money? Scanning. What is the from very maybe the out was worth Wars figures Star action menu found $45 In painting sank. Titanic of it you thought a pert-and name of the ship the menu is from? Read and check your answer. Old But VALUABLE The next time you find something unusual, look again. Maybe it's worth more than you think! Look closely at this menu Why do think it is special? This menu is from the famous ship, the Titanic. It's the Titanic's final lunch before it 1971, the menu was on the back painting. Fred Kelly bought the o and menu. He didn't think about Then in 1998, the movie became very popular. Fred wife up $5,000. They took it to an She laughed. it was worth $65,000! in 15 Alex Bauer's mother paid just $1 for these Star Wars action figures. After Alex got them, he took them on a TV show. The show, Roadshow, tells his how much their items are worth. Alex found out is worth $100. one of the blue to find. Together, Alex's sell 20 Star Wars action figures He doesn't plan to imurrs are worth