"GOT 7 × m! Eye catch on." M ON! Broadcasting information and delivery schedules. The members solo eye catch each day will be the day!
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schedule () and water (fire) all members 15 seconds and 30 seconds version - 15 days (water) of 15 seconds BamBam Benben version at the 16th, Jackson Jackson 15 seconds Version (of money) JB B 15 seconds. Version(of soil) Youngjae yeonjae 15 seconds (version) of 15 seconds Yugyeom ユギョム Version (0.0) Jr junior 15 seconds Version (fire) Mark mark version at 15 seconds, at the BamBam (water). Funny, 15 seconds Version (tree) Jackson Jackson 15 seconds Version (of money) JB B 15 seconds version (of soil) Youngjae yeonjae 15 seconds (Japanese version) Yugyeom ユギョム version of 15 seconds.(27) of about 15 seconds Jr junior Version (fire) Mark mark not 15 seconds since the detailed version
* broadcast time, please note.
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