奴等、再び第五章開始です。楽しんで貰えれば嬉しいです。 眼下の八雲が流れるように後方へと消えていく。重なる雲の更に下には草原や雑木林、時折小 การแปล - 奴等、再び第五章開始です。楽しんで貰えれば嬉しいです。 眼下の八雲が流れるように後方へと消えていく。重なる雲の更に下には草原や雑木林、時折小 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

奴等、再び第五章開始です。楽しんで貰えれば嬉しいです。 眼下の八雲が流


楽しんで貰えれば嬉しいです。 眼下の八雲が流れるように後方へと消えていく。重なる雲の更に下には草原や雑木林、時折小さな村が見えるが、やはりあっと言う間に遥か後方へと置き去りにされてしまう。相当なスピードのはずなのに、何らかの結界が張ってあるのか風は驚く程心地良いそよ風だ。


雲上から見る恵みの光は、手を伸ばせば届くのでは? と錯覚させるほど近くに感じる。雫は、手で日差しを遮りながら手すりに背中を預け、どこか達観したような、あるいは考えるのに疲れたような微妙な表情でポツリと呟いた。



















「なによ、随分と不満そうね? 南雲君がモテているのが気に入らないの?」






「彼は……きっと見た目ほど余裕があるわけじゃないんじゃないかしら? たぶん、平然としているように見えても、いつも“必死”なのだと思うわ。“必死”に大切な人達と生き抜こうとしている」
「彼も言っていたでしょ? 力があるから何かを為すんじゃなくて何かを為したいから力を得て振るうみたいなこと。光輝が今、感じている“差”は、彼が最初から持っていたものじゃないわ。“無能”、“役立たず”、そんな風に言われながら、どん底から這い上がって得たものよ。……文字通り、決意と覚悟の果てに手に入れたもの。神を倒すためでも、世界を救うためでもない。もっと具体的で、身近なもののため……私達のように“出来るからしている”のとは訳が違う。だから、今更、“出来るんだからやれ”と言われても、簡単には頷かないわよ。だって、そんな事のために得た力ではないのだし、余所見してホントに大事なものを失ったら元も子もないのだし……」
「う~ん。ちょっと違うかもしれないけど、ほら、ボクシングで世界王者になりたくて頑張ったのに、強いんだから街の不良を退治しろ! って言われるようなものって言えばしっくりこない?」


「なに子供っぽいこと言っているのよ。ただ、人それぞれってだけの話でしょ? それに、忘れているわけじゃないでしょうけど、何だかんだで南雲君は私達も含めて色んな人を救っているわ。ウルの町もそうだし、香織曰く、アンカジ公国も救っている。フューレンでは人身売買をしていた裏組織を壊滅させたらしいし、ミュウっていう海人族の女の子も救い出してお母さんと再会させたそうよ。……私達より、よっぽどこの世界の人達を救っていると思わない?」












「不味いじゃないか! 直ぐに助けに行かないと!」



「おい、南雲! まさか、彼女達を見捨てるつもりじゃないだろうな!? お前が助けないなら俺が行く! 早く降ろしてくれ!」
「へ? ……あれっ? この二人って……」


「二人共、何をそんなにのんびりしているんだ! シアさんは同じ種族だろ! 何とも思わないのか!」
「すいません、ちょっとうるさいんで黙っててもらえますか? ……ハジメさん、間違いないです。ラナさんとミナさんです」




「なっ、何を言っているんだ! か弱い女性が今にも襲われそうなんだぞ!」

キッ! と苛立たしげにハジメを睨む光輝に、しかし、ハジメはニヤリと笑うと、水晶ディスプレイを見ながらどこか面白げな様子で呟いた。

「か弱い? まさか。あいつらは……“ハウリア”だぞ?」

何を言っているんだ? と光輝が訝しげな表情をした直後、「あっ!」と誰かが驚愕の声を上げた。光輝が、何事かと水晶ディスプレイに視線を向けると、そこには……首を落とされ、あるいは頭部を矢で正確に射抜かれて絶命する帝国兵の死体の山が映っていた。




จาก: -
เป็น: -
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Guys, again

is the fifth chapter begins.
"Enjoying happy. Yakumo below flows backwards and disappearing. Further beneath clouds over meadow and forest, occasionally look is a small village, but quickly and at far end up being left behind. What is any barrier put a considerable speed, but wind is surprisingly pleasant breeze.

No shizuku was looking at scenery below resented trademark ponytail, feeling the breeze, while theLooked up at the sun shining and brilliant overhead turned gaze.

Is to arm the light of grace from above the clouds? Make the illusion more feel close to. Shizuku block sunlight in the hand while deposit back to the railing, at somewhere like the philosophical or think I'm tired like subtle look muttered potsri.

「…… It's believe it or not, building up to things like the airship. …… Guess again, anything that is '

so the drops are here isOn the rear deck of the blown sky boat created by Hajime "フェルニル" in the.

This フェルニル a new move means built gravity stone and stone-sensitive key material with, and other features. Was not used until now is solely in immature because of Hajime.

The larger mass can move objects with gravity stone was not difficult, but more skilled generation magic exercise was necessary. It was limited to about クロスビット, at best, one person to lift.

However, the results've been training at intervals of time and neatly finally massive floats freely and can operate up to skilled and developed a flying empty boat "フェルニル" as its culmination. Empty Hajime was set in King city near Prairie coach too magical power-driven vehicle without available departure from King City, Hajime フェルニル was launched, in front of everyone including the Deja face do while

' get the transportation of flight at the end of the journey will be common sense? '

And the confidence he said.

This フェルニル is shaped like manta rays of 120 meters in length, up to other halls such as the living room located in front at a bridge and Central, further kitchen bathroom with settlements. Say, do not know Empire until wagon two months way touch in a day and a half covered and would so far used. It's consuming fine magic alone that floated in the sky. Hajime to be in impossible, such as use for a long time.

"Shizuku. Were you here? "
" bright...... "

shizuku had put tsukkomi inwardly, remembering words, Hajime's Hell where common sense and the voice is made.

Was there at eye drops, just open the hatch and luminosity are peeping out. Bright came as next to the drop railing onto the arms and start Vista clouds in the distance.

And muttered potsri.

' This... A great '
' yeah. …… Again, I am also surprised every tired '

Of course, bright said that fly empty boat フェルニル. However, not impressed with colors that look somewhere and look depressed, was so mortified at the same time also.

See guys? '
' Ryutaro and guard people are eating dishes made Ms. Shea. Rin is talking to Lily. …… Nagumo was... Itch I'm. Hydroelectric in bridge while...... "

came with Hajime in the Imperial Knight several Liliana IL velch Princess did promise to send to the Empire and its escort,It's only bright our hero party. Nagayama their front pair is not bright people, Aiko cannot leave the students can't fight and the rest between plays the patron of King City and decided to stay.

Has gimmicks of ultra long-haul, however, King freed left to tip anytime soon go back to artifacts, so ask for Hajime too bright at the moment was possible.

Shizuku is somewhere towards the gaze at a glance and luminosity spine of the referee's decision. On the other sideWhat are somehow senses the feelings, and I sweated while replying a wry smile and crunchy embarrassed cheeks.

"Guess what I'm so frustrated and fairly? The's are really popular nagumo you don't like? 」
「…… That's not possible '

dryly returned a drop put a little sardonic voice. become more Moody radiance facial expressions.

「…… So great I felt. In the habit of an unreasonably strong. I like calm and I will be.…… Abandoned easily in what I'm...... "

apparently bright is to have to forsake this world and still fight God and Hajime convinced doesn't seems to be. To defeat the God if there is this much power if their absolute save the world. Found thinks things to take to drop.

「…… I would have chosen '
' pick? '

Questioner, shizuku's muttered reply back to shizuku look bright. Shizuku is far away gaze, whileChoose your words so slowly said.

' He... I'm not sure as it looks is not all? Even, maybe, calmly and as always "desperate" is as I think. "Desperate" to trying to survive with very important people '
'? he said? I'm not doing something because of power can wield like getting power from something you want to achieve. Bright now feel "difference" is not what he had from the beginning.What got said "incompetence","worthless", that way, while crawling up from the depths. …… Literally, at the end of the commitment and determination got one. Not even defeat the God, save the world. For more concrete and imminent. Like us "because" of different translations. So, even now, said "I can do it" brash is easy! I mean it's not got such a thing for power andOf AKO, you lose something that's really important they are not...... '
'. Well do not know the '
' mmm I. From might be a little different, but you know, in the boxing world champion and wants to hard work, but the nation's me getting rid of town bad! So not happy with being told what it says? 」
「む…… She said. But that life of people in this world who's? '

,Radiance will put forth a counterargument to figure-eight brow drops of water.

' Anyway, but it is nice of bright people in need cannot turn backs in. Press it only luminosity values because nagumo you don't 付けちゃ '
'. I'm no shizuku has his shoulder?? '
' Is talking about what kids like that. However, each person only of story, right?? But, will it, don't forgetWhat's with, including our nagumo-Kun has saved so many people's. And so is your town, has saved according to Kaori, アンカジ Principality. Had been trafficking in Furen back organization seems to be devastated so mush rescue girl of Kaito means also, it reunited with MOM. …… I think it has saved the people of this world far more than us? '
' It...... '
' I'm sure for yourself. Yue people,I just did it for an important person. Hehehe, I think after all, mighty God "way of things" would be? '
' I'm a pathetic God...... "

and chuckles thinking such nonsense and Hajime if probable future drops. Denying the words of luminosity is so complex, expression is caught the rebuttal could not finish, no power. Time of silence for a while, too.Bright also hint of moyamoya began facing in my, did not also speak.

And the フェルニル at that time, until now was flying at a constant speed suddenly deflect career began. Something so it can be only good flying straight to the Empire and m. Exchange glances and shizuku.

「…… What happened? "
?"Anyway, I went back to being"

two one beat, nod and hastily went back to the ship.


Crystal drops and flakes into your bridge already there all, placed at the center of what was around.

' What went wrong? '
' Oh, shizuku-Chan. Yeah, like that people very much obsessed with imperial soldiers '

replied Kaori shizuku asked. Was reflected in real onigokko Imperial soldier approaches from several people pointed that Kaori cubic Crystal run, between the canyons rabbit people tribe and followed.

In a telescope can image to display this crystal can image to external far away video up bridge and added "portrait stones" and "far-Toru" in generating magical Crystal quartz, in short.

Was like running away while Imperial forces approaching from behind rabbit people tribe women two guys, narrow valley drop look quartz display, certainly, not flowing water and care.Missed to much behind the imperial soldiers are chasing several carriages for transportation of large Hermes, had followed from the beginning rather than or or look is to catch a rabbit who tribe I came across.

フェルニル seems slowed down, apparently, Hajime we are looking at the situation. Would just ignore it, but theater is going so badly was like family.

See? it's nasty! Going to help immediately! 」

Bright enough, 喚き立てた. Even though it was on the sky here is likely went out at any moment.

But she resists Hajime is bright, their eyebrows, looking dubiously at crystal display.

See dude, nagumo! Going to forsake their believe it or not, it's not! If you will not help I'm going! Take me down soon! '
' Theater, what these guys...... '
' to? …… Let there be cum? What these two people...... "

Hajime ignore bright now and calls out to the theater. Theater, watching the footage more zoom, as noticed.

' I'm two people share, what you're lounging so much! Shea's would be the same tribe! I don't think anything?! '
' Could keep quiet in abcdsign excuse me, little could do? …… , There is no doubt. Lana's is no pet '
' I do. …… From the sudden change is awesome. remember I'm a. …… The movement of these guys,Facial expressions. Mmmmhhh "

is bright and truncated claim their theater and instinctively shut up. Incidentally, Mitsuteru theater ", I" so far, calling in with a refreshing smile with call along with the introduction, theater, told smiley to stop the call from.

Had stopped the falling of rabbit who had fled in the meantime to two women. It's location in the Valley a little open.

To see it,The bright returned to sanity and out bridge and go out on the front deck. It's going to shoot magic 取り敢えず distance is still there, and draws the attention of the Imperial Army.

' Anyway, wait. River heaven. Okay '
', was, I say what! I'm so weak woman attacked at any moment! '

Kit! And while watching the crystal display bright glares Hajime to shouting, however, Hajime is grinning and laughing and he speaks to somewhere interesting struggles.

' Or weak? No kidding.They are...... "ハウリア"!? '

I say what? And immediately after, the brilliant a dubiously, ' Oh! "And someone groaned in astonishment. Something bright and crystal display turn the gaze, and there... Dropped head or were reflected in piles of corpses of imperial troops to death is exactly 射抜か with an arrow head.

「…… EH? '

Everyone in that field do not know the ハウリア tribe as well as bright eyes to point. In the meantime,That force was chasing a rabbit person family, apart from the transport carriage does not come back empty it's subsequent plays a few Scouts to.

And pressed while mid-threat to the rabbit man tribe Scout troop found piles of corpses of allies, trembling shoulders huddled in the middle two women something they raised.

Practised them even if I usually more cautious than anyone's pet slaves of combat power eventually might suddenly witnessed the mangled body of mountain, in front of that.Upset spirit pressed on unsuspecting intact. Blatant entertained!
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]

楽しんで貰えれば嬉しいです。 眼下の八雲が流れるように後方へと消えていく。重なる雲の更に下には草原や雑木林、時折小さな村が見えるが、やはりあっと言う間に遥か後方へと置き去りにされてしまう。相当なスピードのはずなのに、何らかの結界が張ってあるのか風は驚く程心地良いそよ風だ。


雲上から見る恵みの光は、手を伸ばせば届くのでは? と錯覚させるほど近くに感じる。雫は、手で日差しを遮りながら手すりに背中を預け、どこか達観したような、あるいは考えるのに疲れたような微妙な表情でポツリと呟いた。



















「なによ、随分と不満そうね? 南雲君がモテているのが気に入らないの?」






「彼は……きっと見た目ほど余裕があるわけじゃないんじゃないかしら? たぶん、平然としているように見えても、いつも“必死”なのだと思うわ。“必死”に大切な人達と生き抜こうとしている」
「彼も言っていたでしょ? 力があるから何かを為すんじゃなくて何かを為したいから力を得て振るうみたいなこと。光輝が今、感じている“差”は、彼が最初から持っていたものじゃないわ。“無能”、“役立たず”、そんな風に言われながら、どん底から這い上がって得たものよ。……文字通り、決意と覚悟の果てに手に入れたもの。神を倒すためでも、世界を救うためでもない。もっと具体的で、身近なもののため……私達のように“出来るからしている”のとは訳が違う。だから、今更、“出来るんだからやれ”と言われても、簡単には頷かないわよ。だって、そんな事のために得た力ではないのだし、余所見してホントに大事なものを失ったら元も子もないのだし……」
「う~ん。ちょっと違うかもしれないけど、ほら、ボクシングで世界王者になりたくて頑張ったのに、強いんだから街の不良を退治しろ! って言われるようなものって言えばしっくりこない?」


「なに子供っぽいこと言っているのよ。ただ、人それぞれってだけの話でしょ? それに、忘れているわけじゃないでしょうけど、何だかんだで南雲君は私達も含めて色んな人を救っているわ。ウルの町もそうだし、香織曰く、アンカジ公国も救っている。フューレンでは人身売買をしていた裏組織を壊滅させたらしいし、ミュウっていう海人族の女の子も救い出してお母さんと再会させたそうよ。……私達より、よっぽどこの世界の人達を救っていると思わない?」












「不味いじゃないか! 直ぐに助けに行かないと!」



「おい、南雲! まさか、彼女達を見捨てるつもりじゃないだろうな!? お前が助けないなら俺が行く! 早く降ろしてくれ!」
「へ? ……あれっ? この二人って……」


「二人共、何をそんなにのんびりしているんだ! シアさんは同じ種族だろ! 何とも思わないのか!」
「すいません、ちょっとうるさいんで黙っててもらえますか? ……ハジメさん、間違いないです。ラナさんとミナさんです」




「なっ、何を言っているんだ! か弱い女性が今にも襲われそうなんだぞ!」

キッ! と苛立たしげにハジメを睨む光輝に、しかし、ハジメはニヤリと笑うと、水晶ディスプレイを見ながらどこか面白げな様子で呟いた。

「か弱い? まさか。あいつらは……“ハウリア”だぞ?」

何を言っているんだ? と光輝が訝しげな表情をした直後、「あっ!」と誰かが驚愕の声を上げた。光輝が、何事かと水晶ディスプレイに視線を向けると、そこには……首を落とされ、あるいは頭部を矢で正確に射抜かれて絶命する帝国兵の死体の山が映っていた。




การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
They started up again, the fifth chapter. Enjoy yourself at the feature. It disappears and the backward flow of the Yakumo. Mixed forest and grassland under cloud overlap, occasionally see a small village, to the far left behind was still speaking. An equivalent wind speed, which is filled with some kind of barrier that was surprisingly comfortable breeze. With such a feeling too good breeze of trademark ponytail, drop at the landscape belowLooked up at the bright sun shining above it. Blessing of light from the clouds to reach you at? I feel so close to the illusion. Drop the blocks the sun's hands back on the left, some philosophical, subtle or tired to think alone muttered.

「…… Surely, it is how to build the airship is... Now, anything you do is 」

, drop, current locationThe airship is "fell of Hajime" created on a rear deck. This fell, the main material is sensitive to stone, stone and gravity means that a new general function is built. I wasn't used until now, because of their immature Hajime. It is a stone in the gravity to move objects is not difficult, the larger the skilled use of magic. Cross in the utmost limit, was a bit much to lift one. TooHowever, as a result of small and in the interval of time in training, skilled at last to the massive floating freely in the operation, and the integration of the development of the airship "fell to a". Starting from the capital, when the carriage is provided without magic drive car assembled in the city suburban meadow Hajime all doubt before, Hajime fell to display its ester, common sense in the end of the

「 journey to get moving means while flying system to draw a face? " And, it is said to be full of confidence. TooThis fell, and the overall length of the hundred and twenty meters such as manta rays, such as living in front of the bridge is located at the center of the heights of the hall, kitchen, toilet is township. After all, to the imperial carriage ride in a couple of months, only one day in a course, so I don't know how far it is. Floating in the sky, free of power consumption. It is used for a long time as if by Hajime. Too"Shizuku... 」
「 bright... You here... " Remember the words of Hajime, where it inside it's joke in a voice dripping. The eye drop in there too, but that was just out of the hatch open and bright face. The bright, next to drop the distant clouds and put her arms on the start. Well then, and muttered. This

「... Yes, a great 」
「... The fatigue 」

surprised one by oneOf course, the airship phenyl ‐ saying is bright. However, the expression of admiration, and elsewhere, with a heavy heart was chagrined at the same time. All

「? " People of the Konoe Ryutaro, shear and eating food. Speaking in the bell... Nagumo... I was making. In ふんぞり返り bridge. " Of Hajime to come with a few guards escorted the knight to imperial Princess Liliana and promised to send theOnly our brave and bright. The remaining Aiko and could not be left to fight not students, Nagayama front, while we were responsible for the brightness of the capital and decided to stay in. However, he left the capital fried mechanism of ultra long distance transfer, put an artifact back anytime soon, so we can be back in an instant if you ask us, Hajime bright. Well, the drop of the bright somewhere speaking and eye. In the profileI got the feeling that drops, so smile while spilling so troubled and crisp and what to do about it. What

「, complaints and very well? Like a mote Nagumo to you? "
「…… In a voice so as not to drop a little 」

spoof, brightening more displeased facial expression that returns a curt.

「…… I made such great... He messed up... Strong... In what seemed to be in the wind.... Why do you leave easily. "
「……」 Apparently, Hajime is still too bright, but God and have to leave this world in that it does not understand. If this is the only force to defeat the God to save the world's absolute... It has been found that the drop in the hand.

「…… You choose, I choose 」
「? " In reply to a question back to bright eye drop of a drop. Drops, and with far sight,He said slowly to choose words. He

「... Surely, there wasn't any margin as it looks, isn't it? Perhaps, it appears to be calm, I think it's "desperate". "」
「……」 to bring up people who are desperately important"
「 would he say? It is something to do not have the power to do what I want to get to wield power. Now, the brightness difference is "", he shall not have had from the beginning."Incompetent", "help", but said that the depths are obtained from the crawling up... Literally, one end of the resolution and determination. But to God, not to save the world. More specifically, the familiar... "We are so different from the" possible. So, now, "said I," that the statements is not easy. Because the power is not obtained for such a thing,As a very important things are looking away to the original lost and you have no children. "
「…… I do not know what 」
「. Hey, you might not want to be in the boxing champion of the world, but hard to get rid of bad anyway because of strong town! It is said it is not happy with you? " In
「... And... Say... But you, the life of people in this world have? " In the middle, tooIn the bright argue that do not give in to the drop in the letter. Well,

「 would be a good place for bright if there is a person who is in trouble is not alone, but... It was a brilliant sense of value because you don't have it against Nagumo 」
「…… What, you have to drop his shoulder? " What you are saying
「 childish. However, people are just talking, right? Besides, you will not forget that, butOne thing you Nagumo various people including we saved. Kaori says, it seems, ur, save the rudder of ANN. In the future, len as trafficking seems to have been destroyed, the people of the organisation behind Miu that girl again and rescuing mother so... I don't think we have to save the people of this world so much? " Which is... "
「 for sure... My... Yue,I will do... Just for the person I love to... Ha-ha, I think, "God by the way of" might kick? " I know what God is, the poor. " Well I think, if there is a drop in the future, Hajime giggle. Bright, so the expression is complicated, only to drop words cannot be denied in the morning without power. While, silent too much time.The bright that I spoke to a drop of moyamoya disease and in my face up. Well, then, that fell to phenyl now flying at a constant speed suddenly started his career. Drop the brilliance and look at each other and everything should only fly straight to the Empire.

「…… What happened? " First of all, let's
「 them back in the 」

returned to the ship in a hurry and go after her. StressAnd to ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

drops into the bright bridge, which covers all things that have already been placed in the center of the gathered crystal. What happened

「? " Drop, was happy. Yes, I like of the person being chased in the Imperial Army 」

ask with answer Kaori to drop. The crystal of cubic pointed that Kaori, rabbit and a few people running between the canyon, from its back reflected real imperial soldiers. TooThis crystal, "at a distance, the stone" and "far touseki" which is generated in the crystal, the magic mirror can be installed in an external remote video bridge in crystal, simply put, if the display image is a full-length telescope. When I look up, drop, crystal display in narrow valleys, the flow of water is not a rabbit of two women, while the mind from the Imperial troops seemed to back away.The imperial army is far behind the large transport carriage number from the first, followed by the escape or catch a rabbit as a group who accidentally. Well, apparently, Hajime watching this situation seems to drop rate of ester. If you ignore it, but where is it to be badly in the family, so that heading.

「 isn't ugly! Not to go to help immediately! " TooBright, as might be expected, a shout. Take it out now and in the sky. But the answer to urge on Hajime bright, a crystal display said to his eyebrows. In the south,

「 cloud! Surely, we will not abandon her!? If you don't help me! Take me down! "
「, this is me... " To
「?... Why? These two people... " TooHajime to bright to get angry. In the zoom to see the picture seems to be noticed.

「 both, what is so easy! In the same race! "I don't think! Excuse me,
「 just shut up about you?... Hajime, no doubt. Lana: Mina is after all? 」
「... Suddenly I was sick because I remember that you... These movementsLook... Well, 」

bright point is rounded with a single stroke in mouth shut. Incidentally, the "bright" call in "as is, with a smile, and also introduced an honorific title to drop, because I had to stop smiling. In the meantime, too, as people stop to rabbit fleeing tribe woman in fall. The place that is open in the valley. Look at it, tooIn the bright and sanity back out of the bridge to go out on the front deck. There is still a distance, even for the magic of the Imperial Army shooting. Oh, wait

「. Ame. It's all right, 」
「, say something! It is a frail woman by now! " Kids too! Hajime and sullenly to on a bright, however, Hajime laugh and muttered, looking at the crystal display something interesting.

「 frail? I don't know.They... "How," rear "? I have something to say? And you look to the bright said, "there!" To raise the voice of someone. Bright, what crystal display, look... There... Dropped head, the imperial army mountain body or head die exactly in the arrow shot.

「…… What? " Too bright, not only do not know how the rear group of all eyes. In the meantime, theSucceeding to back away from the troop transport carriage chasing rabbit family tree, people put a few scouts. Well then, scout troop found dead with mountains, central to the rabbit is fit of trembling, two women seem to threaten to shout something while being pressed. Well, they usually try to be more careful action may be, they witnessed the mangled body of the mountain, with no combat power slave pet is right in front of you.In the spirit of its motion to stay alert said. I pressed the
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