エリュシオン入学試験 メリフェスト首都、エリュシオン。 そこはメリフェスト大陸の主要都市の一つであり、他所から来た旅人はまず広大な土地を囲む การแปล - エリュシオン入学試験 メリフェスト首都、エリュシオン。 そこはメリフェスト大陸の主要都市の一つであり、他所から来た旅人はまず広大な土地を囲む อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

エリュシオン入学試験 メリフェスト首都、エリュシオン。 そこはメリフェ








「待て待て待て! お前は良くても俺が嫌だ。却下だ、却下」




「兄貴! でっけー城だな! 門とか頑丈そうだけど、俺の剣で斬れるかな?」











「オイラは結婚してねえって知ってるだろ? この人達はさっきオイラと一緒に来た御方で、この宿を紹介しに連れてきたんすよ」






「もしかして貴族様? 申し訳ありません、すぐに態度を改めます!」


















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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
エリュシオン入学試験 メリフェスト首都、エリュシオン。 そこはメリフェスト大陸の主要都市の一つであり、他所から来た旅人はまず広大な土地を囲む巨大な城壁が目に飛び込んでくる。 だが一番のポイントは城壁でもなく、町の規模ではない。 それは学校、『エリュシオン学園』が存在する点だ。 メリフェスト大陸においてここ以外に存在せず、入学出来ただけでそれなりの箔が付くくらいだ。 季節変わりでの気温の変化も緩やかで、凶暴な魔物は駆逐されており、人が住みやすい豊かな土地は自然と人が集まる上に、学校という名所もある。 エリュシオンは間違いなく都会と言える都市であろう。 防壁を見上げていると次に飛び込むのは、防壁以上の高さを持つ城だ。 そこには国を治める王様が住んでおり、非常に優れた御方で町の平和が保たれているのは王様の手腕によるらしい。悪政もほぼ無く、人々は防壁の中で充実した毎日を過ごせるとか。 肝心である獣人の扱いを聞いてみると、歩いていても問題は無いが一部の貴族が鬱陶しいくらいで、目に見える差別はそれほど無いらしい。それでも割合は人族が大半で、獣人は全体の三割ほどだとか。 ――と、城壁の外で待機している間にザックが教えてくれた。 町へ入るには防壁に取り付けられた二箇所の門からしか入れず、当然そこには門兵が詰めている。そこで身分やら怪しい者か調べ、厳しい審査を終えてようやく町に入れるわけだ。 ガルガン商会の者だと自分を証明できる物があれば早いのだが、そういう物が無ければ詰問とかされるのでとにかく時間がかかる。少し前の連中がそうらしく、俺達は三十分近く待たされていた。真面目な証拠なのだが、お役所仕事ってどの世界でも長いのは変わらないんだな。 レウスは馬車の横で素振りしているし、とにかく暇なので町の概要を聞いていたわけだ。「学校の生徒にも獣人はいましたから、エミリアやレウスも問題ないっすよ」「それはよかった。ここならお前達もローブを脱げるな」「そうですね。それよりシリウス様、私に首輪を付けていただけませんか」「は?」「私はシリウス様の物と、周囲にはっきり公言しておかないといけませんからね。たとえ奴隷扱いでも、シリウス様の物ならばむしろ光栄ですし」「待て待て待て! お前は良くても俺が嫌だ。却下だ、却下」「わかりました……」 本気で落ち込むの止めてくれるかなぁ? 忠誠値というメーターがあったら、上限振り切って天辺が見えなくなっているんじゃないかこれ?「まあ、エミリアの発言はあれっすけど、考えておくべき事でもありますよ」「お前まで何を言っているんだ」「いえ、オイラの目から見てもエミリアは可愛いっすからね。獣人に限りませんが、どこぞの貴族が欲しがって攫うなんて話もありますから、誰の物ってわかりやすい目印があれば予防にもなるという事っすよ」 やはり人が集まれば、それだけ闇が生まれるわけだな。 鍛えた彼女が簡単に攫われるとは限らないが、数の暴力には勝てないし、学校の庇護に入っても油断しないようにせねば。「ザックさんも言ってますし、いつか首輪を下さいね。その…………指輪でも構いませんから」「ああうん……考えておく」「兄貴! でっけー城だな! 門とか頑丈そうだけど、俺の剣で斬れるかな?」 ナイスだレウス。話を変える口実になってくれたが、その発言は変な誤解を生むからどうかと思うんだ。「斬るな。城攻めにきたと思われたくない」「わかったぜ兄貴」「ははは、レウスは元気いっぱいっすね」 そこでようやく順番が来て、俺達はついにエリュシオンへと入った。 俺達の審査はザックのガルガン商会の伝もあってあっさり終った。本来なら己を証明できない者は審査の後に多少のお金を支払わなければならないのだが、そこはザックが証人となりお金も払ってくれたのだ。「入場料を払ってもらってすまないな」「なーに、盗賊の件や新しい商品の礼に比べたら微々たるもんっす。ところで旦那達はこれからどうするんすか?」「学校の入学試験は明日からだし、まずは宿だな」「だったらオイラが泊まる宿へ行きましょう。ここへ来る度に利用している宿ですが、安全面もしっかりしてますし飯も美味いのでお勧めっす」「そうだな、ここは初めてだし右も左もわからないからそこで頼むよ」 そろそろ夕方になる時間帯だが、ザックは商品を届けに行く前に俺達を宿に送ってくれた。「ここが宿である『春風の止まり木』っす。ちょっと女将と話をつけておきましょう」 我が家の三倍ほどの大きさで、二階建ての木造建築の宿だった。 玄関から入るとロビーがあり、横に目を向ければすぐ隣が食堂になっていて、宿泊客が食事をしている姿が見える。酒場も兼ねているらしく、酒を飲んで上機嫌に酔っ払っている者もいる。一階の半分が食堂と亭主の住居フロアで、二階が主な宿泊施設ってところかな。 前世の影響か、自然と施設の把握や逃走経路の作成に努めていると、ザックはロビーの机にある呼び鈴を鳴らした。「はいはーい。あら、ザックじゃないの」「こんばんわっす女将。今回も世話になるっすよ」 出てきたのは四十を超えた人族の女性だった。少しふくよかな体型で、人当たり良さそうな優しい笑みでザックを迎えてくれる。「じゃあいつものように一人部屋を一つでいいかしら。あら、何だか見慣れない子もいるわね。貴方の子かしら?」「オイラは結婚してねえって知ってるだろ? この人達はさっきオイラと一緒に来た御方で、この宿を紹介しに連れてきたんすよ」「あら、売り上げ貢献ありがとう。いらっしゃいませ、私はここの女将をやってるローナです。部屋なら幾つか空いてるけど、お客様はどうするのかしら?」「こちらこそよろしくお願いします。俺達は三人だから、男の二人部屋と、女の一人部屋を……」「三人部屋か大部屋一つでお願いします!」






「もしかして貴族様? 申し訳ありません、すぐに態度を改めます!」


















การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Elysium entrance examination
Merifesuto capital, Elysium. There is one of the major cities of Merifesuto continent, travelers who came from elsewhere is huge walls surrounding the first vast land comes jump to the eye. But most of the point is not even in the walls, it is not in the town of scale. It's a point that exists schools, "Elysium school". Merifesuto does not exist other than here in the continent, but much decent foil is attached by simply could enrollment. Seasonal Kawari in temperature slowly also changes in, ferocious monsters are destroyer, on which gather rich land natural and human livable people, there is also attractions that school. Elysium will be a city regarded as urban definitely. When I looked up at the barrier then the dive, it's a castle with more than the height barrier. There is live the king governing the country, very good for peace of the town is kept in personage it is likely due to finesse the King. Misrule also almost without, people Toka spend every day fulfilling in the barrier. When I heard the essential and is the beast who treats, walking even though there is no problem but in the long part of the aristocracy is annoying, discrimination Visible seems so no. Still ratio in most people group, the beast people Toka's about the entire 30 percent. - And, Zach told me while you are waiting outside the walls. It does not put only from two locations of gates attached to the barrier and to enter into the town, naturally there are stuffed Mont soldiers. So it is checked whether Identification Yara suspicious person, it is a translation finally put into the city finished the rigorous screening. It's that it's a person of Garganta firm's early if there is a thing that you can prove yourself, such things take a long time anyway because it is Toka cross-examination otherwise. Ish so a little before the guys, I we had been waiting near half an hour. It's a serious evidence, but I'm long for does not change in any world I bureaucracy. Reus is to have practice swing next to the horse-drawn carriage, it is a translation had heard an overview of the town anyway leisure. "Because was the beast who is also a student of the school, by Emilia and Reus also Hey no problem," "It was good. It is here if you're also Na come off the robe." "Well. it than Sirius like, me with a collar No one "can "is?" "I and those of Sirius-like, and I'll not go and unless you profess clearly around. even though slave treatment, and to is rather an honor if Sirius-like thing" " Wait wait wait! You are I'll hate at best. I rejected, rejected, " and "I was ......" understand I wonder if me stop you from falling in earnest? If you have a meter that loyalty value, this or not it is top to shake off upper limit has become invisible? "Well, it Hey there remarks Emilia is thought to be due that there also should be" "I'm saying to you" and "No, I'll Emilia Hey cute even when viewed from the eyes of the oiler. beast Although not limited to people, because there is also talk Nante dredge humble nobility wants, I'll Hey it is to become also in the prevention if there is to understand easy mark I Whose " if still people gather, it only It looks mean darkness is born. The training was, but are not limited that she is kidnapped simple and do not win on the number of violence, Seneba so as not to alert well into the asylum of the school. "Then you liked Zach's also, I please the collar someday. Its because ............ does not matter ring" "to keep Oh yeah thought ......" "big brother! Dekke-jo's it! Mon Toka sturdy It 's so, kana? "is Zan in my sword 's nice Reus. Although me become a pretext to change the story, I think whether it is because the remark produce a strange misunderstanding. The "kill Na. I do not want to appear to have come to the castle Trombone" and "found was ze big brother" "mother, Reus is Thats Peppy" where it finally turn comes, ours was finally entered into Elysium. I our examination was done quickly there is also Garganta Chamber of Den of Zach. Those who can not prove ourselves and if originally, but he must pay some of the money after the review, there he Zach gave me pay even money become a witness. "I asked to the sorry Na paying the admission fee," "in an over, Hey paltry mon When compared to the matter and new products of Rei of thieves. By the way my husband who is Suka got to do now?" "entrance exam school from tomorrow However, First inn Bookshelf " Let's go to the "was After the oiler is stay inn. Although it is inn you are using every time you come here, you are also firmly safety to Hey recommended because the food is also delicious." " Do not so, here is where I'll ask, "it is because even the right to the first time do not know also left it's about time the evening to become time zone, but Zach sent me to the inn to ours before going to deliver the goods. "Hey here is an inn" spring breeze perch of. "Hey let's put the story and landlady" at three times about the size of my house, it was a inn of wooden architecture of the double-decker. When you enter from the entrance there is a lobby, if next to pointing your eyes have quickly become next to the dining room, it appears the figure which guests can have a meal. Tavern also seemed doubles, there are those who are drunk in high spirits and a drink. In the first floor of the residence floor of half cafeteria and husband, kana of place is the second floor are the main accommodation. Previous life of or impact, and are striving to create a natural and facilities grasp and escape route, Zach rang the doorbell at the lobby desk. "Yes yesss. Oh, Zach's not a" to "Good evening Hey landlady. We'll Hey become care this time" had come out was a human tribe women beyond the forty. In a little plump body type, and welcomes the Zack in friendly smile of capita it looks good. "Then I wonder good one as always the one person room. Oh, I'll also have somewhat unfamiliar child. I wonder if your child?" "oiler You know I do not get married? The people are a little while ago oiler In personage who came along with, I'll be I was brought to introduce this inn " rough ", sales contribution Thank you. May I help you, I am Lorna are doing here landlady. I vacant some and if the room, customers What I wonder is? " "This Welcome Thank you. ours because it is three people, and a man of double room, a woman of one person room ......" thank you "in a three-room or large room one!" before I have to say the room assignment, Emilia had told the demand out to before. Normal Wait a minute, you can either do not want too much to say say I pushed away the husband? "Oh, this is It's a lovely child. This means that our customers three people, I mean I want to be in the same room. Bubeleh the paddle good and I'm a girl?" "Yes, to here is the brother, if a master Sirius like No "problem and "ze's of course!" "Yes I, Well then do'll keep large room that is toward the back" I've decided to own. No, Is the I'm apart from good to not want to release too much eye from two people, suspicious whether this feeling is if I should do. "Zach I'm the day, the customer how much do Chapter? Stay" and "as there is a Yeah. Tomorrow test, ours? is kana take much to enter the dorm," and that's "sister heard the story, even if short three days take is Yeah, " I have heard that's about them "oiler. proprietress,?" I do Hey much fee's the 5th with a margin room is large, "with three meals ...... Hey Is the so minute Because it is a little elevated, silver three sheets kana? " I do not know whether silver three sheets of high whether cheap, large room with a meal will do cheaper, such ne. If you try to retrieve the silver coins from the bosom, Zach has been passed four silver coins out before. "This Oiler and Hey here husband our minute. Fishing also need not Hey because" "Oh, I generous In fine Anta in gold. What's up?" and "anti-looks have here people are amazing and personage and did I have, many things I'll be I was indebted "to when this time will come here not "Did you mean aristocrat like? Sorry, you changed the attitude immediately!" proprietress jumped out from the desk, so tried to deeply To Tareyo the head and hurry It stopped Te. Na amazing I aristocratic power, or hit by a rude If you do not so far. "That, ours because it is an ordinary commoner 's not the nobility, such is Kashikomara, please normally contact without" and "so Hey I proprietress. husband but vinegar is not a noble, was hidden more possibilities I'll be one who a do. It is because one who Hey to become loyal customers in Garganta Shokai, Oiler Hey wants look Regards also back " to'm from "Yeah Understood. yuan, I'll get to cordial hospitality to customers " proprietress that has returned to its original position, was the urge to please you from taking out a guest book to us. But not as much as my mother, is a medium 's stunning your urge to. Innovation, it's Zach than landlady. "Zach, the bad get paid up to a hotel room rate indeed. You know silver three sheets" and "seen Kai landlady, I'll be'm such a firm personage. anyway in conjunction with the earlier, Hey please let accommodation fee also paid to the Oiler " "But Bookshelf ......" and "I'm sorry, I wonder if I across the mouth?" silver coins to me who the mutual pressing, landlady came into arbitration with a smile. "Do please be here doing make a face of Zach. Because he is also a merchant, muscle can do is I can not be convinced and impervious to be passed through," Hey you say "proprietress street. oiler then you go back tomorrow, so much Please Hey "to the difference was in sight to reduce the head aligned two people, I no longer feel the other to say anything. It is not the way if you said Toka's muscle to be passed through, here is trying a fawn to Zach. But proprietress I arbitration is good. We have just runs a lodging industry involved with a variety of people. it "was found, gratefully received to keep going." "Thank you Hey. Well then landlady, I'll Hey asked after. oiler because you come again after delivering the goods." "Yes I, and nice day. Customers in here I "I'd like a name to it see off Zach, ours was fill out a name in the guest book. It has been also found the name of the person who wrote in the past, the similar handwriting often wonder why. "Sirius like, You're Emilia like, Reus-like three people. It's a very beautiful on the write is all character. Because you have quite some people that character can not write, I'm often that I ghost-writing" "So similar or handwriting of many. Na's translation it inn aristocratic'm not for the commoner " "That's right. house Is're aiming to inn commoner spend leisurely. But your politeness and dressed View and, with it "not amusing to the wrong aristocracy aside the politeness, dressed but'm dressed like adventurers, I wonder there are so visible part where integrally. "Oh, do not go. I was still put the luggage in the horse-drawn carriage. Reus, let's chase Zach's" and "found was ze sister" or I see ...... hair. We'll commoner do not care about the gloss of too much hair. I'll especially Emilia and to be a servant worthy to me, has been Jikiden the art of arranging the dressed from the mother. Shining silver-haired is time to see also a smooth, mon I do not think very gory adventurer. "I'll be guided Well then to your room When two people back. I cafeteria after two hours is closed, dinner How to do Chapter?" "Although I want to dinner with Zach, when you do not know come back I" "Garganta Shokai branches right there in, it does not take more than an hour because apparently only pass by checking the goods. Do try to convey to go to call the room if you back?" "Well, I need your help by it," shortly thereafter two people Since came back, it has been guided to the large room that was check-in. Large room originally Rashiku for four people, I bet some of it, but the minute the other space is small and one four, it is only a room to sleep exactly. Toilet in a shared, flush toilet that uses the magic of the water has been fully equipped, but also hygiene good inn because it is firmly cleaning. But unfortunately the bath is not. Because of the high maintenance costs I Bathing of this world, first there is no other than the house of nobility in private homes. When I was in my home, I have had entered the drum bath to own a drum beetle. It is Lord is to care with hot water and towels everyday, but indeed the continent one of the city. It is slightly higher fee, but was told to me to use there because nearby there is a bathhouse Rashiki shop. I we can put the luggage, with breath to sit on the bed. I do not because not rest slowly during the journey at Somehow, to settle down and still there is a bed. "Until Zach comes back, you can either keep the story a little. Although he going to take the entrance exam to the school tomorrow, the content Do not? I remember" and the interview by "lecturer us, but it is practical magic ? " and "Yes. The important thing in practical thing I do not know no chanting. anything from good to Oke this way muttered something in front of the magic name" It's truly various spy is likely to miss the free chant at this age. Image is to hard to be explained because important, to be poorly publicized

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Elysion entrance exam at Meri Fest, Elysian. There is also a major cities of the mainland, Fest traveler came from elsewhere in the vast land surrounding the huge walls into the eyes. Too, but not the best point, not the size of the town. At that point, the "school to school 'Elysian. On the continent at the merry Fest in here, but it can only increase. TooThe seasonal change of temperature change in either the ferocious demon destroyer to the rich man to live in a land where people gather on the nature and the attraction. Elysion at will, it can be said that the city and the city. The next leap up to the castle wall, with a height of over the wall. The king ruled the country there lived a king is a very excellent lady kept the peace of finesse. It is almost not badOr to spend substantial every day in the wall. You should hear of people is important in the treatment of the walking part of the problem is not as gloomy peers, so there is no discrimination is visible. In one group, but the majority of people as a whole and three percent. Well, tell Zack while waiting outside the walls. To go to town on the wall from two gate without, of course, there is the gate guard.Check if there's a weird status, finally, after strict examination. A person of company legal gun can prove your early, but this time it is demanded or if there is no such thing. A little in front of people, so we wait near thirty minutes. But the evidence is not serious, the bureaucracy which change the world in a long time. At the side of the carriage by air, Bacillus cereusIt is just because I was listening to the outline of the town. I was in school, people

「 in Bacillus cereus, and it was 」
「 it just doesn't matter. Here we come off if you 」
「 robe. From Sirius, 」
「 me, would you put a collar? " As a matter of Sirius, and I do not profess to have clear. Even as slaves, Sirius had rather honored as 」
「, wait, wait, wait!You are good I hate. It is found 」
「 dismissal rejected... " Stop in earnest to you? Meter that loyalty and value, this is the upper limit of the vanished from the top, don't you? Well, in

「 remark that I have, but I think it should be 」
「 to you what I have seen from my 」
「, cute in you eyes. As long as people, not toBut there's just some nobles wanted to kidnap the marker is easy to understand the things someone if I 」

prevention and also by not only, it was dark. At one's training is not always easy for her, you can't beat the number of violence in schools is not protected you.

「 Zack, you say, collar, please. That... But don't you ring from the 」
「 oh yeah... 1993 thinking"Big brother! In the castle, thank you! The gate and sturdy, but kill you with the sword of me? " It is nice too. Excuse me to change the subject, from a misunderstanding of what I think. A

「 cuts. I know that I don't want to 」
「 」
「 brother thought and Bacillus cereus, you just full of energy in order 」

finally came, we finally entered into the Elysian. We made our life review of gun chamber of Zach was easily done.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ภาษาอื่น ๆ
การสนับสนุนเครื่องมือแปลภาษา: กรีก, กันนาดา, กาลิเชียน, คลิงออน, คอร์สิกา, คาซัค, คาตาลัน, คินยารวันดา, คีร์กิซ, คุชราต, จอร์เจีย, จีน, จีนดั้งเดิม, ชวา, ชิเชวา, ซามัว, ซีบัวโน, ซุนดา, ซูลู, ญี่ปุ่น, ดัตช์, ตรวจหาภาษา, ตุรกี, ทมิฬ, ทาจิก, ทาทาร์, นอร์เวย์, บอสเนีย, บัลแกเรีย, บาสก์, ปัญจาป, ฝรั่งเศส, พาชตู, ฟริเชียน, ฟินแลนด์, ฟิลิปปินส์, ภาษาอินโดนีเซี, มองโกเลีย, มัลทีส, มาซีโดเนีย, มาราฐี, มาลากาซี, มาลายาลัม, มาเลย์, ม้ง, ยิดดิช, ยูเครน, รัสเซีย, ละติน, ลักเซมเบิร์ก, ลัตเวีย, ลาว, ลิทัวเนีย, สวาฮิลี, สวีเดน, สิงหล, สินธี, สเปน, สโลวัก, สโลวีเนีย, อังกฤษ, อัมฮาริก, อาร์เซอร์ไบจัน, อาร์เมเนีย, อาหรับ, อิกโบ, อิตาลี, อุยกูร์, อุสเบกิสถาน, อูรดู, ฮังการี, ฮัวซา, ฮาวาย, ฮินดี, ฮีบรู, เกลิกสกอต, เกาหลี, เขมร, เคิร์ด, เช็ก, เซอร์เบียน, เซโซโท, เดนมาร์ก, เตลูกู, เติร์กเมน, เนปาล, เบงกอล, เบลารุส, เปอร์เซีย, เมารี, เมียนมา (พม่า), เยอรมัน, เวลส์, เวียดนาม, เอสเปอแรนโต, เอสโทเนีย, เฮติครีโอล, แอฟริกา, แอลเบเนีย, โคซา, โครเอเชีย, โชนา, โซมาลี, โปรตุเกส, โปแลนด์, โยรูบา, โรมาเนีย, โอเดีย (โอริยา), ไทย, ไอซ์แลนด์, ไอร์แลนด์, การแปลภาษา.

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