But equal to Fay's ability to admit admit their discount. That's why derogatory is Cecily Fay will. May be immersed in the sense of superiority you certainly 貶mereba Fay, but it's temporary. Be zapped immediately pulled back to reality and repeat the same thing. Maybe, Cecily Fay not only, might cause it's offensive is also Chrono. Well, in short, take it out I guess. I same tantrums even Mr./Ms. Zion was actually a. At least tantrums Shion's life crisis felt did not, and looked up empty in the Chrono. Then, noble pride loudly claiming, I need more new nobles to look down on the time-honored old nobility isn't where winning can only from? And Cecily's behavior to analyze their own Chrono. Surprisingly enough, chunk of an inferiority complex, and floated the smile Chrono.A "put a wicked smile beside me""Rude" Chrono gently covered the mouth by hand.「…… I'm changing the subject, but Cecily 12 what? why was transferred from the Imperial Knights? 」"I don't know" In the war suffered big damage to no. 12 Knights of. Talented subordinates required to revive the Knights should be so, wouldn't let go of CLO Countess Cecilie. Well, detaining CLO Earl to be without merit simply 手放shicha not so damn well."Will today and tomorrow again attacking barbarians. To you and your staff receive joined the subjugation. ""I just the other day,"go say,' said? 」 Arms folded the Gaul forest was looking ahead."Renewed the idea""Such subject?" Gaul is retracted back unceremoniously. Took the truth than face? Beta Tauri Earl said was courageous, but less courageous ppokunai.「父は……俺のことを何と言っていた?」「子どもの頃は素直な良い子だったのに、と過去形で」 ぐぬ、とガウルは不愉快そうに唸った。「貴様は俺のことをどう思う?」「第一印象は最悪、今の印象は愚息っぽくないな~、と」 もっとマシな評価をされると期待していたのか、ガウルは俯き、怒りに耐えるように肩を震わせた。「俺に足りない物は何だと思う?」「部隊の運営能力と気遣い、ついでにカルシウム。牛乳を飲んで、小魚を沢山食べるように」 ガウルの震えが大きくなる。肩だけじゃなく全身が震えていた。「じゃ、準備があるから」 怒鳴り散らされるのも面倒なので、クロノはレイラ、フェイ、スノウを回収してその場から逃げ出した。※「……と言う訳で、蛮族と戦う羽目になりました」 クロノがクロフォード邸の庭でこれまでの経緯を説明すると、部下達は二つの異なる反応を示した。 表情を引き締める者と不安そうにクロノを見つめる者だ。前者はレイラやタイガのような実戦経験者とフェイのように戦闘意欲が高い者、後者はスノウのように実戦経験のない新兵だ。「ここにいる面々は僕も含めて蛮族と戦うのは初めてだと思います。なので、蛮族と戦闘経験のある方々を特別講師として招いてみました。まずは僕の父さん、クロード・クロフォード男爵です」 パチパチとクロノが拍手をすると、部下も合わせるように拍手をした。 拍手に迎えられ、養父は部下達の前に立った。「父さん、蛮族と戦うのに気をつけることは?」「……刻印術だな。よく分からねーが、ヤツらは刻印術って魔術を使う。こいつは身体能力を底上げして、まあ、これもよく分からねーんだが、魔術っぽい現象を引き起こす。特に注意しなきゃならねーのは槍に光を纏わせた時だ」 養父の言葉に部下達は一斉に頷いた。「ヤツらは槍に光を纏わせて投げてきやがる。うっかり槍に近づくと、数秒後にゃ、ドカーンだ」 養父が爆発を表現するように握り拳を胸の位置で開くと、部下達は息を呑んだ。「だから、戦うなら至近距離か、長距離だ。半端な距離だと、ヤツらに吹っ飛ばされちまう」 クロノは少し離れた位置にいるマイラの隣に立った。「……坊ちゃま、どのような意図でこのような場を?」「情報の共有と不安の払拭」 未知……何も分からないことは恐怖と不安を掻き立てるが、よく分からないことでもそれっぽい説明がされれば人間は納得する生き物なのだ。 例えば何もない空間から石が降ってきたとする。科学的に幾らでも説明できるのだろうが、科学的に説明できなくても人間は架空の生物を生み出して不安や恐怖を払拭しようとするのだ。「坊ちゃまは蛮族を人間だと思っていらっしゃるのですか?」「人間でしょ?」 クロノが言い切ると、マイラはぶるりと身震いした。「坊ちゃまは……」「マイラ、お前の番だぜ」「かしこまりました」 マイラと入れ替わるように養父がクロノの隣に立った。「……悪くねぇ手だ。喧嘩も殺し合いも臆病風に吹かれた方が負けだからな。どんな敵なのか分かってりゃ、必要以上にビビったりしねぇだろうよ」 そこで養父は言葉を句切り、獰猛な笑みを浮かべた。「まあ、どんな敵なのか分かっても対処できなきゃ意味がねぇがな」「そこが問題なんだよね」 養父の言葉を聞いてフェイの姿が脳裏を過ぎる。今のフェイなら真っ正面から蛮族と戦っても大丈夫そうな気がする。 あれ? とクロノは動きを止めた。「どうして、蛮族は強いんだろう?」「あん? 俺の話を聞いてなかったのかよ。ヤツらは刻印術って魔術を使いやがるからだって言っただろうが」「あ、うん、それは覚えてるんだけど」 身体能力の強化、爆発する槍……もしかしたら、名前や発動方法が違うだけで、「刻印術って、神威術のこと?」「おいおい、そんな結論が何処から出やがった」「いや、だって、六色の精霊とか、精霊と同化する邪法とか言ってるけど、それって帝国側の理屈でしょ?」 魔術は神威術の粗雑な模倣とされている。では、神威術とは、そもそも信仰の対象となる六柱神とは何か? この世界の維持管理するシステム的な何かだ、とクロノは睨んでいる。まあ、外宇宙から飛来したでも、古代文明によって創られたでも、偶発的に誕生したでも構わない。 神威術は六柱神システムに交感アクセスし、術式プログラムをダウンロードして、魔術は神威術を元に作られた術式プログラムを催眠効果のある薬物によって脳に刷り込み(インストール)、一定のキーワードによって起動させる。 帝国が神威術を魔術に変えたように、蛮族は神威術を刻印術という形に変えたのだ。それもより神威術に近い形で。「全員が全員、神威術の使い手なら強いはずだよ。でも、相手が神威術の使い手と分かれば対処のしようはあるね」
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Episode 9 "barbarians"
the son of Elnath Earl had a Zeuru in Episode 7 post time, but
I am sorry. Rather than Zeuru, is the name Gaul is correct.
Already modifies Episode 7, you have to report to that effect in the foreword,
also in the ninth episode you will be reported
※ Bailey Shokai ...... Chamber of action to collect herself the hatred of Myra it was quick. As soon as Chrono has sent a letter, and than is came the shortage of rations to deliver and recognize the mistakes of the estimate. However, it admitted it just this minute. I wanted to Yari in a little more drove, but because it was only stopped in a large captain Gaul, it more than you did not Oikome. Because it is up to estimate or even continue to deal with Bailey Shokai later next month, it may be said that the smart choice. Kuippagureru Once because those in power and not follow and willingly. It feels like a glimpse of the Takumashi of such merchant was. Bag of one after another wheat is brought to the food pantry. Confirmation ...... Leila that the hundred and fifty bags in terms in one bag sixty kilometers was brought was confirmed by eye, is mental arithmetic to reaffirm and just, was rushed to Chrono. To ajin: demi-human and human is a subordinate of Gaul is envious, Heavy cavalry who is a nobility born in the same man was looking at Leila As can be seen also in the rare animal. Although it is at this late hour, the literacy rate of Cepheus Empire low. Because its own way of allowance to those who only he does not get the opportunity to acquire culture, Leila for ajin: demi-human and human uneducated would be seem to the presence of another world. If you look from the aristocracy guys with a liberal arts to reverse Leila will look to much animals charged a gay. "Chrono-like, we have confirmation," "I'm Gaul battalion commander to sign" "Gaul battalion commander, I am sorry. sign the" "...... Oh" slightly, actually ...... while confusion, to sign in half elf because sought It would be the first time in their lives. Gaul wrote to sign, returns a delivery certificate this also to Leila while puzzled. Leila is firmly check the sign, and run to Bailey Chamber of Commerce of the person in charge of the original. "Do not's half-elf that can be used ......" "'m not willing to let go of Leila," or going to solicitation to Leila Following Faye, and Chrono glared the Gaul. "Do not be a so scary face. Not going to be with me dabble in mistress of others" "There a Hidari-sama or" but there is also Leila's will, or is cheating, it fell into serious misanthropy Once abandoned or Yes, the Chrono is recessed Imagine yourself to be discarded. "But, there the more intelligent half-elves have never seen." "I wonder was also personal qualities, I was taught the proper reading and writing and arithmetic, now also because studying under Wiseman teacher" "... ... Wiseman? Oh, Wiseman teacher complement or " things Wiseman teacher to have graduated from the military school seems not left on the impression of Gaul. Chrono it is not so much a teacher to remember other than Wiseman teacher, but I feel that does not mesh with this topic might be the difference of honor student and dunce. and "to say that was taught, or differents of was equips the educated in that half-elf?" "In the future, it helps if and thought to" sales-free, and Gaul growled arm in arm. "Oh, that look I No窄seems sword I do not Irasshara Lower?" The is such a voice I heard it was at that time that Gaul was over open the mouth. Voice of the Lord Cecily, it is Fay's are tangled. The Mi窄seems sword would be the keepsake of Faye father broke in fierce battle with Robert. When the chronograph is attempting to enter to stop, Gaul was won by hand. "" I say and see in Katsumoku if Zare met the 3rd boy ", exactly it's Na" I wonder that I was growing? And Chrono looked at Faye. I feel seen's usual Faye, but to feel like than usual dignified atmosphere. Remembering the events in the bathroom, Chrono broke the Sogo. After finishing one game, Chrono was dared surprise to Faye. We were entering the bathroom in just a morning of return. And, I asked you to flow back to Faye. Of course, it is not give me the reason to flow normally in the back. Now Faye is a knight of the chronograph, and because of a mistress. When the chronograph is to ask, Fay was frozen as if the sense of shame and loyalty is a tug-of-war. It won the loyalty eventually, but it is a victory of thin ice, was not only a prelude of next fight. Fay while washing the back of carefully Chrono, and rigid to suddenly as returned to us, nevertheless, is of me listening to ask. Unfortunately battle Fay was risking the body and soul is only in the priming of the next battle, now, there is no end of the war of the two characters in Chrono dictionary. "This sword is located at Elua like keepsake, which is also the mentor of the deeper, Chrono-like mother" "The point I'm thing say antiques?" When Faye is take one step forward, Cecily fell back as if fit in it . It would not be in the action of consciousness to. Face of Cecily in the evidence is distorted in humiliation. To as saying that not forgive myself receding like. The "non, I'll is unpleasant!" to say as spat Cecily returned the heel. If you have seen from buckwheat, but he does not look only to ran away at the Keosare. Chrono at the sight was remember the feeling of deja vu. Would Where? Incline the neck and. The answer I found immediately. It's the look-alike to Chrono I met with Leonhard in dance. Maybe, Cecily we admit the power of Faye. But, I admit that Faye of ability is equal to admit he's underdogs. That's why, Cecily will to try Sagesumeyo the Faye. Certainly it may be immersed in a sense of superiority if Otoshimere the Fay, but it is something temporary. It is immediately pulled back to reality, to repeat the same thing wind up. Maybe then, Cecily is not only Faye, to aggressive of even Chrono it might the cause. Well, in short I wonder Atari eight. I think there was a cute-up is more of Zion's in the same eight per. To had never felt the crisis of life in eight per at least Zion's, and Chrono looked up at the sky. Well, I wonder if from claiming pride of nobility loudly, and to look down on me, a new aristocracy more than necessary is not the part that won only thing I venerable old aristocracy? And Chrono are analyzed in my own behavior Cecily. Unexpectedly, it is the mass of inferiority complex, and chronograph was smiling. "I with a smile Na wear evil next to" "rude" Chrono gently covered with hand mouth. "I'm change is ...... story, Cecily has wonder what I reason that became change from twelfth Konoe Knights?" "I dunno," I suffered a twelfth Knights big damage in the war of destination . Because should require competent subordinates in order to rebuild the Knights, Pisuke Earl is I do not think let go of Cecily. Well, Pisuke Earl but I also feel that I knew I would let go quickly if there is no merit to keep. "Today, will come attack again barbarians tomorrow. Differents and you'll get to participate in subjugation to men of differents" "recently, and" need not, I feel like has been said to go home "is?" Gaul had an eye to the forest while his arms folded. "I changed the thought" "There a Hidari-sama or" Gaul was unceremoniously rebelled the previous statement. It probably took a real than the face. Elnath Earl was liked Gusoku, but seem like much Gusoku. "My father what say had? Things ...... I" "I though it was an obedient good child childhood, the past in the form" Gunu, and Gaul growled to unpleasant likely. "Differents I think if that of me?" "first impression is the worst, now of the impression - Na seem like Gusoku, and" or to be more better evaluation had been expected, Gaul is face down, anger I was trembling shoulder to withstand. "I think what's thing missing to me?" "I care about the troops of management ability, incidentally drinking calcium. milk, a lot to eat as the small fish," the greater the trembling of Gaul. Systemic not 's shoulder only had trembling. "Well, because there are ready," because even yelling scattered is the cumbersome, Chrono Leila, Faye, fled from the spot and recovered the Snow. ※ "I mean to say ..., we were made ​​to end up fighting with the barbarians" When the chronograph to explain the history of this up in the garden of the Crawford House, men who showed two different reaction. It's those who stare Chrono in person and anxious to tighten the facial expression. The former person high combat motivation as Faye and combat experience, such as Leila and taiga, the latter's recruits with no combat experience as Snow. "Every one of you are here I think the first time to fight the barbarians including me also. So, I tried to invite people with barbarians and combat experience as a special instructor. First my father, Claude Crawford Baron It is " when the crackling and the chronograph to the applause, was the applause as subordinates also match. You are greeted by applause, adoptive father was standing in front of subordinates us. "Dad, it? To keep in mind is to fight the barbarians" Do not's "...... engraved surgery. The Ne know well but, guys use the magic I engraved surgery. This guy in the bottom raising the body's ability, well, This is also I Ne know well, but causes a magic-ish phenomenon. Especially Ne become to be careful is when you were clothed light on the spear " subordinate to the words of the father who nodded in unison. "He and colleagues want Ya been thrown in to clothe the light to the spear. When inadvertently approach the spear, Nya after a few seconds, but Dokan" When the father is opened at the location of the chest a fist to represent the explosion, people who are I gasped. "So, whether close range if the fight, it's long distance. When it is odd distance, Chimau is blown away to guys" Chrono stood next to the Mylar that are a little distant position. "...... Bow Chama, what such a place with the intention?" "Sharing and dispel fears of information" unknown ...... that you do not know anything but arouse fear and anxiety, also that they do not know it If ish explanation is human It's a creature to be convinced. For example, it is the stone came down from empty space. It probably can be explained in much scientific, but also can not be explained scientifically human'm trying to dispel the anxiety and fear and created a fictitious organisms. "Bow Chama is for you? Irassharu I think human beings the barbarians" , "human right?" When the chronograph assert, Myra shuddered and Burli. "Bow Chama is ......" "Myra, ze's Your turn" and "Yes, sir," Myra and is replaced as adoptive father was standing next to the Chrono. "...... It's hand does not hurt. Quarrel even killing one another also Na because negative people who have blown timid wind. The Irya know what kind of enemy of the, you can not wonder'm scared more than necessary" So adoptive father is punctuation words, I smiled a ferocious smile. "Well, whatever it is also the enemy of whether found not make sense to be able to cope, but Na," "there is I'm problems" appearance of Faye passes the mind to hear the adoptive father of words. Even fighting the barbarians from right in front and if now Faye feel that okay to. That? And Chrono stopped the movement. "Why, barbarians strong I wonder? The" "is whether I bean paste? did not listen to my story. guys but would have said, Even from want and Ya use the magic I stamped surgery" "Oh, yeah, it is to remember shining do it but " strengthening of physical ability, if spear ...... possibly to explode, only different names and trigger way, I "engraved surgery, that of Kamui surgery?" "Hey, such a conclusion is Ya out from where wants was " "No, I mean, Toka spirits of six colors, but has said there Jaho to be assimilated with the spirits, probably theory of empire side I it?" magic is a crude imitation of Kamui surgery. Something in, the Kamui surgery, the first place to the six-poster God is the object of faith? But systematic something to maintenance of this world, the Chrono is in glaring. Well, but was flying from outer space, but was created by the ancient civilization, it does not matter even was born accidentally. Kamui surgery and sympathetic access to six-poster god system, download the surgical procedure program, magic is imprinted in the brain surgical procedure program made ​​based on Kamui surgery by drugs with a hypnotic effect (installation), of certain activating by the keyword. As empire has changed Kamui surgery to magic, barbarians it had changed to the form of engraved surgery the Kamui surgery. It also be in the form closer to Kamui surgery. "Everyone is all, I should strong if consumer of Kamui surgery. But, the other party it some use of deal Knowing and consumer of Kamui surgery" "I do so much work going for?" "Yeah, well, maybe" the adoptive father As soon as it was plunged, Chrono became suddenly anxiety. Kamui surgery weaknesses thing surgeon to mad by excessive use

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
The story of the barbarians "eek beta Tauri Earl son 7 when the post was ゼウル and, at the. ゼウル is not the right name. At the first story is already fixed, but in its foreword report reported at the ninth story will

Bailey Co.... Action of group company with rapid Myra hatred. Chrono, sent a letter to miss the shortfall estimated that came to deliver supplies. However, atWas this just a minute. Driving in a little more wanted to, but because the battalion was stopped in Gaul, was more rapid flutterings past. Since the estimate depends on the company after the next month and will continue to trade, might be a wise choice. Because I missed my powers if he obediently. I felt that the merchant with a glimpse. Carried a bag of wheat to the food pantry in one after another.As tens of kilometers in a bag that carried six hundred fifty bags confirmed... Leila in mental arithmetic, to confirm and ran to the chronograph. At the woman and man are the envy of the gaur, heavy cavalry are rare animals in the same people from the peerage at Leyla try to see. At the time, but a low literacy rate in the Empire. Does not have the opportunity to get education is only affordIt will not be an educated woman in another world, Leila, exists for the human being. From their peers at will with the liberal art by Leila trained animals appear. Chrono
「 as the battalion commander to sign 」
「 confirmed it will 」
「 gaur battalion commander, I'm sorry. 」
「…… sign Oh (1993), while some... Lost... In fact, I was born in a half elf and asked for autographs will experience for the first time. AtWrite a gaur, sign and return to the supplier with confusion. Leila firmly to sign the original run Bailey's company.
「…… It will be half elf can not part with 」
「 Leila in 1993 to solicit favors Leila, Chrono suspecting that gaur.
「 so afraid to face. And I will love to others to be happy or not, so I will 」
「 of Layla (1993), theAbandoned if serious distrust of people fell into the well, and abandoned Chrono imagine yourself. However,
「 was so bright I have never seen half elf 」
「 qualities of the person to read and write properly, and 」
「…… arithmetic teaching, because I studied under Professor Wiseman now Wiseman? Oh, teacher, teacher or auxiliary Wiseman Wiseman, that I graduated from the military academy (1993) remained in the impression of Mithun will be.Chrono too teacher to remember Professor Wiseman but not with this topic, do not feel inferior students of difference might be. We can say, tell me you made that half elf wearing? " In the future,
「 (1993) and helps you to believe, and Bos gaurus with his arms folded and groaned. Oh, he is carrying a shabby sword isn't it? " Gaul's voice sounds so that opening the mouth was at that time. AtThe voice of the Lord, Cecily are entwined in the face. Broken sword and Robert and insignificant at the will of his father s keepsake. Chrono at that stop to hold hands in Gaul. Three days
「『 men say, "look to see if it turns out that I was right, it will grow (1993)? Chrono and stared. I always looked at the face, but always feel more like a dignified atmosphere. At the event in a bathroom, remember thatChrono to be all smiles. After the game at the end, with respect to the face to make a surprise attack. At the break in the morning and return to the bathroom. At the face and ask them to flow back. Of course, I don't like it, please back to normal. Now, in the face of Chrono knight, mistress. Chrono at Fei and ask it freezes loyalty and sense of shame as a tug of war. At the end, won the loyalty, butIt is in danger of victory was a preliminary skirmish of the battle. At the back of the face washing Chrono carefully, stiffness, and my back, as of yet, please listen to me. But unfortunately at the face with not only the next fight fight that bet, body and soul so far, Chrono Dictionary of the war.
「 sword master's wife, if your mother Chrono is a memento of El 」
「 antiques and can say is it? " At
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