This is called basal metabolism calories required to move to consumption or may not be anything, internal organs and muscles, and brain.
In the past, it was thought that the basal metabolic rate is higher in the winter low in summer. Because the need for heat production to maintain the body temperature for the outside air temperature is high is low, heat production as it would have become active in an attempt to keep the body temperature for the outside air temperature is low in winter as opposed to summer.
In this regard, as a result of various studies have been made in recent years, that actually the difference between the basal metabolic rate of winter and summer are gone now mostly has been reported. In around 1950, I was a difference 22% of the basal metabolic rate in winter and summer yet, but it also serves as a mid-1960s, the difference in only 8%. The reason for so much change is what's the.
And that the rise in the basal metabolic rate of winter is no longer noticeable to so eat a lot of protein, such as meat first, diet-induced body heat production with the protein has increased in the summer, temperature control of the house is enhanced , it seems conceivable that the change in temperature is reduced throughout the year warm room in winter.
These days when there is a problem of global warming further, winter temperatures higher than the old days, this also might be a one of the causes that reduce the basal metabolism of us.
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