完全新作アニメDVD付き! 故郷に戻ったジャンを見舞った悪夢とは…!? 空前絶後の対決が始まる!付録DVDには、完全新作アニメ1話分! 故郷 การแปล - 完全新作アニメDVD付き! 故郷に戻ったジャンを見舞った悪夢とは…!? 空前絶後の対決が始まる!付録DVDには、完全新作アニメ1話分! 故郷 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

完全新作アニメDVD付き! 故郷に戻ったジャンを見舞った悪夢とは…!?

完全新作アニメDVD付き! 故郷に戻ったジャンを見舞った悪夢とは…!? 空前絶後の対決が始まる!

付録DVDには、完全新作アニメ1話分! 故郷に戻ったジャンを見舞った悪夢とは…!? 849年。第104期訓練兵団は、ピクシス司令も視察する巨人の襲撃想定訓練に参加するため、トロスト区に駐留していた。久しぶりに故郷に戻ったジャンは、アルミン、アニと訓練に臨むが、サシャ、コニー、ライナーの班と衝突してしまう。居合わせたピクシスがその仲裁を買って出るが、思いもよらぬ彼の提案から、空前絶後の対決が始まることに……。
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
With a completely new anime DVD! And the nightmare visited Jean returned to his hometown. Greatest showdown begin!

Appendix DVD on completely new anime episode 1 minute! And the nightmare visited Jean returned to his hometown. 849. Period 104 Training Corps was stationed to participate in giant Pixie Commander also visited assault drills, Trost-Ku. Jean returned home after a long time the aluminate, and ANI is overlooking the training team for Sascha, Connie, liner and conflicts with.Pixie was offer to the arbitration, but to his unexpected proposal begin unprecedented showdown.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Completely new anime DVD with it! A nightmare that shook Jean returned to his hometown ...! ? Showdown of all time begins! Appendix DVD, 1 episode completely new anime! The nightmare that shook Jean returned to his hometown ...? 849 years. In order to participate in the training of attack assumption giant Pyxis commander also visit # 104 term training corps had stationed in Trost District. Jean returned to his hometown after a long time, facing the training aluminate, brother, but I collide with the group Sasha, Connie, of the liner. Pyxis who were present the volunteer is the arbitration, from his proposal, not unsuspected, ... that the confrontation of all time begins.

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
DVD with completely new anime And come back to visit Jean nightmare!? Begin this showdown On the completely new anime DVD Appendix 1 minute And come back to visit Jean nightmare.. T h e 849 During the training, the Corps for training of giant attack supposed to inspect the general neurology in Trost Aluminic Jean returned home after a long time, Sasha, and annealing on the training, Connie, team conflict and linerThat was there at that pyxis bought from his thoughts, it begins this showdown At
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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