ハジメ達が去って三日経ったウルの町。 荒れた大地の整備やおびただしい数の魔物の死体処理など頭の痛い問題は多々あるが、それでも町も人も無傷とい การแปล - ハジメ達が去って三日経ったウルの町。 荒れた大地の整備やおびただしい数の魔物の死体処理など頭の痛い問題は多々あるが、それでも町も人も無傷とい อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

ハジメ達が去って三日経ったウルの町。 荒れた大地の整備やおびただしい数








「愛ちゃん先生……やっぱり、愛ちゃん先生の魔法は凄いですよね! あんなに荒れてた大地もどんどん浄化されていって……あと一週間もあれば元に戻りそうですもんね!」


「愛子……今日も町長や司教様から何か言われたのか? 本当に困ったら俺に言ってくれ。例え、司教様が相手でも愛子を困らせるような真似は俺が許さない。俺が・・、愛子の騎士なんだからな。何時でも、俺だけは・・・・愛子の味方だ」




(……私が、もっときちんと清水君とお話が出来ていれば……あの子の思いにもっと早く気がついていれば……そうすればこんな事にはならなかった……それに、彼に、同じ生徒である彼に、あんな事を頼まなければ……あの時、人質になんかならなければ……私が……死んでいれば……彼も清水君を殺す必要なんて……どうして、殺したの……同じクラスメイトなのに……敵だから? ……それだけであんなにあっさり? ……人を殺すってそんなに簡単なことなの? ……そんな簡単に出来てしまうことなの? ……そんなのおかしい……人は魔物ではないのに……あんな躊躇わずに……彼は……簡単に人を殺せる人間? ……放っておけば他の子達も……彼は危険? ……彼がいなければ清水君も死ななかった?……彼がいなくなれば他の子達は安全? ……彼さえいなければ……ッ!? 私は何を! ……ダメ、これ以上考えてはダメ!)






「え、えっと何でしょう? すいません、ちょっとボーとしてました」
「い、いえ! お料理は、とっても美味しいですよ。ちょっと考え事をしていたもので……」





「え? ええ、はい。なんでしょうか?」








(信じたいものを信じる。私が信じたいこと……何でしょう? 一つは、生徒達と皆で日本に帰る事です。でも、それはもう叶わない。今は、これ以上欠けることなく皆で帰れるという事を信じたい……彼の話。クラスメイトの誰かに殺されかけたという話。それは信じたくありません……彼が、邪魔すれば私達でも殺すと言った事、人殺しを躊躇わない人間に…生徒達を脅かす敵に……これも信じたくありません。でも、実際、彼はあの子を……清水君を躊躇わず殺した。なら、もう彼は……いえ、信じたいことを信じるのです)




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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Town Hajime who, three days later. The incident happened that there are many problems, such as disposal of rough ground and myriad demons is still intact town also who exactly what miracle do not seen results. The good news immediately evacuated residents and returning residents around town, King told the mutual embrace reunited family, lovers, friends and town just like festivals, such as the joy to each other was wrapped up in the hustle and bustle. While on Earth was the battle beyond common sense for how people watched the whole battle, Hajime left around the town walls remain intact and are hand gestures, wild walls do look like the narrator of myths, he told. Were displaced people, especially children in the story of his glowing eyes. Was with the shrewd merchants managed to scrape together already Hajime barrier to strike as a new specialty in your town. And so people in town don't know Hajime and Aiko was still sent "harvest goddess" Hajime that and believe it's Angel, respected Hajime barrier named "shield of the goddess". In addition, respected boy Hajime white eyepatch thing "sword goddess" or "Knight of the goddess" and called the same. While recalling the kiss of Hajime and Aiko escort Knights of the David 達本 I heard it "after all, I don't like! "And pound is another story. After their two name to hear that a Hajime body writhes is another story. Slightly, to myself embarrassed was two miscalculations that name though as Hajime's, Aiko's fame and popularity were they skyrocket. Received barrage that attracts stares of all human beings walk through town, much of the in ' and ye, ~ ' and that people begin to worship him. Aiko saved the people in this town certainly visible in was properly a "Goddess". The rumors have already begun propagation to the area. At least, in ur town already than the Bishop of the Church of St. Aiko words more weight that you have doubt. The Aiko and say... To respond to the reconstruction of the town and stalwart who in safe, taking a round to understand still friends as Ming from customer in mind is not here and said he had. Would cause that goes without saying. That has taken hold of the mind, leaving Aiko mind spectacle of the moment is that there are numerous shocks ago the battle told from Hajime fact that above all, killed the Shimizu Hajime. That day also finished the day job, at dinner time, "water fairy places" in when things travellers had just at that baud was taking meals with students and Knights of the guard corps, but Aiko mechanically dishes to mouth carries, while somewhere on the contents of the conversation like reply."Love her teacher... It is after all, the magic of love-Chan teacher great! Earth so rough? said more and more purified. Is going back more than a week if it! 」「…… So it is... Good ' Sonobe Yuka is Aiko's heart is not here and noticed how, while deliberately speaking in bright. Understand the cause of Aiko somehow want to encourage it. But the word contains the brightness of sonobe, Aiko as boilerplate text the words feel like does not return, and then reply. Sonobe was "yet, how to ' and drop the shoulders."Aiko. Today even the mayor or from the Bishop said something? Let me know I really get in trouble. Like pestering Aiko opponent at Bishop, even if he does not allow me. I-and, from the Knights of the Aiko's a. At any time, just me.... Aiko side? '「…… So it is... Good ' Aiko give words often do not know want to encourage David or want to tell. Nothing to do with David's remarks that starkly with Temple Knights Bishop is pretty dangerous, but already love warriors and consists of strung out? And what I stressed the "me" part of the counter to anyone. Trying to attempt to steal casually agree David Knights around the niceties are clean, while their captain sent sharp supervision gaze. But the nonchalant appeal that David is one like a verbal longevity program for lunch unceremoniously swept in the same words. I've heard or even suspicious. David students drop shoulders to knees!-expression. Some Knights also have the same look. Without Aiko especially react or not communicate such students and Knights on the mind and was continuing to eat.(…… I better talk about is quite and Shimizu. To the child's earlier care if you have a... So you had to do such a thing. That, to him, he in the same student to ask such a thing. At that time, to become something hostage. I have... If dead. He also kill Mr. Shimizu's. Why the killing of... And yet the same classmate. From the enemy? …… As it so easily? …… Of that killing people was so easy? …… Can be made so easily?. …… That's funny... People are demons, not to... To so without hesitating. He is... Easy to kill humans? …… If other children too. Is he dangerous? …… Even Mr. Shimizu did not die without him? …… He could stop other children safe? …… Not even his. Tsu! I what! …… Bad, bad thoughts more than this! ) Was a State in the heart of Aiko now regret and remorse are repeating endlessly. And so coincidentally Hajime fear and resentment are unskilled hurry it cancel out, back to the thinking of the first was repeated. Think much too much, don't want to think too many too and was gooey heart of Aiko and scattered information is not organized like a library Bookshelf collapsed as if. At that time, Su I and Aiko reaches the calm and warm voices resonate in the hearts."Aiko. Dish of the day doesn't go in your mouth? 」"Fate? 」 It's "water fairy places" owner Foz do cellular. It's never his voice, but not great, in fact rather less long. However, no one can miss Foz do words in which this lodging. It's his deep, soothing voice will always reach her. Aiko was experiencing thoughts swirl heart now also reach easily words, repatriation of the consciousness to reality. With care to put a funny voice, Aiko a little tinted cheeks while calmly turn gaze to FOSS smiles."Eh, eh and what? I'm sorry, I was kinda baud ""Oh, you don't like Ma'am. And do something long you face, so food does not agree with your mouth. But if others we serve... ""No, no! Food is very tasty. What I had thought...... " Aiko is the taste of the food I ate very delicious, yet I can't remember. Looking around students and Knights, turning anxious gaze somewhere on your own. Noticed that myself, in the crucible of thought, don't now and pulled herself together to resume eating, but a little bit upset for tracheal, choked on. Aiko chokes with tears eyes kehockehop and to awaawa and his students and Knights. Gaining such a situation in sight, Foz do casually have a napkin and water."Do excuse me. Inconvenience.... "See junk such ridiculous' Aiko Foz do disturb the serene smile looking at Aiko blunder, peace of mind becoming also an excuse. Show me swinging a little bit think blink is FOSS that Aiko at, still spoke in a quiet calm voice.' Heh. Princess Aiko. Taking the liberty can one be? 」' EH? Yes, Yes. What do you do? 」"Try to believe that Princess Aiko, who wants to believe a dip? 」' To? 」 Of FOSS unrelated words Aiko is the head "? "She tilts her head, smiling. It, smiled a wry smile "Word was' keep talking FOSS."Apparently, Aiko's mind is can be seen during a lot of confusion is now. Things to think about things I don't want to think nor much too, I don't know what to do. What is the best do it yourself if you want or we don't know. At all do not know about and to do something about impatience just solicited, it is also confusing to spur a vicious circle. Do you different it? 」"Such as, why do..." Aiko is Orient struck in the heart of Aiko now, I clog the words. Like Aiko, Foz do 'customers I've watched since' smiles gently."At such time 取ri敢ezu? hand one thing that"try to believe what we believe ". You may miss the truth, well, people who believe just believe and said yes in the warning. It is certainly that. However, I think people's behavior begins from believing. If you think so: "don't move" reverse "believe what you want to believe" is also not a bad hand, and it is "「…… Believe that I want to believe ' The words of Foz do if she is Aiko. Aiko's heart in to Hajime likely sprout regret and guilt, and now, though, resentment around are swirling round and. Hajime is certainly important student Aiko is had, also has recognized a threat and killing important student in Shimizu, might deprive the lives of other students in some cases exist in the moment, Hajime steal your important stuff to it. Still, Hajime also also more students, completely truncate. Abandoned was not Shimizu try genocide and the like. That is why, without knowing what to do, confusing. As a hard character, Aiko himself, but is the only unavoidable. From. the Hatakeyama Aiko "teacher". Don't know what FOSS was what Aiko. Meaning that she too believe it wants to believe that for the now state that they. Now made big blunder still believed out of being pinned down and falling apart in different but more could have been effective. Aiko thought so, stop eating and start immersed in thought.( believed in what you want to believe. I want to believe that. What would be? One thing the students and is back in Japan. But it is not fulfilled anymore. Back in without clipping now is more believing that you want. He's talking about. The story that almost killed someone's classmates. I do not want to believe it. The man afraid thing kill us even if you bother him as a murderer. The enemy threatening the students. It also does not want to believe. But in fact, his child. VIII Shimizu, and killed. If again he... Is to believe that though, I want to believe ) Aiko Emerg and they die again, black emotions appeared to be in. Around the person who sees the Aiko something thoughtfully, without worry about.( He said. From "enemy's". At least it "can't afford". From the feared that the important people around and again attacked by utilizing Shimizu after the killing. It's thinking of someone. In fact, if just a ruthless man Yue Ms Shea's such trust should be OJ No. He is to their anxiety about one's wanted to break off. So he alive. I didn't think I could somehow Mr. Shimizu is... Anything much can be sure and be reformed, and utilizing the Shimizu had to show me. After all, my helpless just to... The Shimizu. I still like to kill. But Mr. Shimizu is weak. ) Hajime Shimizu shot dead even, to do so only for specific reasons. Aiko to believe so, not such broken human beings think nothing of murder, not incomprehensible monster and any enemy harming the students randomly, yet receive his words "pupils". And the assumptions were blown off because of the sight of the shocked students shooting students, in the thinking process that, and remembered.( It is. Why, forget ever
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Hajime we are left with the 3rd after was Ur of the town. Rough but the earth of maintenance and numerous monsters of corpse processing headache such as there are many, still called the town Some people also intact, happened was a miracle and unspeakable Results only for situation. The good news is, immediately evacuate the inhabitants and the surrounding town, was conveyed to the king Metropolitan, who is resident came back, reunited the family and lover, mutual hug with friends, town of Ur to A~tsu joy the safety of each other It had been wrapped in the hustle and bustle, such as bunch of festivals. Barrier that Hajime had left on the periphery of the town has remained intact, was Mitodoke the whole story of the battle who we are, how was the fight that was beyond the common sense in gestures, on the ground that it was rough from the barrier while spear the line of sight was asked if telling as the storyteller of the myth. People had taken refuge, in particular the children shining eyes to such their story. Shrewd merchants had with the already Sundance to one grossed barrier of Hajime as a new specialty of Ur of the town. And, the people of the town, does not know that it was during the beginning and Aiko, and believes that it is still Hajime our angel who sent the "fertility goddess" thing, the barrier of Hajime "shield of the goddess" and was named to were honored. In addition, it called that boy Hajime of white hair eyepatch "goddess of the sword" or "goddess of the Knight", was also honored. David our real escort knights who heard it, while remembering the kiss of Hajime and Aiko "After all, the guy is not that pleased !!" another story of a pound. Later, it's story Hajime is also another of Mimodaeru to hear their two names. Slightly, despite a miscalculation that embarrassing two names to itself, speculation street of Hajime, fame and popularity of Aiko was skyrocketing. If you walk the town, and received a barrage of about say as in have gathered all of the human gaze, some are until people begin to worship the "gratitude and ~". In this town, certainly Aiko you saved the people in the form of visible, was correctly "goddess". The rumor, has already started the propagation to the peripheral. At least, it would no doubt have the weight towards the words of Aiko than the bishop of already Seikyo Church in ur town. While the Aiko and innocuously doing to respond to reconstruction assistance Yara stalwart our ...... town and say, still is in close people it was plight of Kokorokokoniarazu to customers from bright enough to understand such round. Cause, would be let alone. There is also the fact of a number of impact was reported from the beginning before the fight, but more than anything, Hajime that killed Shimizu, sight of the moment, is the are undermining the mind without departing from the mind of Aiko. Also that day, it becomes dinner time you have finished the role of the day, to like those of the time in the "water fairy inn" While he was taking a meal with knights of students and bodyguard, Aiko mouth mechanically cuisine while carrying on also, it was just a tepid response to the contents of the conversation seemed that was somewhere baud. "Ai-chan teacher ...... After all, the magic of Ai-chan teacher I mon is likely to return to the original and if I'm amazing! Earth that had been rough so much be performed is rapidly purification also ...... after one week!" "...... Well it ...... was good " Sonobe Yuka is, even while noticed Kokorokokoniarazu a state of Aiko, talk with especially bright appearance. I want to encourage somehow in order to understand the cause of the modulation of Aiko. However, even in words that contain the brightness of Sonobe, Aiko is not like the typical sentence was tepid response, such as the word as it is returned. Sonobe is, drop the shoulder and "still, bad or ~". "Aiko ...... today even me say to me if you trouble is? The really was told something from the mayor and bishop. For example, Bishop is imitated I is not allowed, such as annoy Aiko also at the other. I have - ·, anytime Do not because I'm a knight of Aiko., I only'm ally of ... Aiko " "I was good ...... Well ......" David, you can send the words you do not know well you want whether you want to or Persuasion encouragement to Aiko. Remark that Tatetsuku while a temple knight to bishop's pretty dangerous for, but would already does not matter to David that result become a love of the warrior. Profusely "I" the part is emphasized that, even anyone while agree to David because it's either ...... is attached around the knights also guess are against, their own that you are trying to ran missing casually I have sent a line of sight of the sharp check to the captain. However, nonchalant appeal of such David was easily washed away by the same words, such as Aizuchi of the long-running show of a certain lunch. It's fishy to be heard. I will be the expression of "Zama~a ~" to David that students drop the shoulder. Some of the knights also have the same facial expression. Is it not also noticed such students and knights of exchange, Aiko was especially continued without indifferently meal also be reaction. (...... I, ...... And it did not become such a thing if so ...... and if noticed sooner ...... to think of that child if they can talk to more properly Shimizu-kun, to him, the same to him is a student and the, at that time ...... unless asked to do that, ... If you do not become something to hostage I why ...... 's no need to kill the Shimizu-kun also ...... his long dead ..., killed ...... Because it is ...... enemies to the same class mate? ... No such it just be so much easier to me so much kill frankly? ...... people? No such thing she can to ...... so easily? ... kind of funny ...... people Shimizu-kun unless ...... he ...... easily if you leave people alone human? ...... kill a person other kids also ...... he had his danger? ...... to ...... Anna Tamerawazu though not a demon other kids if accustomed without him did not? ... that dying is safe? ...... ...... unless he even Reed!? What is me! ... no good, no good to think any more!) of the now Aiko Out of mind, a fear and sprout likely grudge to Hajime if the endlessly repeated ...... and was the state are poor the regret and guilt, and cancellation in a hurry it, and that it called again back to the first thought a I was repeatedly. It is too many to think, and it is also too much you do not want to think, the heart of Aiko, information that is not like organized bookshelf in is like a library that was destroyed was scattered state of mess. At that time, vocal with the calm and warm like resonate with heart straight to reach the Aiko. "Princess Aiko. Today's food, or it did not fit in your mouth?" "Fe?" "water fairy inn" It's the owner of Foz Seruo. Far from His voice is never big, I much rather small. But, no one can fail to hear the words of Foz in those who are in this inn. vocal that his was calm and there is deep is, he always reach the opponent. Even now, easily and deliver the words to Aiko who had caught the heart to the vortex of thinking, it was regression and its consciousness to reality. And noticed that it had issued a strange voice, Aiko direct line of sight to Foz you smile gently while slightly dyed the cheek. "For example, the What the What? I'm sorry, little had been with Bo" "No, no, not relied on care. Because it was something brooding your face, cooking and what did not fit in your mouth. if it is good to put out the other and to you, but ...... " and "i, it can be said! dishes is,'m very delicious. A little ......" is in what was the thinking while saying it is a very delicious, taste of the food was cooking I can not remember Aiko. If you overlook the surrounding area, which is directed toward students and knights also, somewhere anxious look to yourself. and noticed that he is equivalent, addicted to the crucible of thinking, This is retaken the mind and do not, resume the meal, was choked grandly enters the trachea for was a little hasty. To Aiko to choke and Kehokkeho~tsu with watery eyes, students and knights is to Awaawa. While met with such a situation in sight, Foz to prepare a casually napkin and water. "You, I'm sorry. The trouble is ......" "spam, etc., ridiculous" to Foz you do not disturb the smile calm even look at the fiasco of Aiko, Aiko you also humbled while holding a sense of security. In such Aiko, Foss will show a practice swing to think Squinting a little, spoke in a still quiet calm vocal sounds. The "Hmm. Princess Aiko. Sen'etsunagara one you sure you want?" "What? Yeah, yes. What What?" "I try to believe that you want to believe of Princess Aiko and would you like to?" "to?" Foz Aiko in words without context tilted my neck and smiling "?" in my head. And, Foss continues to talk while wry smile and "was less than Words". "Apparently, Princess Aiko of mind, now, are seen to be in a great confusion. That you do not want to think also that it should be considered also too many, I do not know what if I should do. What is best, their But How want to do or to, it also do not know. The only thing you do not know, recruited just impatience and if somehow is, either? "it is a vicious cycle. The difference also spur to confusion "etc., why ......" now Aiko Aiko that the out of mind been guessed and Donpisha Li, thereby involuntarily clog the words. In such Aiko, Foz gently smile as "Because I have seen a variety of customers." "When such is, the time being" to believe want to try to believe things "because hand one or the of. Well, and again with only believe the truth those people you want to believe, that it may be so alarming to say. It certainly will of the street. However, when starting from where you believe human behavior I like I think. If, "do not move" sometimes reverse to "believe what you want to believe" because when I hand not bad , I think so " and "believe that want to believe ......" the words of Foz Aiko to rumination. Heart of Aiko, now, suspicion of and regret and guilt, to sprout likely Hajime, are round and round swirling resentment. Hajime had a certainly Aiko important student, but the moment you killed Shimizu, also a precious student, in some cases it was understood to be a presence that could deprive also the lives of other students, the Hajime and his that I had been recognized as a threat to steal something important. Still, Hajime also more than it is the student, it is not completely truncated. And so did not forsaken Shimizu who tried to genocide. That's why, to confusion and not knowing what to do. If it is an affliction personality, also I think Aiko own, this just can not be helped. It is because of a Hatayama Aiko "teacher". Foz do not know what happened to Aiko. She is, I do not know that there for but too believe what you want to believe in a sense now of state. Still, now that it was grand committed a blunder in the state that what you believe had is no longer get in us perfect collapse left and motionless, it was not may be effective even the appearance varies. Aiko I thought so, begin to immerse yourself in thinking it to stop the hand of the meal. and (believe what you want to believe. What ...... what I want to believe? One, is to go back to Japan with everyone and students. But, it does not happen anymore. Now, you go home at all without putting any more ...... his story that want to believe the fact that. story that was about to be killed by someone of the class mate. it he believe want No ...... is, if the way that was said to kill even in us, in human beings that do not hesitate to murder ... I do not want to believe this also ...... the enemy threatening the students. But, in fact, he is if. you killed not hesitate to ...... Shimizu-kun that girl, the other he And no ..., I believe that you want to believe ) again, and Aiko held down by nominal to become likely to float a black emotion. Around Shah who has seen the Aiko that thoughtfully something without OJ fine movement anxiously. (He said had. "Because the enemy" and. And "can not afford" both after taking advantage of. Shimizu-kun, important people around you or is killed because I fear that is again attacked. It is, someone It is of the thought is. In fact, ruthless and human if Huet's and Shea's just could never gather the so much confidence. He, ... So alive and wanted to cut off the Koukonourei also for those kids it was not put. In other words, I, if you want to taking advantage of the ...... Shimizu Mr. So you did not seem to be able to somehow Shimizu-kun, had I show something of much can be sure you will be allowed to reform ... ... eventually, ...... still is ...... Shimizu Mr. I to just helpless, ... ~Tsu) even Shimizu-kun is weak in ...... just can not believe kill to Anna wind also at the beginning that it was struck Shimizu, only to do so there was a clear reason. So, rather than like anything you do not think a broken man a murderer, nor can not understand monster, blindly nor enemy harm the students, his words reach still Aiko to try to believe and he a "student". And, in the thinking process, I remembered the assumption ... that students had blown away because of the sight of the impact that gun down the students. (It is so. Why, it has been forgotten until now

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Hajime we leave ur three days later. Development of sports ground and body treatments such as numerous demon head hurts, but there are many problems in the town and intact, who happened to have no way with just a miracle. The good news, the town residents to evacuate immediately, and is transmitted to the capital, people returned to the family, lover, friends reunited, and embrace the joy of ur safe fit like a festival in there like a bustle. TooAround the town remained intact and Hajime bulwark is left, the whole story of the battle, see how the battle was beyond common sense of gestures, eye ground to do it from the wall, talked as part of myth. Evacuation to people, especially children so they talk with sparkling eyes. The shrewd merchant, the new town of ur Hajime barriers to manage a profit as its specialty. Then, tooThe people of the town, Hajime and Aiko was known as the "still believe that our Hajime goddess of fertility" is sent as a messenger, who was named after the goddess shield "and" Hajime barrier. In addition, it is a gray patch boy called Hajime goddess sword "or" goddess of the knight, "respect. It is true we heard that David guard, "and I remember Hajime Aiko kiss, I don't like him!" With the raging of another story.Later, his name has two different Hajime writhe heard of the story. Some mistake, to oneself one embarrassing name was Hajime, speculation and soaring popularity of fame. If you walk a barrage of town, so that there are all human sight at the start, and it is up to the old man. In this town, I saved the visible people Aiko was right "goddess". The rumorHave already begun to spread to the periphery. At least, in the town of orthodoxy church bishop already more than that of the word of weight has no doubt. Aiko and its... And... To do the corresponding reconstruction of authority to handle, it is close to a circle as to understand from being distracted and conditions. Cause I will. Before the battle, Hajime is transmitted from the impact of the fact that, nothing moreIt killed the Hajime Shimizu, the sight of that moment, it undermines a heart but away from the minds of Aiko. Well, the day after day, and was at dinner, "water fairy inn", but to guard our students and when things like diet and knights, Aiko to carry while cooking, mechanical? Only in the contents of the conversation is not the answer, and Bo.

「 AI teacher... After all, love is a great teacher of magic!As more and more... So purify rough the earth... If there is one more week is back, you know! "
「…… Yes... The 」

Yuka is good, but here is the heart of a notice in the bright state while talking. I want to make up for the understanding of the causes of modulation. However, the brightness of the word is included in the returned lukewarm response Aiko fixed sentence is just words. SONOBE, yet, "Don't drop the shoulders or old. Aiko

「... Today I say anything from the mayor and the bishop? If you are really in trouble, tell me. For example, such as the bishop to embarrass opponents do not allow Aiko. I, Aiko knight after all. At any time, I just... 」
「…… Aiko side Yes... David was good, but 」

Aiko to words of encouragement to coax you don't know well.In order to remark that defy bishop temple and dangerous, but I already love consists of David is not related to the end. Of "the emphasized part I", and the someone... Against... Knight around us while I agree to David, because of a sharp eye check sending their captain trying to run so casually. However, tooSo David did not appeal, in which the same words as long lunch program chime in easily. They heard a weird. "I look to be with David students off the shoulders. The expression of the same part of the Knights. Check whether or not such notice to exchange students and knights, no reaction to the drawing board, Aiko continued.

(…… IShimizu more properly and you can tell if you... If you think... I feel about it earlier... So, if such a thing was... He and his students are the same, we must ask such a thing... At that time, I have... Hostage... I... If... If the dead... I must kill him... Shimizu to you... Why kill... With... It is the same class mate... Enemies?... It is just so simple?... It's so easy to kill people?... It can be so easily? So funny... But... No one demon... So without hesitation... He... Easy to kill people? If the other children all alone... He is a dangerous?... He didn't have to Shimizu you die?... He is safe if the other children not?... Even if his... Must... !? What I am!... More than this, it is no good!) In the heart of now, AikoIt was... Are endlessly repeated regret and remorse... And going to Hajime to poor resentment, fear began to rush it, repeat it again to return to the original thinking. Think too much, I do not want to think too much, the heart, if Aiko was the scattering state information is not destroyed by the bookshelves in library. Well then, that sound in mind and that voice was calm and warm reach Aiko. Too"Aiko. Today, didn't fit into your mouth? "
「 it? " "Water fairy too inn owner" FOSS, Luo. His voice is not larger than the rather small. However, this inn has none of the words to miss. His deep voice was calm, be sure to reach the destination. Now, to deliver simple words to heart trapped vortex of thinking, consciousness to Aiko to regress to the reality. TooHe notices a strange voice, she gently glance at FOSS little cheeks while smiling. What is the

「, eh? Excuse me, a little boy and no 」
「, he does not care. As long as you face all that, and I did not agree with your cooking. But... If you want to "serve other No,
「! The dish is very delicious. Just thinking about... " TooHe is very delicious, and remember the taste of food, Aiko. If you look around the students, knights, and some are worried for their eyes. Equivalent, notice that in the crucible, and this must be strengthened, to resume, but little in order into the trachea choke on a large scale. To be choked with tears in the eyes and ケホッケホッ Aiko, together with the students and the Knights. While that in the viewThe casual water to prepare a napkin. Excuse me,

「. Trouble... " Trouble, such as
「 FOSS calm see terrible blunder 」

Aiko to maintain a smile, but you have a sense of security. Aiko, so to think a little more FOSS and narrowed her eyes, and spoke in a calm voice is still quiet. Well,

「. Aiko. With your permission will have one? "
「? Yes, yes. What will you do? " At"Would you like to believe that I want to believe" Aiko? To
「? " In the context of the word "FOSS Aiko head?" Put one's head on one side. It 's a story to continue, with a forced smile was less than words.

「 Aiko, apparently, your mind is represented as a lot of confusion. We should think about the things you don't want to think too much about what to do. What is best, what I don't know it.Do not know it, he should do it with all the confusion to spur a vicious circle. The difference? "
「, why... " It was guessed exactly right in the heart of now, Aiko Aiko clog up the words. Aiko, such as "watching the various customers' s gentle smile. The

「, one of the hands that believes what he wants to believe as a "try". Well,And the only person who believes what he wants to believe the truth, so be warned. It would be that's true. However, people's behavior is, I think, because I believe. If, on the contrary, "stuck" sometimes "wouldn't believe what you want to believe in the" hand of 」
「…… think so. Aiko to 」

FOSS words believe believe chewing the cud. The heart of the guilt and regret and likely to sprout, Hajime, suspicionA grudge in swirling around. Hajime was certainly important in the students of the students is an important Shimizu, killing, understood and is present in the cases of the other students killed by a moment, Hajime is a threat to steal something important I have been aware of. Nevertheless, Hajime is more than the students completely cut off. Attempted genocide abandoned water. That's whyConfused what to do. Is a difficult personality, own all the Aiko, but this is not the way. Aiko HATAKEYAMA it "teacher". Well, I don't know what had happened to Aiko. She knows too much to believe that I believe is because in this state. Nevertheless, I believe now is not constrained gave way to give out blunders committed by state, or may be not effective. TooAiko is thought the meal start thinking in hand. YouTube - I want to believe what I believe. I want to believe it... But... Guess what? One of the students and go back to Japan. But it is not true. Now, I want to believe in all that and more without fail... His story. Talk to someone's classmates killed. It will not want to believe... He said to me, if any, wayNot hesitating to kill a human... To threaten the enemy... Students... I don't want to believe it. But, in fact, he... He... Shimizu will kill you without hesitation. If he... It is believed that I want to believe again come to RI, Aiko comes up to my eyes black. Around us, absolutely without looking at something thoughtful Aiko anxiously. YouTube - he was saying. "So the enemy". "And". Shimizu, taking advantage of youFrom the fear that people have an important and around again. It is thought that someone. In fact, should not just be a ruthless man Yuen and shear - so much confidence. He wanted to stop the worry that the son of our order... So I could not. In other words, I did not think you can somehow and Shimizu is... Of... If you want to use you, ShimizuTo be sure of what to be reformed to show that I did not have to... In the end, I am very helpless... Shimizu you... Nevertheless, how to kill... That way... Even at the weak Shimizu... You... In the dead to the RI Hajime Shimizu, clear there was reason to do so. So, to murder, broken, do not like human, but you don't understand, not harming enemies recklessly, studentsBelieve it or not, to reach "of his words and the students" Aiko. And, in the process, there are some students because of the impact of the students and to remember that scene. YouTube -. Why ever forget
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