The goblin was floating in ecstasy, while the others where muttering. The appearance was reminiscent of a certain pervert. Or precisely, there could only be one such person.
[Tio… You are….. It’s too late already…. Let’s give up though it is regrettable.]
When Hajime shaked his head in a sad expression he quietly turned his back. Yue and the rest followed him without any hesitation. Normally, Kouki would say [Never desert a nakama!], among other things, but now his gaze is wandering. (TL: As in ignoring it and it is “nakama”, which can mean friend, companion, comrade..etc.)
[Gu? Gyagya!]
And, at that moment, the goblin noticed Hajime’s group and raised its voice.
As a result, the assaulted goblin seemed to notice Hajime. It opened its eyes wide and rushed towards Hajime, despite receiving an assault earlier.
The goblin (Tio) was crawling in a high-speed on the ground, while the other goblins instinctively pulled away and backed away. In fact, while the goblins tormented and bullied it in high spirit, they felt [Huh? Somehow you are strange.] and now they were convinced about it.
Meanwhile, the goblin (Tio) tried to jump with a rupa○dive into Hajime’s chest. Though they can’t understand goblin words, seen that, it was surely [Master~ This one longed to see you] or something along those lines. (TL: Forgot to mention. It’s probably “scuba dive”, i don’t understand the censor of the author here so i left it~)
Of course, Hajime responded and said,
[Don’t come near me, you pervert!]
And he used an uppercut with his artificial arm.
The goblin (Tio) made an artistic backflip with four and a half turns, but did make a sound like it should have been. She crashed.
Yue (goblin Ver.) peeked into the bush where the body of the goblin (Tio) fell. It’s tail was pierced by a tree branch.
Then, [Bikunbikun]! The body of the goblin (Tio) was twitching, while regaining consciousness. Though the body is that of a goblin, the endurance may be that of a dragon. Or, she became an even bigger pervert……
[GaGaGa! GoGo, Guge! Guga!]
The goblin (Tio) held her cheeks with both hands and screamed excited, while her body twisted around. And then, she began looking at Hajime with feverish eyes.
Instinctively, Hajime starts pulling out “Donner” and Shia desperately tries to calm him. Kaori handed over a “Telepathic Stone” over to the goblin (Tio).
[Uh-huh, a “Telepathic Stone”….. Do thou hear me, Master? This one met the beloved Master and the first words and actions were those of abuse.]
[Damn it. Even if the body changes, the toughness does not. It should just die already.]
[Tsu! Aah? Beloved Master. The lack of pardon, this one can’t hold out. Mistress is useless without Master. Now, Master’s beloved servant has returned. It’s good how the mistress, who is reduced to ugliness, is attacked without restraint!]
Apparently, even if she changed into a goblin, she still felt the pleasure. It was already too late as Hajime said.
The goblins, while ignoring Tio who is lying on the ground saying [Do as you like! Burn or boil me!] and still twitching, were insta-killed by Hajime. And the search was resumed in silence.
The other members also did not seem to care about it and follow Hajime without turning their eyes.
[Ho, is this neglect play? Master can’t be helped~ Ey, don’t leave this one behind!? This one wants you to wait~ This one is still shaking because of the blow a while ago~]
Tio’s voices echoes empty in the sea of trees. However, nobody stopped walking.
(TL: I used “it” rather than really translating it to english because i guess it makes more sense calling her an “object” rather than a “person”.)
The huge branch bends and attacks irregularly like a whip. Leaves dance like a blade and scatter around. Tree nuts are shot like cannonballs. A sudden spear-like root dashes out from the ground like the sharp point of a sword. Each of these attacks are fatal.
It is very similar to the Tree-Demon Hajime once fought in the [Orcus great Labyrinth]. The demon is a so-called “Trent”. But then, when Hajime compared this Trent with the one he fought, the size is extremely different. It was 30 meters high and 10 meters in diameter.
Kouki, Shizuku, Suzu and the ogre-like creature are confronting the huge Trent.
Meanwhile, while raising a shout like a real Ogre, it is Ryutaro who attacks with his fist to intercept the branches that come in.
Along the way, an Ogre was discovered fighting other Ogres. However, while the fight went on martial arts were seen – To be frank, it made refined karatemovements. It was obvious that it was Ryutaro.
Ryutaro might have been dead if they found him later as his status has fallen as Yue’s and Tio’s did. To go that far without running away, a tsukkomi was made about his muscle-brain.
And, Ryutaro finally joined with them as the last member. They reached the place with the gigantic tree which was obviously on a different size compared with the surrounding ones…… The gigantic tree said [Defeat me if you want to go further!] and began to rage as it said it.
At the present time, Kouki’s group which did not show any results till now said [We will defeat this guy!] and rushed out. Hajime’s group didn’t care and started to spectate the fight. By the way, Kaori is participating as a healer.