MBC「私たち結婚しました」の制作陣が悪口論議について「本当に申し訳ない」と謝罪した。20日、「私たち結婚しました」シーズン4の公式ホームペ การแปล - MBC「私たち結婚しました」の制作陣が悪口論議について「本当に申し訳ない」と謝罪した。20日、「私たち結婚しました」シーズン4の公式ホームペ อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด




この映像は、最近放送されたテミンの仮想妻であるA Pink ソン・ナウンのどっきりカメラ編だ。映像には、テミンのどっきりカメラにより悔しくて泣いているソン・ナウンの姿が収められた。しかし、誰かが泣いているソン・ナウンに、テミンを指し示すかのように「XXXだな」と言う声が聞こえ、番組ホームページの掲示板に抗議文が殺到するなど、議論が大きくなった。


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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
production team mbc of "We Got Married" has apologized as "really sorry" for the name-calling controversy.

20, the video of the unaired that was published in the official website, "We Got Married" in Season 4, say bad things about the "Do's xxx" to refer to Temin of shinee production team is a performer voice is included, great controversy occurred.

This video, a Candid Camera hen a pink Son noun is a virtual wife of Temin was broadcast recently. The picture,Figure of the Son Noun crying so vexed by Candid Camera of Temin is housed. However, voice says "Do it xxx" as the Son noun someone is crying, or pointing to Temin hear, protest and rush to the bulletin board of the program home page, discussion has increased.

In connection with this, the author of "We Got Married" said, "really sorry to all the viewers and fans that were scratched" in the call with my daily.

Field staff of young age. That it has such a story and I think if you try to "check, Son noun because cry sadly too at that time, female staff in the field are trying to comfort as well, but he often officials, It seems to have put such words to be intimate more while shooting with the actors, without hesitation. rather than intentional never, even that. editing I'm sorry really has not been properly people fan I apologized and "sorry.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
MBC ' we got married ' the production team "really sorry" apologized for the abuse controversy.

20, ' We got married ' includes speech complain about "XXX" with SHINee in unaired footage was posted on the official website of 4 season the production team cast Temin points, the big debate.

This video is virtual wife Temin recently aired in A Pink song-Naum's candid camera Division. In the video,Temin which clearly mortified by the camera and crying son Naum is housed. However, increased to flooded with protest Web site Bulletin Board, heard someone crying son Naum, Temin points to say "XXX" with the discussions.

And, related to this ' we got married ' of producers spoke with calls and my daily "to viewers and fans were scratched really sorry'.

The officials ' you talk like that, I try to check, and then cry son Naum too sadly, so women's field staff and the. Many field staff of young age, but while shooting with the performers, more intimate and seems put such words without hesitation. Never intentional, not really sorry to the fans. Also had not been properly edited I'm sorry "and apologized.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
MBC[ we production of] which married apologized with [I really am sorry] about a bad-mouth discussion.

Production formation pointed at テミン of SHINee which was a performer, and it was [XXX, and] and a sound to speak ill were included in a picture of non-broadcast carried [we married] by the official homepage of season 4 and, on 20th, had a big dispute.

This picture is Candid Camera edition of APink loss ナウン which is a virtual wife of broadcasted テミン recently. To a picture,I was annoyed, and a figure of loss ナウン which cried was delivered by Candid Camera of テミン. However, it was [XXX as if I showed テミン and heard] and a voice to say, and note of protests rushed on the bulletin board of the program homepage, and, in loss ナウン which somebody grieved at, an argument grew big.

I was related to this, and the producer of [we married] talked with [I really am sorry for hurt fan and audiences] by a call with my daily.

The person concerned [when confirm it, it is said that think so that the on-site woman staff can amuse himself/herself, and had such a talk because loss ナウン cries too sadly in those days.] There was many the spot staff of young age, but I became closer and seem to have been able to write such words without hesitation while photographing it with performers. It isn't at all an intentional thing, and I really am sorry for fans. As for editing having been considered to be it properly, I am sorry; apologized with].
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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