ニックンソロ description and ジュンケ put my favorite things lyrics I say Lyon is "please to my will-be! ' I ジュンケ w was also involuntarily laughed. Then, Juno is "what you like? Dating the garlic noodles ' I was singing with a so wonderful
Woo is Mars would also like to "I Nikkunsoro in the description, and I said Junke is I who put lyrics to the favorite things of me! ! Junke was expressionless I w "was laughing involuntarily. And then, Juno are a "like? It was singing to match the pork bones ramen so wonderful, I garlic ramen "
In the description ニックンソロ, "said ジュンケ uyong would like me to put the lyrics to me please, thank you!!" It was ジュンケ w laughed in spite of Poker Then, like Juno '? トンコツ garlic ramen noodle, singing to me "which is so wonderful