たとき――その下の白い頬に半ば渇いた幾筋もの涙の跡を見たとき、ユージオはこの部屋で行われたことを、その非道と残酷の全てを、完全に悟った。 相 การแปล - たとき――その下の白い頬に半ば渇いた幾筋もの涙の跡を見たとき、ユージオはこの部屋で行われたことを、その非道と残酷の全てを、完全に悟った。 相 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด


「なぜ……どうしてこんなことを……? 懲罰権を……逸脱した……学院則違反では……」
「く、くく……くっ、くはは……ハ、ハハハハッ……ハハハハハハ! キャハハハハハハ!!」
「キャハハハハハ! だ……だから貴君は山出しだと言うのだ!! 大人しく故郷で薪でも割っておればよいものを……ハハハハッ……のこのこ央都に上って、貴族の真似事などしようとするから痛い目に……キャハハッハハハハ!! よ、よいか、教えてやろうこの山ザ……おっと、うむ、山に棲む毛だらけの人っぽいもの、これならいいかな、ハハハ! 貴君の傍付きは、この私、三等爵家長子たるライオス・アンティノスに不敬甚だしい物言いをしたァ! ゆえに私には学院則にのっとり懲罰を下す権利があァる!」
「しかし学院則の懲罰権規定にはこうある! 全ての懲罰において上級法の規定が優先すると! いいか山出し! つまり、帝国基本法を適用することが可能ということなのだ! 私は三等爵士の長子、そして貴君の傍付きは六等爵士の娘だァ! 貴族の子弟間の不敬行為は親同士のそれに準ずる! よって私には、帝国基本法に定められた、貴族賞罰権を行使する権利があるのだァ!!」
「賞罰権はいいものだぞォ、平民! 学院則のような掃除だの稽古だのといったケチ臭い規定は一切無しッ! 禁忌に触れない限り――つまり天命を減少させない限り、何をしようと、何を命じようと自由なのだッ!! 我が父など、私領地の麗しき蕾をいくつ摘み取ったか知れぬわ! よいか、これが貴族ッ!! これが権力というものだッ!! 分かったかァ無姓の輩あッ!! み、みの……みのっ、みのォ……」
「身のほどをォォォッ! 知れェェェェッ! キャハッ、キャハハハハハハ!!」
人々の暮らしを守り、世界の秩序を守るためにあるのが禁忌目録であり、帝国基本法なのではないのか。ルーリッド教会のシスター・アザリヤは、子供のユージオに向かって確かにそう言った。ではなぜ、法はティーゼとロニエを守れなかったのか? なぜ、友人を助けようと勇気を振り絞った少女たちにあのような残酷を許し、そして今ユージオに剣を抜くことを許さないのか? これらすべてが法の定めた結果なのならば、正義は一体どこに存在するというのだ?
「ハァ? 何を戯けたことを言っているのだ貴君は」
「謝罪? 償う? なぜこの私が? 先ほど懇切丁寧に説明してやったではないか。私の行いは全て、あらゆる法に認められた当然の権利なのだよ。あの二人の初等練士ですら、一度聞いたら己が立場を理解したぞ。少々五月蝿く泣き喚きはしたが、決して拒否も反抗も……」
「ライオス、お前は間違っている。たとえ学院則、帝国基本法、そして禁忌目録が禁じていなくとも、絶対にしてはいけないことだってあるはずだ。……彼女たちがお前に何をした? これほどの仕打ちを甘受しなくてはいけないほどの、どんな罪を犯したというんだ!?」
「何を言い出すかと思えば……賞罰権の行使は我々上級貴族の生来の権利であるぞ。してはいけないこと? そんなものがどこにある? 禁じられていなければ、それは行っていいことなのだ、当然! あの二人の罪、それは、家系も辿れぬ山出し修剣士にうかうかと感化され、高貴なる血筋の者に苦言めいた大口を叩いたことだ! ふ、ふ、私にはわかっていた、いずれこうなるとな……。よいか、それはつまり、貴君の愚かしさでもあるのだぞ!」
ならば、自分はどうすればいいのか? ライオスの罪だけでなく、己の罪にすら目を瞑り、全てを無理矢理忘れ去って、偽りにまみれた日々を生きていく……?

――今更そんな大言を吐く資格が、お前にあるのか? お前はもう、すでに長すぎるほどの年月を、嘘と偽りで塗り固めつづけてきたんじゃないのか? お前はなぜ、アリスが整合騎士に連れ去られるのを木偶の坊のようにただ見ていた? お前はなぜ、六年もの間、絶対に切り倒せない樹を叩きつづけることしかしなかった? お前はなぜ、央都に辿り付いたというのに教会の門に近寄ろうともせず、整合騎士を目指すなどというあまりに狭く迂遠な道を選んだのだ?


――それが汚らしい嘘だということに、お前はもう気付いているはずだ。お前は、本当は、怖かったんだろう、アリスが? 禁忌目録に違反したアリスを、教会への反逆者として心の底では忌み恐れ、会いたいと思うのと同じかそれ以上に、もう会えなくてもいいと思っていたんじゃないのか? お前が法に従うのは、それが法だからではなく、従っていれば楽だからだ。自分の弱さから目を背けていられるからだ。そんなお前に、今更、法の正義などという言葉を吐く権利があるのか?

「何なのだそれは? 脅しのつもりか……それとも冗談の
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Had when--when I saw the trail of tears in too many muscle white cheek below mid-thirsty of judio in this room that the its and outrageous cruelty, fully realized. Room was filled with Thunder roaring as usual, but couldn't hear her but more high pitched tinnitus judio. And taken to the foot steps atozusari, tease or Ronnie uniform lurch unsteadily and, miserably falls to the ground. Dressed as a yugio looked at the lion here is continued for face. Even without the magic now fully equipped to hide a third class noble heir, had I made smile beaming with interest and enjoying. After a moment dazed and looked at the expression yugio asked groan in a cracked voice.See why... Why do such a thing. And punishment rights. After departing. In violation of Academy rules.... " 裂kenn edge of the red lips of Lion heard it just to level up and chinesse. Was kept then desperately, violently and down throat then began to overflow to the shrill laughter comes out from."The radiation. Go!, is a... HA, hahahaha. Hahahahahaha! Cara Hahahaha! 」 Torsional body Rios is also scattered gown splashed with wine from the hand-glass without regard to the Wara keep stamping her foot.See caha Hahahaha! ... That's why we say admitted! Adult good if Split firewood at home or something. Hahahaha... From to, such as in a noble attempt to blindly up the central city for sore eyes. Cahahachahahaha! So, this mountain I'll tell you how to do the... Outside of hairy man-like what Oops, well, living in the mountains, this, hahaha! We side with the I, III, knighted Patriarch child medal Rios Antinous the Lese Majesty doth he know! Rights because in my school law under punishment.! 」 The lion lay Sarpedon cum overlooking the yugio stand up and with the ass to the carpet."But this is punishment rights provisions of the school law! And senior law shall prevail in the punishment of all! Nice admitted? In other words, it is possible to apply the fundamental law of the Empire! Third knighted's birthright, and I side with six, daughter of a knighted person I know! Profane acts between the children of the nobility of the equivalent to that of their parents! It is entitled to exercise noble punishment by determined imperial law to me, o my! 」「…… A... And what is... ' Judio is appalled, could only reveal it. Triumphant lion's tirade continues further.See what punishment right! o and commoner! Kechi臭i under vacuum like the College rule or practice is no! no! Unless contraindicated--that is unless you do not reduce the destiny, trying to do what to order and free's Tsu! My father and I plucked several beautiful bud of territory or not done! How to do this is aristocracy!! This is called power-stars! Did you understand it? c? c of not fellow UIs! The watchtower. Watchtower was the Watchtower o...... " Last week--not with small Lion, and the pleasure to strike maybe from the original has been continued by two years because? Peel the white of the eye, and taoranting intolerant trembling body.See's place ooot! Eeeek thyself! Cahill, Cara Hahahaha! 」 Yugio head ever wondered of cold and quiet strange. Anger, hatred, nor even grief there seemed to be no. But soon, so, not one of conscious feelings too huge too, others are containing one complete. Name of that sentiment did not know judio. Just, simply, in front of horrible with them, sneaky, 厭washii existence eternity there was only the desire you want to erase. And Rios says is true--what acts young tease and Ronnie did, as in more than one person is recognized in law as is, just wanted to believe that wasn't. However, was the fact that ironically, Rios got done it has ratified legality of the Act. And grim tells that no any rights constituting the lion on his own at the same time, the fact that they also had. It's not allowed to yugio no, verbally abusive enough fist in his mouth to loud laughter, of course, is that even tries to cut raikage in the sword in the left hand. But if you--if you act and what! Protect the lives of people, you have to defend a world order list of contraindications, not a fundamental law of the Empire. Lurid Church sister Azariah is towards children yugio said certainly. Why the law does tease and Ronnie? Do not allow allow such cruel girls why, trying to help friends summoned my courage, and now pull the sword yugio? If the results determined by law all of Justice hell exists where? Obsession disorder yugio sight morn, was heavily distorted. Took some time to realize it's because of the tears started pouring it. After the ROAR bouts further looked upon such yugio face lion dried wine in his right hand, hit a vacated while wiped away with the left hand filled with red liquid glass on the floor.' Well... So long-awaited as the leader's a dude yugio Palace. Before handing over to one side with discipline who once again tightly too見 show seems is not or. Come on, stand by me into my bedroom " Judio is buoyed by sword in the left hand, stood up last while. From several times and breathing heavily, wiped away tears at the cuffs he mutters subdued and muttered.See this... Say something more than this. A dirty tongue. I cut from the roots ' As soon as I heard it is Rios happiness laughed saying move with eyebrows, even rode Nikko is just thin."Oh my God, I better be nice! yugio Palace. How peer 1 swordsman, though threatening rhetoric is dangerous, dangerous. Imitating the accusation ago, as I reluctantly.... ""Shut up, Rios Antinous ' Words like ridicule to interrupt in the Middle, and Rios closed the mouth felt shame indeed. Yugio out one step ahead, it just from the Act of impoliteness and indeed of near-staring at the opponent's eyes. The head was stone-cold as ever. Effusing voice moving mouth almost spontaneously, without inflection.See lion. You then that's just one thing. Revelations and apologized to Lonnie and tease, hands on the ground begging forgiveness and atone sins of the rest of my life to live "' We? Funny what you say you are " Lion lips distorted to the limit and shape the scorn of the largest."Apology? Atone? Me why this is? Not just staff explained it in? It is a right recognized in any law, all I do is. I understood his position even in those two primary training workers once it hears. Some may flies go screaming and crying is you, never denied even rebellious...... ""I said shut up! 」 Feeling again, Teardrop in the corner of the eye, cried judio. To trap their sneaky yourself depressed and could not help but pull his chest 毟tte I think desperation had forced to understand that no longer help me tease and Ronnie, and bled all doing, enough to not be tormented by the heartbreaking.See Lion, you're wrong. I believe I dont at least even if not banning school law, Imperial basic laws, and list of contraindications absolute. …… They did nothing to you? Any guilty of having to submit to this deal is not enough! 」"Death here too 暗愚 for you,..." Even say the word judio, annoying small flies buzzing is only on the lion shook right around."If you do say something. Mete exercise which we senior noble birthrights, I. You do not have? Where are these kind of things? If, forbidden it go's, of course! The sins of those two, it's hit the sort of noble lineage who complained, was inspired by the 辿renu family also admitted Osamu swordsman carelessly and large! Heh, heh, I knew, and this will happen either a... Or better, it is also the folly of that is, we will! 」 Rios this evening's speech in the only correct as it thought the yugio. It was no doubt the fact that contributed to this tragedy could not be predicted even tease our behavior, not penetrates the plot of the lion's folly. If you, or how do I? Live every day as well as the sins of the lion, is too easy to even his own sins, forgotten forced all covered in false. And what can I do in a voice shouted. However, heard voices at the same time, another one of his laugh mockingly ear judio. --You are eligible now spit out such rants? You anymore, already long or too much time lying and deceitful plaster continued, yeah? You just watched to meat of why Alice is kidnapped by matching Knight? You is why six years while it keeps hitting the tree never 切ri倒senai but did not? It's too, even without the rest told you why, in Mao, backward Church gate, aiming at matching Knight chose to narrow the deadline? --I mean, will not help. According to law, to my alternatives other than they didn't have it. --It is a lie to you again aware should be. Are you really scared I wonder, Alice? You think that Alice has violated the taboo list as a traitor to the Church anathema fear in the bottom of my heart, you want to see the same or would think it over, another that I can't see also good? You follow the law because it's the law instead, from it's easier if you follow. It's from is not running from the weakness of their own. Do you spit, now the word of Justice, etc. right? Is telling all the voices the truth could not be denied judio. That's because could not understand why until today at this time yugio is why that Alice took a step. Contrary to the taboo list of Knights of the dark enemy of the Church should hate the country until it's tried that act in any meaningful or not at all. And want to become to meet once again Alice in his matching Knight--Besides, Alice from the Church wants to help, and--. What a fraud. What an ugly hypocrisy. I didn't want Alice to help. It was only looking for just, forget about Alice, give up, abandon that convenient excuse. It is the same as the lion. In order to enjoy myself, I just come up with a method of interpreting the available. So--Alice and no reverse. Alice helps the others, yet despised Dark Knight for the committed act. To die for something more important than the law. Now for the first time yugio the law, i.e. list of contraindications and Holiness Church determined that more than more correctly, clear understanding of the existence of an important "something". Forbidden is not and should not be there. Is also forbidden in the same way, but to do that. Alice follows it a step. And now the yugio turn came. Is much more 呪washiku than Alice in Wonderland and horrifying deeds but--being able to tease and Ronnie yugio now is no more but it seemed.'Lion' Judio is about to enter the bedroom with the lion, hailed from behind."Forgive but even if law and Church, I tolerate you. If they don't bother to apologize is the sin. 償e in life " Hilt of a sword held in the right hand Blue rose is made of ice, cold as you are. 呆re返tta fed looked turned yugio dropped waist, drawing a sword poised to take the lion, as if to say that just to spread his hands."What is it? Going to threaten? Or maybe a joke
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
When was - when I saw the traces of even tears thirsty several muscle mid to white cheek beneath the, Eugeo is that it was done in this room, all of the outrageous and cruel, he realized in full.
Although still roaring thunder had filled the room, did not hear only the other high-pitched tinnitus to Eugeo. Dizzy To stumble as you step back a few steps, taken the foot or Ronie uniforms, of Tize, and with the Shirimochi ungracefully.
Remains in its appearance, Eugeo looked up at the face of Raiosu that continues directed to here.
Heir of three such nobility, the now well-equipped Hakuseki, had to stick a smile of Manmen of amusement and Yuetsu without even conceal it. After a moment stunned look at the expression, Eugeo asked to groan at the cracked voice.
"Why ...... Why ...... in ...... deviant ...... Academy rule violation the ...? Punishment rights such a thing"
red end of the lips of Raiosu you have heard it, was Tsuriaga~tsu Innovation suddenly is just to cried. Throat up and down violently, then as if overflowing is what was suppressed desperate, high-pitched laughter was surges.
"Clause Kuku argh ..., Kuha is ...... Ha, Hahahaha~tsu ...... Hahahahahaha! Calibration Hahahahahaha !!"
wine of the splash is not matter if the fall in the gown from glass of hand, Raiosu torsional himself, the foot and stamping to continue negotiations with.
and up to the "calibration Hahahahaha! 's ...... So Kikun is blindly ...... Hahahaha~tsu ...... what you may be I was divided in firewood !! quiet hometown I say it's bumpkin Hisashi-to, try such Manegoto of nobility and ...... Kyahaha~tsu Hahahaha !! due to sore eyes because you, or good, tell me Yaro will this Yamaza ...... husband, existence, what you ish people of hair full of living in the mountains, wonder if this if say, Ha ha ha! Kikun of with buckwheat, this I, three, etc.爵家firstborn serving Raiosu-Antinosu § was a profane tremendous Monoi in! Therefore rights A~aru that make me pursuant to the School law punishment! "
Raiosu and stand up and Gaba~tsu, was bent over the upper body to overlooking the Eugeo of remains with the ass to carpet.
"But the punishment rights provisions of the School of law a term! When the provisions of the senior law takes precedence in all of punishment! Good or bumpkin! That is, he such that can be applied the empire Basic Law! I three, etc.爵士firstborn and I to the profane act equivalent to that of the parent with each other! Thus between with near Kikun of daughter's §! aristocracy of six such爵士sons, stipulated in the empire Basic Law, exercise the noble reward and punishment right right, he is § !! "
"...... a ...... ...... What do"
Eugeo as appalled, could only divulge so. Tirade that was triumphant of Raiosu further continue.
"Reward and punishment rights'll thing nice ~O, commoner stingy smell provisions such as cleaning Dano Dano practice, such as the Academy of law any Nashi~tsu as long as you do not touch the contraindications! - That is as long as it does not reduce the destiny, trying to do , what Meijiyo will and free of it ~Tsu !! my father, and so I unexpected may Did some picked the Uruwashiki bud of my territory! or good, or § no surname this is found ~Tsu !! thing that Kizoku~tsu !! this is power of fellows met only !!, Mino bore fruit ..., Mino~o ...... "
here one week - no, I wonder because of the pleasure that dispel it has continued to brew across Maybe enrolled from the beginning to two years anger, Raiosu Peel the Haguru do and pewter, was Ihana~tsu while trembling Taoran and body.
"~O~o~o~tsu The Minohodo! May ~E~e~e~e~tsu! Kyaha~tsu, calibration Hahahahahaha !!"
Eugeo was wondering is in the head of a strangely cold quiet. Anger, hatred even, it seemed not there even the sadness. But soon, is not the case, one of a certain emotion was conscious and he is pushing to complete the other too too huge.
The name of the emotion, Eugeo did not know. But, simply, in front of the eyes disordered, a sneaky, only desire to leave off the Itowashii existence forever was there.
The words of Raiosu is truth - a year young Tize and Ronie, the act of doing as much of insult in the plurality of persons, such as something that was recognized by law, I did not want to believe absolutely. However, ironically, Raiosu fact that obtained form it itself, was're affirmed the legality of the act.
And at the same time the fact, even had told the grim that any authority also he not to be punished himself in the Raiosu. Of course that is Kakaru sword in the left hand of the sword, that you impress upon him the fist to his mouth to negotiations also, yea, even the swearing in words, he is not allowed to Eugeo.
But if - if the what is the law! ?
To protect the lives of people, is a contraindication inventory is there to protect the order of the world, do not you than empire Basic Law. Sister Azariah of Ruriddo Church, said certainly so toward the children of Eugeo. So why, what law did not protect the Tize and Ronie? Why, girls to forgive that such cruelty that summon up the courage to try to help friends, and do not allow it to pull out the sword now Eugeo? If you are a result of all these is the provisions of the law, justice is he that there anywhere on earth?
Unawares visibility of Eugeo is disturbed to histidinol, had greatly distorted. To realize the blame of tears it was overflowing took a little time.
After further bout loud laughter looking down the face of such Eugeo, Raiosu is dried the right hand of wine, shot glass vacated while wiping the red liquid overflowing with the left hand on the floor.
"Well ...... So, I awaited the leaders serving Eugeo dono Come. Before you deliver, the thing called discipline only person with buckwheat, or not like Shi show closely again. Come on, go into my bedroom to stand TAMAE "
Eugeo is in the support the left hand of the sword, stood up while stagger. Cuffs and wiped the tears, and after several times larger breathing, muttered and Bosori.
"I dare say this ...... more something. The dirty tongue I'll cut from ...... root"
Raiosu soon as I heard it flutters To move the eyebrows, laughing thinner in just does said to have more riding Xing was.
"Aw, Eugeo buttocks'll better is nice that you care. Nevertheless how and Osamu swordsman of apposition, threatening rhetoric is dangerous, dangerous. Imitate such as accusing the Kikun also unwilling ...... as me."
"Shut up, Raiosu-Antinosu"
Obstructing in the middle of the lines was enigmatic mocking, Raiosu close the mouth as he Hanajiron indeed. Eugeo De before one step, I was staring at it just in the other party from short range of about the irreverent act eye.
Some of my head was banged still cold. Movement is almost arbitrarily mouth, flowed is no intonation voice.
"It Raiosu ...... you are after this is it's only one. Apologized to Ronie and Tize, swear forgiveness with a hand on the ground carp, and to live the rest of my life in order to atone for his own sin."
" huh? Kikun he says that what was Tawake is "
Raiosu of lips is distorted to the limit, and shape the contempt of the largest.
"Apology? Atone? Why this I? Just Konsetsu politely Did not doing explained. All my deeds, my's a natural right that was observed in every law. Even those two elementary Neri-shi, it'll yourself is to understand the position if you once heard. was a little annoying crying screaming, never refused even rebellious also ...... "
"Shut up and said !!"
while again felt the tears blurring of the outer corner of the eye, Eugeo exclaimed . That they had gone down to the sneaky Kiwamaru pitfalls, and when I think the Tize and Ronie of despair that had to understand that he is not the person who anymore anyone help, pull yourselves of breast I could not steeped in heartbreaking enough to want would be exhausted shed all the blood is Mushi~tsu.
"Raiosu, you are wrong. Even School law, empire Basic Law, and without forbids is contraindicated inventory, there should be Even things that should not be absolutely was. ... They are what you were? So much to you enough Do not not abide a raw deal, I called committed any crime!? "
"here also Ang of Kikun Kiwamareri Bookshelf"
To Iwangabakari in the Eugeo of words such as cumbersome small flies of hum , Raiosu shook the right hand To hanging out.
Unless the "exercise of ...... reward and punishment rights if think that it what Idasu we'll is a natural right of senior nobility. To there where is it? Such a thing should not? Forbidden, it's the good thing going , of course! Those two people of sin, it, family also is inspired and traced unexpected bumpkin Osamu Ukauka to swordsman, I can hit the large was enigmatic candid advice to a person of noble lineage! Fall, Fall, knew to me was, either this happens and Na is .... or good, it means that'll he is also the stupidity of Kikun! "
Among the words and deeds of this night Raiosu, when only the more correct, Eugeo thought. Can not be Kanpa the plot of Raiosu, that his stupidity with which Tize our action also could not be predicted have contributed to this tragedy, was the fact there is no doubt.
If, or should I How yourself? Not only the sin of Raiosu, and Tsumuri the even eye to his own sin, all can be forcibly forgotten, to live day-to-day that was covered in false ...?
Or those that can do that, cried inner voice with.
But, at the same time, of another person yourself a voice Seserawarau in ear origin, Eugeo heard. - Imasara qualified to spit such a large language is, whether you in there for? You anymore, the years of about already too long, whether not it has continued hardening coating with lies and deceit? You Why, Alice had seen just as Dekunobo from being taken away in a consistent knight? You why, during the even six years, you did not only to continue beating the absolutely Kiritaose not tree? You why, it does not even try to Chikayoro the gates of the church to that with follow in Hisashi-to, he chose too narrow roundabout road that such aim the integrity knight? - I mean, it would not be helped. According to the law, I was no choice other than they are to me. - The fact that it's a dirty lie, you ought to have already noticed. You are, really, and I wonder I was scared, Alice? Alice in violation of contraindications inventory, and fear Imi in mind of there as traitors to the church, to want the same or more, and I think meet, and what not it was thought that it do not have to anymore meet? You have to follow the law, it is not because it is the law, it is because it is easier and if follow. It is because are not turned away their eyes from their weakness. Such you in, Imasara, whether there is a right to spit the word such as justice of the law? that the voice is telling the whole truth came, Eugeo could not be denied. Because, Eugeo is, I Why are not able to understand what Alice when that was taken a step up to the time this today. The darkness country of knight of the enemy of the church to be hate, whether there was any sense in that act of tried to help until contrary to contraindications inventory, and he remains you do not know at all. Such yourself, such as want to be consistent knight to meet again to Alice and - Amatsusae, as such want to help Alice from the church -. Deception that what. It would be ugly hypocrisy of what. Actually, it was not not mean want to help Alice. Just forget Alice, and gave up, he was only looking for a good excuse convenient thing to forsake. It is the same as the Raiosu. Law, However interpreted as Fortunately, he was utilized to become easier. So - quite contrary to the Alice. Alice, others, yet in order to help the knight of detestable darkness, made ​​a law. In order to Junjiru to something important than the law. Now for the first time Eugeo is, law, that is contraindicated inventory and even correctly than the sacred church that defines it, was aware of the presence of important "something" clearly. The forbidden and some that should not be Although not. Similarly, it may not should not be but are forbidden to. Alice has taken it in accordance with one step. And now, he turn of Eugeo came. Much Norowashiku than acts of Alice, although it is hideous doings, but - now Eugeo is, that can do for Tize and Ronie was think that anymore only. "Raiosu" Eugeo is, the Raiosu that was about to enter the foot in the bedroom, was hailed from behind. "Even forgive even if law and church, I do not allow you to. If you feel that an apology is say no, its sin Tsugunae in ...... life" blue rose sword hilt was held in the right hand, made ​​of ice It was cold as dolphins. The dropped waist, the Eugeo to take the stance of the sword, the Raiosu that looked and turned around, spread his hands as much as to do said to have Hotohoto Akirekae~tsu. "What's he or ...... or joke it? Threatened the intention of

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
When -- in the middle with tiny white cheeks dry when viewed under the traces of tears, geo you in this room, and all of the cruel and inhuman, fully realized. As the roaring thunder that filled the room, I could hear more than you high, tinnitus. The number of steps, and staggered back ティーゼ or ロニエ uniform through the clumsy to on. As part of the.You have been directed to the geo Rios here looked up at the face. The nobles of third heir, is now set to hide, but with a smile of amusement and joy compelled. After looking stunned for a while, I asked you to groan voice cracking with geo. Why
「... Why is it that...? Retribution... Right... ... from... Violation of law. " At the end of the red lips Rios heard it, as if the tendon with a slanted surface.My throat is so hard up and down, then down to that of the overflowing the spouted high-pitched laugh.
「, but... I was the... Haha, happy... Haha haha! キャハハハハハハ!! " From the hands of the wine glass splash of gown, torsion may fall to Laius, laughter to stomp your feet.
「 キャハハ ha-ha-ha! "... So you say the bumpkin!!I may be deemed... With quiet home wood... Haha ha... He went up to the capital, from the central to the peer on the sore eyes... In... Capacitors back haha!! Well, let me tell you how this mountain... And, well, people living in the mountains covered with hair like this one, haha! With this, your neighbor, to profane my serious objection to be 三等爵家長子 Laius and Antinous!Therefore, in the right there in my school to make the punishment in accordance with the law. " Rios at the rises in the upper body to stoop over you to butt on the carpet. However,
「 punishment right under this law school! All the punishment should be given priority in law and the provisions of the senior! I coming! In other words, it is possible to apply the basic methods and the Empire! I was the eldest son of the third man, and your neighbor with that of the sixth grade's daughter!Blasphemous act between the sons of nobles were similar between parents! Thus I set out in the basic law of the Empire, have the right to exercise the right of punishment and reward nobility!! "
「…… An... What is... " In amazement at the geographic, so you can only express. In the subsequent triumphant Rios tirade. The right
「 rewards and punishments, but it is a good people! Graduate School of law and practice of cleaning and odor without any provisions such as a miser! As long as not to touch the Taboo -- will not decreaseNo matter what you do and what to order free!! Like my father, I know I was picked some beautiful bud! This may be the Lord!! This is called power!! That's the name of a family or slouching!! I was the... Bore fruit, but... I... " Here a week -- no, maybe it's because of pleasure, I went over from the beginning, the entrance is two years off the spleen, Rios and peel the white glove, cried, trembling and turn the body. At"ォォォッ place! Be ェェェェッ! The キャハッ キャハハハハハハ!! " The GEO, you mind strangely quiet and mysterious. Hate, anger, sadness, even where there is no way. But soon, but the subjective feeling is too huge to one another too completely against it. As a part of the geographic name you didn't know. However, simply, in front of a mean, nastyOnly the desire to be erased forevermore detestable presence there. And the young and old -- ティーゼ ロニエ Rios words of truth, what you did, as long as the act of rape were, would not want to believe. But, ironically, Laius and that in itself, but it was as if the legitimacy of the act. The fact is, at the same time.He said that in the cold at any authority shall be sentenced to not Rios. In the left hand sword to cut it, of course, to drive a fist with laughter, no, even the words it is not permitted to you. But if -- if at what the law is?!? Protection of people's life, and contraindication of the world order, to protect the basic law of the Empire. The lid of the church, シスター・アザリヤCertainly the geo kids you said so. Why is it, then, that I failed to meet the ティーゼ method and ロニエ? Why the friends to help the girls shouted at the top of the courage that allows the cruel, and don't allow you to draw a sword to geo now? If the results of all these provisions of the law, justice exists in where? At the sight of you changed my geo greatly distorted.Because it is the tears poured out to pick up some time. After a while, so you look at laugh more, looking down on the right hand of Laius dry wine, full of red liquid left in the empty glass wiping the floor.
「... The... Then, I lead you to GEO). Prior to that, and the training of the show so closely again? Come on, standing in my bedroom May 1993
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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