>第3話『騎士達の宴』※ 降って湧いたような幸せを享受できるのは何の疑いもなく神を信じられるような人間だけだ、とリオは思う。 普通は疑う。本 การแปล - >第3話『騎士達の宴』※ 降って湧いたような幸せを享受できるのは何の疑いもなく神を信じられるような人間だけだ、とリオは思う。 普通は疑う。本 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

>第3話『騎士達の宴』※ 降って湧いたような幸せを享受できるのは何の疑


うん? とレオンハルトは怪訝そうに片眉を上げる。
どうして、彼が話し掛けてくるんだろう? とリオはハマル子爵に答えた。
何か、知らないかい? とでも言うようにブラッドは伏せ目がちにリオとレオンハルトを見つめた。
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
<< Previous story next story >>Episode 3 "the feast of the Knights'※ Can enjoy the happiness as it is without a doubt what man can believe in God alone, and Rio I think. Doubt is normal. Like real ones and fakes soon disappear or suspect to have been followed. Then accept all is normal. But some people doubt it relentlessly. As a result, what was happy would be wreckage. Overlooking the wreckage of the happy curse his stupidity and Harbor deep relief and regret, while it is. Save as is not. It's unbelievable. Can't believe myself can become happy, even the image of happiness. Happy thing untouched and myself. If you can get easy thing was the life? Just watching a good dream. Me tell you want you should have asked the price from dedicated. But Rio's body is asking him. Body beforehand accepted even by Rio himself evaded even by parents seeking him. Gentle caresses him. Caressing variant card to enjoy reaction, to make sure the reaction of Rio. His proboscisKissIs in a sweet way to melt away this happiness is real and illusion and so is away so much. He caresses with his proboscisKissWhat would be much happy if you could accept. Really unfortunate's have-nots would getting in some kind of mistake. At least I think so Rio Chiron.I see trouble well, happy and says will ' To finish the study at length and Rio, and biding time aide opened the door of the 箱馬車. Long association with the Adjutant. Originally, he had served the Chiron Earl of home. No doubt that given the respect I have 士爵 much earlier biographies do not know, and have no interest in as Knight stood on the battlefield. Knight of the old type is therefore flexible recall, was Rio's father and come to terms with. However, his inflexible personality to prefer the Rio. Rio will Knight, and greeted him as a lieutenant. Would be without him Rio long ago Grandmaster dismiss being had. Stretching to Rio descended from 箱馬車 to understand whole-body stiffness.「…… Fong CHAN, do you 宜shikatta? 」I'll not have dress up, unlike last year ' Rio replied nonchalantly yawn while the Adjutant."You feel like a long time coming still, ALDE Milan Palace also. Alpha Cephei Palace on the outskirts of Teito Al filk is a morbid yet in the building seeking symmetry in. It was Lamar v funeral time came to an end. Strong impression of reception takes place two times a year for Rio anything masquerade who remains in the memory and the Imperial Knights Hall. Appropriate pretenses Sabot wanted to head to old Castle Hotel Rio and I don't think the."Hey, he didn't open it? 」See ' hah, Rio Chiron Earl! 」」 In practice opened the door in perfect order moving, stand on both sides of the door, or a Paladin and reply at exactly the same time. Deep melancholy tone to open the door of the East through the old Castle Hall, reception hall, and came to Rio. It's addicted to chat, drink to eat meals in buffet form, but an abomination that should be of this feast. Unfortunately the reality is different. Imperial Knights are graduates of distinguished family history and the minute the fetters. To the extent not orphaned even if finding a marriage partner of the child too overtly to keep hanging out with. And, this feast has a different meaning for Knight to accompany the Imperial Knights. It is a great opportunity for family status of low Paladin marketing yourself in aristocratic families from. Few such circumstances closer to the Rio Grand Knight. No doubt pulling the tail of colleagues killed increments and Chrono are dating that influenced quite a few that should. Even promote your own HO and want to say no. But you might be for will be sunk before approaching Rio owner's preference, however, special deputy. 擦ri抜ke is this iron-clad defense with limited... Only Imperial Knights apposition with Rio to be. First of all, the first Imperial Knights Leonhard. His fit and Rio, aligned came closer. You can move the shortest distance from Leonhard to avoid the Paladin. Institute, said Leonhard as feelings palatium home and want them to know a Holy Knight called to promote his diffident?「…… Not wearing a dress today?? 」 Last year, Rio participated in the wedding dress, but Leonhard said it will. Now Rio is wearing is a military headdresses."This time I loose hard towards it's ' Yes love? And Leonhard is major accomplishment one eyebrow-raising.See that lover, it wouldn't want to use the ogle other men aren't '"It's above all else. I don't want to see, such as the shambles of the Imperial Knights ' Leonhard is briefly wandering eyes, patch said."Chrono come decked out by the escort but I'm""I'm afraid in his rest is required. Hard work for the Holy Kingdom of ARGO, southern frontier and Empire of. " Rest is needed indeed. Chrono is too reckless to weak. Was this close shave with death. That I don't understand the feeling of the Chrono. But I think little of his life out of the want, and Rio."Hey, two what you talking?? 」'Center, was abuzz with the topic of friends, Hamar Viscount I wonder why he comes talking? And Rio replied on Hamar Viscount. Fifth, the Imperial Knights leader Brad Hamar Viscount. Features a gentle young man, contrary to its bloody name. Person hard to image fight, in the gentle temperament and appearance as well. The fifth Imperial Knights Cavalry major and battalion built. Has served as the wartime is expected as a heavy cavalry, but peacetime leveraging mobility as light cavalry, Teito Ali filk and free State towns to connect highway patrol. ブラッドは剣術を得意としないが、騎兵としての技量はケフェウス帝国一である。人馬一体という言葉は彼のためにあるのではないかと思うほどだ。「子爵は止めて欲しいな。家督を継いだばかりだし、近衛騎士の仕事を優先しているせいで領地に戻れていないんだ。実際、領地運営は父に任せきりになっているから、名ばかりの子爵だよ」 ブラッドは溜息混じりに言った。「私は領地で馬の世話をして過ごしたいんだけどね」 領主として働きたい、と言わない所にブラッドの性格が表れている。彼は馬が好きなのだ。ハマル子爵家の人間は馬に魅せられる者が多く、ハマル子爵領は良馬の産地として有名である。「お父上が健在なのは良いことさ」「そ、そうかい?」 ブラッドは微妙な表情で答えた。リオと両親の関係が悪いと知っているからこその表情である。「え、えっと、二人の友人はエラキス侯爵のことかい?」「ボクの恋人でもあるね」 リオが即答すると、ブラッドは盛大に目を泳がせた。 どうやら、レオンハルトに比べて機転が利かないようだ。 変だな、とリオは思う。リオがクロノと付き合っていることも、レオンハルトがクロノと親しいことも有名な話で、ブラッドが知らないはずないのだが。"But it not having to worry about that, too. They reduced the merchant through the territory of recently, recently really yeah, but I'm " Do you know what? And even as say Brad humbled eyes tend to Rio and Leonhard looked. Oh, AHA!, and finally understood why Brad spoke Rio. Hamar Viscount territory located East territories of the Chrono. Thought Brad merchants through their territory because of the Chrono has decreased, to put out feelers. It would have decreased significantly from coming, but not told what specific people bother to put around."Speaking of which... I have heard are building a port and storage "But I know it " Brad says that you can see. It would seem less visible number of merchants through the territory was able to Harbor much.「…… But I have also said something like '"I don't recall? 」"Certainly, started a business, or like made unions a stake you would say? ' Make the people of this world's first name or a pounding public works, schools, or you feel also like I was saying."Money is not made from Chrono, that anyone can use port? 」"Oh Oh, should snap up the merchants ' Wouldn't pass Hamar Viscount territory if anyone can use the port returned to profit merchants bother paying excise tax. Brad's face look pale and visibly, was green. True, er, once told the territory's tax revenue has plummeted from this noble believes that the territory to be this way.Take the next best thing to an inevitable decrease in tax revenues and that could"How do I? 」' Simplicity. Better abolish the excise tax of. " Beck says Rio and Leonhard is the street to say, Brad had any dizziness so after 退tta."But bothered by taxes when leaving from Arax Marquis territory haven't?'"I Chrono, in a cordial man. Would protect as much as possible bother tax loads passing through each other's territory and promise ' All nobility governs the territory located between the Hamar Viscount territory from Liberty City State and aligning it is difficult. Knew in theory lead to defend the interests of their strategy is to reduce the excise tax take and even betrays one so that it's over. With Chrono one person compared it to it's realistic promises and to develop new trade routes.「…… Try to think a little bit. " Brad mutter if the gift's horse, and headed toward the balcony.Will 'be satisfied Chrono, if the horse well, Brad's pick 'Think trouble also presented human beings are afraid of riding horses though. " Leonhard was two-eyes surprised, stared at the Rio.「…… Chrono of the ''Chrono is riding like the. " Brad is not only the treatment of horses, horse connoisseur in Empire. You could not understand horse worth Chrono will no doubt give him the best horse."I tell Brad Hall'"I don't need to go that far though.""I am, this is. Visit a tackle as soon as Leonhard began walking toward the balcony, one girl and furious."Leonhard SAMA! 'HM, Aina Palace? Leonhard is a girl. Aina, elbowing and head stroked. It is not a surprise. Can be blindsided by Leonhard's heyday of silent murder artSilent killingMyra as a thing. That's why Leonhard is not aware on approaching the girl."Oh, Aina. It is inconvenient to Leonhard ' Leonhard to compromise, women floated a soft smile at a slow pace.See Baron Nam Cornu. It's been awhile ""Yes, a long time." 10th guard Knights leader, Nam, Cornu Baroness puzzled by lightly, smiling. And loose waves a long blonde waist, are framing the next hair bounced inside the border. Near black blue's eyes. Sensual a body wrapped in a brusque priest clothing, facial features are rather young, dripping eyes tend to be. Age late 30's should be, is nothing if not invisible but in the twenties. For God and deeply sympathetic and too had stripped the "aging" from keeping her youthfulness and rumors, but authenticity isn't clear. Nam Cornu Baroness is "Goddess govern life on blue' priest, and has served as a Chi Emperor direct control territory west of Teito Al filk patron. Kai Emperor direct control territory is land "Goddess govern life on blue' faith is thriving, and was chosen as she recalled it is also reason why. It's up to take the Empire does not allow temple to intervene in politics, but politics does not prohibit. ア
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<< 前の話次の話 >>

うん? とレオンハルトは怪訝そうに片眉を上げる。
どうして、彼が話し掛けてくるんだろう? とリオはハマル子爵に答えた。
何か、知らないかい? とでも言うようにブラッドは伏せ目がちにリオとレオンハルトを見つめた。
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Only a story before the next story from the third story ">>
knight and his party 』

as God to believe without any doubt you can enjoy a happy, I think Rio. At the usual suspects. Real or fake, would soon die, what will be a suspect. It's normal to accept. However, some people doubt about it. The result was happy to become ruins. Looking down at the remains of the curse of happiness to his folly, regretAnd yet profound relief. There is no way of salvation. I don't believe it. Image of happy, happy that I can't believe. The happiness has nothing to do with you. If such a thing can be easily acquired, until now was what life is. At will, just look for a dream. You should have asked the price, and I want to say. At Rio, but for his body. Avoided even parentsEven his own body for Rio is not accepted. At his gentle caress. To make sure that Rio's reaction, the reaction to enjoy caress of deformed. He's speaking at the sweet kiss. So as to melt, this is real happy about it. At his caress, kiss his speaking at the event. If you accept, how much happiness. The real misery will get some mistakes in the have-nots.At least I think Rio Chiron. Well, happy
「 1993 Rio would say and do I long to finish the study and the adjutant, opened the door of the wagon box so that the timing of the suit. The aide and a long relationship. Originally, he served as Chiron, 1st Earl of home. I don't know earlier career, no interest, no doubt that figure to have an urgent point as a knight standing on the battlefield. Because of the old type, but the knight, but beAnd Rio's father was a compromise. However, Rio is not flexible in his character. The Rio in order and, as a deputy to him. It would have been dismissed from his long long ago to order if Rio. The box down from the carriage, in order to reach Rio soll systemic stiffness.
「…… You ought to have a kid? " You don't need to dress up and
「 last year from 1993 to yawn lazily runs, while Rio, lieutenant. Nevertheless,
「Alpha Cephei Palace on the outskirts of the capital アルフィルク (1993) I feel like a long time to come to the palace Milan serial pathological is pursuing symmetry. At last will of La Mar V was at the funeral? It remains in the memory of the ball, the guards commander in Rio for the strong impression that the party is carried out twice. With an appropriate excuse. I wanted to skip, Rio and toward the old castle. Hi,
「Why don't you open? "
「「 Rio Chiron, count! "" At or in the practice, the Knights are placed on both sides of the door at the same time to reply, in order to open the door. Through the museum at the old castle, east to open the door to the banquet, with deep sorrow tone to Rio. Eating food at the buffet, not exposed himself to drink, the party should be held to indulge in that. Unfortunately, at a different reality.The commander of the Konoe family there are many, many people from its fetters. From what to look for the children of the marriage partner is not isolated to arouse too much to maintain relationship should be. At the banquet, in order to accompany the Konoe knights with different length of meaning. Low social status of daimyo Lord Knight guards to sell yourself from a golden opportunity. In such a situation, at a small guards Knights close to Rio.There is no doubt that she pulled the tail were killed at a colleague, he must not be going out and the Chrono effect. Also to market yourself is what not to say. The punch line was the most special preference to the owner before going on the Rio is sunk in the adjutant. Limited to this impregnable defenses of the missing man... Rio is in apposition to become only the Imperial Knights. At first, the first Konoe Leonhardt knights.He will go in a straight line, and came up. Knight of the Konoe can move at the shortest distance to avoid Leonhardt. I want to know your house and パラティウム as sentiment, Leonhardt said to be called the "holy knight" sell oneself and nervous.
「…… If you are not wearing a dress today? " At last, I took part in the feast in Rio, Leonhardt said to that. At present, theThe woman wearing a white dress Rio's army. This
「 but I hard to conduct of 1993. Leonhardt and dubious raise one eyebrow. 」
「 than what it might not have
「 lover to use color to another man. Only a moment to 1993) between the head of the Konoe Leonhardt knight so you don't want to see such a shambles at large, to smooth things over. Sorry, but I 」
「 escort dressed up as if
「 Chrono comes, he needs a rest.The holy Kingdom, southern frontier and the algorithm for the imperial go since 1993, you definitely need a rest. Chrono too reckless and weak. At this time, and was almost killed. Don't not know Chrono. But at some more important in my life, and I think Rio. Hi,
「 both what to talk about? " Laboratory of friends with topics as Viscount, 1993, why would he come to? The viscount and Rio collection. AtViscount... The Konoe Knights of blood collection... The meek, contrary to its name, the bloody young man. Gentle temperament and character, it is difficult to form the image. At the fifth Imperial Knights battalion to mainly build cavalry. During the war, but he was expected to as heavy cavalry, mobility and light cavalry in the imperial free city ant filter group served as the national highway connecting the security. He is not at the blood, andCepheus Empire and cavalry is one skill. So I think the word and not part of him. Stop the
「 viscount. It not only inherited the family estate of the Konoe Knight back to work because there is no territory. In fact, the management of the territory from the left to the father in the name of viscount, he said with a sigh, blood, 1993). I want to work as a
「 (1993), but I like to spend time on the territory of the horse careNot to say that the character of blood. He is like a horse. Collection of viscount charmed many horses, viscount collection area is famous for the production of Ryoma. But his father is a good
「 still alive at that 」
「, is it? " The answer in the blood at the subtle facial expressions. And bad relations with parents is a knowing look. Yes, well, I have two friends of Ella kiss? " Rio (1993), you are my lover of quick response and theThe blood to play on a large scale. At that, compared with Leonhardt so inflexible. It's at the Rio. That company and Rio, Chrono Chrono famous Leonhardt and close it, but she does not know that the blood.
「 part, but not to care too much... In recent years, ah, really recently but one passing through the territory of a merchant has decreased (1993), do not know what?In the blood, as if Rio Leonhardt and looked on. Oh, I see at the Rio and spoke to me why blood is finally realized. The Viscount of collection area is located in the east of Chrono territory. Brad: Chrono because of losing their territory through a merchant, but in his movements. He is not a specific number of the way to come to his movements as it would have decreased significantly. At"And you say... I know (1993) of blood I have heard that build port memory 」
「 but I know what it is. Will not be reduced as the port number is visible through the territory of a merchant.
「…… Others like what you said, I remember 」
「 feel? " Certainly, and began to trade this for the first time in the world カブシキガイシャ (1993), and you say that like to make contributions to the union as the sound of public worksAnd to make people attend school, I feel more like saying a lot. It's
「 Chrono, not to anyone to use port? " Well, if
「 in 1993 to merchants who we should jump at the port, to have no way to pass through the merchants have to pay a toll collection, viscount. Gather at the pale, pale face in blood. But if anyone heard of tax revenue is significantly reduced, and the territorySeriously thinking of his peers. It is the next best thing to take it is unavoidable for the reduction of tax revenue will be 」
「 what if? "
「 easy. To be the abolition of tax and toll (1993), Rio says Leonhardt, as much as to say that he nodded, blood back even caused vertigo.
「, but won't make sense if applied to tax when out of the error area 」
「 Chrono Marquis kiss the worthy man.If you can promise to each other through the territory, the territory between the tax collection will defend the territory of viscount is free from the city-state ruled all peer group (1993), and it is difficult to keep pace with. Or take a toll on you, to reduce or to protect their own interests over and over that are related to the reason and to the one you do it in the end. It is of realistic and it was compared with the promise Chrono new trade route to development. At"... It's a gift horse 1993, I think some of the blood, and went to the balcony. Well, not good at riding 」
「 eyes will satisfy you if you choose the horse Chrono dono, the blood of humans and horses presented to you, I was surprised that Leonhardt (1993) at the Rio.
「…… Chrono Chrono (1993) 」
「 riding with the blood of horses, as well as the imperial horse connoisseur.There is no doubt that he is the best gift horse, there is a possibility that the value of music could not understand. I think I
「 」
「 nature and does not need to be 」
「 blood in there, but this is just started walking towards the balcony Leonhardt (1993), one girl at a blistering pace to tackle to visit.
「 Leonhardt as well, or ♪」
「 ina (1993) Leonhardt girl... Ina receives the eagle eagle I patted her head. With no surprise.It is the art of murder at the silent silent killing at Myra as prime Leonhardt can hit a surprise. At that, Leonhardt was away on that girl. Oh, oh,
「 ina. It is annoying to go up to Leonhard Leonhardt woman smiling with a gentle and slow pace (1993).
「 ナム・コルヌ baron. For a long time 」
「: Yeah, long time no see, 十近衛騎士団団長 (1993)The ナム・コルヌ Baroness head leaned lightly smile. Slow wave to the waist with long blond hair, the hair that lie inside the thin edge contour. Blue eyes close to black. Wrapped in a Shinto priest at the sensual sexy clothes for young, handsome, if anything, is an eye. At the age of late thirties, but only see two teenagers from every point of view.But God "because she is keeping youthfulness and deeply sympathetic too removed from aging" as a rumor, the truth value is uncertain. "The priest in charge of ナム・コルヌ Baroness statue to life in the blue", and served as a guardian of the emperor territory west of the capital アルフィルク. Territory under the direct control of the emperor at the "Chi popular goddess in charge of a life of faith in the land, and it is why she had chosen it. AtThe imperial temple refuses to intervene in politics, but it is not prohibited to use in politics. At a
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